


  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    Hi I am Tracy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read, almost anything and everything. Classics to fantasy.

    Favorite Author James Patterson

    Favorite Series
    The Walk series by Richard Paul Evans
    Twilight Series by Stephanie Myers
    Alex Cross Series by James Patterson
    Harry Potter by JK Rowling
    To many Series to mention by Nora Robert
    Oh and the currently popular Hunger Games Series

    Favorite books of all time
    Little Women
    Gone with the Wind
    Harry Potter

    Currently re reading Harry Potter series for the 3rd time.

    I own a Kindle Fire and carry it with me EVERYWHERE!

    Now that I am a member of the Fabulous group I will be looking to see what everyone is reading and I will let you all know if I read anything good also.
    Happy Reading everyone!!!!
  • jkay123
    jkay123 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm Joanie, and I too typically have more than one book going. Right now I'm reading The Nightmare Garden and getting ready to start The Blind Assassin. I'm looking forward to getting some good reading recommendations as well as motivation here.

    Also, please friend me if you like. I'm looking for some people to chitchat with.
  • music_bird
    Hi! I'm Jamie. Like everyone else in this group I love to read. My reading choices tend to be very eclectic. I love Jane Austen books and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Harry Potter, I started reading series by C.A. Belmond called the "Rather" series, starting with 'A Rather Lovely Inheritance'. I also recently read 'Pride, Prejudice and Zombies' I thought it was very funny. I love Shakespeare though I prefer happy endings to tragedies. My favorite Shakespeare play is 'Much Ado About Nothing'. I also just finished the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. Now I'm waiting until I can get the last book of The Kane Chronicles also by Rick Riordan.
  • supernewyorkgirl10
    Hi all :)
    My name is Tanya & i love love love to read more than life itself! :)
    At the moment I am reading Jane Austen- Pride & Prejudice.. my first classic! I am loving it! :)
    Look forward to chatting to you all!
    Tanya xx
  • Friday74
    Friday74 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I'm Jen, and I have to read every night - it's an addiction :-)
    I'm currently reading Terry Pratchett's Interesting Times, just finished Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys and Freakonomics. I will read pretty much anything from Austen to Stephen King, but tend to read a lot of fantasy & sci-fi. I'll buy anything by Robin McKinley or John Scalzi without bothering to read the back.
    I have a teenaged daughter who reads a lot as well, so I usually try to keep up with the same books she's reading as well. Really enjoyed the Hunger Games trilogy - got dragged to the movie, and ended up having to read the books too!
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm Caitlin. I actually get paid to read... well amongst other things, but I LOVE to read!! I usually read 2-3 books per week. I love reading anything from science fiction, chick lit, autobios, history, romance and mystery!
    I just finished

    50 Shades of Gray Triology - EL James ( I was OBSESSED with these books!)
    Betrayal-Fern Michaels
    The Rocky Road to Love - Janet Evanich (I can't remember the spelling of her last name! )
    Looking Back - Belva Plain
    Sookie Stackhouse books ( ready to buy the last one on my Kindle! )
    and I'm currently reading V is for Vengeance by Sue Grafton.
  • Philokiller
    Philokiller Posts: 20
    HI I'm Ilyana! I love reading. I just finished reading Daddy's Home, it was an amazing book and i highly recommend it. I love reading a bunch or diff genres.
  • bookbody
    bookbody Posts: 1
    Hey all, I'm Willow! I've been an avid reader my whole life, and right now I'm juggling The Eye in the Pyramid (first book of the Illuminatus! Trilogy), Tales from the Yoga Studio, and Underworld Initiation. I try to have at least one book-in-progress that's about health and fitness, and write reviews on those books over at my blog.
  • BabyRuthe
    BabyRuthe Posts: 8
    Hi All - I'm Ruth, I just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy and am starting on "The Pillars of the Earth." I'm in my late 20s and have been a huge reader all my life. I was soooo impressed with the writing of The Hunger Games trilogy, finally a YA series with good writing, it really got into my head and admittedly gave me nightmares (I'm much more affected by things I read than things I see, weirdly enough). Anyway, I'm hoping for some good book suggestions and encouragement while I try to lose those stupid 10 extra pounds!
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, I am Tara. I read EVERY day. I am currently reading 3 books. I'll be back later to add details.

