3rd Trimester



  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 28 weeks! Woot! :drinker:
    I'm looking forward to learning more about you ladies and seeing some familiar faces from the previous group.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Kristin- Congrats on the little girl. I love your new profile picture. Looks like a perfect little family!

    Rachel and Amanda- Can’t wait to hear your birth stories. Congratulations on the arrival of healthy babies!

    Jane- Hope the Dr. Issue resolves itself quickly!

    Kelley- Glad you had a good trip to visit your family. I’m jealous you’re planting already. I was quite excited that I have 3 little tulip bulbs popping up that I planted last fall. The forecast sounds like the snow is going to stay away for a little while so I’m hoping to get my pots planted the beginning of May this year :)

    Jayln- Welcome!

    AFM- I had a much needed 4 days off for the weekend. Friday was a busy day with a puppy play date, I finished the basic sewing of Evie’s Eeyore blanket (just need to tact the stuffing), and an anniversary supper with my parents. My husband also snuck home from work and brought me a bouquet of flowers and a bakery treat “Just because (he) loves (me).”Then Saturday was what hubby an I refer to as a “Toad Day”(You do nothing but sit around like a toad haha) I literally had a shower at about 8pm to get out of dirty PJ’s and into clean PJ’s for bed.

    Sunday I cooked a big Turkey dinner for my family and in-laws. It’s still a task I’m trying to learn since my in-laws are vegetarian and my family is meat lovers. But everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Finished up the touch up painting in the nursery and my husband put together the bassinet my friend is letting me borrow. My in-laws have started a collection of 12 inch stuffed Winnie the Pooh characters which now all are lined up in the bassinet taking up basically the whole thing.

    Monday I hung up the 2 garbage bags full of clothes my MIL bought for my while she was down in California in LO’s closet. I have a little of everything up to about a year and a lot of 6 month clothes. So I wrote down a list of must have’s before baby comes (since my MIL has changed her mind about having a shower until after baby is born) and hubby and I went shopping. We are basically set except still waiting for my crib set to arrive, my stroller/car seat to arrive, my brother to finish painting my crib and getting a glider. I mentioned getting a breast pump, incase I get engorged, or have to go somewhere without baby so he could feed her but he seemed pretty against it. I’m not sure how to explain it differently to him but it may be one of those things I just have to wait and see if he comes around to.

    Anyways, I best get back to work. Glad to hear everyone had a wonderful weekend!


  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Congrats Sharon, Kristen and Rachel !!!!!!!! Wishing you and your families all the best!!!!!

    Quick update for me, neg step B! Just been busy around the home. Spent most of my day prepping food for when baby comes. Getting my hair done tomorrow. My bday is fri and hoping baby comes after .

    Talk to you later!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Thanks for the input about the birth plan. I am not sure that we will really write one out. However, we have taken the time in the last week to talk it all out. We have set up a few portions of the plan that involve other people. Just need to work out area other things. One being the issue of our parents and hmmm some jealousy issues that seem to be a common factor.
    Any tips in that area? We had thought about making them draw straws for who gets to hold the baby first. Yet that seems so childish but we are lacking any other ideas on how to handle something so simple so feelings aren't hurt.

    This past week I have been getting so very uncomfortable and had some issues with swelling. I think I have reached the point of being sick of being pregnant. Too bad I still have over 8 weeks left :( I am ready to have my beautiful little man in my arms and being able to get back into running. Hopefully this funk ends soon!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Also, what are all the other 3rd tri ladies averaging for burns? What are you doing for workouts at this point and how long/often do you workout?
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Amanda!

    bmfrazie- My average burn is about 500 calories. I'm walking 2-3 miles 4 days a week and doing crossfit (modified for pregnancy) 3 times a week. I did take off two whole weeks though after hubby left. I guess I just needed a break or something, but I'm back on my schedule again.

    Where can I find the birthing stories, ladies?

