


  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm Kacie. I'm married (2 years), and I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 month old boys. They are my life <3
    I NEED to lose weight so I can keep up with them for the rest of my life.
    I want to lose 60 pounds by July, mainly because we're getting out of the military and moving back to Pennsylvania. I want to show everyone there that I CAN lose the weight and keep it off. (kinda like a big eff you to the family, lol).
  • sh0ortty
    Hello ladies !! I'm a 27 year old SAHM to 3 . 11 yr old girl and 9 & 4 yr old boys . I've been married for quite a while :) I want to lose weight so i could look and feel good . my current weight is 148 and would love to lose 20 pounds before May . I had join this site a couple of months ago, but didn't know how to use it until now..lol I have a week using it now and I love it ! i hope to make new friends on here . Feel free to add me as a friend the more help the better :)
  • vribaldo
    vribaldo Posts: 39 Member
    ok ladies, for anyone interested I updated my pictures. The first pic is the day I had my son. The second pic is what I looked like the month before I found out I was preggo, the third pic is a picture of me when I started showing and the last picture is from the day I went in for my csec. As you can see by the last pic I looked like I was having twins!! But I'm only 5'3 and as you can see by the other pics I wasn't that big to begin with and ended up delivering an almost 11lb baby!!
  • tp33
    tp33 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! 26 Year Old Mother of a very active 3 year old! Before I got pregnant I was at 264 pounds and I lost down to 230 and found out I was pregnant. I am finally getting back on track and a week ago I started out at 234 and now I have lost 4 pounds, so I am back at pre-pregnancy post weight loss weight haha. I am determined to not a reason my child is picked on. I am so terrified that one day he will come home upset because someone said his mom is fat. I do feel beautiful at my size and think that all of you should too because it is whats on the inside that counts but lets get healthy together!
  • DutchCher
    I'm a 39 yr. old mom to a 2.5 yr old spirited little girl, also turning 40 (in March). I am 6' tall and now weigh 238lbs, and I just joined this site 3 days ago. My weight journey has been a series of highs and lows. I was at ~185 when I met my husband, was 10 weeks pregnant at our wedding, when I weighed 210. At delivery I was ~250. I lost nearly all of it, down to ~215. But then started working full-time and writing my dissertation, which resulted in the 20+lbs weight gain. So, I am defending the dissertation in a week, still working full-time, and hope to get pregnant again.
    However, I am slowly learning to make my health and well-being a priority again. I realized that part of what I lost in the process of caring for others was my own sense of self-respect - I stopped respecting my body, my appearance, my identity, and my well-being. So, I am focusing, at least for now, on learning how to respect myself again, by honoring my body and honoring what I eat rather than ignoring it or being in denial about it. Good luck all you other moms out there. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
  • ashley0314
    ashley0314 Posts: 26 Member
    I am a 24 year old SAHM of 2 and haven't been able to lose any weight since having my son 19 months ago. I feel so blah all of the time and hate getting dressed because I hate the way I look in all of my clothes. I was always on the thinner side before I got married and had kids so I've never had to diet before. I hate that I have no energy to play with my kids whenever I get done doing my housework throughout the day.
  • Stacilyng
    I am a big girl with a long way to go! lol I have lost 48 pounds since August. I have been hitting the gym and TRYING to learn to eat healthier.

    I will be 40 in April. I have 4 kids...20, 18, 3 & 2. I am a SAHM and don't have any excused other than I did it to myself. I haven't had surgery, which I have been asked by several if I have. Nothing wrong with surgery though.

    I am married to an amazing man!
  • kanwilso
    kanwilso Posts: 8 Member

    My name is Kara, I just turned 40 last November and like several other people here it feels overwhelming to be turning 40 and still be overweight. I am happily married with 3 children, 18 year old, 6 year old and 3 year old. I am an RN (so I should know better) and work full time at work and full time at home. I tend to put other peoples needs before my own and that has contributed to my problem of being "obese". I am very hopeful that I will stick to my weight loss goals this time around and feel like the only way that will happen is if I start being a little selfish. I appreciate the support of this group and am wishing us all luck!
  • virgomuse
    virgomuse Posts: 33 Member
    Salutations Mamas!

    My name is Annie. I'm 39yo, work full time, single mom of 4 kids (17yo-boy(man) & 16yo, 13yo & soon to be 10yo girls) I've been on a mission to be healthy since 2003, when I realized I wasn't in my former dancer's body. My mom also became very ill about the same time, all related to being overweight and overwhelmed with stress (and later died in 2005). I have reached some goals. Stop smoking 5 years ago, Stop the sugar addiction 6 years ago, mostly vegitarian (raw/whole foods) diet 2 years ago. My biggest struggle has been loosing the wieght and adding exercise to my daily activities. In October 2010, I tipped the scale at 198 (i'm only 5 feet tall), today I'm at 174 and mostly do to diet change. So, I joined my fitness pal and this group to get support and inspiration to meet my goal weight of 130 pounds by the Dec 31 2012 and also hopefully inspire others to be healthy & happy!
  • karenislaughing
    Hello! I need help!

