Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Graduates!

Once you've completed the program, please post your before and after photos (if comfortable) as well as your stats so you can show off!!


  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I finished the program today! I did the program as directed except I didn't follow the meal plan. I ate 1200 calories for one month, then slowly increased to 1800 for the remainder of the program because I was grouchy and hungry ALL THE TIME.

    My stats are:

    143 lbs
    22.1% body fat
    thigh: 54 cm
    hips: 92
    waist: 76
    chest: 88
    bicep: 27
    neck: 33
    calf: 36

    133 lbs
    19.1% BF
    thigh: 49
    hips: 89
    waist: 70
    chest: 85
    bicep: 26
    neck: 31.5
    calf: 35

    10 lbs
    3% BF
    thigh: 5cm (2 inches)
    hips: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    waist: 6 cm (2.4 inches)
    chest: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    bicep: 1 cm (0)
    neck: 1.5 cm (0)

    I don't think my measurements are very accurate. My husband measured me and some weeks he said I gained inches which is just not possible for this program... I can totally tell a difference in my clothes.

  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I finished the program today! I did the program as directed except I didn't follow the meal plan. I ate 1200 calories for one month, then slowly increased to 1800 for the remainder of the program because I was grouchy and hungry ALL THE TIME.

    My stats are:

    143 lbs
    22.1% body fat
    thigh: 54 cm
    hips: 92
    waist: 76
    chest: 88
    bicep: 27
    neck: 33
    calf: 36

    133 lbs
    19.1% BF
    thigh: 49
    hips: 89
    waist: 70
    chest: 85
    bicep: 26
    neck: 31.5
    calf: 35

    10 lbs
    3% BF
    thigh: 5cm (2 inches)
    hips: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    waist: 6 cm (2.4 inches)
    chest: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    bicep: 1 cm (0)
    neck: 1.5 cm (0)

    I don't think my measurements are very accurate. My husband measured me and some weeks he said I gained inches which is just not possible for this program... I can totally tell a difference in my clothes.


    You look great! I can totally tell the difference...awesome!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Congrats!! You look great! You really should be proud for completing the 90 days.
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Congrats! I can totally see the changes! It's great to see that people succeed without following the meal plan..Im starting week 2 tomorrow and I'm not following it, eating 1200 cals per day, was afraid not to see good results.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    WOW!!! Congratulations!!! You look amazing....and so strong and lean!!! Great job!!!!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I finished the program today! I did the program as directed except I didn't follow the meal plan. I ate 1200 calories for one month, then slowly increased to 1800 for the remainder of the program because I was grouchy and hungry ALL THE TIME.

    My stats are:

    143 lbs
    22.1% body fat
    thigh: 54 cm
    hips: 92
    waist: 76
    chest: 88
    bicep: 27
    neck: 33
    calf: 36

    133 lbs
    19.1% BF
    thigh: 49
    hips: 89
    waist: 70
    chest: 85
    bicep: 26
    neck: 31.5
    calf: 35

    10 lbs
    3% BF
    thigh: 5cm (2 inches)
    hips: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    waist: 6 cm (2.4 inches)
    chest: 3 cm (1.2 inches)
    bicep: 1 cm (0)
    neck: 1.5 cm (0)

    I don't think my measurements are very accurate. My husband measured me and some weeks he said I gained inches which is just not possible for this program... I can totally tell a difference in my clothes.

    Wow !!! congrats!!! You look great!!!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    I can't figure out how to upload photos. I have before and after in my profile.

    All in all, I lost a total of 17 inches, mostly in my waist and hips. Which is really my biggest problem area. I really noticed a decrease in my belly, but there's still a long way to go there. I only lost 7 pounds but the medication I take for chronic pain is well known to make it near impossible to lose weight. I'm thrilled with the progress I made, and I love the feeling I get when lifting weights. I want to keep it up!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I can't figure out how to upload photos. I have before and after in my profile.

    All in all, I lost a total of 17 inches, mostly in my waist and hips. Which is really my biggest problem area. I really noticed a decrease in my belly, but there's still a long way to go there. I only lost 7 pounds but the medication I take for chronic pain is well known to make it near impossible to lose weight. I'm thrilled with the progress I made, and I love the feeling I get when lifting weights. I want to keep it up!
    Great Job!!!! Congrats on finishing the program :flowerforyou:
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    I can't figure out how to upload photos. I have before and after in my profile.

