3rd Trimester



  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    As for after birth procedures...with my son I didn't realize all those things were elective except the Hep B which I let them give him. With this baby I am think I am going to opt out of the eye drops...they are kind of pointless. I only did minimal research on it though. As of right now I am ok with the heel stick so they can run test and the hearing test.. I really need to research some of these things...but haven't...Great question!

    Cool... thanks for the responses, ladies. Kelley - that's weird, the nurse last night said something about the eye drops being state law in MD?! Jalyn - thanks for the info on the hearing screening... I had no idea what was involved.
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hello ladies! As of today I’m officially in my third trimester so it’s time to hop over to this board! The end is in sight!

    Taldie – Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day! Not too much longer for you, yay!

    Bmfrazie – I didn’t have a birth plan with my first and just kind of went with the flow and will probably do the same this time. Yikes, sorry about you having to deal with the jealousy issue. With DS we lived in FL and my fiance’s parents were visiting when he was born but only came to the hospital once, and my dad and sis came down a few days after baby was born so we didn’t have to worry about anything like that. I joked with my OH that it was kind of nice not having visitors at the hospital last time because we got to spend time with baby (and I didn’t have to worry about people seeing me look so disheveled, lol!), so maybe this time we should just call everyone after we get home and let them know!

    Amanda – I hope that your dog will be fine with baby once they arrive. Do you know anyone who may be willing to take him in if you can’t keep him? Hope your rib is feeling better.

    Jayln – You made me giggle about changing your mind about baby! From personal experience, I highly recommend the epidural!! I made it to 5cm before getting one, and it really was the best thing ever, and it did seem to speed up my labor, whereas I know with some ladies it can slow things down. I was induced with Pitocin though and have heard that it can make contractions worse, so I do wonder if maybe if I hadn’t had Pitocin if I would have made it through a natural delivery? Good luck with your baby shower, I hope you get lots of great stuff and that there’s no drama on the day! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your hubby. Love the ultrasound pic by the way!

    Kristi – Glad you had a great time at your brother’s wedding! It is funny how some people think you shouldn’t lift a finger when preggo! Wow, you do have a busy week! I hope you have fun at all your classes. As far as after birth procedures with baby, we did all of those with DS and imagine we will do the same with this peanut. Also, if I don’t make it back on here before the weekend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Yolie – Yay for having a date set for baby’s arrival!

    Millionsofpeas – How’s the gym going? I cleaned my baseboards about a month ago, and I’m sure I’ll do them again before baby arrives because who knows how long it will be ‘til I get to do them again after baby arrives!

    Melissa – I’m glad you had a good weekend with your mom, and I’m sorry to hear about your slip, but I’m glad you’re ok! I can be somewhat of a procrastinator, so with DS I don’t think we finished his room until a few days before he was born! As far as weight, I’ve seen a different doc or midwife for the past three visits and no one has said anything, so I guess everything is ok. I started off weighing quite a bit more than you though so I’m grateful that my weight gain is low!

    Kelly – I know you’re glad tax season is over as of today!! I’m glad little man was well behaved for you at the zoo! Sounds like you have a productive week planned this week! I hope you get everything that you want to get done accomplished. I remember when DS first climbed out of his crib! He was so proud of himself!

    AFM – Had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and they checked my placenta because at my 20 week ultrasound it was low lying, and I was very happy to hear that it has moved! Also had my RhoGAM shot and had my glucose testing. They said they would have the results today and if I don’t hear anything, I passed. I haven’t heard anything yet so hopefully it will stay that way! I need to get back to more frequent exercise this week and also cut down on some of the sweets!

    I hope that you ladies all have a fabulous week!

    28 weeks +10lbs
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    As for after birth procedures...with my son I didn't realize all those things were elective except the Hep B which I let them give him. With this baby I am think I am going to opt out of the eye drops...they are kind of pointless. I only did minimal research on it though. As of right now I am ok with the heel stick so they can run test and the hearing test.. I really need to research some of these things...but haven't...Great question!

    Cool... thanks for the responses, ladies. Kelley - that's weird, the nurse last night said something about the eye drops being state law in MD?! Jalyn - thanks for the info on the hearing screening... I had no idea what was involved.

