1st Trimester



  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
    Hey i just hit for weeks yesterday hoping to make a couple of friends who are in the sane boat. I've gained four lbs but trying to lose them and not gain anything in the first trimester but still get all my nutrients and such I've put my calorie intake to about 1700 which may be to much. I'm meeting with a nutrionist on Thursday so I'll know the healthy way to go about it. Looking forward to mommy dom!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    So I am 6wks and 4days today and I promise I am seeing a belly already! this is freaking me out! with my daughter I didn't have a belly until I was 22weeks! (I was also 20lbs heavier) now I am 125lbs and I can definitely see a pooch! I hope I don't get too big soon because I have not told the family and I feel like its becoming obvious. Anyone else with a smaller SW and 2nd baby showing this early on?
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Blink – I’m sorry to hear about the late onslaught of morning sickness and your son’s reaction. You’ll have to keep us filled in if he ever opens up about it.

    Pcedano – Your attempt at blood works sounds painful! Hopefully Tuesday will have a better outcome!

    I ended up switching to a smaller clinic closer to home. (I must have had an 'off' mindset not to realize I could have the same doctor I've been seeing for my annual checkups! Who knew?!) Now I'll be in a location I'm comfortable with and with people I already know and feel comfortable with. Just knowing that has eased my anxiety SO much. I'll also get in a little sooner as well! Thankfully, it's before a big family get together (the other appointment was the day after!) so I'll be able to confidently share the exciting news!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    lou-ann- thats exciting! Im glad to hear you found something your more comfortable with AND you can tell the family at the reunion. Thats awesome! :))
  • dls0516
    dls0516 Posts: 27 Member
    My "morning sickness" lasts all day. I don't remember feeling this bad with my boys. I am 7 weeks 6 days today so I probably have another 2 to 3 weeks to go before it stops. Any tips on how to manage the nausea?
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    colcolo – Thanks for sharing my excitement! Now I kind of feel silly at how overwhelmed I was before.

    dls – I’m nauseous off and on throughout the entire day. I keep little bags of snacks (almonds, crackers, etc.) close by and have a few when it’s really bad. Gum also helps! I’ve also recently started buying premade fruit smoothies. I really like Bolthouse Farms. You can find them pretty much anywhere and there is nothing artificial added. A few sips of those seem to balance everything out and I can store it in the refrigerator for the next round of nausea.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    its official. I gained 2lbs, i have no idea how, but I guess its all part of being pregnant. I guess I can blame it on the sodium from the pickles, but I have weighed the extra 2lbs for about 4days already so I am sure it will stick around. I have been exercising daily and staying within my limits, I won't stress about it though. My goal is to gain less than 40lbs so 38lbs left! LOL
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    Hope yall don't mind if I join I'm 6 weeks tomorrow! Due Date is 1.23.13 I already have 4 kids and this is my 5th...I've been using MFP since September I've lost 26lbs and still quiet overweight so really hoping to keep my Weight Gain in check this pregnancy!!

    How are you all?

    Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

    Oh also no symptoms really yet, which is really weird for me!
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Hey All!! I just joined the group today, and I'm very excited to meet some friends going through the same :) I'm about 10 weeks along (haven't had my ultrasound/date scan yet) so, looking at prob Dec 20 2013 due date. I don't have too many symptoms... with the exception that I am COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED ALL THE TIME! I do get stomach aches some, I pee all night long, but that pretty much covers it. I have gained 2 pounds, which I don't think is too bad for this point. This is our first, so I'm excited and nervous and everything in between!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    welcome!!! I love seeing more pregnant women on here!!

    I just scheduled my first apt with my dr. I will be 10wk1day! super excited! They will be doing an ultrasound and exams and everything else. She could have fit me in earlier without the ultrasound but I would have rather had everything done in one day! I am going with a different OB this time around. My last OB rarely had face time with me and I wasn't happy with her at all, I sure hope this one is good. She used to be a mid-wife so I assume she spends more time with her patients. I will keep you all updated for sure. I can't wait til I finally see this munchkin so I finally assure myself that indeed I am pregnant. LOL

    and woohoo, I am 7wks today!

    Does anyone else get head pressure? Last night I had it super bad, it felt like alll my blood had rushed to my head and was stuck there. It might also be sinus headache cause I have been sick for the past 1 week. FUN STUFF
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome new mommies-to-be!!!

    Today went and finally got my blood work done it only took two tries but was finally able to get a nice flow! phew
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I'm seriously about to go postal on someone!! Since I found out i was pregnant I have been tracking every bite and been under my calories every day...the last few days I've made really good choices...and my scale says this morning I've gained 6lbs WTH I seriously want to cry cause i'm trying to be so good and tech I could still be losing weight right now but def not gaining =( I have my calories set the same as before I got pregnant which is at 1800 just not fair lol
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm seriously about to go postal on someone!! Since I found out i was pregnant I have been tracking every bite and been under my calories every day...the last few days I've made really good choices...and my scale says this morning I've gained 6lbs WTH I seriously want to cry cause i'm trying to be so good and tech I could still be losing weight right now but def not gaining =( I have my calories set the same as before I got pregnant which is at 1800 just not fair lol

    You're probably retaining water. I know that I gained about 2lbs just in BOOBS right after I found out I was pregnant! Your blood volume is increasing dramatically (it will be up about 40-50% by the third trimester) and the hormones your body is creating are slowing down your digestive system, which might also be causing some of the fluctuation on the scale.
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, that scale will be moving.. upwards.. I'm trying to take it as best as I can.. If you're eating healthy and exercising, I wouldn't worry so much about it. That baby needs a lot of nutrients!! I refuse to be one of those women that gets pregnant and "goes crazy eating whatever I want" If I know the weight is from good choices, I'm just going to accept it. I don't think now is a time to be playing games with your body..
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Welcome to all the new mommies to be!!

    jennysmission - I agree with what the other ladies have said. It more than likely isn't fat gain. I've been retaining water like crazy and have had to really watch my sodium intake. It won't be difficult to lose it, even if you have to wait until the baby comes!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Welcome new mommies-to-be!!!