    All in all, I lost a total of 17 inches, mostly in my waist and hips. Which is really my biggest problem area. I really noticed a decrease in my belly, but there's still a long way to go there. I only lost 7 pounds but the medication I take for chronic pain is well known to make it near impossible to lose weight. I'm thrilled with the progress I made, and I love the feeling I get when lifting weights. I want to keep it up!

    Roander, you look awesome!! Congrats on finishing! I'm still working on workout 11 & 12. What are your plans now that you are finished? Are you going to keep doing these workouts or do something different?
  • radioraven
    radioraven Posts: 89 Member
    Today is Graduation Day for me! After is my current pic, I have a before I'll put to my profile soon.

    HW: 185
    SW: 175ish
    CW: 157.6
    Height: 5'1
    Bust 38 - 36 (-2")
    Waist 36 - 32 (-4")
    Hips 44 - 39 (-5")

    I went from a size 12 to a size 8.

    I started 2 days after a colonoscopy and being diagnosed with an ulcer after months of chronic pain in my right side. In December, I had 2 procedures done to rule out endometriosis because my body was malfunctioning so badly. I was furious that I let my body get to the point where there were no answers, and I was so heavy, but, before then, I could barely walk a few blocks without bending over in pain. I am so much stronger for doing this and seeing it thru to the end. Every new disc gave me anxiety that I couldn't do it, but afterwards, I was damn prod of myself that I did! I am going to tell my body what I want it to do from here on out!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    I tried a couple of weeks of rotating JM Kickboxing, RIpped in 30, and Tae Bo but I wasn't getting the feeling I was really exercising - like you feel after a BR workout. So I started back on BR Level 5 and will rotate the Kickboxing and TaeBo for my cardio days because JM Cardio is too hard on my knees.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    OMG....You look simply AMAZING....I am on W7/8 and hope to have just as good results as you have had....WOW is all I can say....Amazing results!
  • ttomlinson
    ttomlinson Posts: 22
    You look amazing! I am in week 3 and hoping for similar results.
  • samurphy23
    samurphy23 Posts: 22 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    I found my spreadsheet:

    Body Revolution Results
    Total Inches
    Upper Chest (1" below armpit) 2.50
    Bust (fullest) 1.00
    Midriff (1" below bottom of breast 2.00
    Upper Arm (2" below armpit 1.00
    Waist (smallest) 4.25
    Upper Hip (3" below waist) 2.00
    Lower Hip (fullest) 1.50
    Upper Thigh (1" below groin) 1.00
    Mid thigh (fullest) 1.50
    Calf (fullest) 0.50

  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.

    This makes me sad that you both didn't see much as in the form of results. Did you have a lot to lose or you just looking to drop a few? I'm wondering if that is the difference.

    I am just finished with my first month and don't see much in inches or weight loss. I wonder if it really doesn't do much for fat burning
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.

    This makes me sad that you both didn't see much as in the form of results. Did you have a lot to lose or you just looking to drop a few? I'm wondering if that is the difference.

    I am just finished with my first month and don't see much in inches or weight loss. I wonder if it really doesn't do much for fat burning

    I also haven't seen much in the way of encouraging changes in numbers. Actually, in phases 1+2, I GAINED 6lbs (I'm not following the meal plan, but I am tracking on MFP and eating reasonably for my age/size/activity level). In phase 3 I am slowly starting to see those 6lbs go away again, and I definitely see more definition - especially in my arms - but my measurements and weight have hardly budged.

    I'm on week 11, so we'll see about posting my final results after the end of next week. My overall impression is that I *am* developing more muscle, but fat loss is very slow AND the constant changes in routine are ensuring that my muscles stay sore (and swollen with extra water weight).
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    I don't have any photos, but here are my results:

    Current measurements in inches (total lost):
    Weight: 168 (-22)
    Neck: 13 (-1)
    Upper Chest: 37 (-3)
    Bust: 40 (-5)
    Midriff: 34.5 (-4.5)
    Upper Arm: 13 (-1)
    Waist: 34 (-5)
    Upper Hip: 38 (-4)
    Lower Hip: 40 (-5)
    Upper Thigh: 23 (-3)
    Calf: 13.5 (-1)
    Dress Size: 12 (my 12s are starting to get loose!)

    In the 90-day program I lost 22 pounds, 32.5 inches, and 2 pant sizes! I'm half-way to my ultimate goal-- I want to be a size 8 and in the healthy BMI range. Only 23 more pounds to go!
  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    I lost 28 pounds and 27 inches! I'm so happy with the results. I'm going to alternate a couple of Phase 2 workouts and do the C25K program starting next week. I feel great and can't wait to continue my weightloss journey! :)