Mission not Impossible

Texmom_2003 Posts: 72 Member
Lets do it together and see the results


  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    \I started yesterday and hope to do it again tonight. I was wondering what weights they use in the 1st circuit. 3 or 5lbs.
    goal is to do it for 30 days consecutively.
  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    I too started yesterday. I'm feeling good about it.
  • taylmarie
    taylmarie Posts: 161
    Hi! Today was my 3rd day and I would love to start over and do it with you all. I really like how quick the workout is.

    I started with 5lbs, but I think that it was too much. It's all I had. If I had a 3lb I would prob use that.

    Looking forward to keeping each other motivated! Day 1 is tomorrow!
  • AdinaEden
    AdinaEden Posts: 20 Member
    I LOVE Jillan Michaels! I have this DVD, No More Trouble Zones and another one on the way. In the 2 weeks that I've done her DVD's (and a combination of other work outs) I've lost a total on 5lbs!!!

    I believe in what she does so let's do this. I'm with you guys ;-)
  • I have both 30DS and RI30, was planning to start RI30 tomorrow but I'll do 30 DS 1st (mother's day gift to myself- along with a new pair of shoes!) I think I'll be more successful and more likely to stick with it with support so perfect timing on starting this group! thanks!! :smile:
  • tisonhood
    tisonhood Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I would love to do this with you guys! I have almost all of JM's dvds, and 30DS is my favorite! I would love to trim up a litte and fit into some of my favorite summer clothes more comfortably! I need motivation and accountability!
  • mamabird07
    mamabird07 Posts: 18
    Hi! I have had the intention of starting this a long time ago. This group will be my motivation to actually do it. :)
  • sierkfam3
    sierkfam3 Posts: 7 Member
    Yay! I am super excited that I found this. I actually have a JM DVD! I'm starting tomorrow! LOVE IT!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
    I started mine yesterday. Will be good to have support!! I'm in pain already but good pain, I know I'm actually working muscles that I haven't in a long time!!
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, just joined and just finished day one earlier today.

    can i ask what people are logging it under for their exercise? (20 minutes of ?)

  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi, just joined and just finished day one earlier today.

    can i ask what people are logging it under for their exercise? (20 minutes of ?)


    I log it under circuit training ( general) 15 minutes for 180 calories. Im sure its a bit more but wanted to be safe.
  • bSTARl
    bSTARl Posts: 13
    Actually started a bit early (on 5/7) but could use a group for some motivation.

    5 days down - I love this workout so far - seems to be the perfect amount of time.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 72 Member
    Felt good when I did it today.. lot of sweat for 20 minutes. I am in level 1 and will continue to be in level 1 for 10 days

    Level 1 = 10 days
    Level 2= 10 days
    Level 3= 10 days

    is my plan so far..

    Good luck you guys..
  • li1974
    li1974 Posts: 17
    I am starting the workout today!!! Glad i found this group for motivation. Good luck everyone!!
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Starting 30DS today. Love this workout. Can't wait to see the results! We can do this shredders!
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 61 Member
    I did Day 1 this evening and loved it. I really appreciate her no-nonsense attitude. Legs are a little sore (I think they're stronger than they are so tried to do most of the advanced leg exercises), but otherwise feeling pretty good! It's great to have so many other people starting today!
  • cuddles1225
    cuddles1225 Posts: 9 Member
    We can use any Jillian workout? Is there a specific one to use
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Yikes! The case to my 30DS DVD was empty. I did it before work so I didn't have much time to look so I did Ripped in 30 instead. Just curious what everyone thinks is the hardest part to Jillian's work outs? The ab part is what kicks my *kitten*!
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Yikes! The case to my 30DS DVD was empty. I did it before work so I didn't have much time to look so I did Ripped in 30 instead. Just curious what everyone thinks is the hardest part to Jillian's work outs? The ab part is what kicks my *kitten*!

    The push ups!
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 72 Member
    Yikes! The case to my 30DS DVD was empty. I did it before work so I didn't have much time to look so I did Ripped in 30 instead. Just curious what everyone thinks is the hardest part to Jillian's work outs? The ab part is what kicks my *kitten*!

    Pushups are the toughest for me..