3rd Trimester



  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hey Ladies,

    Here are some pictures of my finished Winnie the Pooh nursery!

    Jalyn- I have never tried acupuncture either so I will let you know after the 9th haha. I've never had the Vit B shots but I know I can sure tell when I have missed my oral ones. When I first started taking them my husband could pin point the days I missed them because the change was so noticeable.

    Tara- Wahoo, come on baby! My good friend was like you, she delivered her first at 38 weeks and her second didn't come until 41 weeks. I hope your makes an appearance much sooner then that.

    Kelley- Great work on the deals and the clothes sorting. I wish I was more into thrift shopping but the thought of it gives me the heebee jeebees(I'm weird I know). I think it was engrained into me from my mom that everything is dirty. My husband on the other hand grew up on it so also thinks it's great. I've been slowly getting better but can still only accept hand-me-downs from people I know not strangers. Happy Sabbath!

    Yahya- My doctor was only really concerned with folic acid during the first 2 trimesters. In the 3rd I'm just taking my prenatal vitamin no supplements so I can't help you there.

    AFM- Hubby and I went to a prenatal course today and I wish we hadn't. I understand everyone has to start off teaching somewhere but our instructor was brutal and did nothing other then read word for word off the PowerPoint. I'm pretty sure she didn't know half the medical terminology listed on the slides. Any questions asked she couldn't answer, even basic simple ones. We have to go back tomorrow and I'm hoping the breastfeeding portion, which is what I really wanted anyways, is more informative. I'm glad I have a medical background because some of the other mom's came out looking mighty confused and scared.
    Anyways off to a BBQ at my parents tonight. Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    hey Amanda, i just love your nursery! its cute and colorful
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Yahya - sorry I can't comment on that either because I was just prescribed a prenatal and vit D...no folic acid or iron

    Amanda - Not at all weird that you don't like thrifting...I grew up on hand me downs usually from people I know. Not sure when I got into thrifting probably when I got married and then pregnant and we had to cut down on cost, I got a ton of clothes for my son and found out about consignment sales...and then I saw how little my son actually got to wear I don't really feel weirded out because of that...most kids clothes don't get worn more then like 3 times...so I was like why buy brand new... It may grow on your it may not...no big deal...hand me downs are nice because you know hoe well people take care of things and who wore them.

    Tara - how's it going...

    AFM- Busy weekend, got no work done but I had a blast hanging with my mom and with my family today...it was cool...now I am beat and tomorrow I may take the little one with a museum depending on whether I get enough sleep. Seriously sleep has been like chasing a dream lately...I wake up like 7 times to pee and I can't seem to get into a deep sleep...it's annoying...I love sleep...I hope it comes back soon...

    Alright going to unwind and try to sleep.

    Happy beginning to the week...all!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Yahya- Thanks! We love the way it turned out.

    Kelley- Sorry to hear about the insomnia. I think I may go crazy if I end up suffering it. They say something like 65% of 3rd trimester mom's get it at one point or another.

    AFM- Well spent all day yesterday running between my bed and the bathroom :( We missed out 2nd day of our prenatal course because of it. Also called in sick to work today, no sense getting myself worn down more. Does anyone elses hipflexors kill them if they spend too long laying down? I'm pretty sure I could have slept another 2 hours this morning but the relentless burning/aching made me get up. No running to the bathroom today thus far so hope it stays that way.
    PS(may be TMI for some): It is impossible to puke without peeing yourself every heave no matter how empty your bladder is...yuck.
    Have a great day!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    40 weeks 2 days, ugh

    Amanda- nope impossible to puke without peeing.... Hope you feel better soon

    Second time mommies, let me know what your experience with contractions is, how did it feel? How did they start? I think I may have had a few.... But nothing major. My water broke with my first then I was induced so I don't know what to expect. Baby's been pretty quiet lately, must be running out of room. I have an ultrasound and Dr appt this Thursday. If baby's not here I want to be induced soon. I can't sleep and am sporadically throwing up stomach acid all night. I did walk for over an hr yesterday, but it left me exhausted. Hoping something starts today.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kelley - definitely you should consider Vegas, a family might enjoy circus circus and other kid centered fun hotels. Good luck with your agent test and with your toddler - sounds like fun times are ahead for me, lol! Sounds like you have been busy, keep up the good work!

