Getting Started



  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Approximately how much weights am I going to need for start up? I am in the process of buying weights, but unfortunately the book isn't at the library yet.
    I can't do full push ups if that gives you an idea of my strength LOL.
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33
    Did my first NROL today, and I am so excited to see how my body can change. I have lost 60lbs over the last year, from eating a VLCD and exercise. I have been doing 2 days of Body Pump classes at my gym along with 2-3 days of step classes, and other cardio. I feel a little guilty because I am used to hour long workouts, and I was done in less than 30 with the lifting portion. I started with 12 min on the elliptical, did my lifting, then stretched my back a little and did 12 min again on the elliptical. The squats were pretty easy for me, I didn't feel like it was getting tough until the last 5. (I'm not sure how much the actual bar weighs, I think 35?? I had 5lb weights on each end) The push ups were the tough things. I couldn't find anything hip height, so I used the chest press bench. I couldn't make it all the way down, and it was still really tough. The seated row seemed very easy. Going to have to really up my weight on that. The step ups were what got me. They are different than any move I have been doing, and I found them really difficult. (especially because I have a back injury right now) Only 2 sets of each exercise seemed like it was all done too quick! Hope I did it right!!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Did my first NROL today, and I am so excited to see how my body can change. I have lost 60lbs over the last year, from eating a VLCD and exercise. I have been doing 2 days of Body Pump classes at my gym along with 2-3 days of step classes, and other cardio. I feel a little guilty because I am used to hour long workouts, and I was done in less than 30 with the lifting portion. I started with 12 min on the elliptical, did my lifting, then stretched my back a little and did 12 min again on the elliptical. The squats were pretty easy for me, I didn't feel like it was getting tough until the last 5. (I'm not sure how much the actual bar weighs, I think 35?? I had 5lb weights on each end) The push ups were the tough things. I couldn't find anything hip height, so I used the chest press bench. I couldn't make it all the way down, and it was still really tough. The seated row seemed very easy. Going to have to really up my weight on that. The step ups were what got me. They are different than any move I have been doing, and I found them really difficult. (especially because I have a back injury right now) Only 2 sets of each exercise seemed like it was all done too quick! Hope I did it right!!

    This is how I felt - guilty. I'm not far into the program (will do stage 1 2b today) but supposedly it gets harder. I've been doing months of HIIT (with some weights) without getting the results I want. I really want to do this 100% (even the required resting) so I told myself no additional cardio besides a quick 5 minute warm up on the stair climber for 2 weeks. So, next week I may add 2 2 mile runs in between.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    On Stage one Workout A, it has 8 workouts, do I do those three times a week till I have done a total of 8 workouts and than move to Stage one Workout B?
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    On Stage one Workout A, it has 8 workouts, do I do those three times a week till I have done a total of 8 workouts and than move to Stage one Workout B?

    no you alternate between A and B.

    I did my first A work out yesterday so I will call that A1 and tomorrow I will do my first B work out which we will call B1

    So it goes

    Week 1


    Week 2


    Week 3


    Week 4


    Week 5


    Week 6


    Week 7

    Rest week

    then start Stage 2

    Hope this helps!
  • Pokermom10
    Pokermom10 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, I want to start doing this program from home. I am on a tight budget, so what is the minimum equipment I need in order to be able to follow this plan, I am looking at buying an aerobics step to use as a weight bench, and some dumbbells, I think I know where I can borrow a barbell until I can afford one. What else do I need, do I really need a squat rack? As thats going to be totally unattainable for me.
    I have ordered the book from the library, but I am going to buy it if I can get the equipment.

    ETA: I see someone up there has mentioned I will also need a swiss ball, thanks.

    A squat rack does 2 things:

    1) Provides safety when as you increase weight. If you are squatting properly those last few reps should be a challenge, if not nearly impossible to do. If you get stuck the only way to go is down, a squat rack offer a safe way to dismount your bar in a tacky situation.
    2) Allows you to push your squat weight. I can clean n press 80 - 90 pounds, I can squat 155. Before my gym had a squat rack my progress was held up by how much weight I could clean n press, and there's a huge difference between 90 pounds and 155 pounds. With out the squat rack I'd be stalled at 90.

    I had to giggle at this. I'm doing stage 1 at home. I'm a wuss when it comes to lifting. I don't have a bar bell (45 lbs???? Really). For the true beginners out there, let me make you feel better. I do my squats with 1 lb hand weights. I should also mention I have bad knees and 2 herniated disks in my back so I have to be VERY careful what and how I lift.

    I'm probably going to do stage 1 twice (at least) until I can work up some more strenth and see how my knees are going to handle increasing weights. Then I might move to the gym.

