3rd Trimester



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Head is down! And I saw the face, omg so cute!!!!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Had my strep B test yesterday, forgot they stick a q-tip uo your butt, how fun! Dr 'thinks' head is down but they want to make sure so Im getting another ultrasound today, hope the lil bugger is down. Tuough cause were not finding out the gender so no peaking!!! Ahhh I dont even want to see it, if it has hair or anything!

    Really...I have mine in 2 weeks...I honestly don't remember them doing that the first time around...It was more like going in for a pap and getting my VJ swabbed...huumm...guess I will see.

    I know how you feel about not wanting to peak...someday though it's just killing me to not know the sex...lol...sometimes I wish I could go get a U/S and just keep the secret to myself...lol...
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Head is down! And I saw the face, omg so cute!!!!

    Yippy! and Aww..
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    It's THURSDAY!!!!!! Yippy...

    Mornign ladies...full of energy today I went to bed last night sametime as my son so by 8pm I was sleeping...wow...although I did wake up 3 times to pee and once to put my little man back into his crib. Although again he ended up in my bed at 3 am demanding milk...the little bugger. I was trying to cloth diaper him at night like I do during the day but with milk and water he just pees too much I may have to go back to disposibles for night time so he can sleep through the night... Otherwise all is well baby is on the move as always...yesterday I delayed lunch by an hour and this little one was having a fit I have never been kicked so much in the a whole 7 months we have been hanging out...someone is serious about their belly. Then after work went home and hung around outside and then home depot with the little one to get some started pots for the seeds I want to plant in my garden. I am hoping this year I have a better planting season than last year. Then dinner, which I had an amazing salad and garlic bread and then to bed. Hubby worked late so it was just me and the little guy and I was exhausted by the time bed time came around...the house is mess but sleep was so much more important hopefully I will get some stuff done tonight.

    Jane - How did the appts go. have you found yourself a new midwife that insurance will pay for? Having a doula is nice because she can advocate for you and I am glad she helped ease your mind some. Sounds like the ball is really rolling I am sure things will work out.
    It is having a mom that is a nurse and a pain sometimes becuase she hates going to the doctor and will suffer through aches and pains. She didn't help birth my son but she did help me push and watched the whole thing...it was awesome having her there and I told my husband for this one he can stay home if my mom is there...lol. poor guy.

    Amanda - glad to hear your friend's baby is doing well, wow 29 weeks is early but great to know baby is coming along. I hear you on a desk job kicking your butt..i work at a desk 3 days a week and I feel more drained after that then I do when I stay home with my toddler. Hope your appts went well and that the gastro doc finally kept his appt.

    Kristi - Wow...amazing on getting the nursery together over the weekend. Sorry to hear your hubby is sick...hope he is feeling better by now.

    Taldie - Yes on the back pains...I never got them with my first until after the birth due to the epi but this baby seems to like to hide out in my back somedays...
    As for the name...i think an S for you is cute...becasue then there would be 2 J's, 2 K's and 2 S's. I really like Shasti (your son may be onto somthing) and Shylee ...they are both cute. I am partial to same first letter names as my mom's brother's and sister's except for one, each named their offspring with K's. So there are like 8 of us with K starting our first name and then her younger sister decided she wasn't joining in and her two sons have different letters. Although, none of us did the same with our kids but I want both my kids to have Hebrew (biblical names) and my sister did Biblical names as well...so I guess we are doing our own trend. Totally strayed...the point is...either way I think you will choose a great name.

    Kelley - 29 weeks
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Tnx 9honey.
    Went to my appt yesterday. Gained back the 2 lbs I loss. I'm only 2 cm dilated and will be 39 wks tomrw. I'm really hoping I don't pass 40 wk
    Did anyone get an epidural? I only had an epidural with my 3rd son but I can only remember that I still could feel the urge to push ...would like to hear experiences
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I have another daughter!

    Reagan Jane arrived April 4th at 8:17 AM.
    6 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches long

    We are completely in love!

    I'll post more details when I can!

  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    I have a new baby boy, Owen Heath Lynch. He weighs 8 pounds 1ounce and is 20 3/4 inches long. He is doing great, and we are so happy! I will post more details later.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Oh my... I am SO behind...

    Congrats new mamas!! Hope you have a quick recovery!