    Amanda - lol at the wood explosion, hope your hubby was able to get things together. Good luck with the accupuncture on that pesky rib! Sorry to hear about your lackluster prenatal course, good thing you have the medical know-how. I still need to sign up for my classes.  I love, love, love your nursery, might have to steal some ideas! I'm a little concerned. With the vomiting and it looks like continued weight loss i think you need to be seen by your doc!  keep us posted. 

    Stellcorb - also curious about support bands

    Taldie - good luck with that baby coming out! 2cm is something, right? Rossini my fingers for you, I'm sure they will induce you soon if nothing happens over the next week. If it truly feels like your kick counts are down consider going in, not trying to scare you but the placenta does age and if there is any fetal distress they might need to do something about it sooner rather than later

    Jalyn - why did you skip the shot? Definitely start taking them again! I agree with watching your diet of course as we all should, but at the end of the day there's only so much we can do. I'm sure you will push, pee, and crossfit the weight off in no time!

    Yayhamommy - it depends on whether you're anemic, etc. my OB just told me to keep taking my prenatals

    AFM - back from my oral boards, seems like it went okay but who knows? Probably won't find out till after my due date. I feel like I'm huge but i got through the exam in a small maternity dress pants and a regular size 6 jacket so that's not shabby. My back is killing me, either from the gym, pregnancy, the plane flight, or a combo. Trying to stretch it out. Now that the exam is behind me I'm really going to focus on creating a nursery and getting things together for the baby in general. The other day I was SUPER wiped out after a workout, I think maybe I didn't drink enough water cause after 24 hours of feeling bad I've been doing fine in the gym. It scared me like I was going to be relegated to walking only upon hitting 30 weeks, but I think I can push through if I'm careful with water and nutrition.

    Goals this week
    Work out 5 days, 3 strength (have to scale back and allow for rest days!)
    3 servings veggie, 2 servings fruit, plenty of protein and limited sugar
    About 2L of water a day (been thirsty)
    Order crib and bedding, sign up for prenatal classes

    30 wk 3 days
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Goodness… I’m so far behind! Sorry I’ve been MIA ladies. I’ve been trying to log in every couple of days to read up on how well you’re all doing… but haven’t had a chance to respond and update you all! Finally have a chance to say “HI!” :flowerforyou: to you all and hit a few highlights:

    Jane – I’m so happy that you made the switch to the midwife! Good for you! I hope you’re feeling really comfy with the decision and applaud you taking the extra effort to have the kind of experience you want! How’s the insomnia lately?

    Becca! Welcome! Great job with staying active. When I was reading all the stuff you have been doing, you definitely hit “HERO” status in my eyes!

    Melissa – Glad your Chicago trip went okay. Hope your back feels better. Great job with the goals… you’re still going STRONG! Also, quick question. I think I’m going to follow your lead and skip the Vit K shot at the hospital and do oral Vit K instead. Do I simply pick up Vit K at the pharmacy? What do you recommend? What’s the best for baby?

    Kelley – Glad you get to work from home from time to time. I might talk with my boss to see if I might be able to WFH a little bit (on days when I don’t need to physically be on site) as the due date gets closer. I hear ya – not having to make the 45 min commute would be wonderful. Congrats on the thrift store finds! Hope you get some sleep soon…

    Amanda – LOVE the nursery! I can’t believe that rib is still bugging you… and was amazed about how your boss left you in charge, especially after handing out the mess.:noway: (Perhaps he thought no one would mess with or bug the pregnant lady?! LOL) Sorry you’ve been sickie. Feeling better?

    Stell – Sorry I can’t offer much help for you. I feel bad… it’s my first child so I couldn’t help with the VBAC question and honestly haven’t had much hip pain or used the support bands. Keep asking these good questions… someone will be able to commiserate and help out!

    Tara – Still hanging on?! I can’t wait to hear about the new baby!!!!!