    I watched -for the first time ever (that seems weird, since I'm 32 years old. You'd think I'd have seen one before in a health class or something)- a live birth on a parenting and birthing website. I gasped out loud and got very nervous. It was hard for me to watch. I've always considered getting an epidural since I'm such a baby about pain, but after seeing that, I'm getting one for sure. I told a lady I walk with that I was getting one and she told me a horrible story about her epidural and tried to talk me out of it. Is it too late to change my mind about this baby? :tongue:


  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Jayln- Haha that made me giggle. It is a little late yes :wink: Being in the health care field I have seen many epidurals and can't recall a single one that there were problems. Yes I too have heard the horror stories but they are relatively few and far between. I'm not getting an epidural only based on the fact the rural hospital I'm delivering does not have an anastheiologist on call.

    AFM- I had a mini break down yesterday. I have 2 dogs, one of which has been diagnosed with fear agression. He is a super lovable and cuddly dog, inside our house/yard, but turns into someone else when we are outside of his environments. We have been to trainers, vets, and looking into a behaviourist with minimal change in his behaviour outside of the house. I have always known if there were ever any problems with my pets towards the baby they would lose the battle and be gone but it really hit home yesterday. I ended up in tears on 3 seperate occasions thinking of the worst possible scenario of having to put him down. Gotta love those hormones...
    Anyways I thought I was making relatively good eating habits but seem to be increasing weight much fast then any other part of my pregnancy so I started logging my food again and realized I'm hitting or going over by 100-200 calories a day which makes the gain understandable, now just to change the habbits. The last 2 days I've been starving but guess I need to find some healthier snacks that keep me full for longer periods of times. I've upped my water consumption but it seems as though I'm just peeing every 20 minutes which gets really annoying. My workouts have also been non exsistent due to my rib injury which bums me out! The weathers been so nice lately and I just wanna get out and do something.
    Hope everyone is doing well!
    33 Weeks today!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Oh geez.... I've been a MFP bum lately! Spring seems to have made life super, super busy and I've been searching for more hours in the day to do everything I need to... or just to have a few minutes to relax and read up on the group!

    Congrats to all the new mamas! I love looking at the new baby pics that pop up! :love: It's hard to believe I'll have my own little guy in just 6-7 more weeks! WOW!

    Welcome to the 3rd Tri, Jalyn and others! It's the homestretch!

    My brother's wedding in NC last weekend was a success... and so much fun! I had a blast getting out on the dance floor and chuckled a little when a few of my grandparents gave me questionable looks and even said "Kristi, you be careful! You shouldn't be moving like that with that belly!" :laugh: Believe me... I kept the jumping around to a minimum, but it definitely felt great to get up and move around! As long as I still feel comfy, I've tried to keep as active as possible. It's just funny how some people swoop in and treat you like you can't lift your own finger because you're preggers. I always joke with people and say "Hey... I'm fine! I'm pregnant... not dead!" Always makes people laugh.

    I've been eating terribly. :embarassed: No, seriously. Because of being so busy, I haven't been logging and have switched over to a SEE FOOD diet. Anything sweet and yummy... down the hatch! Definitely need to figure out a way to get back on the wagon and have a healthy last month or so, because I've gained a good 3-5 lbs. during the craziness of the last 3 weeks.

    I have a prenatal appt with the Dr. this afternoon. Hope everything looks good and I don't get any talking-tos because of the jump in weight gain! My next appt after this one will be at 36 weeks... strep test and the start of weekly visits! Wow... this 9 months is flying by!

    Hope you're all doing well. Perhaps you ladies could do some healthy eating and exercise for me too?!?!?!? If not... at least give me a kick in the butt so I get back to healthy preggo status?!?!?!

    Sending good vibes and wishes your way always,

    (+24 lbs) <
    It's getting ugly!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Jayln- that's so funny, and yes a lil too late

    Kristy- glad you had fun at the wedding!

    Amanda- what are you going to do with your dog? We had a min pin who was the same so sweet inside but a wild card outside. He nipped two people, and was too much to controll. He now runs wild on my parents farm

    My daughters last day at day home full time. Imenjoying the quiet here. Baking some cookies and probably gonna have a nap, I'm exhausted! Imeating pretty pod though, not craving junk, just healthy food. My bday tomorrow and my best friend and I are taking my lil one to the zoo. I have a feeling baby will be here next week but well see! Feeling some twinges here and there.

