Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    So how is everyone doing today?
    I have noticed this week (just finished week three and am a couple days into week four), that I am waking up very hungry. Not that I never woke up hungry before, but I haven't woken up hungry since I started my reset because I had been so full all the time. I think the full feeling is finally going away.
    Also, I wore my jeans last night and other than being just a tiny snug in the legs, they still fit. If I am going to gain true fat, it would be in my bust/belly/upper hips, so I was happy nothing was hanging over the top :) Hoping the legs is just water from lifting heavy.
    So all is well with me right now.
    I have gone over my TDEE by about 300-400 the last two days due to extra celebrations I didn't plan well for, but I am not sweating it. Just seeing it as extra fuel to build some muscles. Plus, I have been doing a lot of extra yard work that I don't usually do, so there has to be a little extra burn there.
    I should be wearing my bodybugg, but I just hate, hate, hate wearing it in the warm weather, not only does it show with short sleeves, but who wants a tan line on their arm??? I wish they would come up with one that was a little more discreet.
    So what about everyone else, how's it going?

    I just had the same experience. Ate my TDEE yesterday, and still felt a tiny bit hungry at bedtime, but just went to bed. Well, this morning my stomach was totally growling! I did have a good lift day on Wed., and I remember someone else saying they are always more hungry the day after lifting, so I'm guessing that's what it was for me. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised that upping 300 calories/day for the last week has not made me any more bloated, compared to when I first jumped up in calories. It's been a week eating at TDEE for me. I might weigh myself tomorrow, or I might just wait another week... I don't want any surprises before I run a 10k race tomorrow. No need to mess with my head before that!
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Day 6 of reset - I smiled at myself in the mirror this morning. It's been a long time since I've felt good enough about my image to smile at it. I still have a long way to go, but I feel really happy right now. I admit that I struggle to get all the way up to 2500 some days. I get in the 2300ish range, but I have had a day where I was over 2500. I'm hoping it all evens out, but I will work on getting all the way to 2500 more consistently. It doesn't do me any good to up my calories by 200 if I'm not actually eating the extra calories!

    GOOD FOR YOU! What a great observation! Thanks for the positive vibes this morning. Yes, it's a daily struggle, isn't it? I'm also happy that this experiment hasn't left me icky-bloated like when I first upped calories. Clothes are still fitting good.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Since I've done metabolism reset past 4 weeks without realizing it (my calories didn't say it on my diary due to the fact I didn't weigh everything. and when I did they were more than measuring cups..)

    ANYUWAY!!! Yes I gained 8-9 lbs!! It makes me SO MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD! I was 330 lbs, and was 152. now I'm 160.8.


    But but but I'm feeling good.. I just really need to keep going.. 4 more weeks. UGH.. please tell me I wno't gain other 8 lbs.. will I? SincE I'll be eating at TDEE..

    Sigh... </VENT>
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Since I've done metabolism reset past 4 weeks without realizing it (my calories didn't say it on my diary due to the fact I didn't weigh everything. and when I did they were more than measuring cups..)

    ANYUWAY!!! Yes I gained 8-9 lbs!! It makes me SO MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD! I was 330 lbs, and was 152. now I'm 160.8.


    But but but I'm feeling good.. I just really need to keep going.. 4 more weeks. UGH.. please tell me I wno't gain other 8 lbs.. will I? SincE I'll be eating at TDEE..

    Sigh... </VENT>

    Wow - you've come a long way since starting your journey. This will be a slight bump for you. Yes, you might put on a few more pounds in the next four weeks. But then the weight will move when you go to your cut. Trust the process. It will be worth it to get to a maintenance level that you can live with once you've reached your goal. Hang in there!
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Day 5 of my TDEE metabolism reset. Weight seems fairly stable at 157, despite going over in sodium (again!) yesterday. I definitely love feeling full and energetic after breakfast.

    Does anyone out there know how consistent is consistent when doing a reset? I know consistency is key - no doubt about that. But if I'm within 100 calories of my TDEE up or down each day, is that okay? And every now and again (yesterday for example) I'm 300 over. Am I killing my reset if I fluctuate that much?

    Hope you guys are doing great! I can't believe how big this thread and the EM2LW group has grown. Way to go, eating more to loose weight!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Day 5 of my TDEE metabolism reset. Weight seems fairly stable at 157, despite going over in sodium (again!) yesterday. I definitely love feeling full and energetic after breakfast.