    I've been super busy with work, and life, which has prevented me from stopping by. I'm happy to see so many new babies and growing bumps on all the profile pics! (Which reminds me that I should prolly update mine as well). SO here is a quick update while I have a few minutes.
    Our shower went great! We are SO blessed to have such great friends and family! But it was weird that we didn't get many of the 'need' items just a lot of linens, towels, bath stuff, and of course clothes! Oh well, just means I get to go shopping. My boss is throwing me a work shower and has invited everyone that works here. So I have decided to wait to buy, or take anything back, until after the 11th.
    CC (we have decided Cecelia Cozette) and I are doing well. I've been getting more and more uncomfortable with plenty of daily BH contractions. Went to our 35w (36 wks tomorrow) checkup yesterday and CC is still breach and the doc started talking c-section. He seemed like he was ready to schedule it right then and there. I'm not thrilled, but if that's what we need to do, so be it. I guess I'll start standing on my head and crossing my fingers... Lol. Deep down I was a little excited that she was still breech, so that we could get a US (to double check) and have a little sneak peek of her after a long 4 months. :love: She's SO CUTE and big!
    One month to go! Yay!! The nursery is pretty close to finished, most of the linens are washed, but I have a lot of clothes to go through. My FIL is refinishing the antique bassinet that we will be using this weekend, so hopefully she doesn't decide to make her appearance before it is finished. This bassinet has been thru 4 generations! I love antiques and think it is so neat that we get to continue the tradition. :smile:

    Well, I better get back to work or work on the 40 thank you cards that need to get in the mail ASAP!

    35w 6d
    (+45lbs according to that horrible doc scale!:grumble: )
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Had my strep B test yesterday, forgot they stick a q-tip uo your butt, how fun! Dr 'thinks' head is down but they want to make sure so Im getting another ultrasound today, hope the lil bugger is down. Tuough cause were not finding out the gender so no peaking!!! Ahhh I dont even want to see it, if it has hair or anything!

    I had my Strep B test yesterday... no butt poking for me...
    I also, had to have a US to see if she is head down... no go. Head up and comfy! Glad your LO is down and ready.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wanted to give you a few more details...

    As you know, I had a planned c-section. April 4th we were expected at the hospital at 6AM. I set my alarm for 4:15...I wanted to be sure to get in a nice long shower and shave my legs, since I wouldn't be able to do that again for a while. After my shower, I woke my husband and he headed downstairs to use his bathroom while I was finishing in the upstairs bathroom. A few minutes later he comes running upstairs cussing...our basement was flooded from sewer water...our drains had backed up (something that happens every once and while due to tree roots invading the pipes). So...the shower I had taken was now all over our recently re-done basement...all the new area rugs were soaked! GREAT start to the morning. So, he ended up running to the gas station to use the bathroom while I finished getting everything together for the hospital. We had to leave the house wet like it was! So, on we went...

    The rest was pretty normal...checked in at 6AM...they hooked my up to a monitor and watched the baby. Drew some blood, started an IV, met with the anesthesiologist and doctor...then I headed back to the surgery room. The gave me the spinal (which acted SO fast...numb from the armpits down) and then brought my husband in to join me.

    We started the surgery at 8AM...and at 8:17 AM I heard my brand new baby DAUGHTER wailing for the first time...very healthy set of lungs! My husband cut the cord, they cleaned her up and brought her over to me. After I had my moment with her (the best moment) my husband went with her to the nursery while they delivered the placenta and stitched me all back up. I was taken to the recovery room when they were finished where my husband met me. And as soon as they were finished checking her all over, my sweet Reagan Jane was brought to me! 6 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches of perfectness! I was completely in love!

    About an hour later, Kadence arrived and was SO thrilled to meet her baby sister! It was a proud Mommy moment for me! It still gives me goosebumps...such a wonderful thing to experience! I could not be happier with my family of FOUR! :)

    So, I have two weeks where I can't do much of anything other than recover, so it will be pretty low-key. I plan to weigh-in next week to see where I'm at. Then I will be focusing on eating balanced meals, but no dieting. I need to keep up the calories while I breast feed. The plan is to do some walking (nothing too strenuous) and once I get clearance from my doctor (in 5-6 weeks) I will slowly get back into some exercise.

    Hope you are all well! I will still check in here when I can to see how you lovely mommas are doing!
    :heart: Kristin--Reagan Jane (2 days)
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Easter Weekend Ladies.

    Congrats Kristin and fit nurse on your new babies...love hearing the birth stories and seeing the updated pics. Take care of yourselves and rest up.

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Tnx 9honey.
    Went to my appt yesterday. Gained back the 2 lbs I loss. I'm only 2 cm dilated and will be 39 wks tomrw. I'm really hoping I don't pass 40 wk
    Did anyone get an epidural? I only had an epidural with my 3rd son but I can only remember that I still could feel the urge to push ...would like to hear experiences

    I had an epidural with my first that worked from hips down but I still needed to push so they stopped it and waited until it wore off enough for me to feel contractions and then told me to push...too much going on...so I don't really remember feeling any pain just the fatigue that came with pushing for an hour.

    Are you thinking of getting an epidural or are you going to try to go without it?
  • AmandaJPK
    AmandaJPK Posts: 26
    Hi Ladies! It has been so long since I last logged into this topic! I still had a couple of weeks left before my due date, if i recall correctly. Congrats to all of those that have delivered since I've been MIA.

    AFM - I gave birth to our daughter on 3/9/2012 at 5:34 p.m. Little Miss Jillian Raegan arrived weighing in at 5 lbs 9 oz and 18.5 inches long. It was quite a story that I look forward to sharing when I have a bit more time. I'm adjusting to life with two children and it's quite a challenge so far. It seems that they always both need me at the same time, etc. I can't wait to see how the adjustment goes once I'm back to work too..I have a feeling it's going to be nutty!

