3rd Trimester



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Bru – Like the sound of your planned surprise visit. Hope you are ok to travel – how far is is it? Do you drive there?
    Yeah, I plan on driving. I'm east of St Louis, he's close to Chicago on the Indiana side, it's about a 5hr trip. Though I was told if he isn't working this coming Sunday, he may come my way, otherwise he won't til the weekend after the 4th of July.

    But then he dropped a possible bomb on me.. he may be there til Oct of 2013..not 2012. It's not 100% yet, but it is possible. Looks like we'll be moving then bc there's no way I can do that.

    For the working ladies, how many are planning on not going back or only going back a few months then quitting? I believe I have to go back 90days before I can quit due to insurance purposes, which is my plan. I only work 20hrs a week (5a-9a Mon-Fri) but after taxes and insurance for just myself, I'm left with *almost* $100 a week. Once I add LO to my insurance, I won't have but close to $30 take home which is half a tank of gas....what's the point then, ya know? Can't even pay for daycare with my money. So I'm gonna talk with DH about this, the only downfall is if he does get laid off, we'll have to live off of his unemployement til his next job comes (he works similar to construction), we've done it before when I was just us, but bringing a baby into it, lots of decisions..
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Bru- I'm surprised they said no long drives for you? That's odd, I've never been told that, and I have to go on a 7hr drive to St. Louis soon too. I was told I could as long as I take enough breaks to pee and stretch. … Logan's like an alarm clock, always kicks a lot around 10:30pm. Which is usually when I want to go to bed. So I know how you feel there =P lol

    Well, I haven't been told officially that I can't, but I know it is possible closer to 34-36wks to not drive but be a passenger. I'll probably double check with them depending how I'm feeling. And depending where and when you go to STL, let me know, I'm just 30min east of there ;)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Helen- Thanks, I’m a little behind on the packing even though the move isn’t for 2 weeks. We are only moving like 5 miles away! I’m not sure whether we can influence the in utero sleep cycles or not, but leaving the baby alone at night is a good idea I think!

    Amber – yeah, the move is at an inconvenient time but I am trusting it will all end up well, as will your addition I’m sure! Why do they think the baby will come early? I didn’t know there were many ways to tell? Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, hope things calm down soon for you!

    Christina – sorry to hear about your DH, mine got much better somewhat magically, I hope yours does as well. Have you addressed it with him? That sucks about everyone quitting, hopefully when you come back there will be opportunities created by their absence nonetheless

    myiceisonfire – yay on the weight going down! Makes me feel better about the BP. Glad you’re staying active and I hope you get some good news on Thursday!

    dragonairis – welcome! I am further along than you and moving in 2 weeks, so I know what you mean about scrambling to put things together! Hopefully the weight gain will taper off and come off quickly.

    Brunettewife – your frames sound cute! I guess it will be easier to move once you stop working. I am definitely going back to work after my 90ish days, just recently started with this medical group and need to keep working up the ladder!

    Amanda – LOL at your vigorous attempts to exercise the baby out! I guess it won’t work for me either, so much for that plan! I’m sure your LO will come around soon. Can you post the name of the book on sleeping patterns? It sounds intriguing!

    mpederson – welcome! I’m so jealous that you had no heartburn for so long, it’s been troubling me since 1st trimester. I find I get hotter and sweat now too, hope you can stay cool. The 3D ultrasound is a magical experience; DH has been asking for another one – he can’t wait to see his little face again!

    AFM - Baby is moving a ton and even hurting me but I'm glad he's healthy! I am still loving my new SUV and we are planning to drive it down to S. Cal on Wednesday for my mom's retirement and our co-ed shower. I was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of my dresses, especially the empire waists, still fit, so I will likely wear one of those to the celebration. Slowly but surely packing up and hoping the whole time not to be one of those going into early labor! I have been tired and not wanting to eat anything but fruit recently, DH has been forcing me to eat balanced and of course I agree with him. I've been trying to ease up on my workouts a bit cause they have really been wiping me out, especially since my work schedule has been hectic. DH talked me into eating an amazing donut that was NOT gluten free so I am fending off a reaction of course, I hope I don't start retaining water like mad!

    2 fruit, 3 veggie servings/day (extra fruit allowed :tongue: )
    At least 4 servings of protein
    3 strength, 1-2 cardio/week (going to be rough once I head down to San Diego to stay with SIL but will do my best)

    35 wk 3 days
    +23ish lbs
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I had hopes of catching up with everyone over the weekend but then my toddler and my laptop had a water fight and the toddler won...so i am waiting for the laptop to dry out. At work today and hoping to get in replies if I miss you I apologize in advance.

    Amanda - how you feeling. Wow...I hate reaching the 40 week mark and having to wait. hear's hoping you can make it to the meeting on Thurs with yout company. I actually started reading the babywise book after I had my son. I didn't follow any of the suggestions...I was too exhausted maybe or by the time I read it he was like 3 months and I didn't feel like bothering. But I know 2 friends and others who swear by the feeding system they suggest so that the baby starts sleeping through the night. My one friend said it really helped to have a timer. I am definitely going to try the sleep suggestions this time around as I need the sleep with a busy toddler.

