1st Trimester



  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    At my appointment last week, my midwife asked me to do an early glucose tolerance test along with the regular bloodwork, which I'm not looking forward to. I'm not sure why she's having me do one so early this time, so now I'm all nervous what if I don't pass, I don't want GD! I know sometimes they'll do an early one if there's a history of diabetes in the family (My dad has type 2), but I didn't have to do an early one last time so maybe it's my age difference? (I was 25 with my first pregnancy, I'm 29 now, will be 30 in July) Anyways... They don't schedule you at the lab, you just go in, so I'm thinking I might just get it over with on Friday since I have errands to run anyways. Has anyone else had to do the glucose test so early?
    they are having me do mine early, too. I think it might be new guidelines within the ob/gyn community. I am 9 weeks.
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Anyone else super emotional? I'm one tough cookie, but I'm sitting here at work and my boss is all pissed off because something wasn't the way she wanted it and making comments under her breath, and I totally burst into tears. Not in front of her because she's in her office talking s*** and I'm in mine, but still. Ugh... I feel so dumb and it's making me cry even more!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hiya ladies! Welcome to the newcomers! Anyone else feel like the first few weeks went by sooooo slow, but now it's going by faster? I'll be 11 weeks on Friday, and it seems like the second tri is coming up quickly! I'm starting to get more energy too, though that might be due to the beautiful weather we're having lately, and all the work that comes along with it! (We have big food gardens, and right now are raising 50 baby chicks, so lots to do around the homestead!) I've noticed my queasiness is much rarer these days as well, which is awesome. This pregnancy is a world different from my last (terrible m/s from week 6 to 26), and it's a very welcome change :wink:

    At my appointment last week, my midwife asked me to do an early glucose tolerance test along with the regular bloodwork, which I'm not looking forward to. I'm not sure why she's having me do one so early this time, so now I'm all nervous what if I don't pass, I don't want GD! I know sometimes they'll do an early one if there's a history of diabetes in the family (My dad has type 2), but I didn't have to do an early one last time so maybe it's my age difference? (I was 25 with my first pregnancy, I'm 29 now, will be 30 in July) Anyways... They don't schedule you at the lab, you just go in, so I'm thinking I might just get it over with on Friday since I have errands to run anyways. Has anyone else had to do the glucose test so early?

    Yes, it seems like it's going faster now, maybe because my appointment is almost here. I will be 11 weeks Saturday. I'm glad this pregnancy is going better for you.

    murphy-yes I'm more emotional but it's not constant, it comes and goes. This weekend I was an emotional mess, I got upset with my husband for something stupid and just couldn't keep from crying. I am also crying more at TV shows that I used to...I guess we should jsut get used to it :0
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Murphy15 - I am an emotional mess too! Anything can set me off, and I'm not normally a "cryer".


    We had a bit of a scare last night with spotting. Since I work in a medical clinic, I was able to have an early ultrasound to ease my mind. We saw the heartbeat!!! And she put the doppler on it, and I actually heard it!!!! Me and my husband were crying, it was such an amazing moment! Seeing our baby has made this much more "real" for me.

    So, that answers the question: one or two? It's just one, and I can't tell you how relieved I am. Don't get me wrong, I would take and love however many we are blessed with, but I know the complications that can arise from being pregnant with twins, and that would have just added extra worry to my plate.

    And today, I feel like a have a hangover! Headache, nausea, sooooo tired...6 weeks along today!

  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Murphy15 - I am an emotional mess too! Anything can set me off, and I'm not normally a "cryer".


    We had a bit of a scare last night with spotting. Since I work in a medical clinic, I was able to have an early ultrasound to ease my mind. We saw the heartbeat!!! And she put the doppler on it, and I actually heard it!!!! Me and my husband were crying, it was such an amazing moment! Seeing our baby has made this much more "real" for me.

    So, that answers the question: one or two? It's just one, and I can't tell you how relieved I am. Don't get me wrong, I would take and love however many we are blessed with, but I know the complications that can arise from being pregnant with twins, and that would have just added extra worry to my plate.

    And today, I feel like a have a hangover! Headache, nausea, sooooo tired...6 weeks along today!


    Awhhh that's soo cool that you heard/saw the heartbeat - and at 6 weeks!!! My appt is only on tuesday, at 10 1/2 weeks! Very high chances of having twins too .. kinda scary, but I will be fine with it :) Do you know if they can always tell on that first appt if you are having twins?
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Awhhh that's soo cool that you heard/saw the heartbeat - and at 6 weeks!!! My appt is only on tuesday, at 10 1/2 weeks! Very high chances of having twins too .. kinda scary, but I will be fine with it :) Do you know if they can always tell on that first appt if you are having twins?