    37 weeks 4 days
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Just got my C-section date today... May 14th!! Can't wait to start losing this weight!!

    33w4d (+44lbs)
  • millionsofpeaches
    Hello ladies,

    Thanks for the input about the birth plan. I am not sure that we will really write one out. However, we have taken the time in the last week to talk it all out. We have set up a few portions of the plan that involve other people. Just need to work out area other things. One being the issue of our parents and hmmm some jealousy issues that seem to be a common factor.
    Any tips in that area? We had thought about making them draw straws for who gets to hold the baby first. Yet that seems so childish but we are lacking any other ideas on how to handle something so simple so feelings aren't hurt.

    This past week I have been getting so very uncomfortable and had some issues with swelling. I think I have reached the point of being sick of being pregnant. Too bad I still have over 8 weeks left :( I am ready to have my beautiful little man in my arms and being able to get back into running. Hopefully this funk ends soon!

    Your family sounds similar to my family on the jealousy thing... It is more of a grandparent war to see who can out do the other. I am sick of it and she isn't even here yet!

    I hope your swelling goes down soon... I haven't had problems with that so I really have no advice except keep your feet up, drink lots of water, and perhaps try compression tights?

    We will both be running again soon girlie! :)
  • millionsofpeaches
    I haven't posted here in what seems like forever... I have 5 weeks left (yea!). I have been trying to stay active by walking and taking part in some prenatal yoga. We joined a gym... I am 9 months pregnant and joined a gym. Therefore, I am going to an aqua aerobics class on Wednesday morning with a bunch of old birdies. I am excited.

    Fitness goals this week: Do something to work out every day big or small
    Eating goals this week: Stay under in calories
    Nesting goals this week: Clean the baseboards (because you can't have a baby unless your baseboards are clean!)

    Total Gain 26 lbs (I think... It has fluctuated lots in the past two weeks)

    Have a fantastic week!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Happy Monday! 38 weeks! This when I hand my first so my fingers are crossed any day now! Took my daughter to the zoo on Friday and was getting a lot of sharp twinges. at nothing. Really and then a few yesterday. My daughter stayed at Nana's last night so i Have the day to myself. I walked yesterday on the treadmill for 30 mins yesterday and wow! That took a lot out of me. Anyways should start my day, take care ladies

    38 weeks!!!!!!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi ladies, :flowerforyou:

    Amanda & Jalyn – LOVE the new pics! Very cute.

    Yolie – Congrats on the date… May 14th… you’re so close! :bigsmile:

    Millions – You are my hero. Great job with joining the gym and staying active! Have fun at aqua aerobics. Great goals… except now, all of a sudden, I feel like I have to go home after work and clean my baseboards. :laugh: :laugh: By the way… just saw your pic of your nursery – adorable!

    Tara – WOW… 38 weeks! We could be hearing your birth story any day now! Enjoy the day on your own and these last days before you become a mother of TWO!

    I’ve come to the realization that I really need to start logging my food again. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve felt that it was okay to eat ice cream for dinner… or maybe it was those 4-6 lbs that have decided to join me in the last few weeks?! Either way, I’m determined this week to get back on the healthy eating train and try to monitor and maintain this weight gain for these last 5-6 weeks. So far it’s been a good day… good food and a nice walk at lunch. :glasses:

    I’m heading to my second childbirth class tonight with the hubby! We’re taking another tour of the hospital with the class and then practicing some breathing/relaxation techniques. It’s actually a busy week for us this week… we have a Child Care class on Wed and I signed up for a Breastfeeding class on Thurs after work. Then… a friend of mine is actually throwing a small baby shower with some of our closer friends on Sat. :drinker: I’ll be all babied out! Not to mention that I turn the big 3-0 on Sunday! Whew… it’s going to be a whirlwind of a week!

    -Get out for a walk every day.
    -Log all food this week.
    -Wash and put away baby towels/washcloths/bath supplies.
    -Organize, wash, or return gifts from baby shower.
    -Continue decorating baby room.