    Amber - sorry to hear you are not feeling well and all of that ontop of the house renovations. I hope you are able to get some rest and that your little one isn't bothered too much by the noise and all the activity going on in the house. Really praying the renovation gets completed before the baby. Hang in there.

    Mperdson and Dragon - welcome to the board

    Brunettewife - so glad you decided on a quote I had liked all of them...these two were my favs 'Such a big Miracle in such a little girl' and 'First we had each other, then we had you, now we have everything'. I never heard about the not driving after 34-36 weeks or no long drives. I have always been told though to get up every 1 or so when traveling to keep the blood flowing and to not get on a plane after 36 weeks. I guess the not driving thing depends on the situation because I compute to work and the drive can be an hour with traffic.

    Christina - things seem pretty crazy at work, hopefully they will straigthen out either way and they won't bother you while you are on leave. Sorry about you missing on the possiblity of a promotion that's a bumper. Good news about the being dilated at this point any progress is great...Yeah for you getting the VBAC you want.

    Melissa - the book Amanda was referring to is called Babywise ( On Becoming Baby Wise - Ezzo, Gary/ Buckman, Robert )
    Glad to hear things are working out with the move and that you and hubby are back on solid ground. The new SUV sounds amazing. I so need a larger vehicle ( right now we have an 4 door and a coupe) but we don't want the car payment so we have to wait until I decide what I will be doing workwise. I really want a 7 seater though because with the baby that makes 5 of us which means no extra room. I hear you on the fruit...with summer come the joys of fresh fruits and salads but you definitely need to maintain a balanced diet. SO impressed by how active you have remained. Lately all I can find the time to do is walk and even that comes with contractions.

    My nanny is back today...Yippy...I know she had a blast at her wedding but I so missed having the extra help. The hubby is great but honestly nothing like having the help of another woman...they just do things differently. So need a siterhood of mamas...
    This is my last planned week of work so I am nervous and exicted. Nervous because I know my boss has forgotten and excited because that means next week I can tackle some last minute stuff around the house and have a little bit of me time before number two arrives. Still on my list of things to do is install infant seat, get the interior of both cars cleaned and pack a hospital bag ( i know I am slacking on this front). Last night I sent out the email of people who had offered to help with my son while I was in the hospital so at least that is taken care of...I need to put together a schedule tonight but sharing hubby's work computer with him means I am limited on computer time and tonight I have a doctor appt so I won't get home until 8:30. Lately though I haven't been able to fall asleep until like 1am and then I am up every hour to pee...oh the joys.

    Good news is I tested negative for Strep B...Yippy...I was not so lucky the first time so I am happy it means I can ask to skip being pumped with IV fluid as long as I can stay hydrated...Also, at my last appt I was 50% effaced and about 1 cm...so I am excited to see what today brings. I kind of want the baby early but also don't I guess I am just anxious for the next few months to happen...But I don't want the baby to come early because I want my mom to be at the delivery and I am not sure she will make it if the baby comes early and honestly she is the only way I made it through the first time.

    Anyway ladies I have tons to wrap up at work...sorry if I wasn't able to reply to anyone's post...I have read all of them...but am on a time crunch...

    27 weeks
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Kelley – Glad to see you back! I’m glad things should calm down some now that your nanny is back! And yay for this being your last week at work! I’ve been a slacker too, I keep saying I need to get DS’s baby stuff out and wash and clean everything, but I’ve yet to do it and time is starting to run out! Happy to hear you tested negative for GBS, that must have been a relief after last time. Let us know how your appointment goes today and if you’ve had any more progress!

    Melissa – So glad to hear that things are coming together and I’m glad you’re loving the new car! I hope you have a great time at your mom’s retirement party and at your shower, and that you get lots of good stuff for the little man! I’m with you on some baby movements hurting – my little one really needs to hurry up and turn head down! I’m opposite on the eating though, I feel like I’m constantly grazing! My weight has finally caught up, but at least it’s on the lower end, and it seems like a lot of it may be baby!

    Mrs. Deg – I don’t think I used half the stuff I took to the hospital with my first! I ended up staying in hospital gowns until we went home, but we didn’t have any visitors in the hospital so I didn’t care what I looked like! Also great point to make, pretty much all those baby and personal supplies they give you are yours to take!

    Helen – How are you feeling? Have you had more energy since upping your iron? Hope you’ve had a lovely long weekend! I caught a bit of the Jubilee procession earlier and the wave on the balcony! I have to say, the Queen’s looking fab for 86 years old!

    Amber – Glad to hear baby turned head down, I’m still waiting for my little one to turn. Glad to hear you’re no longer dehydrated and that nothing showed up in your urine, but I’m sorry to hear about all your nausea, are you feeling any better?