    Does anyone out there know how consistent is consistent when doing a reset? I know consistency is key - no doubt about that. But if I'm within 100 calories of my TDEE up or down each day, is that okay? And every now and again (yesterday for example) I'm 300 over. Am I killing my reset if I fluctuate that much?

    Hope you guys are doing great! I can't believe how big this thread and the EM2LW group has grown. Way to go, eating more to loose weight!

    Waiting to here the answer on that. When I'm eating my Cut I don't worry as much about fluctuating, but since I'm doing this reset thing I'm also curious. I don't want to screw up the reset and have to do it again. :grumble: Anyone have the answer?
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Anyone else having trouble looking at other's peoples diaries now? I try not hard to judge what other people are eating/doing, but when I see my non EM2LW friends netting 800 calories or even less I want to say something. It's not in my nature to lecture people, we all have the power of free choice. I'm just enjoying the EM2LW lifestyle so much I want to share! LOL
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Just checking in. I will have to come back later to read everything! But ... I went to a new doctor yesterday. The first thing they wanted was for me to step on a scale. It was late in the afternoon, so the only food left was my dinner. Everything else was in my belly. I was able to take my shoes off, but that was it. When I started EMTWL, I was 213 pounds. When I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor's office ... it said 233 ... I almost cried AND laughed right there. My pants are a teeny bit tighter, but not 20 pounds tighter! I don't understand, but I'm accepting that this process is going to work. I have never seen anyone say they've "gained 20 pounds" from this ... so I am hoping everything is working the way it should. God help me, haha, I swore to myself I'd never get above 215 when I *finally* fell to 213! Ugh.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Day 5 of my TDEE metabolism reset. Weight seems fairly stable at 157, despite going over in sodium (again!) yesterday. I definitely love feeling full and energetic after breakfast.

    Does anyone out there know how consistent is consistent when doing a reset? I know consistency is key - no doubt about that. But if I'm within 100 calories of my TDEE up or down each day, is that okay? And every now and again (yesterday for example) I'm 300 over. Am I killing my reset if I fluctuate that much?

    Hope you guys are doing great! I can't believe how big this thread and the EM2LW group has grown. Way to go, eating more to loose weight!

    Waiting to here the answer on that. When I'm eating my Cut I don't worry as much about fluctuating, but since I'm doing this reset thing I'm also curious. I don't want to screw up the reset and have to do it again. :grumble: Anyone have the answer?

    Consistency is key. However, from what I've been able to ascertain from things Kiki has said, she would eat at OR above her TDEE amount while resetting. Eating 100 cals too low once in a while is not going to destroy all your hard work, but if you do it too often or too low regularly, it may take your body a little longer to fully reset at the right number. The biggest thing with a reset is getting your metabolism line RAISED...that's why going over (although you may gain a few more pounds that way) isn't as bad as being under.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Just checking in. I will have to come back later to read everything! But ... I went to a new doctor yesterday. The first thing they wanted was for me to step on a scale. It was late in the afternoon, so the only food left was my dinner. Everything else was in my belly. I was able to take my shoes off, but that was it. When I started EMTWL, I was 213 pounds. When I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor's office ... it said 233 ... I almost cried AND laughed right there. My pants are a teeny bit tighter, but not 20 pounds tighter! I don't understand, but I'm accepting that this process is going to work. I have never seen anyone say they've "gained 20 pounds" from this ... so I am hoping everything is working the way it should. God help me, haha, I swore to myself I'd never get above 215 when I *finally* fell to 213! Ugh.

    Actually, there was a post a little while ago about a woman who had gained 25 lbs before starting to lose again. (and she lost regularly after that) :smile: And it sounds like you although you've gained, your inches aren't keeping up at the same ratio, so things are probably shifting around inside that body of yours. Did you take any before photos that you can compare to now? Often that will show those awesome changes more than a tape measure or scale ever will.
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    Anyone else having trouble looking at other's peoples diaries now? I try not hard to judge what other people are eating/doing, but when I see my non EM2LW friends netting 800 calories or even less I want to say something. It's not in my nature to lecture people, we all have the power of free choice. I'm just enjoying the EM2LW lifestyle so much I want to share! LOL

