Stage 2



  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Finished 3B tonight. Only one more of each to go. THANK GAWWWD.
    Upped my pull-downs to 100+bar and felt like a total BA when my husband commented on how "that's a lot of weight". I looked at him and said "uhm, have you seen my back?" hahahahahah ;)
    I really love the bulgarian split squats but I'm terrible when it comes to going down on the left leg.....just doesn't feel right, ever...and my toes on that foot end up cramping up at some point. Weird. Really disliking the cuban snatch because my bench is awkward and my boobs feel flattened and smooshed (ouch) by the weight at the angle and my knees get bruises on them because of where they end up getting stuck in the bend of the bench.

    Yep, I would like some cheese with my whines tonight. ;)
  • Ninikins2
    Ninikins2 Posts: 73
    Just did 1A and boy those planks are hard work! got to 25 seconds and had to go to my knees. I'm totally going to feel my abs tomorrow! Feels good to be back with the weights though after my week off. I'd forgotten how shaky my muscles are after a good workout :smile:
    Plank - It gets easier!! Just wait til 90 second cobra :P it's weird, but that one kills my triceps!! I don't know why!!
    I did 4A today! One more left and on to bigger and better (hopefully) Stage 3! I agree with some others, this Stage hasn't had me too excited about it. I really liked 1, but this one is just OK.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I'm really not liking this stage. I hate having to alter so much. Thankfully I'm halfway finished.

    I bought all the other NROL books, and am looking forward to comparing them all.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi all! I did 1A last night. Its always a lil shakey the first ones getting used to the moves trying to do them properly etc. Yup, i must admit that plank was more difficult than I imagined! Looking forward to workout B on Wednesday and getting into a smooth routine again. What I don't think I have down is the first exercise in workout A since my gym only has the barbell that's attached to the pully thing. I will youtube some videos for proper form. Let's hang in there ladies! Our results will come!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    TWO more workouts in this stage WOOHOO!

    One day I can do the plank 60 seconds and the next time only 40 seconds. I just roll with it.

    I will do workout A tomorrow but workout B not until Monday or maybe Tuesday if the gym is closed for holiday!!!! OH MY!:noway: I'll die before I get that workout finished with almost a week in between!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hoping I can get my last A workout in today. I was too tired to get up this morning and I'm not sure the gym at work has enough equipment. I may have to modify.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started stage 2 today:

    • FSPP - I most definitely did this wrong, I wasn't sure what weight to go with, so I just used an unloaded Olympic bar since for my 1/8A I was doing shoulder presses with 20lb dumbbells. Nope, couldn't do 10 reps, so I grabbed a pre-weighted 35lb barbell. I didn't grip it with my elbows out like described, so I have to pay attention to that for 2/2A.
    • Step-ups - same as 1/8A, two 17.5lb dumbbells, 5 riser steps. I felt sort of shaky on the 5 steps and might go to 4 steps and heavier weights for 2/2B
    • Dumbell 1PR - first set was hard to find my balance, but I was able to do all the reps without touching down. Just used 12.5 dumbbells.
    • Static lunge, rear foot up - I hate lunges, but it sort of felt good to go deep with the lunges. Used 2 17.5lb Dumbbells
    • Push-ups - still doing 45 degree bench push-ups, and I don't think I'm lowering myself as low as I should be. I feel wimpy doing them, I am still far from doing them on the floor.
    • Plank - I was able to do 20 second floor/toe planks, but I decided to try out 45 angle planks for longer. Was only able to do 45 seconds for both sets.
    • Horizontal wood chops - my favourite core exercise! 15lb for cable resistance.

    So far I think stage 2 is ok, but my arms feel really fatigued right now so I'm expecting some serious soreness tomorrow!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Cloud, I really don't mind Stage 2. I hope you enjoy it.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Did 4A last night and I am glad it is over! I prefer the B for some reason.

    FSPP: 45# -> 55#
    Step-up raised the step to 5 risers 10# -> 25#
    1pt Row: BW -> 15#
    Push up: 10 on the floor (no change)
    Static lunge: 10# -> 30#
    Plank: 30sec on floor -> 60 sec on floor
    Wood Chop: 25# -> 40#

    Finishing Stage 2 on Thursday and starting Stage 3 on Sunday. I have decided to take a week off after Stage 3 and do pictures then as well.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey ladies! I did 1B last night and whoa - i was sweatin like a pig! don't like that it took me longer at the gym, but glad that it was challenging! I couldn't do the intervals for 15 mintues cuz my legs felt a little jellyish so I only made it thru 3 intervals on the treadmill. I'm just glad to be doin something different cuz I get bored quick! hopin for some good results after stage 2 :) Have a great day all!
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Did 2B tonight

    It is just full of weird exercises isn't it?

    Is it just me or is the prone cuban snatch a hellacious exercise? I had to stick more of my body than I cared to face down on a stinky incline bench and then, to add insult to injury, had to use barbie weights because my poor arms refuse to raise up near my ears. I see what you were saying earlier, Mrs. Rip.

    Also, the flexion exercise? I mean really, people already think we are strange because we insist on putting our legs up on benches or boxes, or balancing on one now we do this strange torso twist and cockeyed leg lift? I was a bit self-conscious.

    NOT complaining. Love the new challenges. Just think they will take some getting used to.