    3 books at once! wow! the most I've ever read at once was 2 lol and now I usually just stick to 1 at a time :smile:

    This is totally me. . . I always have several going. . right now I am at about 3 as well. .I am going to school though and then I like to read Christian books and books related to weight loss.

    I always read more than one book at a time, too!!
    Granny Joy
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Hello. I'm a single mom who enjoys reading books outloud to my kiddo. We are reading the Percy Jackson Series right now. Then we will start the Harry Potter Series

    My fave book is The Host.

    When I'm not reading to my son I'm reading old books like Dracula and Frakenstein or Grimm's original Fairy Tales.

    Edgar Allen Poe rules!

    I also enjoy the Star Trek books and Game of Thrones.. Everytime I add something I remember something else I enjoy haha. Give me a book and I probably will enjoy it.
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    Hi all I'm Tammy and from what i read alot
    Right now im in the second book of the game of thrones series
    But recently i'v reread the lord of the rings tril., Percy Jackson series and all the harry potters.
    I also recently finished the shades of gray series.
    I have a car full of books and almost look at books like tv - i will read a lot of different books at once just like i watch 4 different tv series in a season
  • horsesalwaysknewher
    horsesalwaysknewher Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Meghan. I'm 27 and live in metro Detroit with my husband and our three cats and two dogs. I've loved to read my whole life, and I currently have a queue of about 100 books that I've picked up at book sales and thrift stores and haven't gotten to yet. At the moment, I'm reading Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirless because Neil Gaiman said it was amazing during an interview, and I do whatever Neil Gaiman tells me to do. :)
  • dimples1059
    dimples1059 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I am currently reading Graceling by Kristin Cashore.
  • vonnie65
    vonnie65 Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm Vonnie and reading is my passion. I love to read different types of books, but my favorites are mystery & suspense. Currently I'm reading Predator by Patricia Cornwell.
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    My name is Jessica. I am from Jacksonville Florida and I LOVE to read. I have a Nook and I am in love with. I read just about every genre and I find it really difficult to pin down a favorite book.

    My goodreads is

  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    hi my name is michelle, and i love to read. i have a kobo ereader. i love to read anything really. i just finished the fifty shades series (which i LOVED) and am now looking for something else to read. if anyone has a recommendation or just wants to chat feel free to add me.

    i am looking forward to my family holidays in aug, because it is a week and a half of nothing but sitting on a beach reading,lol
  • beck5411
    beck5411 Posts: 4
    Hi my name is Beckie, glad to find a corner for people who love to read. I will pretty much read anything...except for writers I find pretentious. I love all kinds of books...I am not really into Sci Fi/Fantasy until I picked up Game of Thrones and love it, I am currently on Storm of Swords but am trying to read it too fast because he writes the books slow. If anyone has good reading suggestions I would love to read all about them..I like to have at least 2 or 3 books going at a time.

  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    Hi - I'm Pauli and if you can have an addiction to reading, I have it. I have a Kindle which is great but I still love to have a "proper" book in my hands. Spend a lot of time at the library and in Easons. Currently reading Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance. Part of the Cassie Palmer series. Same sort of genre as Kelley Armstrong etc. Don't have a favourite type of book really although one of my all time favourites is The Far Pavilions by MM Kaye.
  • sheriw1223
    sheriw1223 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Sheri and I'm a bookaholic. I too read several books at once. I always have an audiobook for exercising, a book on my Nook, one on my phone, and often a "real" book as well. I mostly love mysteries and suspense, but am always open to new genres. My daughter just suggested I read Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, and I'm muddling through that. Not really my cup of tea, but it is entertaining.