    Have a great week! :tongue:

    34 weeks
    (+24 lbs)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ha – towards the middle of week 28 and finally posting on this thread! Gonna jump in and drop some commentary – y’all need to pick up the pace in here LOL:

    Kelley – long time no see. I can definitely identify with the twinges to leave nearer to family and the Caribbean time. I still remember my family being stunned when they realized the true meaning of the Jamaican saying “soon come”. Congrats on your garden progress!

    Jalyn – long time no see, lol. You can decide about an epidural at the very last minute, but not the baby lol. That was my fear about getting pregnant, it has to come out SOMEhow. I think of myself as a tough cookie but apparently my mom worrie I’m a wimp! The birthing stories are supposed to be posted as a separate thread but some people are slackin’.

    Amanda – Your hubby sounds so sweet! That pooh collection sounds great too. I know you know this, but the preachy doc in me feels obligated to remind you to take the stuffed animals out of the bassinet before putting in the baby! I don’t understand why your DH is against a breast pump? My understanding is that there will be times you really need one… So sorry to hear about your dog, maybe you could start looking for another home early? Also, you know this is the time your weight is supposed to increase the fastest, right? Seems like you are right on track even if you do 1 lb a week until the end!

    Taldie – congrats on the negative strep B! So exciting how close you’re getting, that baby will be around to kiss and cuddle before you know it!

    Bmfrazie – I think you will have way too much on your mind to worry about petty jealousy. I saw whatever happens, happens (probably will depend on proximity, lol). Chose who YOU want in the delivery room and after that everyone can work it out rather than bothering you with their silliness. They will all get to hold the baby eventually.
    I try to work out 5-6 times a week and do Jillian Michaels, elliptical, and my own circuit training routine in the gym that involves heavy weights and cardio machines. When I do the quick Jillian workouts I burn about 250, usually double that on cardio or mega circuit days. I started a thread in this group to see what people’s routines are if you want to check it out.

    Kristi – Glad you had fun at the wedding. It drives me NUTS when people try to coddle me cause I’m pregnant! As they are starting to realize my “condition” the nurses are suddenly treating me with kid gloves and even my patients look out for me, not to mention my family. Argh! They mean well but jeez! OMG I think the doc will be fine with your weight, you are still within range and in the growth spurt phase. Give yourself a break! Great goals though.

    Yolie – Yay on having a b-day for your little one! The weight will work itself out, especially with a determined soul such as yourself up to the task!

    millionsofpea – great goals, the water aerobics sounds fun and it seems like you are doing fantastic! You made me feel guilty about my baseboards as well. :tongue:

    AFM - Happy to be in the 3rd trimester! My LO is moving a ton and I love to feel and see it! So far I have been faithfully keeping up on my exercise though I definitely get urges to veg out, and learning to accommodate my growing belly. My mom just came to visit for the weekend, mainly to feel her grandson kick and take pics of my belly. We did have a little incident where she took a pic of DH and I from an angle that made me look double chinned so I grabbed her phone to delete it, we ended up tousling and slipped on the floor in the living room. No damage done and DH didn't see (thank GOD!) but now she's torturing herself over it! And we're fine! I will be more careful in the future though. From a baby prep perspective we are in bad shape cause we are still talking about moving and have very little baby stuff, we have vowed to change that this month!

    What are you ladies hearing about weight gain from your OBs? I see a lot of you are in the lower range of gains. At my appointment a few weeks ago my OB felt I was a little behind, largely because I gained 6lbs before my first appointment at 9 weeks and she's not counting it :noway:. I haven't gained anything in weeks even though I haven't counted calories for the last 2 and feel like I'm just now getting on track with everyone else but I did lose 1/2 a pound at my last home weigh-in (the baby is way high now and pushing on my stomach!) which made my mom and DH nervous. Don't know what my OB will say but she did express an interest in me gaining 30lbs...

    Goals this week - exercise mix of cardio & strength at least 5x/week, 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day, 1+L of water a day (super thirsty), work on a nursery! :blushing:

    28 week 2 days, +19lbs
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Melissa - My OB has said nothing about my weight gain. At all. I'm up 26lbs and I've brought it up a few times. He just smiles at me and tells me I'm going to gain more. He doesn't seem as concerned as I am. I think I've gained too much! I heard somewhere (maybe on here-?) that in the 3rd trimester, the average weight gain is 11 lbs. They way things are going, I'll probably surpass that. :blushing: I'm trying not to be stressed about it because I work out and eat (mostly) healthy. I have my bad days, like everyone, but all in all, I think I've done pretty good.