    Today went and finally got my blood work done it only took two tries but was finally able to get a nice flow! phew

    lol, glad they were able to get a nice flow!!! when I was admitted in the hospital the give birth, they had a REALLY hard time find my veins!! they poke me about 10 times until the lady finally gave up and had the other nurse do it, apparently she was a trainee!! are you kidding me?! LOL and i guess my veins kept hiding everytime they went for the "poke"
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Some ups and downs for me lately. First, I'm dealing with some major body image issues and I haven't even started gaining weight yet. I wasn't trying to diet too hardcore while TTC because I didn't want to make my irregular cycles even more wacky so, unfortunately, I started this pregnancy heavier than I would have liked (gained some weight two years ago and have just been working on maintaining for the past year or so). My breasts, which were already pretty... ample.... are now just HUGE and, in general, I just feel very... fleshy. I'm having a hard time with the self-love, I guess.

    On the positive side, I spoke with my OB and she gave me the green light to exercise! I'm high risk and the nurse practitioner I saw for my very first appointment didn't know a whole lot about my condition as it is pretty rare, so she basically advised caution until I could talk with a doctor. My husband and I had been doing Stronglifts 5x5, but my OB said that heavy lifting probably wasn't a good idea (not feeling it anyway), so I went to Amazon and got a selection of highly-rated prenatal fitness DVDs. I'm going to aim for the following goals: 2 strength workouts a week, 3 long walks a week, 2 yoga sessions a week. We'll see how that goes. I know that just being active again is going to help my aforementioned body-image woes.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    thanks ladies! sorry guess just a hormonal rant this morning! I'm going to try and relax some and hope it all evens out just going to do my best and know thats all I can do!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Some ups and downs for me lately. First, I'm dealing with some major body image issues and I haven't even started gaining weight yet. I wasn't trying to diet too hardcore while TTC because I didn't want to make my irregular cycles even more wacky so, unfortunately, I started this pregnancy heavier than I would have liked (gained some weight two years ago and have just been working on maintaining for the past year or so). My breasts, which were already pretty... ample.... are now just HUGE and, in general, I just feel very... fleshy. I'm having a hard time with the self-love, I guess.

    On the positive side, I spoke with my OB and she gave me the green light to exercise! I'm high risk and the nurse practitioner I saw for my very first appointment didn't know a whole lot about my condition as it is pretty rare, so she basically advised caution until I could talk with a doctor. My husband and I had been doing Stronglifts 5x5, but my OB said that heavy lifting probably wasn't a good idea (not feeling it anyway), so I went to Amazon and got a selection of highly-rated prenatal fitness DVDs. I'm going to aim for the following goals: 2 strength workouts a week, 3 long walks a week, 2 yoga sessions a week. We'll see how that goes. I know that just being active again is going to help my aforementioned body-image woes.

    I also picked up a couple of DVD's from Amazon: Prenatal Pilates, and the Perfect Pregnancy Workout Vol. 1. I am going to start on them this weekend. The Prenatal Pilates has five 10 minute sessions that you can mix and match or do all at once. I hope to do each video 2x per week and keep walking with a friend.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Some ups and downs for me lately. First, I'm dealing with some major body image issues and I haven't even started gaining weight yet. I wasn't trying to diet too hardcore while TTC because I didn't want to make my irregular cycles even more wacky so, unfortunately, I started this pregnancy heavier than I would have liked (gained some weight two years ago and have just been working on maintaining for the past year or so). My breasts, which were already pretty... ample.... are now just HUGE and, in general, I just feel very... fleshy. I'm having a hard time with the self-love, I guess.

    On the positive side, I spoke with my OB and she gave me the green light to exercise! I'm high risk and the nurse practitioner I saw for my very first appointment didn't know a whole lot about my condition as it is pretty rare, so she basically advised caution until I could talk with a doctor. My husband and I had been doing Stronglifts 5x5, but my OB said that heavy lifting probably wasn't a good idea (not feeling it anyway), so I went to Amazon and got a selection of highly-rated prenatal fitness DVDs. I'm going to aim for the following goals: 2 strength workouts a week, 3 long walks a week, 2 yoga sessions a week. We'll see how that goes. I know that just being active again is going to help my aforementioned body-image woes.

    I also picked up a couple of DVD's from Amazon: Prenatal Pilates, and the Perfect Pregnancy Workout Vol. 1. I am going to start on them this weekend. The Prenatal Pilates has five 10 minute sessions that you can mix and match or do all at once. I hope to do each video 2x per week and keep walking with a friend.

    Those are two of the ones I ordered! The Pilates DVD should arrive today, so I'm going to do at least 10 minutes today.