    Really...I spoke to a mom in one of mothers group who gave birth in a birth center and she opted out of the eye drops...I am going to have to research it...the mom told me that it was orginally created for AIDS babies and is not necessary if there it nothing wrong with your baby...humm...
    I( appreciate the info about the hearing test as well.
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome, Emily!

    Mamas... what do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like? How many of you feel them? I assumed by now I would have felt the BH... but unless I'm totally oblivious and am just missing them (if that's possible), I don't think I have. Just curious!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Kelley- I don't mind you asking about my business at all! It's actually been really wonderful so far. You might have heard of Rodan and Fields before? They're the creators of Proactiv. They sold their business and in 2007 came out with a new line of products for skincare. The "regimens" as they call them are: Anti-age, Unblemish (adult acne), Soothe (for people with eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, allergies, etc), and Reverse (sun damage spots). They started selling in high end stores and out-sold Clique and Este Lauder 3 years in a row, but pulled out of retail to direct sales. I joined up and am now a marketer/independent consultant. Here's my website: https://jalyn.myrandf.biz/ I'm actually looking for business partners, so if any of you ladies know anyone who might be interested in product, or joining the business, please let me know. I want to stay home with my LO this fall! :smile: (Shameless plug ended. :tongue: )

    Emily- Your blood glucose test...did you have to drink something before you went to the doctor's office or did you take it there? My doctor gave me something to drink an hour before I get to his office. I assumed they'd do it differently just from what other people have told me happens. Just curious.

    Kristi- I don't know if I"ve had them. I *think* that maybe I did, but I can't be sure. It felt like a tightening of my belly, but it was up high, so I don't know. I thought they'd be low, but what do I know?!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Kristi - Sorry, I'm no help at all! I didn't have them with my first pregnancy and I haven't had any this pregnancy!

    Jayln - I was given my drink at my previous appointment and was told to drink it 30 minutes before my appointment time, that way I could see the doc, and once my appointment was over they could draw my blood. Lol, not a shameless plug at all! I will have to take a look at your website later.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Jayln - I was given my drink at my previous appointment and was told to drink it 30 minutes before my appointment time, that way I could see the doc, and once my appointment was over they could draw my blood. Lol, not a shameless plug at all! I will have to take a look at your website later.

    For product info: https://jalyn.myrandf.com
    for business opportunity: https://jalyn.myrandf.biz

    Thanks for checking it out. Let me know if you have any questions!! :happy:
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Jayln - Thanks for providing the info. I may just check it out. I have been brainstorming ideas for work from home oppprtunities myself...although I am sure I could use my current skills not sure I want the stress part that comes with it...we will see.
    Glad I asked it give you a chance to advertise...no shameless plug just providing opportunity.
    As for my gluclose test...I had to drink the stuff at the doctor then had my drive thru appt and waited around until the hours was up and then the blood was drawn.

    -Kristi - I asked my doc today about the eye drops she says they are not required in MD but are given so the baby doesn't get an eye infection after having passed through the birth canal where they may have picked up something. I am thinking if millions of people who passed before didn't get it then my kid may not need it...she says it's a safety precaution...I mean how dirty could the canal be that the baby get's an infection...I don't know...I am going to think about waiving it...
    As for the BH - I think I had one or two early on...it's basically a mild contraction so a contracting or tightening of your uterus wall...and most times you belly feels firm while you are having one...they aren't supposed to be painful but noticiable enough for you to stop what you are doing and be like wow...

    AFM -
    I had my drive thru appt today...I had the doc to feel to see if the baby was head down and she says it feels that way but it could have been the baby's butt...lol. Either way she wanted me to have another U/S so that they can see how big the baby is. Yea...I get to see the baby again in 2 weeks before my next drive thru appt. I think I am going to have the tech write the sex on a paper and put it in an envelop and play a traveling game with it...not sure but I think that would be fun. Also, I got my prenatal prescription rewritten so I could send in for a mail order of it because getting per month was seriously breaking the bank.
    Otherwise things are looking good and babies Heart beat is 148...so nice and strong. I have gotten no work done today but I have been productive in shopping for bulk goods and researching a toddler bed for my little one...hopefully tonight I will get some work done. In other news the scale and I are at war and I have hit my weight gain limit...so really need to buckle down and eight right these next 9 weeks.
    Think I will take a nap before my LO nanny leaves and I am back on mommy duty.