    Jalyn – Yeah… seemed like the B12 was definitely helping you. No problem, just get it again next time. I hear ya on the weight gain and eating. Because of being busy, I haven’t been eating, exercising, and logging food the way I should be. As a result, my weight has gone out of control and I haven’t been feeling as great… I’m right there with you! However… woohoo on only 14 more days of school! Get through to the end and then you’ll just have to worry about being healthy for the baby and getting ready for the new little one!

    As For Me:
    Things have been really, really busy and hectic the last 3-4 weeks. Work has been insane – I’m in the middle of planning/prepping a big program that’s supposed to start May 21st. My due date is May 25th … so basically I have to do EXTRA work to make sure everything’s ready so that other folks at my work can step in and execute my plans and make sure everything goes smoothly with the program. Basically I’ve been going to work 6:30am-4:30pm, going home to cook/eat dinner, and then doing more work from home until bed time. Eeek!

    On top of that, we’ve been shopping for the last few things for the baby and getting things ready:

    Hospital bags packed? CHECK
    Baby room ready? CHECK
    N, 0-3mo clothes, bedding, etc. washed and put away? CHECK
    Have all baby supplies? CHECK (only thing I still have to buy is a breast pump)
    Researched Insurance info for baby? CHECK
    Birthing classes? LAST ONE TONIGHT! (I think we get to watch a birth video. Lol)

    A few other things I still want/need to accomplish before baby:
    Car seat Installation & Inspection. NO CHECK (scheduled for this weekend)
    Clean/organize a few areas of house (basement/office/kitchen). NO CHECK
    Trip to Good Will to unload some old clutter. NO CHECK
    Stock up on groceries/household items and make frozen meals for the first few weeks. NO CHECK

    *Sigh. These days are flying by and I keep having the feeling that there aren’t enough hours in the day. Needless to say I haven’t been eating, exercising, etc. like I should (and the scale has not been kind!) Just trying to keep chugging along!

    Best wishes for a great week, ladies!

    Your long lost preggo pal,

    (+27 lbs)
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Yahya- Thanks! We love the way it turned out.

    Kelley- Sorry to hear about the insomnia. I think I may go crazy if I end up suffering it. They say something like 65% of 3rd trimester mom's get it at one point or another.

    AFM- Well spent all day yesterday running between my bed and the bathroom :( We missed out 2nd day of our prenatal course because of it. Also called in sick to work today, no sense getting myself worn down more. Does anyone elses hipflexors kill them if they spend too long laying down? I'm pretty sure I could have slept another 2 hours this morning but the relentless burning/aching made me get up. No running to the bathroom today thus far so hope it stays that way.
    PS(may be TMI for some): It is impossible to puke without peeing yourself every heave no matter how empty your bladder is...yuck.
    Have a great day!

    Amanda - glad you are feeling a little better today...sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. And yes my hips hurt if I lay on my sides too long...that's why I start my night sleeping upright...Hope you are back to 100 percent tomorrow. Sorry can't comment on the puke/pee thing...I am don't think I have puked since I was in high school.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Tara - Here's hoping that baby comes out soon...I know being past your due date can be very fustrating...keep up the walking though it really does help.

    Melissa - I am sure you did awesome on your oral boards. I hope you are able to get some baby stuff done in the next couple weeks. Be careful with overexhausting yourself but keep up the good work exercise wise...it will really help after baby...your energy keeps me motivated though I won't say I workout 5 days I do try to get something done at least 3 days a week.

    Kristi - glad to see you are still hanging in there...work does sound crazy but I so hope you are able to work from home a little as the time winds down. I find that I can focus more especially when my son is at his morning activity and I am here alone and i use the commute time to either log in early or to take a nap if I had a rough night so it's a win/win. Really impressed by all the stuff you have done and your list for stuff to still do reminds me of a few items I still have to do, so thanks for sharing. I agree with you though as the weeks wind down I feel like time is flying by and there is still tons I want to organize and do before the baby gets here.

