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Ravenclaw Common Room



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    @kelly- I definitely agree that bringing your own food will help curb the over eating- I forgot my lunch on Monday and resorted to corn dogs at 7-11 (although at least I walked to the store and back so somehow that made it ok to me) and then today i was at a conference where lunch was provided- didn't go over but ate a bag of cheese doodles that I would NOT have normally eaten. I hate relying on someone else for my food or going out for it . . . for me I don't make good "out of the house" food choices
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Congratulations to our prefects this week.... srp2011 and Korkster! Whoop! Two really high totals, higher then the last few week's winners for sure, so great work from these two!

    Also congratulations to... blackhawkgirl91, brittlynn07, CivicSista, karinane, Korkser, me (smugly), matchamatcha, MomofJandA, rosesquelettique, srp2011 and TwiFan5. All losing last week, go us!!!
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Great job srp2011 and Korkster! And to everyone who lost! I am back to work today, thank goodness! Days off with nothing to do make it so much harder to stick with a food plan. Also, running around after screaming toddlers burns way more calories than sitting at home on the computer. :) Good luck to everyone and keep up the good work!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I'm back! I was supposed to have a better internet connection while on vacation, but that didn't really work out. I can't believe a week has already passed!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hmmm... rewards of doing good include doing more work. Reminds me of Buffy when she gets an A on her paper, and then is selected to lead a discussion group. Her complaint went something like "more work? Can't I get a cookie instead?". Something to that effect. I'll have to think about the exercise thing. Give me a day? I feel like everything has been done.

    I've been trying to keep up with the morning walks.

    Oh! Did I tell you what I'm getting for my birthday? When I first started MFP, I had to say good-bye to my bread. Yes, I still eat bread, but it's only like 1-2 slices a day. It's not fresh, baked rolls, French bread, sourdough, etc... I can eat bread... nonstop. I *LOVE* bread.

    So, back when I started in October, and felt the cravings of my bread calling me, I swore that on my birthday, I would eat bread. Nothing. But. Bread. Well, the bakery is booked, and I shall have my bread with candles on it. :bigsmile:

    Don't worry. I'll work out and take it in portions, but man oh man I cannot wait to see & smell my bread.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Congratulations to our prefects this week.... srp2011 and Korkster! Whoop! Two really high totals, higher then the last few week's winners for sure, so great work from these two!

    Also congratulations to... blackhawkgirl91, brittlynn07, CivicSista, karinane, Korkser, me (smugly), matchamatcha, MomofJandA, rosesquelettique, srp2011 and TwiFan5. All losing last week, go us!!!

    Awesome! Congrats to those losses! :)

    I'm worried about this week, but even if it all goes poorly, I'll just have to rebound next week. :)

    And congrats to our prefects, too! Sorry about the 'more work' korkster, lol. If you want to pass it off, I'm sure someone could help think of something or you could go back to an old favorite. :) Oh, and your birthday bread sounds amazing! I hope you enjoy it :drinker:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Okay, I got it.

    What about abs? Summer is just around the corner, and before you know it, it'll be time to bust out those swimsuits and suck in those guts.

    That won't be a problem is there's no gut there.

    So... how about 1 OWL for each day you spend some time working on your stomach region. You can do sit-ups, dance moves that affect the abs, or whatever other workout that affects that area. You can even hold in your stomach for periods throughout the day to engage those muscles.

    That way, we can all work on it and people can get excited to do their abs.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Thanks all! I think I thought of a reasonable food challenge:

    In the spirit of making small changes in our everyday behaviors, which if done regularly will add up to big, permanent lifestyle changes: Substitute a serving of fruit or vegetables for a less healthy snack or meal component - for example, instead of grabbing chips to go with the sandwich at lunch, get/take a piece of fruit, or cut up raw veggies instead, or have a piece of fruit instead of the sugary mid-afternoon snack, or at dinner, instead of a starchy side dish, have another serving of vegetables, or cut down the amount of pasta in a dish and add an extra vegetable serving, or choose fruit instead of dessert...etc... I think you get the idea, and everyone should be able to personalize this - one OWL for each day you substitute at least one healthier fruit/veggie option for something less healthy you normally would have grabbed or used in the dish.
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It's a long weekend, yay! I'm planning on heading out to the lake and getting some less-than-usual exercise in: water-skiing! I think the challenges our new prefects came up with are perfect. There's no internet at the cabin (might not be able to post), but good luck to everyone this weekend and let's keep up the great work!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Happy Friday!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Happy Friday All,