    Also, for any of you mommas out there looking for affordable and earth friendly toys...gilt the discount website always has great and cute kids stuff on sale but today they are having a sale on some plantoys stuff and they are a good company that uses a lot of recycled materials in making kids toys. Here's the link for the site. if you are not already a memeber - http://www.gilt.com/invite/f9el77dr2f2mz7zhdher

    Kelley 31 weeks
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. Just wantd to share that I gave birth last Mon nite on the 9th at 8:27pm. I will post the details in a bit on the birth announcement section. Still adjusting to the schedule with my baby girl while doing motherly and housewife duties.
    Her name is Shasty Wailani. She was 21 3/4" long.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Ps. Do I put the weight at the hospital b4 giving birth?? Can't believe I was 192 at the hospital. And now I feel like I look swollen and my face look pregnant. When I was pregnant everyone said I look good and my face didn't look like I was pregnant...
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jalyn – Your OB is likely thinking you will end up close to 35lbs which is within range. All we can do is continue to eat right and exercise anyway, it doesn’t make sense to frantically count and slash calories since our bodies are likely doing what they need to. How exciting about your shower! Your business sounds cool as well, will have to check it out!

    Kelley – I’m glad your OB is being flexible, sounds like having a toddler is quite a workout indeed! Yikes but also lol at your LO escaping, I guess it’s that time! Glad your appointment went well and thanks for the website.

    Kristi – I’ve definitely thought a lot about medical procedures. I absolutely want the screening and vaccine, they are done to keep my LO safe and give him the best chance of a normal life if he has anything wrong with him. The eye drops/ointment are largely harmless although they can cause eye irritation. They are for preventing STD-related eye infections (Chlamydia/gonorrhea not AIDS Kelley) which used to be the #1 cause of blindness! Since I’ve never had an STD and BETTER NOT have contracted one, I will likely refuse it if it isn’t the law. I plan to refuse the vitamin K and take it for myself since studies show it can cause irritation and possibly even leukemia and it works just as well to give supplements to a breastfeeding mom. BH are a vague tightening of the uterus, you can feel it if you touch your stomach. We all get them, it’s just a matter of whether you can feel them. I definitely have been feeling them for the last 2 weeks or so.

    Emily – Welcome, you are hot on my heels, lol! Glad your placenta moved up, keeping my fingers crossed for your glucose test!

    svgarcia – congrats! She’s adorable! When I saw you updated the thread I had a feeling you’d delivered! Looking forward to your birth story and total weight gain, etc. I’m sure all that water buildup will come right off in the next few days!

    AFM - Had my OB appointment today, up 20lbs by their scale, at first they thought I gained only 14 but when I explained to my OB about the 6lbs I gained right away she was ok with it. She said I started off lean so if I gain closer to 35 that would be appropriate. Would still LOOOVE to be closer to 25, my LO is measuring right on time so I know I'm on the right track. Went to HR and found out I'm basically looking at about 3 weeks of pay lost during my 12 weeks of maternity leave, which I'm ok with but if I can pick up extra hours before the baby I will. I'm super tired today, slept until my OB appointment and then after lunch when I got home. About to hit the treadmill to at least get something in before meeting a friend for a movie, especially since I'd like some popcorn. I have my oral boards coming up in 2 weeks, going to really hunker down over the next few days to study, exercise, and eat right since I'm off work.

    28 weeks, 4 days
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, I'm still waiting. Dr said my cervix is really thin and she could feel the slouches on the babies head. I'm getting a few sharp twinges but that's it. I walked 5kms today and now I'm beat. No real nesting but hey mabe it's just not for me, I'm super tired though. Later ladies.

    38 weeks 4 days
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Good luck, Tara!! Keep us posted.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    SVGarcia...congrats...love the name...very nice.

    Tara - oh my goodness anyday now!!! how exciting...I know you were going crazy waiting...so now the wait is almost over. Wahoo...

    Melissa - thanks for the clarification...on the STD and not the AIDS....either way it seems pretty unneccessary.