    Christina – So happy to hear that you got the thumbs up for a VBAC!! Sorry to hear about the added stress with hubby and work, definitely what you don’t need right now.

    Myice – Glad to hear that your weight went down, make sure that you’re eating enough though! Let us know how your ultrasound goes, fingers crossed your placenta has moved.

    Bru – I made the just over 4 hour trip to Nashville at almost 34 weeks. I drove on the way there, and OH drove on the way back. We only stopped once each way because I hate stopping, plus on the way back I had a little snooze! If I had to do it again though, I’d probably stop at least one more time, as when we got back my feet and ankles were a little swelled. I drank a ton of water and tried to keep my feet up as much as possible the next day, and I lost 5lbs of water weight in a day!

    Dragonairis – Welcome! Sounds like you’ve had a lot going on, I hope things settle down soon! Eating well and exercising is all you can do right now, I’m sure you’ll lose the weight once baby is here.

    Amanda – Glad to hear the cold didn’t last long. Any sign of baby? Hope your legs are feeling better after all those squats! Nope, I haven’t read that book, it sounds interesting though. I know, I’m a little nervous about the prospect of a 9 pounder, plus the fact they said he had a large head, which was no surprise because his daddy has a huge head, and DS#1 inherited it as well! Think I’ll definitely be having the epidural again this time around! Lol!

    Mped – Welcome to the 3rd tri! I’m glad to hear that you’ve had a good pregnancy so far, and I hope it continues that way! My heartburn has been horrible this pregnancy, I eat so many Tums! Let us know how the 3D ultrasound goes! It will be so neat to see your little one!

    Kristi – Has Quin joined us yet?!

    AFM – Took DS to the park on Saturday to ride his bike and play on the playground, then Sunday we took him to the indoor bounce place. Needless to say he had a blast! Still need to get the house organized and get baby stuff out, I’m such a slacker! This weekend my sister is throwing me a little shower with the family, so I’m looking forward to that! I wasn’t expecting anything, but she organized it before she told me about it, and it’s more of just a get together with the family, with a few gifts thrown in I think, which is much more my type of thing!

    Hope you all have great week!

    35weeks +20.5lbs
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi ladies,
    I can't apologise enough for being so out of touch over the last week or so. Thanks for all the well wishes on my move - it all went well and we're just about settled in to the new place - hubby even got the nursery furniture made up on Saturday and that was the last room.
    I have been trying to catch up with you all - I love reading all of your posts but I can't reply to everyone as it would take forever :(
    My appetite is still at an all time high, I've just devoured a man-sized mixed grill and still hungry! I've gone WAY over my max weight gain which I'm gutted about but I'm just sooooo hungry all the bloody time!
    We had a 4d scan last Friday but little Ava wouldn't move her arm so we're going back this Friday so see what she'll do for us this time. What we did see was amazing though and I'd recommend it to anyone.
    I think I had my first Braxton Hicks today aswell - kinda felt like a mild period cramp but went away as quickly as it came (maybe it was the HUGE mixed grill hahaha!)
    Hubby has been off work for last 6 days and is back tomorrow so I'm hoping to get back on track with my eating as I've been TERRIBLE whilst he's been off! I'll also be able to do some housework without him nagging at me to stop. Oh and I'll probably get a couple of naps in too - I'm getting used to nodding off for an hour every day :)
    Happy hump day for tomorrow everyone,
    Love, Sarah
    32wks 1 day
    + WAY TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! (Over 30lbs!!!)
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend! I'll eventually be able to catch up with everyone individually, but it sounds like everyone is keeping busy and trying to stay sane1 :) I know someone mentioned a long car ride - I just finished a 750 mile move, 12 hours in the car. DH was driving the Uhaul and I drove our car. Maybe I should have gotten the ok first? I would recommend having set breaks. We decided we would stop every 2.5 hours, as that's as long as I could take. It added time to the trip, but I couldn't have done it otherwise. I would also say wear supportive tennis shoes instead of flip flops. When I drive with flip flops my feet take that as an excuse to swell a lot, but they are more comfortable and do better even in my slip on tennies. Drink plenty of water and I would say do it during the day? I was less likely to fall asleep at the wheel.

    Question for you all: did you have to decide on a hospital to deliver at? There are 2 good ones in my area (well, more than that, but I'm deciding between these two) and I'm having a hard time. One is designated baby friendly, but the other just seems practical about breastfeeding. I am making a list of the pros and cons, but honestly they seem pretty equal..... DH seems neutral. My mom prefers one, and his mom recommend the other. Suggestions?
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Melissa- The book is called, On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. I picked up a copy on eBay for $1.65 plus shipping. I'm glad some of your dresses are still fitting. Have a safe drive and a fun trip!

    Kelley- Glad to hear your nanny is back! I still haven't packed my hospital bag, LO's has been packed for 6 weeks. I figure she is the important one anyways. Congrats on the negative strep B. I was so glad when mine came back negative. PS Have you started to count backwards at some point?! I would say you are much closer to 37 weeks then 27 ;)

    Emily- No baby yet :(. I wish I had the option of the epidural(even though my plan is to go without.) Our hospital doesn't offer them on a regular basis since the anaesthesiologist has to come from a different town to do it. Hope you have fun at the mini shower sounds like a great time to me!