    Question about the reverse lunge with forward reach. Are you supposed to go up in weight or raise the step to make it more challenging?
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Finished the last A workout tonight. Thank GAWD. I was so bored and just counting down the time to get through it. :/ I shudder at the thought that we'll be doing a repeat of this stage in 4 except with more sets and a couple less reps. Hmmm.

    Anyway, here is my lame progress. :grumble:

    Front squat push press: started with 45 --> 65 lbs for 8 reps, then 60 lbs for 2 more sets of 8 (dunno why I broke it up like this in the end but I did and I didn't figure it'd matter too much since I was doing a few more than what was required)

    Step-Ups: started with 60 lbs --> 65 lbs (woopity's about as much as I can tolerate holding up after doing that FSPP with my wrists hurting)

    DB 1pt Row: started with 20 lb DBs --> 25 lb DBs (don't have larger DBs than 25 and wasn't sure how else to modify to get heavier weight)

    Static lunge rear elevated: 25 lb DBs --> 25 lb DBs (again, don't have higher than 25 pounders and wasn't sure if using a loaded BB was a good idea?)

    Push-up: on toes as written (still can't believe I can do push-ups back to back like that! WOOOHOOO! Felt like it took forever to get to this point!)

    Plank: 60 seconds --> 60 seconds. Tried to go to 90 secs and just couldn't do it - mentally I think I blocked myself. :grumble:

    Woodchops: used bands around a pole for first workout --> realized I could use a DB on the floor and modify, so 25 lb DB
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member

    Question about the reverse lunge with forward reach. Are you supposed to go up in weight or raise the step to make it more challenging?

    I think if you go up in weight you are gonna be really giving your shoulders a good workout. I raise my arms up pretty high (to shoulder height or a bit higher) so I can get those good and worked out in that exercise...the lunge in itself is a great stretch so any weight really is gonna be awesome. I don't think raising the step up is a great idea due to the angle of your feet/toes, maybe? I dunno. You could certainly try it, can't hurt, and if it doesn't feel right, go back to the default height.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi Hischild! The workout really gets the heart pumping doesn't it!

    Austelle, I use the barbie weights AND i have to stand because of a shoulder/neck nerve damage. I can not raise my arm at that angle.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Lol @ Austelle I feel on the weirdness! I felt totally weird doing that flexion majig or whatever! HA! And yes, I'm so on the barbie weights on that on! Shoulders are sore for sure today! Actually, I'm all sore today! Which feels good since I wasn't sore in stage 1 except for maybe the first couple workouts. Which...could be the case again now but so what! I'm happy to be sore :)

    Hey manic - it really does. I'm ok with 2A tonight. I didn't sweat so hard with that one :) Have a great Friday all!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I was supposed to do my final B workout today and I was totally lazy and slept in. I'll have to do in on Monday or Tuesday when we get back from camping.

    Jen (mrs rip) - great work, those are some great numbers. I've got to get some more dumbbells, mine only go up to 10 lbs, so I will hold two in one hand to get up to 18 lbs, but that's as high as I can go right now.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Finished Stage 2 last night!

    Deadlift from box: 85# -> 105#
    Split Squat: BW -> 25# plate
    Underhand Lat Pull: 40# -> 60#
    Reverse Lunge: 5# -> 15#
    Snatch: 5# -> 10#
    Swiss Ball 10# Medicine Ball overhead 10 reps -> 10#OH/25 reps
    Reverse Crunch: 10 veritcal -> 20 vertical
    Cobra: 45 sec -> 90 sec

    HIIT: was able to get the treadmill up to 7.5 last night.

    I am excited to take pictures and measurements after the next stage. I can really see a difference in my arms already.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Just did 1B tonight. For the most part it was OK, except:

    - Deadlift from box - I didn't have a lot of room to work with, and for some reason I couldn't wrap my mind around being on the step and picking up/putting down the barbell on the ground. I was using two 25lb plates with an Olympic bar (95#), maybe the plates were just too small but I didn't like it, so I just did the regular deadlifts as in stage 1, with a wide grip, and was only able to do 8 reps still. This is going to take some getting used to.

    - Reverse lunge from box - I did this on a step with 4 risers and 10lb DB's. I was able to complete all my reps but I just didn't feel that safe stepping back up and was super wobbly. Considering going down to 3 risers for 2B

    - Cuban snatch: holy hell, how awkward was that! everytime I got on the bench I had a vision of falling forward onto my face, the bench felt so little and short ("women's size" equipment I think) and rotating my arms up was surprisingly challenging!

    Also I sort of love the lateral flexion. At first I thought it was silly and didn't work, but then I focused on rotating my thigh and not just lifting my leg, and actually felt the burn. I also did 15 minutes of intervals on the spin bike.
  • dmcw19
    dmcw19 Posts: 129
    Hi All,
    I am currently in stage one and starting to research stage 2. How long are your workouts in stage 2? It seems like it is a lot more than stage 1. I do not mind more, but I only have an hour and fifteen minutes to get the workouts done before work. Thanks for any info.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi All,
    I am currently in stage one and starting to research stage 2. How long are your workouts in stage 2? It seems like it is a lot more than stage 1. I do not mind more, but I only have an hour and fifteen minutes to get the workouts done before work. Thanks for any info.

    Typically, workout A is 40ish minutes and workout B is an hour (including the HIIT). I take my 75 second rests.