    AFM - I had a lazy day today...I took the little one to the museum in the am but then when we got home I made him lunch and ate something then we laid down for a longer then usual nap, I was just so tired but he must have been tired too because I had to wake him up so that I would be sure he had enough hours before it was bed time. Then in the afternoon we just sat around playing and reading...It could be lack of sleep and all the sugar I had at the b-day party yesterday...going to need to up my water to wash out my system because I definitely hate the sluggish feeling sugar leave me with. Other than that back to work tomorrow and then doc on Thurs. I am trying to get all my kids items cleaned out so that I can consign some clothes and then give the rest away and only keep what I know my son and the baby can use...need to seriously streamline. Also super excited this weekend I head to Chicago for the weekend sans my son to hang out with my best friend. Really my last available travel weeks before I am supposed to stay grounded so I am taking advantage. Well I hope everyone has a great night...will check in 2morrow.

    32 weeks.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Morning ladies...Hello anyone out there.
    So quiet in here...guess we need some fresh blood.
    Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

  • runningfor2
    runningfor2 Posts: 15
    I will be your fresh blood... ha ha! I am 29 wks 3 days today!! So far feeling great in the beginning of my 3rd trimester. Bending over is getting fun and so is shaving, lol!

    This is my first so I still have lots to learn about having this baby girl yet! We start our birth class next week, so am hoping to learn a lot there.

    My plan as of right now is to go as natural as possible... but if my pain out weighs the fear of an epidural I'm not opposed either ;).

    What does everyone think of the Tommie Tippee bottles? I have read good reveiws, and plan on breast feeding/pumping.

    Also- how does everyone feel about video monitors? I told my hubby I think it is something we should splurge on but would like opinions as they are not cheap!!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Yikes, I’m so far behind! I’ll do my best to catch up ladies!

    Amanda – I hope you’re feeling better! Your nursery is adorable! Did you get your pics back from your maternity session yet? I’m sorry that your prenatal class didn’t go well, it sucks that the instructor wasn’t knowledgeable but I'm glad you have medical knowledge and weren't lost! I have to switch sides constantly throughout the night because my hips start hurting.

    Kelley - What kind of museum did you take your son to? How’s the transition from the crib been going? Glad you got some good thrift store finds! I never find anything good whenever I go! Being a Border Control Agent sounds interesting, when do you take the test? I hope you have a great weekend in Chicago with your best friend! Sounds like fun!

    Kim – I hope baby Cecelia has moved for you. Your nursery is super cute too! My DS loves Dr. Seuss books, and he’s been on a major reading kick lately. He’ll bring me book, after book, after book to read! I really need to start working with him to teach him to read.

    Jayln – Glad you had a good baby shower and got some good stuff! How did your glucose test go? Not much longer left in school, yay! I wouldn’t worry about your weight gain, as motivated as you are I’m sure it will drop right off!

    Jane – I’m glad you love your new midwife, and I hope that your appeal is successful and insurance will end up covering it. The practice I go to has both doctors and midwives, and I’ve seen 3 of the midwives so far and they have all been nice! I’ve been looking in to cloth diapering a little, but the OH isn’t too keen on it as he has a weak stomach when it comes to poopy diapers as it is, and doesn’t think he could deal with cloth! My antibody screening is because I’m Rh- and my OH (and DS) are Rh+, so they checked my blood to see if I’ve developed any antibodies, and it would seem that I have, and so if the baby has positive blood as well, there’s a chance that the antibodies in my blood may attack his blood. It’s been kind of a stressful time!!

    Stellcorb – Sorry, I’m of no assistance because I had a vaginal birth first time around, but I know typically labor goes faster the second time around. I haven’t used a support band, but heard they can be a great help!

    Becca – Hello! How did your growth scan go? And how did the FCAT go? Awesome job on your exercise! I’ve really been slacking as of late :( Time to get back on it!!

    Melissa - Glad you had a good time in Vegas! I bet you did fabulously and passed your Boards with flying colors! Does it really take that long to find out how you did? Torture!!! I hope that your back is feeling better.