    Sarah- I would describe the majority of my Braxton Hicks contractions as period type cramping. In fact a few times I even caught myself saying "Ohh man, my period is going to start any day now." Which I quickly had a laugh almost instantly after thinking that way. I can't say I'm any help on the being hungry all the time. Almost my entire pregnancy I've been eating because it's time not because I'm really hungry. I only had about 2 weeks where I couldn't get enough food.

    Dragon- I can't say I'm much help on choosing hospitals since I live in Rural Canada I deliver in the city I live in.

    AFM- Well had my biophysical ultrasound yesterday and Evie kept up her routine. She was difficult as usual. I never realised how uncomfortable an ultrasound would be at 40 weeks. The pressure created by the probe on Evie's little boney protrusions was agony. Everything looked good, fluid, placenta, umbilical Doppler, etc. The only thing that has me a little concerned is that she is only measuring 36+2-36+5 in gestation. So I'm trying not to stress about that until I can talk to my doctor about it on Friday. I think if he was concerned I should have heard something by now. I'm trying to think positive in the fact I will only be pushing out a 36-37 week sized baby as opposed to a 42 week baby. But now I'm even more positive I'm going to need to be induced.

    They dated my pregnancy with my 12 week ultrasound (which my doctor says is most accurate since genetics come less into play early) which I was OK with because it was only 1 day off my own calculations according to my cycle. At our 18-20 week ultrasound, she was measuring a week ahead. Yet now she's 4 weeks behind hmm.

    So my "Welcome to Fatherhood present"(the big screen TV) I bought for DH was discovered this morning. DH woke up at 430 puking his guts out and trying to be a nice guy and keep the germs away from me he went downstairs to sleep in the spare room. So at about 530 he came up stairs inquiring why there was a really big TV with a bow on it in the spare room. So I gave him his card and he was really pretty excited for being sick. Although promptly after reading it he had to make another run for the bathroom. At first we thought it might have been food poisoning since we ate out yesterday but he's feeling worse as the day goes on and continuing to have spells of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and the sweats. He called me into the bathroom to help even since he was afraid he was going to pass out and didn't have the energy to even hold himself up any more. I feel really bad for him and have been trying to provide care at a distance but the caregiver in me feels like I'm doing a horrible job since I'm trying to avoid him.

    Today has been an extremely lazy day other then running out to the store to get some Ginger Ale for hubby. I know I should be staying active to help get things moving but today it's just not happening. Hope all is well with everyone else!

  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Amanda - I saw this link and thought of you :) Obviously if there's medical reasons not to, don't follow the suggestions, but maybe labor will start on it's own....
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Dragon- Oh trust me I've been trying all those aside from the castor oil, since I've read studies it may be linked to meconium staining in LO's. I also am doing lots of squats, lunges, bouncing on my exercise ball, red leaf raspberry tea, went for a pedicure, intercourse, you name it if it's medical safe I've tried it. My mom was 15 days late with both my sister and I so I'm guessing I got the same genetics.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Amanda - You hubby sounds terrible I hope he gets better soon. Maybe he is experiencing pre-labor anxiety because you are going to go soon. Glad he liked his present bumper that he found it so soon. Interesting that your baby is measuring behind after measuring ahead, but I think you are right if the doctor had any reason to be concerned they would have called you in or sent you to the hospital. Here's hoping baby girl comes soon...I am getting pretty uncomfortable and I still have two weeks so I can only imagine being 1 week over cooked. Yeah...the counting backwards maybe my subconscience and wishful thinking. I haven't packed anyone's bag...I really need to get on it...it's like when I get home the thought completely leaves me. LOL
    As for helping the labor along the only thing that worked for me was walking...although I did try the raspberry leaf tea and the next day went into labor but I am thinking that was coincidence...or maybe that combo with walking helped...who knows.

    Dragon - wow moving 750 miles...that long ways away...sounds like you went cross country almost or at least crossed a few states ( if you live in the states). As for the hospital decisions I don't get a choice I have to go to the hospital that my OB has delivery privilages at so that's where I go unless i want someone else to deliever my LO. I saw you visit both and see which one you feel most comfortable in.

    Sarah - so glad you are all moved in and the nursery is set up...how exciting. I am with you on the weight gain...I passed my mark about 10lbs ago. I have scaled back on my treats, which like you is usually due to my husband letting me give in to my cravings and picked back up on the walking with my son...so that has helped. I hope things slow down for you soon.

    Emily - yeah it's nice to have some help again. I have been slacking lately too... I get small burst of energy and then all I want to do is lay in bed or on the couch. Sounds like you had a good weekend... my son has become obbessed with bikes lately. What kind of bike does your son have...did you start him out with a tricycle?