    However, after just 7 stage 1 workouts -- I feel stronger and my clothes already fit different. :-)
  • Pokermom10
    Pokermom10 Posts: 78 Member
    Approximately how much weights am I going to need for start up? I am in the process of buying weights, but unfortunately the book isn't at the library yet.
    I can't do full push ups if that gives you an idea of my strength LOL.

    I can't do full pushups either. I started with wall pushups and moved to counter push ups. :)
  • kimgettinfit
    kimgettinfit Posts: 20 Member
    I think you alternate workout A and B, and do each a total of 8 so that would be 16 workouts. I just read through that part of the book last night...we are starting it tonight!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So, just finished stage 1 2b and today I do NOT feel guilty! It was hard today. I do partially blame it on the fact that I had a protein shake BEFORE the gym (I never do that but didn't bring my normal lunch) and now I want to hurl -- but still, it was tough. I'm soaked with sweat (I used to think I sweat so much because of my HIIT but apparently I'm just a sweater) and I was praying (PRAYING!) during those lunges. During 1b, I used 5lb dumbells in each hand (I weigh about 175 so there's that too I guess) and it was tough. Today, I thought "what the hell" and even though the first workout I didn't think I'd make it, I grabbed the 8lb dumbbells and finished both sets. We won't discuss the fetal position I curled up in afterwords but I did it!
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    On Stage one Workout A, it has 8 workouts, do I do those three times a week till I have done a total of 8 workouts and than move to Stage one Workout B?

    No, you are supposed to alternate A & B. So if you do A on Monday, do B on Wednesday and A again on Friday.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Approximately how much weights am I going to need for start up? I am in the process of buying weights, but unfortunately the book isn't at the library yet.
    I can't do full push ups if that gives you an idea of my strength LOL.

    I can't do full pushups either. I started with wall pushups and moved to counter push ups. :)

    Right now I am doing about 100 girl pushups a day, but will change that to whatever the book says when I start.
    At least I am not the only one LOL

    ETA: I am going to go look to see if the book is at the library yet again today, it coming from a library less than an hour away and its been in transit 3 days! Cross your fingers for me :P
  • kimgettinfit
    kimgettinfit Posts: 20 Member
    I think the bar is 45 lbs! Way to go. I just started tonight!!
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    how is everyone adding in those "special workouts" do you designate another week to them or add them in to the last week or rest week?
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    Just ordered the book! I've been doing cardio 3 times (35 min each time) a week with some light lifting since September. I've lost the weight I wanted to and have gone down two sizes. But now I want to tone up and build some definition......but I'm nervous about giving up my cardio!

    Any cardio-centric women out there also afraid of trying something new???
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    @nnapieralski Yes--I feel like if I'm not doing cardio I'm not really working out. Just started this workout two weeks ago. I'm not sure how reps to do--2? or 4? Stage 1 doesn't seem challenging enough (I've lifted weights before but it's been awhile). But maybe I'm not following the workout correctly. I made up my own with exercises in some of the later stages. I've been sore so far but haven't overdone it. And I am actually still doing cardio--scaled it back to 20 minutes instead of 50--I like to run and less. We'll see how it goes.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Just ordered the book! I've been doing cardio 3 times (35 min each time) a week with some light lifting since September. I've lost the weight I wanted to and have gone down two sizes. But now I want to tone up and build some definition......but I'm nervous about giving up my cardio!

    Any cardio-centric women out there also afraid of trying something new???
    Its going to be strange, right now I do at least a hour cardio 5 days a week, plus a 40 minute walk twice a day 5 days as well.
    I'm still going to do cardio, just less.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I have about 50 lbs to lose. Would you recommend I wait to start this until I've lost some weight first? Am I understanding I might NOT LOSE but actually gain with this? I weigh roughly 193 right now. I thought maybe I would do this 2 x per week and cardio 3 x per week. But I want to LOSE weight!!!
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    You can stay now. You will put on muscle, and lose fat. If you have that much fat to lose you will probably end up lighter, even with the muscle gain, but the number is not what really matters anyway.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I have started reading the book, for me it recommends 1472 cals on non workout days, 1693 on workout days. Does that include all workout days or just lifting?
    Is there a way to put the two different goals into mfp or do I gave to average then out? And thats the amount I need to net, not gross, right?
    Am I right in understanding my macros need to be 40/30/30 or do I need more protein than that? I didn't really understand all of that part, and how do I change those requirements in mfp?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Since you can't use your HRM for calories burned while lifting, you use the recommendation in the book for "workout days" THen use your HRM or MFP estimates (warning they are off a little) for cardio activities and eat those back.