    AFM - nothing much to report trying to get work and cleaning done this weekend and headed to a mommy's consignment sale today and Sunday. Hopefully I will get some work done on the nursery today as well...the hubs finished touching up his part so it's just me now to sit down and get some things put away...yep going to go do that now...since the LO is off to the park.

    Hope you ladies are having a fantastic Friday and a great weekend. Will check back in tonight.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Tara- super exciting! I'm sure I'll log on and read your baby story any day now!

    Kelley- Happy shopping and best of luck on the nursery! Yeah, the institution of the drops was critical years ago because it did safe a lot of babies from blindness, and there are definitely women who contract STDs during pregnancy and don't know it, but many of us monogamous moms won't need it. I don't think it's as big a deal as vit K though

    To the rest of you - hello? (hello, hello, hello) that was an echo. Where the heck are you ladies? Baby is coming soon, let's get to postin'!

    AFM - heading off to Vegas for a few days with the hubby and a review course for my oral boards. Should be fun to prance around in my maternity clothes, seems like I'm showing more and more by the day though some still think my bump is small. Been battling fatigue but I guess that's par for the course at this stage. All the more important to stay active and eat right! On my official weigh-in today I haven't gained that pound I had at the OB, so I ain't counting it. I don't mind gaining a little but the less the better because I feel like the extra weight is so hard to carry around, not to mention lose. Been slacking on my kick counts cause he's always kicking me, easily does 10 kicks in 10 mins when not asleep...:tongue:

    29 weeks, +19lbs
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Melissa....Have fun in Vegas...never been but the hubby wants to go for the food and the shows.
    What's the vit K for anyway?

    Tara...Hang in there hun anyday now.
    Jalyn - hope your baby shower was awesome and that you got lots of stuff that you need and want.

    AFM - did a little shopping on Friday got to go into the sale early because the hubby agreed to volunteer. I got a few things for the baby...some Adian and Anais blankets (I had been looking for), a few summer outfits for the little one, some books, a pregnancy pillow ( finally)...but best deal was a cozy car for the little one...who loves it of course. It was a small sale and part of me wish I knew the sex of the baby so I could buy more clothes but to be honest if it's a boy I have all my son's clothes and if it's a girl my mother in law has a closet full of clothes from my hubby's niece that I can have...I don't think I have spent more then 100 on clothes for my son since he was born...there are so many clothes from all the other kids we know. I do plan on going back on Sunday for the 50% off day though to see what I can find...

    Alright well I am off to bed...the weekends are always quiet on here...hope all you ladies are having great weekends, restful and enjoyable.

  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies

    Hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend!

    Kelley – I’m glad you get another ultrasound to check baby! With DS#1 I only got one at 20 weeks, and I’ve had four with this one so far! Also happy to hear the heartbeat was strong and baby is doing well. I’m glad you had a successful shopping trip. Don’t you love hand me downs!? I worked with a couple of ladies who have sons a year or 2 older than DS and they gave me a bunch of clothes last year! I know you asked Melissa about the Vit K, and she’ll be able to tell you more than me, but I do know that it’s for blood clotting, and infants are usually deficient in vitamin K. I didn’t know about the whole relation to leukemia thing though which is scary, so I will have to research and ask my OB about that.

    Svgarcia – Congrats! She’s a cutie!

    Melissa – Have fun in Vegas and good luck with your course! I’ve been fatigued too, baby boy is SO active at night! I passed my glucose test, but my antibody screening came back positive. They didn’t give me the details, just that they would test again in a month, so I don’t know what my titers were, but I’m guessing they weren’t too high at this point being that they won’t check again for a month? I have another appointment next Monday so will find out the details, and in the meantime I’m trying not to stress too much, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a mini breakdown after finding out and researching about it! I should have known better than to Google it!! Lol!

    Tara – Sounds like baby will be here any day now (if not already!?) Good luck!

    Jayln – Hope you had a good shower!

    Kristi – HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you’re having a lovely day and are getting spoiled!