    AFM - yesterday seemed like the longest day ever...I was out of the house for 12 hours...worked long day at work, then errands then doctor's appointment...needless to say I was beat when I got home. At the doctor, everything is fine...she says I am probably thinner than last week but still only about 1 cm...so not much progress. I go back in a week. The doctor teased me last night and was like are you sure you don't want to find out what you are having...and I was like no...I have made it this far already...Then she was like ok...we have an old US machine in the office I can tell you (I didn't even know they had a US machine in their office they always send us out of office to do the US)...she was just kidding of course but I was tempted for like a second to find out and kept it to myself. :P
    Last night also hubby and I started discussing names again... I have two names I love but if it's a boy I wanted Jonathan but I hate all the nicknames to jonathan so I was telling him and we went back to the drawing board...we didn't come up with anything we absolutely loved and for some reason I kept saying Jonathan...go figure...2 weeks out and I want a list of names to choose from...

    Lately, the LO has been waking up at 5 or 6 in the morning and trying to bang it's way out of my belly honestly. I am sure the baby kicks while I am sleeping but for some reason this last week the morning kicks and punches have been so impactful they wake me out of my sleep...it's not fun at all. I honestly don't remember my son being so active this late in gestion. I guess he/she is preparing to join his/her active little brother.

    Alright...I hope everyone has a great day and that the weather is as wonderful where you are as it is here in the DMV.

    38 weeks tomorrow
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Hey Ladies,
    Good to see so many updates lately. Of course I haven't been posting much myself. Worked from home today b/c Max was running a high fever last night but luckily he was much better this morning... Kept him home today just to make sure though. Had a Dr. appt this morning and it was not the best one I've had. My OB is on vacation this week so I had another Dr... a male one, which I wasn't excited about. Not to be too crass... but women have smaller hands which make exams a bit less uncomfortable... plus i just don't trust someone who will never experience the things I go to the Ob/GYN for... probably silly, but it's how I feel.
    Anyone know what it means if the Dr. says my cervix is very posterior? I understand that it means it's far back... but would that affect labor at all... I remember the Dr. saying that when I was full term w/ Max as well. Guess I should've asked the Doctor... just wasn't that comfortable w/ him I guess.
    Definately getting excited to meet my daughter... don't really want to be early, but sittihg, standing, walking and sleeping are all pretty uncomforable at this point. Still getting in my 30 -40 minutes of the elliptical 4-5 days a week and a half an hour walk on weekdays at work. But I'm definately slowing down and hoping I don't gain much for the last few weeks since I'm within 5lbs of the max "normal" weight gain. Fingers crossed!
    38 weeks on Friday
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Plz share baby feeding and sleeping tips here coz ebay is not delivering it to my country and im short of time. Have early c section at 36 weeks in 7-8 days. All thanks to complete placenta previa
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    Stellcorb – Gosh sounds like your little one is heading in the right direction. Hope work isn’t too stressful and someone can help you in your final weeks.

    Myice – How you feeling? Glad weight came down a little and not retaining water. Wow riding! My sister has 3 horses and competes dressage every few weeks but I defo wouldn’t risk getting on one of her horses at the mo as they can be quite unpredictable – but you are defo right and its good exercise.

    Dragon – Hi and welcome back

    Batgirl – lol re your exercise ball and squats. I’ve never heard of the babywise book but defo worth looking at. Hope your hubby is feeling better and you haven’t caught it (if it’s a bug).

    Amber – sorry to hear about your problems, hope you manage to rest and the baby settles down.

    Mpederson – Welcome to the 3rd tri. You still managing to swim? I’m just waiting for my new swimsuit as mine is stretching too much and becoming see through!

    Bru – like all of the quotes – what a nice idea. My friend has the ‘made a wish one’ in big letters on her baby bedroom wall.

    Melissa – hope you managed to get packed without rushing around. Glad the baby is doing well and feeling lots of movement – I find it reassuring. Great news on dresses – don’t think mine would fit!

    Kelley – hope your laptop has recovered. Glad your nanny is back and hopefully you can take it a bit easier.

    Emily – Hi, I feel good thanks, I do have more energy but not 100% if it’s the iron or the fact it is cooler now or a bit of both. Yes enjoyed jubilee weekend, I do like the Royals, esp the Queen and Prince William, Harry and Kate. Does your sister live close by? How long has she been in US for? Or did you move together?

    AFM: All ok here, had a nice 4 day weekend celebrating the Queens Jubilee. There were lots of street parties etc. We had a BBQ and drinks but was inside mainly as it wasn’t warm enough and very windy.

    I have been taking iron tablets for about 2 weeks now and feel I have more energy. I was also given a medicine to keep me regular, so not really any problems so far. Im trying to drink lots of water as well.

    I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so hopefully I can stay calm and keep my BP and pulse low! I’m pretty sure it’s just when I have the appointment as I take it each day with BP monitor and always been fine. I think the midwife thinks the same but always has to check just in case hiding something else.

    I haven’t got much planned for this weekend, just seeing a few friends on Sat night.