    Tara - Is baby here yet?! I’m a second time mom, but kind of in the same boat as you. With DS I was having contractions that were getting closer together, but not stronger , so they induced with Pitocin because I was already 4 days overdue, and baby arrived less than 6 hours later! I started puking not too much longer after they my contractions started too, so sounds like baby will be here really soon (if not already!)

    Running – Welcome! I haven’t heard much about the Tommee Tippee bottles. Tommee Tippee has been around for yeeeeeears though – I’m from England and I myself used their sippy cups when I was a wee thing! My dad still refers to all sippy cups as a Tommee Tippee! I breastfed/pumped for a year with DS, and we used Dr. Brown’s with him. They take a little longer to clean than other bottles, but Monkey never had any issues with them. I can’t help on the video monitors either I’m afraid, we just got a regular sound monitor with DS (which we still use!) Good luck on your birthing classes next week!

    AFM - I’ve been MIA because I’ve been busy studying for my anatomy and physiology final, but now it’s done and dusted, yay! My exercise has suffered lately because of it, so I’m excited to get back to the elliptical tomorrow! I saw the midwife yesterday and baby was measuring on target and his heartbeat was strong. I asked her about my titer levels on my antibody screening, and she said the results didn’t show my titer, just that it was positive. She said that it could just be a lab error and they’ll test again in two weeks, but if I am sensitized, that it’s too late in the pregnancy for me to really do any harm to the baby, but if I have subsequent pregnancies that won’t be the case. I’m not sure how I feel about her not being concerned when they don’t even know what my titers are? I’ll feel much better after my repeat screening. My weight has been creeping up FAST, which I feel has a lot to do with being not as active the past couple of weeks, so really must get back on it!

    I think I got to everyone, I apologize if I didn’t!

    Hope you all have a great week!

    30weeks, +14lbs
  • MissConfidence
    I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I am absolutely terrified sh**less! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH So many thoughts going through my head. I can't keep up and can't really point my finger on what it is I'm so nervous about specifically. I am hating this feeling!!! Is this going to stick forever? Is this who I've become? WIll I ever be my easy going self again??? Last thing I thought would be making my sleep sooo poor was numb and aching hands and wrists!! What is up with that!!! Ok, calm down. Breath. Phew. Anyway, I'm going to go through some of your discussion ladies and get familiar with all of you as much as I can. Hope everyone is happy healthy and RELAXED!!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi ladies,
    I'm moving over from the 2nd tri board and hope to catch up with you all soon although it may take some time!
    I'm 27weeks and 4 days and +20lbs
    Due 30/7/12
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Morning Ladies.

    Yeah for fresh blood!! Lol

    Runningfor2- good to see you on this board. As for Tommie Tippe bottles, I have heard good things about them, I didn't use them for my first but have a stash of glass ones for the second so we will see how they hold up to the avent air that I loved with my son.
    I just have a regular simple baby monitor and it works fine. You will never sleep the same after having a baby in my opinion but I know at least two people with video monitors and they love it and I guess it saves you the trip of gettin out of bed when you hear something and not sure what it is.

    Emily - Good to see you back. Glad the test is over. sorry to hear about the blood work issues...I can definitely see how that can be stressful. As for the Museum, I took my son to the Chesapeake Children's Museum in Annapolis, it was small and compact but it had animal and a few play rooms. I was a bit disappointed by the shape of the place but my son had a blast and they had great play items just seemed a little run down but it was good for a chilly day which is what Monday was here and he liked pushing the child size shopping carts up and down the ramp and rocking in the boat and he got a kick out of being on the seesaw...so very worth it. The toddler bed transition has been crazy and tiring. It now takes twice as long to put my dear son to sleep...if we lay with him and pretend to sleep he tries to sneak off the bed and out the room. He's such a comic...and then when he wakes up in the middle of the night he heads straight for our room and my husband picks him up and he ends up spending the rest of the night sleeping with us...which is fine I guess but still tough some nights...every now and then he will sleep all through the night but that has been rear lately. Hopefully it's a phase and he will grow out of it. My mother tells me I used to do the same thing as a kid but I never slept in a crib so not sure what prompted me to climb into her bed. As for the border agent test we decided at the last minute that it wasn't worth it for me to take it...I have more versitility as a CPA so I skipped it and went thrift shopping instead...lol.