    I've heard stories of more babies popping up on later scans! One girl on a youtube video I watched knew she was having twins, then she fell down and started bleeding so she had another scan, and the doctor says, "All three babies look good!". Good luck at your appointment! :)
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    After reading some post I feel left out because I don't experience any pregnancy symptoms. This is my second pregnancy for me and so far it is like the first. With my daughter I decided to test myself because Aunt Flo was no show but I had signs of an coming menstrual ( breast tenderness and fullness...happens to me every month). The whole pregnancy was surreal to me, the reasons why I new I was pregnant was b/c of the U/S, growing belly, and moving baby. Other than that I had no morning sickness, food aversions, carving, etc etc. For this pregnancy I took the test for the same reasons, no aunt flo but large tender breast and so far it as been blissful, will be 7 weeks tomorrow. The bad thing about the way my body reacts to pregnancy is that I worry I might not be pregnant (miscarry), I feel when the tall-tale signs of pregnancy are present then you know for a fact it is real. But with me at this early stage all I can do is rely on the U/S and heartbeat.

    Hope everyone feels better SOON!!! :D
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Awhhh that's soo cool that you heard/saw the heartbeat - and at 6 weeks!!! My appt is only on tuesday, at 10 1/2 weeks! Very high chances of having twins too .. kinda scary, but I will be fine with it :) Do you know if they can always tell on that first appt if you are having twins?

    I've heard stories of more babies popping up on later scans! One girl on a youtube video I watched knew she was having twins, then she fell down and started bleeding so she had another scan, and the doctor says, "All three babies look good!". Good luck at your appointment! :)

    Holly cow, three would be crazyness.... Hopefully just one, but two would be great aswell :)
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    After reading some post I feel left out because I don't experience any pregnancy symptoms. This is my second pregnancy for me and so far it is like the first. With my daughter I decided to test myself because Aunt Flo was no show but I had signs of an coming menstrual ( breast tenderness and fullness...happens to me every month). The whole pregnancy was surreal to me, the reasons why I new I was pregnant was b/c of the U/S, growing belly, and moving baby. Other than that I had no morning sickness, food aversions, carving, etc etc. For this pregnancy I took the test for the same reasons, no aunt flo but large tender breast and so far it as been blissful, will be 7 weeks tomorrow. The bad thing about the way my body reacts to pregnancy is that I worry I might not be pregnant (miscarry), I feel when the tall-tale signs of pregnancy are present then you know for a fact it is real. But with me at this early stage all I can do is rely on the U/S and heartbeat.

    Hope everyone feels better SOON!!! :D

    If it makes you feel any better, I have a friend who is 12 weeks now, had no symptoms at all and is doing just fine :) I only had symptoms starting week 6 1/2, so maybe you will get some yet :tongue:

    I would just embrace it and try not to worry too much - take it as it goes.. Good luck! :smile:
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks Myrianeo!! :smile:
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    After reading some post I feel left out because I don't experience any pregnancy symptoms. This is my second pregnancy for me and so far it is like the first. With my daughter I decided to test myself because Aunt Flo was no show but I had signs of an coming menstrual ( breast tenderness and fullness...happens to me every month). The whole pregnancy was surreal to me, the reasons why I new I was pregnant was b/c of the U/S, growing belly, and moving baby. Other than that I had no morning sickness, food aversions, carving, etc etc. For this pregnancy I took the test for the same reasons, no aunt flo but large tender breast and so far it as been blissful, will be 7 weeks tomorrow. The bad thing about the way my body reacts to pregnancy is that I worry I might not be pregnant (miscarry), I feel when the tall-tale signs of pregnancy are present then you know for a fact it is real. But with me at this early stage all I can do is rely on the U/S and heartbeat.

    Hope everyone feels better SOON!!! :D

    Try not to worry (I know it's hard) because it sounds like you are one of the lucky ones. I was that way with my 2nd. No throwing up and didn't really "feel" pregnant until I had a baby bump, but #1 and this one I'm sick as a dog. Gosh, I wish mine were just consistant so I knew what I was getting myself into. :laugh:
  • Murphy15
    Murphy15 Posts: 142
    Hiya ladies! Welcome to the newcomers! Anyone else feel like the first few weeks went by sooooo slow, but now it's going by faster?