    Sorry for the disappearance especially since I was supposed to come up with the exercise challenge but I got quite ill again and was off work in bed. :sick: Still feeling pretty craptacular but I am back to work and at least it is Friday. I don't have the energy to look over the the messages to see if a challenge was given, if not an owl for every day you exercised for at least 30 minutes.

    Take care,
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Went to hip hop last night- it was a BLAST! Lots of fun!

    Zumba is always great, but I really wanted to "dance" dance, you know? If you get a chance, try some hip hop. Definitely a change in pace. :smile:
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey all, just checking in. Boot camp is going well, although I feel like I wuss out too easily and should probably push myself more. Today the trainer gave her little speech "Eat well over the weekend, you've worked hard, don't let this go to waste. Getting fit is 80% diet and 20% exercise." I was like mmhmm, true true, then she offered this gem "And remember, you're not a dog - so don't treat yourself with food!" :laugh: ahahahaha. I was like Ouch! Rude! But I have to admit there is some merit in that. I will still do it all the time anyway - I get out of bed for boot camp with the promise of a coffee on the way home, etc.

    Speaking of which we had our coldest day in May since 1917 this morning 2 degrees C (35F). After riding my bike to and from boot camp, freezing, I get home and everyone else in the house has used up all the hot water! My shower went from lukewarm to cold before I could even finish washing my hair. Really pissed me off. :grumble:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    abs . . . .I feel the need- the need for planks . . . . but yeah need some ab work in there-most likely planks or bicycle crunches for me-
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy weekend guys!!

    Just to make them obvious for people skimming posts, this week's challenges are:

    Exercise: Work on those abs! However you want to do it, but one OWL for every day you work on them (I'm with MomofJandA with this... planks!!!)

    Food: one OWL for each day you substitute at least one healthier fruit/veggie option for something less healthy you normally would have grabbed or used in a dish.

    Spirit: Post!

    And, an extra challenge which I'm doing because I think I need to address this issue, feel free to join me on it... Avoid the scales! I am weighing myself every day at the moment, and I know it's not healthy but I can't stop it! Am going to only weigh myself on official weigh-in days, and hide the scales the rest of the time. If I do it for a whole week, I am going to reward myself (probably with a pedicure). join me!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all,

    I would love to join the Ravenclaw house.

    I am just getting started with MFP, but have really liked what I've read in your common room and think it would great to continue on this adventure with you.

    -Carrie (desertlyzard)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good afternoon ravenclaws!!! bought a pedometer today- don't really know why . . . saw it in Target while buying heavier weights and figured "WTH"
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Howdy Ravenclaws! Hope everyone's weekend (holiday for those in the US) is off to a great start :drinker: I went to BodyPump class this morning, for the second time this week, and felt great afterwards (I'm sure I won't feel so great tomorrow - I upped the weights, LOL - starting to feel it now) - so glad I finally dragged myself back to the gym - I definitely needed some weight work and cross-training. Also, saw a nice loss on the scale this morning - yay!

    Welcome desertlyzard! You've joined a great House :-)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all! Grey weather here, I'm bummed because I planned to sit by the pool all day as its the last day of a 4 day weekend (I love public holidays!!).

    Desertlyzard, you should have a message from me, welcome to Ravenclaw!

    MomofJandA- I used to use a pedometer- was a great incentive to walk more because you get obsessed with trying to 'just reach another 1000' or 'just trying to go a bit further than yesterday'. I used to end up walking round my flat late at night to get the numbers up!

    srp2011- good effort on body pump, always feels good when you mae the effort doesn't it! That reminds me, am definitely supposed to be doing 30DS right now... sigh. Best get on with it I suppose!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    So instead of 30DS, I'm still messing about on the internet....

    But, I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAtWruM0CJc

    Which is hilarious, definitely watch it!