    MissConfidec - welcome to the board...wow does seem like you are stressed. Take a deep breath. The answer is yes it will pass and you will get back to being easy going again. Especially after your baby is a little older. It's a tough transition but you can do it. Sorry to hear about your hands and wrist I have some of that today but not really sure what causes it. Remember this too will pass because the baby must come out and the baby will grow and all of this will be a memory...just try and take it all one day at a time.

    SAS - Welcome to 3rd Tri...glad to see you again.

    AFM - had a horrible eating day yesterday it was like being on a sugar binge...seriously it was the worse...I am hoping today is better and that the scale won't creep up too much because I have to see both my doc and the U/S tech tomorrow...sigh...
    Last night my son decided he was hungry at 4 in the morning so once he made his way over to our room he wanted milk and then he wanted to eat...kids are awesome...and then he wanted to play because now he was awake...what in the world...not really sure when he fell asleep because my DH took him to get something to eat and tired to go back to sleep but then when he worke up 6:45 am today full of energy...I had to get up...needless to say I had to take a nap once I got to work...hoping today flies by...

    Alright well got to get back to work...will check in later.

    Kelley 33 wks today
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Tara-Great work keeping up with the walking. I hope if baby is not here by Thursday they are able to induce you shortly after!

    Melissa- Thanks! I’ve got an appointment with the Doctor on Friday and plan to make sure things are still progressing as normal. I’m sure having those oral boards done is a huge weight off your shoulders. Hope your back feels better soon.

    Kristi- Thanks we love it too :-) I am finally feeling better. Still pretty nauseated most of the day but the doctor warned me that might happen in the 3rd trimester. Make sure you don’t burn yourself out with all that extra work! Good work on the “Check” list looks like you have all the must have’s done before baby comes.

    Kelley- Wahoo I love lazy days once and a while!

    Running- Welcome! I didn’t get the video monitor although I did buy a motion mat to go under the crib mattress. It sends you an alarm if the baby has stopped moving/breathing for more than 20 seconds. It seems pretty sensitive so I think that will provide me more peace of mind then being able to see them. I’m a little paranoid about crib death(S.I.D.S) having seen it numerous times at work so it’s my little assurance that I may be able to help if something does go wrong.

    Emily- Thanks, we did get our proofs back but she posts them in a flash format so I can’t sneak any to show people. We have a number I love and some that are scary haha. I will post them when I get the ones I ordered which is supposed to be in about a week. Glad your test is over!

    MissConfidenc- Wow. Deep breaths...It will all work out the way it’s supposed to, it always does :D Maybe some yoga or relaxation breathing would help. I know I sure feel better after my pre-natal yoga.

    Sas- Welcome!

    AFM- 2 more days of work, I’m so excited. Feeling better although still nauseated. Ate horribly yesterday, which probably didn’t help the gross feeling, but at least put a damper on the weight loss. I have a Doctor’s appointment on Friday so I will talk to him then about the continued weight loss and grossness. Baby has also been less active although I’m wondering if she’s feeling under the weather too. She is still moving throughout the day just nothing like she was before. Anyways hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, still here. Ultrasound tomorrow, and Drs appt. walked my butt off yesterday had a few sharp pains. Then nothing. Baby's gotta come out eventually! Hope your all doing great, I didn't nap today so I super tired.

    40 weeks 4 days
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Kristi - I've heard of maternal vitamin k shots but apparently people are doing oral? It's also not clear about the leukemia (some studies say no risk) and the shot is supposed to prevent bleeding in the head. I think unless the birth is traumatic I will refuse though. Here's some info http://thebabybond.com/VitaminKinjectORnot.html
    You are working like crazy and still doing great on the weight gain, hopefully your program can start before you deliver, you're cutting it close! I'm going to steal your checklist, I think...

    Kelley - how exciting about visiting your best friend! Hope you have a great time! I agree about the fresh blood, women need to come over in week 27, we've been using the last 3rd trimester cutoff there is to leave 2nd. Your son is too funny,  feel like I'm previewing my life somehow, his antics seem like things a young version of my DH would do....