    I am a mother to a one and a half year old baby boy. I've had weight issues since I could remember. In the last three years I have gained about 50 lbs. Some of that baby weight and some depression weight after my brother passed 2 years ago. I am currently at 290 lbs and I just can't believe it. I'm about 25 lbs over my pre-baby weight, but was already overweight before I got pregnant. I'm loving being a mom, but I have found that I tend to use being tired as an excuse. I'm always tired! lol

    I need some major motivation because it just isn't happening on my own. I've joined this group hoping to get some inspiration from you beautiful ladies! My ultimate dream weight is 200 lbs, which sounds crazy, but I can't remember the last time I was that weight! I love working out, but when I stop, it takes me forever to get back to the gym. And I love to eat! Sometimes I can't stop. Especially when my little one doesn't want to finish his own food!

    Thanks for any feedback. I look forward to reading what some of you gals have to say.

  • xtinashort

    I am 22, mother to 1. My daughter will be 2 in May. I ganied 43 pounds in pregnancy with her and lost about 30lbs after I had her, but these last 10-15lbs have been flucuating and hanging on. My fitness pal has been the first program that I like and am seeing results that stick!

    Great support system!
  • j6l3a1m3
    j6l3a1m3 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. My name is Stacey. I have a great husband and four wonderful children. My youngest turns one on the 21st. I lost 15 lbs on MFP before my last pregnancy. Now it is time to get back in shape. My first goal is to lose the last 14 lbs from my pregnancy. I then want to lose an additional 10 lbs beyond that.
  • featherfun7
    HI! My name is Heather and I have a beautiful baby girl who is turning 1 tomorrow. I have gained 50+ lbs in the past 6 years and have been sporatically trying to get it off with not much motivation to stick with it. Before I got my current desk job, I was playing Roller Derby and starting to get those lbs off. Since then I got a cubicle job and had a baby so I ended up gaining quite a bit more.

    I am tired of feeling terrible on the outside and In and don't feel like myself anymore so it's time to stick to it. I would like to get back into Roller Derby (Time permitting.) My Fiance made the decision to be serious about his health also so I jumped on the opportunity to have a partner in health.
  • Samartina
    Samartina Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow moms! I am 26 and a mother of 2. My son is 2 and my daughter is 5. My mission is to be a healthy mom. I want to be able to keep up with my kids and my husband who is a Marine. I am at 210 and I'm 5'11, my goal is to be 179. Trying to stay motivated but that is what I lack in most. I'm new to the site so please other moms add me as a friend so that we can motivate eachother! :smooched:
  • Mamma_on_a_mission
    Well, of course I have children...2 of them and they are both the light of my life and the main reason I'm sticking to weight loss this time. Slow and easy wins the race they say. I'm also married to a wonderful man and I work as Medical Laboratory Technician in a decently sized hospital and love every minute of the insanity. I'm also wanting to lose weight for self-esteem issues. I'm a fairly image driven person and when I look at my really bad areas all I can see in my mind is this disgusting health ruining, yellow substance that goes by the awful name of "fat" and I want to replace that with sleak, striated muscle.
  • KristieJC
    KristieJC Posts: 243 Member
    I am a 41-year old married mom of two. I still have weight on me from my first pregnancy and my daughter is 6 :( and I added more to it with my second baby. Of course I want to look better and feel better about myself, but at my age, I'm also more concerned about long term health. I LOVE this website and I use the app on my phone to track my calories. It's nice to have a group of people that are in the same situation as me so we can help each other.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    24, two boys, 2 and 6 months. I was only 2-3 lbs overweight after my second child but at my six week checkup I had implanon, the birth control, inserted. What a mistake. Strange body odor, extreme hair loss, and I gained almost 20 lbs in three months. It's been out for almost three weeks and i feel wonderful, but I have to shed these extra pounds.
  • diamondmama11
    I am a mom of 3, 2 boys aged 11 and 3, and a girl age 9. I have lost weight previously using weight watchers and then a different site but have been stuck losing and gaining the same 5 or so pounds for the last year. I decided a switch was needed to remotivate myself and get rid of this weight once and for all. I have struggled with a chronic pain condition for the last 3 years and was on many medications which greatly affected my weight and energy levels. I had successful surgery in Feb 2012 and am no longer on any meds so I am ready to do this!! Feel free to add me as a friend, the more support the better!!
  • Norsegodess
    Norsegodess Posts: 30
    I am basically doing this for me and me alone. We are on holiday in 7 weeks and I would love to wear a nice top here and there and not to cover up. As they say slow & steady wins the race
  • nlm74
    nlm74 Posts: 8 Member
    Just joined!

    I'm 31 yr old SAHM PLUS I also work from home 40hrs while they're sleeping and when my husband is home. I just had my 2nd 6 months ago and I have a 3yr old as well. I gained about 50ish lbs with each child, but with my 2nd I was a bit heavier to begin with. My goal is to weigh 110 again (I'm 5'1), so I have 38 lbs to lose. I'm super motivated! I don't really have a problem disciplining myself when it comes to food, especially since I'm trying to cook and model healthier for my kids. My main concern is finding time to exercise. Early mornings and nights are out, as that's when I work, and the kids nap at separate times so it's tricky. That being said, I might be not take advantage of every free moment, and might be a bit lazy. I need some help with that and need support to kick my booty in to gear.....literally.