    I bought new curtains and blackout blinds for baby room (haven’t put them up) and sorted a list of what else we need.

    At what age are you planning on putting your baby in their own room? We have a moses basket for the first few months (until too big) and then will go into a cot. Not sure if we will need to put cot in our room or if baby can move into its own room? Quite a few friends have moved baby into own room at 3 or 4 months. What’s your opinion?

    Catch up soon
    30 week + 2 days
    Up 25lb
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Good morning!

    Helen - yes still swimming twice a week with my swim club. It's really saved me. I haven't really slowed down, I still swim hard for the full hour but I am falling short about 500 meters from a pre pregnancy workout. i think that's pretty good. I cut out butterfly and flip turns though....too out of breath! I feel better than ever when i get out of the pool which I definately can't say after a long walk.
    I had to order a maternity swim suit because the stores here only had tankini's and that doesn't really work for lane swimming. I could only find a spandex blend suit and they wear out soooo fast but are super stretchy. If you can find a polyester blend suit they last for years with the proper care.

    I've been going for a preggo massage once a month since January and had an appointment last night. So glad my work health insurance covers massages (up to a $ amount) because it felt amazing. There is a baby boutique right beside her salon so I snuck in there and took a look. I WAS fully intending not to buy anything new but I got sucked in by THE CUTEST cloth diapers ever. I couldn't resist. I had previously bought a stash of 20 gently used diapers and ended up spending a third of that cost on three new ones :blushing: sooooo cute.

    Third tri u/s today with my ob-gyn and then on Saturday I have an (elective) 3d one booked! my parents are coming into town so they'll be able to join and we're all pumped.

    28ish weeks
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yikes! I have a ton to catch up on... so forgive me if I don't reply to all of you!

    Helen- I moved my daughter to her own room when she started sleeping through the night, at about 3 months. Good luck with your appt tomorrow!

    Kelly- Good luck with the names. Glad your nanny is back to give you some help. This little one has some pretty forceful kicks and punches lately too. I told my husband I think she wants to come out my belly button!

    Amanda- How far over your due date to you have to be before your Dr will talk about inducing you? I can't believe you don't even have the option of an epidural at your hospital! I know tons of women go without, and I tried holding out as long as I could with Olivia, but even thinking about not having that option scares me!

    Emily- Sounds like a fun weekend! Hope you enjoy your shower.

    Dragon- Good luck choosing a hospital. I also live in a small town with one local hospital. There is another one 30 miles away, but the one in my town in less than 2 miles away so that makes it an easy decision for me :laugh:

    Melissa- Glad you're enjoying your new car. Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you as well. Have fun!

    Welcome to the ladies new to the 3rd tri. Hope everyone is doing great!

    AFM- Life has just gotten a little too crazy. Miss Olivia decided to stop sleeping through the night, which has been lots of fun. Since she's not sleeping so well she's extra grumpy during the day. And I am too since I'm missing out on sleep! We opened her window one night, thinking that the heat was keeping her up, and go figure the next morning she woke up coughing/sneezing/runny nose which she has now given to me. Anyway, I went in for an appt on Monday. Got lots of good news- baby is head down now, last appt she was still breech. Dr said my fluid levels looked awesome. And my glucose test came back good! No gestational diabetes this time! I guess if the results are over 140 then they do the 3 hour test. My test results were 116. Oh, and my hubby started his new job yesterday. We got to spend a 4 day weekend together. He's working part of his days off next week, but eventually he'll have 6 days off, and work 8 days on. We've been having issues because he wants to go out and do things, but then he ignores Olivia so I end up having to wrangle a grouchy baby in the heat when I'm as big as a house! If it happened once, we talked about it, and then he didn't do it again, things would be fine. But no, it happened 3 times. He just mumbles that he's sorry and I try explaining to him "If you were really sorry you wouldn't keep doing it!!!!" Ugh I hope its just the hormones making me crazy. I'm sure the heat isn't helping. And we're still without our central air :sad:

    My mom just got back to town from watching my sister's kids in NC and informed me I was involved in some family drama with a sibling I haven't even talked to in MONTHS! My brother and his wife in OR are due a week before me and I guess she's feeling offended because my sister, who is coming out from NC for a couple weeks and was planning on going up to see them in OR for a couple of days, doesn't want to spend more than a couple days with them because she knows that while she's up there, my mom and grandma will be too. So if I went into labor a couple days early I would have no one to watch Olivia for me. So now I'm stressed that I won't even be able to have my husband with me while I'm in labor because he'll be watching our daughter, and I'm also kind of irritated that no one besides my sister even thought about the fact that they're leaving me all alone so close to my due date! LOL! Ugh I hope it will work itself out. Since no one besides my mom has talked to me about it, I don't plan on going out of my way to try and resolve it. The terrible thing is that I have tons on inlaws in town but they are all too selfish and unreliable to help us. As far as things with my Grandma, I'm really hoping that once she's here and she see's how much more my hubby is home she'll realize that we don't need her to stay as long as she originally wanted. (Hopefully by then hubby will step up and be more helpful!) Sorry about the huge rant!