    Kristi- I need to go on a tour of the hospital...that sounds like a great idea. Do you feel better about the whole situation/policies? Are you still considering a midwife? I wish DH was here so we could do these things together. And thanks for the compliment about the profile pic. I think he's so cute! DH can't make out what's what. Really?!:tongue:

    Tara- Keep us updated. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good job on the exercise! I've noticed it's getting harder for me to do simple things: bend over, walk quickly and keep my breath, reach up for things, etc. Just little things I took for granted before, so good job on the walking!

    AFM: I'm getting a babyshower this weekend!! I'm excited but I'm a little annoyed at the women squabbling over stupid things like food. A lady at my church graciously offered to throw me a shower and she asked a few of my friends to help. Oh my heavens, what a mistake! So much drama over silly, stupid things. I'm staying out it and staying stress free, but yeesh! Does it REALLY matter if there's little smokies or finger sandwiches at the party? I don't care. I couldn't care less! I'm just happy people are actually showing up! :laugh:

    I have volleyball tryouts all week, which makes my schedule tight for exercise. I got home yesterday and I was SO exhausted. This week is going to be a long one.

    In other news, I told my administrator today that I don't plan on going back to school in the fall if DH gets a job. We're hoping for a specific one that opens up in July. I'll probably have to sign a contract before then, so I wanted him to know that I might have to break the contract, depending on DH. That took a load off my shoulders. I was so nervous to tell him but he was really nice about it.

    My at-home busniess is starting to take off, which is exciting and gives me hope, but I have a long way to go before I'm making what I'm making now as a teacher. I won't quit, though!!

    Have a wonderful day, ladies. Sorry this was so long. Ramble, ramble, ramble....
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies!!!!
    Sorry I have been MIA...last week was crazy as people were traying to get there taxes done last minute...I was so exchausted every night.

    Melissa - Welcome to the 3rd tri! You are so motivational exercise wise although I have still been slacking. As for weight gain my OB looked at my chart and compared it to my previous pregnancy and was like ok but I gain WAY too much the first time 60lbs and am only up 32 this time but she is like it's not ideal but not where you were before so she is fine with it. I had a bad eating week last week so I know I am going to suffer on the scale tomorrow but I have decided to not worry about it...I know I can lose the weight and when the scale creeps up too fast it motivates me to do better eating so I went grocery shopping for lots of healthy things on Sunday this week should be better and the weather is great so I should get in come walks.
    PS...we do need to pick up the pace in here hopefully as more people come over...we will get more discussions going.

    Jay - good for you on talking to your administrator and how exciting about the baby shower. I am sure it will be fun and you are right don't stress out let the planners do all the worrying you just go and have fun. Praying the job plans workout for your hubbs so that you can stay home with your little one. If you don't mind me asking what kind of business do you do from home? Either way money wise you will find a way to work it out...

    Tara - oh my goodness anyday now...how exciting. Enjoy your day home. I vowed that towards the end I will keep my nanny on Thursday and use that as my day to get stuff down around the house and go shopping or to the movies and have some me time before the second one gets here so good for you on getting Tara-time in... I actually took my son to the zoo yesterday...My husband was like it maybe too much for me because of the heat and we took the train into the city but it was actually fine and amazingly my son was on his best behavior...I was so proud of him...and when we got home he took a nice long nap...SWEET! I didn't have any BH though I was hot the whole time...my little person is like a furnance...seriously.

    Amanda - sorry to hear about your dog, I hope things workout and you are able to find a suitable compromise.

    Millionsof pea - love the pic...I was just thinking this morning my feet are almost gone. I am with you on the weight gain...I need to get remotivated to eat healthy and stay active. Great goals for the week.