    Haha, I was having this issue yesterday, I looked at some diaries and noticed the numbers were all over the place, too low, too high etc and wanted to say something but I didn't. My husband convinced me I should keep my mouth shut lol.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Anyone else having trouble looking at other's peoples diaries now? I try not hard to judge what other people are eating/doing, but when I see my non EM2LW friends netting 800 calories or even less I want to say something. It's not in my nature to lecture people, we all have the power of free choice. I'm just enjoying the EM2LW lifestyle so much I want to share! LOL

    Funny you should say that! I just went through and deleted a bunch of friends who eat too few calories because it started annoying me.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Just checking in. I will have to come back later to read everything! But ... I went to a new doctor yesterday. The first thing they wanted was for me to step on a scale. It was late in the afternoon, so the only food left was my dinner. Everything else was in my belly. I was able to take my shoes off, but that was it. When I started EMTWL, I was 213 pounds. When I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor's office ... it said 233 ... I almost cried AND laughed right there. My pants are a teeny bit tighter, but not 20 pounds tighter! I don't understand, but I'm accepting that this process is going to work. I have never seen anyone say they've "gained 20 pounds" from this ... so I am hoping everything is working the way it should. God help me, haha, I swore to myself I'd never get above 215 when I *finally* fell to 213! Ugh.

    I have had many nurses from different offices say how the scales at doctor offices are never calibrated and they don't really give much thought with weight since it fluctuates so much. So depending on the scale it can be way off.

    Yes, every time I go to the doctor its always with a full belly! :flowerforyou:
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I'm on the 2nd week of trying to eat close to TDEE.... i have been eating 2500-2700...( I have done everything from 1200-2000 in the past... most of the time, around 1600-1700...which apparantly, is below my BMR... :noway: ) .it seems like an insane amount and i'm NOT liking it :(...... I have cut back on my cardio the past few weeks...and this is the most frustrating thing I've ever done... I feel like a useless lump. :sick: :huh: :ohwell: I would rather work myself silly, do intermittent fasting etc, but alas... none of that after forever of trying to figure this out, I think my metabolism is the rotten culprit. :explode:

    When someone still have a LOT to in...70-90 more ( never been a normal weight, so I need to see where I really should be... likely closer to the 90...) is it REALLY necesarry to eat THAT high? According to my bodybugg...on a sedentary day....( home sick, or weekend spent indoors..) I burn about 2350 cals... on an intense exercise day with a full day of my desk job, I can burn up to 3750 ( 800 cals Zumba, 300 cals Kettlebell, 100 cals or so Weighted Hula Hoop) .... my Bodybugg stats on average over a week state between 2750 and 2950 over the course of the week. ..... some of the days, this means eating the TDEE is actually eating MORE then I burn on a given day?!

    The first few days I did not see any gain, was just steady, but now, unless it's from eating too much salty foods/not enough water ( I suppose it could be???) I have seen a few pounds on the scale gained. TRULLY hoping it is water, because I have fought tooth and nail to get rid of every stinkin' pound ...:(.... I'm not even quite to my supposed TDEE...but am terrified of even THIS level...if I have to do another few weeks of this... the concept of more pounds on the scale is making me insane!!!! :angry:
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Just checking in. I will have to come back later to read everything! But ... I went to a new doctor yesterday. The first thing they wanted was for me to step on a scale. It was late in the afternoon, so the only food left was my dinner. Everything else was in my belly. I was able to take my shoes off, but that was it. When I started EMTWL, I was 213 pounds. When I stepped on the scale yesterday at the doctor's office ... it said 233 ... I almost cried AND laughed right there. My pants are a teeny bit tighter, but not 20 pounds tighter! I don't understand, but I'm accepting that this process is going to work. I have never seen anyone say they've "gained 20 pounds" from this ... so I am hoping everything is working the way it should. God help me, haha, I swore to myself I'd never get above 215 when I *finally* fell to 213! Ugh.

    I have had many nurses from different offices say how the scales at doctor offices are never calibrated and they don't really give much thought with weight since it fluctuates so much. So depending on the scale it can be way off.