    33w1d +26lbs :ohwell:
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Christina - glad Max is feeling better. I hate when my little one is sick. Don't know about the cervix questions...maybe call your doctors office and speak to your OB when she gets back. I completely understand wanting a woman...I started out with a guy and he was nice but something about it weirded me out...so I opted to see the females in the practice.

    Helen - glad you had a great weekend. I saw one of the concert celebrations a few nights ago via the tv and there were tons of people it looked fun. As for the crib...my little one will sleep in a co-sleeper ( a play yard with a bassinet attachment) for up to 6 months really depends on how the feedings are going. But once the 6 month mark hits he\she goes into a crib in a seperate room either by theirself or with a sibling. My son was still nursing early in the morning at 6 months so we would put him to sleep in the crib but when he woke up for the early morning feeding I would put him back to sleep in the bassinet in our room. May try that with this baby too...we shall see. These are my plans we will see how it all plays out. Good luck on your next midwife appt.

    Melissa - a 3d US sounds awesome with both my kids when they fliped the switch to get a 3d pic the baby had it's arm across it's face so we couldn't see anything...guess they didn't want to be bothered. Congrats on still swimming...i thought about swimming but hate looking like a whale.
    In regard to the cloth diapers...the cute prints will suck you in...lol...about 30 mins from me is a boutique consignement store and I always get sucked in with cute prints when I go there cheaper than orginial price but still cheaper...in anycase hopefully you will have more than 1 little one and then the diapers would have paid for themselves...

    AFM - Went to bed at 8:30 last night and felt amazing this morning. I ended up sleeping on my couch and it was honestly the best sleep I have had in weeks I will be sleeping there again tonight. That and I only woke up 2x to use the bathroom...so I got lots of good sleep didn't even notice the banging on my stomach this morning...somehow though when I woke up at 6 I decided to go back to sleep...I just can't seem to sleep enough lately. Otherwise, so glad it's Thursday...I agreed to come in to work again tomorrow in the afternoon (usually I have Friday's off) but then I will be done working until after baby. I would like to work from home but since the laptop is on the fritz keyboard still does not work except for 3 letters I can't. I think I will take the next two weeks to nap and catch a movie. And pack that hospital bag I keep talking about.

    Hope you ladies are having a wonderful day.

    38 weeks
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member

    AFM- Life has just gotten a little too crazy. Miss Olivia decided to stop sleeping through the night, which has been lots of fun. Since she's not sleeping so well she's extra grumpy during the day. And I am too since I'm missing out on sleep! We opened her window one night, thinking that the heat was keeping her up, and go figure the next morning she woke up coughing/sneezing/runny nose which she has now given to me. Anyway, I went in for an appt on Monday. Got lots of good news- baby is head down now, last appt she was still breech. Dr said my fluid levels looked awesome. And my glucose test came back good! No gestational diabetes this time! I guess if the results are over 140 then they do the 3 hour test. My test results were 116. Oh, and my hubby started his new job yesterday. We got to spend a 4 day weekend together. He's working part of his days off next week, but eventually he'll have 6 days off, and work 8 days on. We've been having issues because he wants to go out and do things, but then he ignores Olivia so I end up having to wrangle a grouchy baby in the heat when I'm as big as a house! If it happened once, we talked about it, and then he didn't do it again, things would be fine. But no, it happened 3 times. He just mumbles that he's sorry and I try explaining to him "If you were really sorry you wouldn't keep doing it!!!!" Ugh I hope its just the hormones making me crazy. I'm sure the heat isn't helping. And we're still without our central air :sad:

    My mom just got back to town from watching my sister's kids in NC and informed me I was involved in some family drama with a sibling I haven't even talked to in MONTHS! My brother and his wife in OR are due a week before me and I guess she's feeling offended because my sister, who is coming out from NC for a couple weeks and was planning on going up to see them in OR for a couple of days, doesn't want to spend more than a couple days with them because she knows that while she's up there, my mom and grandma will be too. So if I went into labor a couple days early I would have no one to watch Olivia for me. So now I'm stressed that I won't even be able to have my husband with me while I'm in labor because he'll be watching our daughter, and I'm also kind of irritated that no one besides my sister even thought about the fact that they're leaving me all alone so close to my due date! LOL! Ugh I hope it will work itself out. Since no one besides my mom has talked to me about it, I don't plan on going out of my way to try and resolve it. The terrible thing is that I have tons on inlaws in town but they are all too selfish and unreliable to help us. As far as things with my Grandma, I'm really hoping that once she's here and she see's how much more my hubby is home she'll realize that we don't need her to stay as long as she originally wanted. (Hopefully by then hubby will step up and be more helpful!) Sorry about the huge rant!