    AFM - Next doc appt is tomorrow. Have been slacking on the walks last week because I ended up working everyday and was exhausted by the time I got home but taking my son to the zoo yesterday was quite a work out as I did all of the walking either carrying him or pushing him... Hopefully I will walk again today after work. Nursery wise things are slow but nesting as seriously kicked in and on Sat I rearranged my whole kitchen and am looking to reorganize it to make it less cluttered. And then on Wed I set a date with my Hubs to work on the nursery and on Frid I am having the nanny come for a few hours so I can work on the nursery again...so I have a plan for the week let's see how it goes. On a different note...last night my son climbed out of his crib, it was the scariest funniest thing ever. I was just telling my husband that he had figured out how to get one leg out ( this I witnessed) so we need to consider what to do and he was like ok. And we were listening to him on the monitor but he was quiet and then all of sudden there was a thump and the pitter patter of little feet...and my son was at the top of the stairs...crazy...so we are going to try out a toddler bed and see how he does, which now also means I have to rearrange his room. Wish me luck.
    Anyway, good catching up with you ladies, I have to get back to work...will checking back in later today.

    Kelley - 31 weeks
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi ladies! :wink:

    Welcome to the 3rd Tri, Melissa! I agree... it's been slow in here and I'm sure you and Jalyn can help spice it up and keep us all moving and motivated!

    Jalyn... glad you feel better about your decision with your admin and best wishes with your at-home business. Sounds like fun!

    Kelley - glad you're back... and that tax season is over! Sounds like you've been a busy mama... and good luck with the toddler bed. Does that mean you can use your son's crib for the new baby??? Score!

    ***Quick question I've been thinking about today. We went on a quick tour around the hospital again last night during our birthing class... and the RN giving the tour talked about after-birth procedures to consider. I know it's standard for babies to get Vit K and eye drops, as well as get Apgar scoring... but I didn't realize some of the other elective procedures that we need to decide about:

    -heel stick for screening tests/PKU
    -hearing screening test
    -Hep B vaccine
    -anything else?

    Have you ladies thought about some of these? What research have you found... and what are your feelings about medical procedures you'll have done on your new baby after birth? Are there things you definitely want your baby to get... or things you definitely want to avoid?

    Now, time for my lunchtime walk! I hope you all are having a fabulous and healthy Tuesday! :bigsmile:

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Kristi - Enjoy your walk....Yea...if he transitions well then I will definitely use the crib for his sibling. We are also considering making his bed his toddler bed with a rail but I have a few feelers out there to see if I can get a different toddler bed and then I will move the crib out of his room. Not sure how he will take it but I only have two months to work on it so I have to decide this week.

    As for after birth procedures...with my son I didn't realize all those things were elective except the Hep B which I let them give him. With this baby I am think I am going to opt out of the eye drops...they are kind of pointless. I only did minimal research on it though. As of right now I am ok with the heel stick so they can run test and the hearing test.. I really need to research some of these things...but haven't...Great question!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member

    ***Quick question I've been thinking about today. We went on a quick tour around the hospital again last night during our birthing class... and the RN giving the tour talked about after-birth procedures to consider. I know it's standard for babies to get Vit K and eye drops, as well as get Apgar scoring... but I didn't realize some of the other elective procedures that we need to decide about:

    -heel stick for screening tests/PKU
    -hearing screening test
    -Hep B vaccine
    -anything else?

    Have you ladies thought about some of these? What research have you found... and what are your feelings about medical procedures you'll have done on your new baby after birth? Are there things you definitely want your baby to get... or things you definitely want to avoid?

    Now, time for my lunchtime walk! I hope you all are having a fabulous and healthy Tuesday! :bigsmile:


    The only I can say I know anything about is the hearing screening. They use little electrodes (pads that stick to you...the ones like they use on an electrocardiogram) It's called an ABR (Automatic Brain Response), which records brain wave activity in response to sound. The baby is asleep while it happens and there isn't any response needed. Baby rests quietly or sleeps while the test is performed. No response is necessary. Only one intensity or loudness level is checked. If they "fail" it usually means there's fluid in the ears still, which will clear up in a week or so. Otherwise, it's very important to get your baby screened because if it ISN'T just fluid, you'll want to start interventions ASAP. The sooner intervention is in place, the better your child will develop what we'd call "normal" hearing behaviors.