    AFM - Been super tired this week. Baby is so active at night, and I’m constantly tossing and turning throughout the night! Passed my glucose test but my antibody screening came back positive, so I’ve been a little stressed too which hasn’t helped matters! OH and I are still trying to decide on a name for the little one, and I think we may finally have it narrowed down, we shall see! I guess we still have plenty of time to decide! I weigh in tomorrow and I’m not really looking forward to it, I haven’t exactly eaten the best or exercise too much this past week, will have to rectify that this week!

    I hope that you’ve all had a wonderful weekend and that you all have a great week!

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies, officially 39 weeks today. I've been on a couple of good walks, but my energy levels are really low. Not much happening yet... Hoping this week! Sorry my attention span is near zero. Had few tough moments last week cause I though babe would be here already. Still hanging on.

    39 weeks
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Tara- I hope the LO decides to show up soon for you. What’s your final guess on date and sex since you seem to be dead on with everyone else?

    Emily- Welcome! Wahoo for narrowing down a name!

    Kelley- Yay for sales! I don’t know how you guys do it not knowing the sex. I had a pretty strong feeling right from the start it was a girl but felt so relieved after finding it out. Any guesses or inkinlings as to what it is?

    Melissa- Have fun in Vegas! The bassinet won’t have the stuffed animals in it when baby arrives it was just a cute storing spot until we get a shelf or something to put them on. I hear you on the fatigue.

    Svgarcia- Congrats on the beautiful little girl!

    Kristi- Mine feel like sharp intense menstruation cramps that come and go in about 30 seconds. Some of them are strong enough I have to stop what I’m doing others are just little twinges. I’ve had a couple friends that said one of their pregnancies they got lots and then the next felt none so I think it just depends.

    AFM- Well my boss left on vacation last week and left me as his replacement until the end of the month. This may not have been horrible except the fact we were right in the middle of contract negotiations and got some really bad news for staff on Tuesday(which was the day he left). So last week I got to deal with MULTIPLE very angry staff members and upset board members...just what an 8.5 month pregnant lady needs. Well I have definitely been “tested” by one of the other shift supervisors who is pissed I’m doing this since he is usually the boss’s replacement. I had an absolute break down on Wednesday. Thank God I have such an amazing husband who actually got his supervisor to cover his shift so he could come home and calm me down. I’ve never felt like that in my life and hope to never feel it again.

    So I’m not sure if it’s the huge increase of stress or the 3rd tri-mester fun times but I’ve been nauseated almost every day for the past week. I had a prenatal on Friday. My doctor informed me he was no longer giving me the go ahead to work until 38 weeks and said the maximum he will let me work is 36 week(he wanted me off that day but can’t do that with the boss gone), only 2 weeks left for me I guess. He wasn’t happy to hear about the stress or my coping mechanisms and my BP was showing it. It wasn’t considered high but was 20-35 points systolic higher than it has been my entire pregnancy. I’ve also lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks not something they really want to see at this point.

    On a happy note we went and had a maternity session with the photographer yesterday. The photographer couldn’t believe how small my belly was for being 34.5 weeks along. There was a lot of belly pushing out to try and make it look bigger which seemed to really annoy the baby. Hubby says there are some pictures I’m really going to like and others I won’t. As long as there are a few cute ones I’ll be happy.

    We also have the nursery set up and ready aside from we are still waiting on a dresser we ordered. I get so happy every time I walk by the room. I can’t wait for her to be here and in it.

    Well here’s hoping for a much better week and that everyone has a good one too!

    34Wks (+ 23lbs)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hey there ladies! Hope you are all doing well. Don't have time to catch up (performance weekend at the theatre this weekend so we are swamped).

    Quick check in...

    Baby Cecelia is still breech, so the C-section is scheduled for May 4th (EDD May 5). We will see if she and God have other plans in the meantime. I am currently dilated at a 1, but that not even anything to get excited about. I will be back in the doctor's office on Wed for another peek to see if she is still breech (which I can tell without a sono).
    It feels like I have pulled a muscle in my thigh, so no zumba for me today, but we will see if it feels better or worse later this week.
    On top of being busy at work, we are getting our roof, gutters, and soffits replaced this week, so it seems like there will be no slowing down until we HAVE to. LOL

    K I think I better get back to work. TTFN God Bless!

    (38w 2d)