    Yes, every time I go to the doctor its always with a full belly! :flowerforyou:

    I know this has got to be true. Which sucks because shouldn't the doctor's office be more accurate, not less? I hate the scale at the Dr. office because even when I was at my ideal weight, they would always show anywhere from 5 to 10 more!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I'm on the 2nd week of trying to eat close to TDEE.... i have been eating seems like an insane amount and i'm NOT liking it :(...... I have cut back on my cardio the past few weeks...and this is the most frustrating thing I've ever done... I feel like a useless lump. :sick: :huh: :ohwell: I would rather work myself silly, do intermittent fasting etc, but alas... none of that after forever of trying to figure this out, I think my metabolism is the rotten culprit. :explode:

    When someone still have a LOT to in...70-90 more ( never been a normal weight, so I need to see where I really should be... likely closer to the 90...) is it REALLY necesarry to eat THAT high? According to my bodybugg...on a sedentary day....( home sick, or weekend spent indoors..) I burn about 2350 cals... on an intense exercise day with a full day of my desk job, I can burn up to 3750 ( 800 cals Zumba, 300 cals Kettlebell, 100 cals or so Weighted Hula Hoop) .... my Bodybugg stats on average over a week state between 2750 and 2950 over the course of the week. ..... some of the days, this means eating the TDEE is actually eating MORE then I burn on a given day?!

    The first few days I did not see any gain, was just steady, but now, unless it's from eating too much salty foods/not enough water ( I suppose it could be???) I have seen a few pounds on the scale gained. TRULLY hoping it is water, because I have fought tooth and nail to get rid of every stinkin' pound ...:(.... I'm not even quite to my supposed TDEE...but am terrified of even THIS level...if I have to do another few weeks of this... the concept of more pounds on the scale is making me insane!!!! :angry:

    Fear, frustration and tears are quite normal in this group. I know that I have found Eating More much harder emotionally, physically and mentally than I found eating very little and exercising like a crazy fool. It's a mind game and you have to be strong and determined in your mind if you want to be able to see this through. You have to focus on the end goal...what type of life do you want when this is all said and done and you are at the weight you want to be? do you want to be able to sustain that weight? Live a full life? be able to still eat and not gain it all back? Those are end goals of this process...well worth the crappy journey to get there! :tongue:

    I highly recommend you read through this sticky post so that you will know what to expect the first little while.

    Also, its totally normal to eat above and below your burn amount when you are eating at tdee and that is because the tdee is averaged for the WEEK. not a daily number. So its ok to go above and below throughout the week. that's a good sign your numbers are right. :happy:
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    I have officially set my calories to we go!

    Oh and I got on the scale today - wanted to start this reset with all the correct numbers and I was 2 pounds....and immediately thought oh no I don't want to do a reset.....

    Don't worry I feed the litte voice in my head and she's happy now plotting ways to torture the scale :).

    Has anyone else had problems with the little voice? Or did you physically hide the scale?

    I had my husband hide the scale - i am way to obsessed with it

    Maybe this will be my method for the month of June :bigsmile: break the addiction....
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Wow, this thread moves fast at times!
    To everyone concerned about weight gain, this is what I try to keep in mind:
    You are resetting to repair the damage done while starving yourself and working out way too much if that was the case. The damage was not just to your metabolism, there was some physical damage. Some of the weight gain during a reset is evidence that your body is repairing that damage whether that be replacing fluids, rebuilding muscle, increasing bone density, etc. Sure, a little bit might be fat that will have to be taken back off sensibly during a cut, but most of it is necessary gain. I consider that what comes back was not worthy weight loss anyways, it was unhealthy weight loss from parts of my body I shouldn't have been losing weight i.e muscles, bones, supportive tissues, fluids.
    I hope that makes sense so some of you and helps a little when you step on the dreaded scale!
    Now, please remind me of this on my next weigh in day too!:laugh:
  • droidrunner
    droidrunner Posts: 28 Member
    Today is day two. I got on the scale for the last time this morning and will check in again in four weeks. I worked out this morning for the first time since Saturday and I have the goal to eat just my BMR today. If that isn't correct, please let me know.

    I made a shopping list yesterday of stuff to pick up at the store tonight. I think I am going to add some protein powder to my diet since I was looking at other people's diaries yesterday and I think that is an easy way to increase my calories. Thoughts?
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Today is day two. I got on the scale for the last time this morning and will check in again in four weeks. I worked out this morning for the first time since Saturday and I have the goal to eat just my BMR today. If that isn't correct, please let me know.

    I made a shopping list yesterday of stuff to pick up at the store tonight. I think I am going to add some protein powder to my diet since I was looking at other people's diaries yesterday and I think that is an easy way to increase my calories. Thoughts?

    Protein powder is a great way to increase cals and get the protein you need at the same time...I have 2 drinks/day (one in the morning and one at night) and it has helped a lot.