    Runningfor2 - you're late! Congrats though ! It's my first too and I still need to research bottles for when I'm not around to breastfeed. DH and I are eying the ibaby monitors apple makes cause you can check it from your iPhone, iPad, etc

    Emily - congrats on finishing your A&P exam! What degree are you pursuing? It's annoying that your midwife is in no rush  to figure out what's going on with your titers. I'm afraid I would have insisted. Re: the weight, it might be catch up time. Even if you gain a pound a week you're still looking at round 25lbs, which is minimal!

    Miss confidence - what in the world is up with you? Do you feel unprepared? There has to be something freaking you out? I agree you definitely want to employ bubble baths and other relaxation techniques. 

    Welcome sas! Looking forward to catching up!

    Amanda - I definitely want an apnea sensor too, my job has also freaked 
    me out about SIDS. Glad you were able to eat more yesterday, hope you continue to improve!

    AFM - back is getting better, but I'm hitting a wall. Think it's cause I'm getting sick, started coughing today. It doesn't help that my little one likes to kick me awake at night so my sleep is fragmented. Still haven't worked out today and I'm unsure as to whether it will happen. Gotta do something to get my mojo back, but I might have to wait out this cold first... I'm also craving carbs and gluten in particular, even though some of you may recall I'm allergic to gluten. Still, what I wouldn't give for a cheesy glutinous pizza! Have to decide if it'd be worth the weight gain, rash, etc though! Resisting for now. I did order m cosleeper bassinet finally, so I'm excited!

    30 wk 5 DS, +19ish
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm 28 weeks today so decided to make the jump to this board. I haven't been doing great on staying very active, my workout DVDs seem unappealing to me so I try to walk with Olivia in the stroller when the weather is nice but after about a week of really great weather its been hit and miss. The little girl in my belly still has no name. Some of you might remember that I really liked Quinn but it is officially off the table. Right now we're leaning towards Serenity but I don't think we're going to tell anyone whatever we decided on until after she's born and we've filled out the paperwork. That way if anyone has a problem with it, it will be too late :laugh: Right now we just call her "Sissy" and she's getting super active. When I could first feel her moving around it was so much softer than when I felt Olivia so I thought "Oh she's going to be a passive, gentle baby." But over the past couple weeks she's acting more like her big sister :wink: Olivia's turning 2 on Saturday so I've been busy trying to plan her party. Tomorrow we are heading to SLC to take her to the zoo (its the closest one to us) and we're spending the night there before coming home for her actual birthday party. I think it will be lots of fun. Even though I'll be eating a lot of junk for the next few days I'll also be running around a lot so hopefully it will even out. Anyhoo, hope you all have a great weekend! I plan on commenting better once the chaos of this week passes.

    28w +20 lbs :noway:
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi ladies,
    Are you all ready for the weekend? Here in the UK it's a Bank Holiday weekend so we all have Monday off work - 'May Day' which is a complete treat as it's my birthday on Sunday (37!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!) so it'll be lovely to have the extra day although the weather over here isn't playing nicely yet so we'll probably end up being slobs indoors eating cake and goodness knows what else that's BAD for me and baby! I'll be using the phrase 'well it IS my birthday' over and over I can see it now! Any excuse!
    Saturday we're going to a football match (last of the season YEY!) and visiting family so that should be good then we're going to start packing a few bits and pieces.... our house is being rented (fingers crossed for a July 1st move!) so I'm going to start boxing everything up that we don't use or need before the move so it's done bit by bit and not all at once.
    I'm finishing work on June 29th which is 4 weeks before my due date :)
    I've managed to walk to work and back more this week although as I said the rain and wind have been vile so I've not managed everyday. Pubic pain is much better today though and that awful 'heavy' feeling in my butt has passed after an awful time with it yesterday - so I'm smiling again!
    Have a great weekend ladies, hopefully catch up again on Monday / Tuesday xox
    P.S NOT weighing myself this week, it's gonna be a naughty one!