    I'm barely 5 weeks so I think it's going REALLY slow!!
  • Hey Everyone :)

    I've been outta the loop for awhile. I've stopped counting my calories because the thought of food has been making me sick for about 5 weeks now. Since I'm not counting calories, I haven't been logging on as much, but I'm going to try and work on that! I've still been walking my dogs and working.

    I'm 11 full weeks now and I had my first appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that he does ultrasounds at every visit and I have to see him every 4 weeks. So... I hopped on the table for a quick ultrasound. He no sooner put the instrument to my stomach when the baby jumped up and then softly fell back down. Then, my husband walked over and the baby did it again! It was so cool to watch it moving at just 11 weeks!!! Does anyone else have ultrasound stories to share??
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hey Everyone :)

    I've been outta the loop for awhile. I've stopped counting my calories because the thought of food has been making me sick for about 5 weeks now. Since I'm not counting calories, I haven't been logging on as much, but I'm going to try and work on that! I've still been walking my dogs and working.

    I'm 11 full weeks now and I had my first appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that he does ultrasounds at every visit and I have to see him every 4 weeks. So... I hopped on the table for a quick ultrasound. He no sooner put the instrument to my stomach when the baby jumped up and then softly fell back down. Then, my husband walked over and the baby did it again! It was so cool to watch it moving at just 11 weeks!!! Does anyone else have ultrasound stories to share??

    Aww....that's so awesome you got to see your baby moving around. That's great that you get an ultrasound at every visit. I had one at 8 weeks and will be having two more and that's it.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hey Everyone :)

    I've been outta the loop for awhile. I've stopped counting my calories because the thought of food has been making me sick for about 5 weeks now. Since I'm not counting calories, I haven't been logging on as much, but I'm going to try and work on that! I've still been walking my dogs and working.

    I'm 11 full weeks now and I had my first appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that he does ultrasounds at every visit and I have to see him every 4 weeks. So... I hopped on the table for a quick ultrasound. He no sooner put the instrument to my stomach when the baby jumped up and then softly fell back down. Then, my husband walked over and the baby did it again! It was so cool to watch it moving at just 11 weeks!!! Does anyone else have ultrasound stories to share??

    That is so cool! It's amazing how fast the baby grows! You are very lucky that your doctor does so many ultrasounds - I can't imagine only doing one or two for the entire pregnancy. That would drive me nuts!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    How lucky an U/S every visit!!! With my DD I had two u/s during the first trimester and then one at 19 weeks and nothing else until I went into labor :(
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hey Everyone :)

    I've been outta the loop for awhile. I've stopped counting my calories because the thought of food has been making me sick for about 5 weeks now. Since I'm not counting calories, I haven't been logging on as much, but I'm going to try and work on that! I've still been walking my dogs and working.

    I'm 11 full weeks now and I had my first appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that he does ultrasounds at every visit and I have to see him every 4 weeks. So... I hopped on the table for a quick ultrasound. He no sooner put the instrument to my stomach when the baby jumped up and then softly fell back down. Then, my husband walked over and the baby did it again! It was so cool to watch it moving at just 11 weeks!!! Does anyone else have ultrasound stories to share??

    Glad you're back and the baby is well, hopefully you will feel better soon. My first appointment is in a few hours, and at that time I will find out exactly what they are going to do the rest of the 2 months!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member

    Glad you're back and the baby is well, hopefully you will feel better soon. My first appointment is in a few hours, and at that time I will find out exactly what they are going to do the rest of the 2 months!

    Awhh! You must be excited! Best wishes!! Mine is on tuesday and the anticipation is killing me :)
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    Hi ladies, Happy Friday!!!
    Today im 9wksand3d, I was wondering if anyone else felt sick/nauseous if they don't eat every 2-3 hours??
    I've been eating crackers,fruit,healthy snacks. But if i go longer than 3 hours not eating, i get sick and have this horrible feeling in my stomach.
    Is anyone else experiencing this?
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Hi ladies, Happy Friday!!!
    Today im 9wksand3d, I was wondering if anyone else felt sick/nauseous if they don't eat every 2-3 hours??
    I've been eating crackers,fruit,healthy snacks. But if i go longer than 3 hours not eating, i get sick and have this horrible feeling in my stomach.
    Is anyone else experiencing this?
    Yes. Me. I try to do healthy but I sometimes grab a handful of pringles. The salt helps.