    I'll be in touch soon with my story!
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend!

    Tara - Yay for baby's head being down! And how awesome that you got a sneak peak of baby's sweet face :)

    Kelley - Your comment about sneaking in an ultrasound and keeping the gender a secret for yourself made me laugh- I've thought the same thing! Which is funny because I'm the one who wants the surprise in the first place lol Sounds like your mom was an amazing support during your son's birth. I love my mom to pieces but don't think we're going to have her in the room with us during birth- she's a Huge worrier and I always feed off her stress which probably wouldn't be a good thing in labor! That's neat that your family was all K's, mine was all J's!

    Sharon - How are you doing? Baby still in that belly or did she make an Easter appearance? :)

    Kristin - Congrats and thank you for sharing your birth story!! Love the new family pic :)

    Rachel - Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy!

    Kcurtis05 - Happy to hear you had a great baby shower! I love your daughter's name, and my fingers are crossed that she turns around for ya!

    AmandaJPK - Congrats on the baby girl! Looking forward to more birth stories!

    AFM: Not too much to report here- though currently without a doctor, ugh- just struggling to find a new provider this week...Getting back into the groove of working out this week as well! Ate really poorly over the weekend so we did a big healthy grocery trip Saturday to set up a better menu this week :) Hope everyone is having a nice Monday, and I will try to check in with some better news regarding doctors soon!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Congratulations kristin & Rachel!!!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Tnx 9honey.
    Went to my appt yesterday. Gained back the 2 lbs I loss. I'm only 2 cm dilated and will be 39 wks tomrw. I'm really hoping I don't pass 40 wk
    Did anyone get an epidural? I only had an epidural with my 3rd son but I can only remember that I still could feel the urge to push ...would like to hear experiences

    I had an epidural with my first that worked from hips down but I still needed to push so they stopped it and waited until it wore off enough for me to feel contractions and then told me to push...too much going on...so I don't really remember feeling any pain just the fatigue that came with pushing for an hour.

    Are you thinking of getting an epidural or are you going to try to go without it?

    I'm thinking of trying without.

    Anyone watched the business of being born?? Very interesting
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Tnx 9honey.
    Went to my appt yesterday. Gained back the 2 lbs I loss. I'm only 2 cm dilated and will be 39 wks tomrw. I'm really hoping I don't pass 40 wk
    Did anyone get an epidural? I only had an epidural with my 3rd son but I can only remember that I still could feel the urge to push ...would like to hear experiences

    I had an epidural with my first that worked from hips down but I still needed to push so they stopped it and waited until it wore off enough for me to feel contractions and then told me to push...too much going on...so I don't really remember feeling any pain just the fatigue that came with pushing for an hour.

    Are you thinking of getting an epidural or are you going to try to go without it?

    I'm thinking of trying without.

    Anyone watched the business of being born?? Very interesting

    Didn't see it but i heard it was very interesting.

    I would like to go this time without too but I think it all depends on how fast labor is moving along...if it's as slow as last time...I am not sure I will have the energy.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies! It has been so long since I last logged into this topic! I still had a couple of weeks left before my due date, if i recall correctly. Congrats to all of those that have delivered since I've been MIA.

    AFM - I gave birth to our daughter on 3/9/2012 at 5:34 p.m. Little Miss Jillian Raegan arrived weighing in at 5 lbs 9 oz and 18.5 inches long. It was quite a story that I look forward to sharing when I have a bit more time. I'm adjusting to life with two children and it's quite a challenge so far. It seems that they always both need me at the same time, etc. I can't wait to see how the adjustment goes once I'm back to work too..I have a feeling it's going to be nutty!

    I'll be in touch soon with my story!

    Congrats...can't wait to here the story. Love the name!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Jane - I hope that things work out in the doctor arena soon...I pray that you find one you love and takes your insurance soon. Hopefully some of the leads your doula provided will pan out. AS for the sneak peek U/S we are in the same boat I am the one who wants the surprise...we can make it...just a few more weeks.

    Afm - quiet weekend, went to Delaware for the day, was great seeing all my family makes me realize how much I hate not leaving closer to some of them...although I know if I lived closer the drama would annoy me...i had a great time but the trip left me feeling a little sad. Humm...and the birthday party I went for didn't really get started until like 9:30pm ( scheduled to start at 5pm) lol...Caribbean people have no sense of time...so we ended up missing the actual party because we had to leave to drive the 90 mins back home around 8:30, which was past my son's bedtime anyway. All in all still great to see those I got to see and let my son hang out with his cousins. Sunday, was a really quiet day, worked from home some, started my seedlings for the garden my husband is going to put together for me. And I got a little hope as the sunflowers seeds I planted two weeks ago sprout so I may just be able to get this thing going this year.
    Monday was quiet and now back to work Tuesday...hope everyone is doing well...so quiet in here...