    33w1d +26lbs :ohwell:


    Guess we were posting at the sametime.
    Congrats on the hubby starting a new job...and being around more...how wonderful. I found that with my hubby after telling him over and over that I needed help...I just stopped and kept doing all the things I was doing before and saying how beat I was and he finally got the hint. He would hear me say I wanted to clean the floor on my hands and knees and be like you shouldn't do that in your state I will do it. Of course he doesn't do it like I would be at least the floor is semi clean. And I got him into thinking weekends are boys time so he usually will take my son with him where ever he goes one day on the weekend. Maybe tell your hubby Olivia needs daddy and daugther time and see if that helps. I completely understand your struggle my hubby is always saying how he doesn't like to run errands with Ben because he has to take him in and out the car too much and I look at him and say how do you think I get things done...men!

    Also, I hope the situation works out with you having someone to watch Olivia. Do you have another mom you talk to or hang out with that has a kid Olivia's age that could help out? Or even a family friend? My mom will be here for when the baby is born but she and my hubby want to both be at the hospital so I asked another parent and some church friends to help out and they all seem to be able to do what they can. If it's a weekend he will probably end up with my MIL but she is a piece of work on her own so I would rather not deal with that and labor.
    Here's praying it all works itself out...either way try not too stress as that's also the last thing you need with getting no sleep.

  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello, Ladies!!

    Emily - DH will be back the 16th of this month. I'm ready for him to come home. Last night I watched a scary movie and I had to laugh at myself because with him gone, every noise in the house startled me.

    Amanda- Hilarious pregnancy brain story. Keep us posted on your progress. You're SO close! I hope your hubby feels better quickly!! I've heard of babywise and I want to hear more. My sister used it with her second child and she said the difference between her two and their sleep habits even at 6 and 8 were night and day. She highly recommends it, but I've also heard some negative things about it. I need to get a book on it and figure it out.

    Kelley -Glad your nanny is back! You're already on your way: 50% effaced and dialated to a 1.

    Emily- Only 20.5 lbs?! SO jealous *sigh*

    Christina- Sorry about the work stress. I hope it all calms down quickly for you.

    Myice- Way to go on watching your intake!!

    draonairis- Yes, hang out with us! We're happy to have you.

    Amber- I hope you feel better.

    Melissa- Awesome goals! I think it's great that you can still wear your non-maternity dresses. Yay!

    Helen- I think 3 or 4 months is pretty good/standard for moving to their own room. Of course that's only what I've heard from family and friends. This is my first baby, so I really have no clue how I'm going to do things, but that's about the age I plan on moving him to his crib. The first few months he'll be in a cradle by my bed.

    AFM- I've been busy but lazy at the same time, if there's such a thing. I've been canning all sorts of veggies and tending to the yardwork and garden, but then the day after I do chores, I'm SO tired that I lay around and sleep/watch tv, etc. Today, for instance, I canned tomatoes, finished sewing Tayt's crib comforter, did prep work for my dinner (I'm going to try and do some blackened chicken alfredo, which I've never done. I love blackened chicken, but I don't know how to do it! We'll see how it turns out), and NOW I'm really trying to force myself to go do some touch-up paint in Tayt's room, which I've been putting off for weeks and weeks. I don't want to! I told DH I would, but I'm wiped out from the morning's work. Tomorrow, I'll probably lay around, relax...whatever. I get spurts of energy, but they only last for so many hours. lol

    I had my first pelvic exam yesterday. Doctor said I'm not dialted and the baby is still high. I suppose that's a good thing because DH isn't home yet, but I was really hoping I'd be around a 1 or 2. Oh well!

    My food hasn't been the greatest since I've been home. Lots of cold cereal or things like a bag of popcorn for dinner. I just don't want to cook. But today for lunch, I had this amazingly fattening sandwich I made for myself: a bacon, avocado, fried egg and tomato sandwich. It was amazing. There's nothing like a fresh tomato from the garden! I saw a picture of the sandwich on pinterest and I had to make it.

    Well ladies, I hope the remainder of your week is fabulous and that you're all healthy and happy. Keep up your goals and keep drinking water! It's HOT out.

    (+way too many. I think 37lbs.) :blushing: :embarassed:
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    Just a quick check in.

    Amanda - congrats on baby. Hope you are doing well.

    Been to see midwife and BP was ok, pulse was a little high but she is happy that its just nerves when I am there. Bump measures as it should and baby heartbeat was good. She thinks it is head down (she had a good feel/grab on my belly). I go back at nearly 34 weeks for bloods and all checked again. After that I go 36, 38, 40, and 41 weeks. At 40 weeks she will do a sweep of cervix and see if anything starting to move along. Wow seems like its flying in now!

    So I have 3 weeks to relax again before my next appointment. I am also booked on a breast feeding clinic, anti natal classes (re hospital bag, labour, pain relief etc over 4/5 weeks) and waiting to book on an active birth class. I do the BF one at 34 weeks and can go again at 39 weeks if I want too.

    So all in all - pretty good day! Just need to finish my work and head home to walk dogs (in the pouring rain!)

    Catch up later.
    Helen 33+3
    (up 25lb)