3rd Trimester



  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Thursday All,

    Melissa - so glad you and hubby have narrowed down your options with regards to housing. I hope everything works out. I know how stressful that can be. Get movers if you can that will pack up the big stuff and definitely use the opportunity to declutterize. AS for me and MIL...we actually get along when in person...I think we just got started off on the wrong foot. And I think part of it has to do with me and her son getting married after being all hers for years. I think there wasn't enought time for the transition. That's my guess my hubby says it's because our personalities are similar but our points of reference are completely different ( if that makes any sense).

    SAS - So glad you were able to get some rest this week. No worries about being MIA...do what you need to do to feel your best. I hope the packing goes well...I hate packing.

    Stell - I have a an appointment next week too...for my 36 week ck up...I hope there is no progress because I really need the last four weeks to finidh organizing my house and to get some rest before baby arrives. I definitely agree with you on the eating my eating has been hit or miss lately. I hope all goes well at the appointment, that baby is head down and that you can do a VBAC. Sorry about the strench marks and veins...I have strech marks too but they are from my son and before baby when I was over weight...I like to call them battle scars...yep the little people are definitely worth it.
    Glad that your big boy bed transition with your son went well. I thought about putting my son in with his half brother, his brother was even in favor of it...but I decided against it...so glad it worked out for you.

    AFM - Busy day here today...my son decided he wanted to get up at 5am and not go back to sleep...he woke up singing in fact. So I decided since I had to be up to get my exercise in...so I took him in his stroller for a walk at 6am. Luckily my hubby worked from home today so I was able to let him get up at our usual time and that allowed me to go back to bed which was nice. Had a playgroup this morning...which was great by my son seemed to have the hardest time sharing his water toys...he kept taking them from the other kids...usually he's ok sharing so I don't know if its because he was tired or just because he wasn't used to playing with the kids who came to the playgroup. I don't know...anyway, he went to down for his nap fairly easy. I didn't get any cleaning done today but I got all my laundry done and hopefully tomorrow afternoon I can get more done...this weekend my son will be with his Godparents on Saturday night so there will be more time to clean and organize. Alright well going to try to get to sleep before midnight tonite...I have been taking longer and longer to wind down lately which is really impacting my eating and my sleep...i must say that my water intake is good though...so I guess I am 1 in 3.

    Checkin you ladies tomorrow.

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    I am now officially in the 3rd Tri so I can catch up with you all.

    I was away last weekend in Paris with 3 of my girlfriends so enjoyed that but Ive been tired this week and work has been manic! Im off all next week so got plenty of time to read back over that last week and catch up.

    Hope you are all doing well.

    27 + 3 (Up 25lb!! Hoping a few pounds are bloat from Paris trip!) x
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Amy – Glad you’re keeping yourself busy! I know it’s tough, and I’m sure the hormones don’t help, but hubby will be home before you know it! I love HL as well!

    Destiny – So happy for you and your hubby and his new job! Sorry to hear about Olivia and the biting episode, hopefully she’ll outgrow it soon. Did you figure anything out on the Grandma front? That’s a toughie, good luck!

    Kelley – Strawberry picking sounds fun! I love strawberries, although everyone thinks that I’m strange because I eat them with peanut butter?! So cute that your son woke up singing, the fact that it was 5am, not so much! Lol! Glad you got to go back to bed later in the morning! Hope you have a great weekend and get your cleaning and organizing done, I think I’ll be doing much of the same this weekend!

    Melissa – Glad to hear you have figured something out about your living situation. I feel for you having to move so close to your due date, but I’m sure everything will work out well :) You do so amazing on your workouts, I think you can afford to give yourself a little slack! You’re going to be one of those ladies who you can’t even tell had a baby right after they give birth!

    Sarah – Hope you’ve had some rest and are feeling a little more energised! How’s the packing going?

    Christina - So glad to hear that Max’s transition has gone well! Will keep my fingers crossed for you that your appointment goes well and that everything continues to go well so that you can have your VBAC. I don’t think I have any new stretch marks, just my old ones reappearing! They will fade some eventually, just remember they’re your battle scars!

    Helen – Glad to see you in the 3rd trimester!! Hope you had a fab time in Paris!

    AFM – Not been up to too much the past couple of days, just been trying to get all my ducks in a row for various things! We have a hospital tour tomorrow morning, and I also pre-registered at the hospital the other day so I don’t have to worry about that! I plan on cleaning and organizing this weekend, we need to dig out all our baby stuff and see what we might still need for our new baby boy! Talking of baby boy, he finally got his first hiccups the other day! OH quit smoking the other day, and he is doing so well, I'm so proud of him! He is really excited and ready to kick smoking to the curb, so I really think it will stick this time because he wants it for himself so much! The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so hopefully we’ll get to do something fun outdoors with the little one!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Had my baby boy on Monday via C-section! His name is James Willie Sommers, 7lbs 10oz, 20.75" long :) I weighed this morning and I'm down 4.5 pounds, woohoo! :bigsmile:

  • runningfor2
    runningfor2 Posts: 15
    Hey Ladies!

    Haven't been on here in a while so I thought I'd update. Had my 32wk appointment today. Baby girl is finally head down!! Midwife used to joke that she didn't like running with her head down, so I'm glad she decided to turn. I gained 2lbs, so am up to 16lbs now and she still says we are healthy and doing great!!

    I am still running but MUCH less than before my half marathon. I managed to get in about 8 SLOW miles this week! My body hasn't told me to stop completely but I am definitely slower and I have no desire to run more then 2-3miles at a time, lol! Still going strong with my prenantal pilates every morning before work too!!

    What is everyone's opinion on hiring a Doula? I have had a couple friends use them and they were happy they did. But I am using a Midwife on purpose to get more support then I would from a MD... so I am wondering if I really need to hire a Doula too. They can be kind of expensive, although I do know one that is only $300 (which is less then my friends paid). THOUGHTS??

    YOLIE1220- CONGRATS on the birth of your son!!! He is just gorgeous!!!

    Helen- welcome to the 3rd trimester... land of not being able to bend over or shave anymore... lol!

    32wks +16lbs
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats yollie! He's so handsome!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    For anyone trying to quit smoking permanently, I would reccomend Alan Car's book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking". I read it last year and I've been without a cigarette for over a year now (smoked heavily from age 14-26 and on again, off again for another 5 years) and I haven't really missed it. Most of my friends smoke as well and the temptation is pretty much gone and I didn't use any nicotine suppliments.
    Sorry, don't want to advertise or anything but it really did work for me and it's the easiest way I've ever tried.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    He's adorable!! Congrats!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think he's pretty great too :wink:
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Amy- Welcome! My baby shower is June 24th as well although my bunch of joy will be here to celebrate it with us.

    Kelley- Good luck with the nanny gone. I'm still really unsure how you 2nd+ time moms do it. I can't imagine having to entertain another person right now.

    Jalyn- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news for your family and the hubby's job situation!

    Emily- I will be doing a lot of crying if I have to wait until my induction day. I'm already fretting about it gah. I loved going to the air show as a kid I'm sure your son had a blast! Great work on the quitting smoking. Your baby will love you that much more for it. He will likely to be increasingly active because of it and getting a better nutrient and oxygen supply!

    Destiny- My Dad hates lingering or waiting around so I have zero worry about him and I'm pretty sure even if he had to body check people out of the way to get out of the delivery room he would haha. My FIL on the other hand would be down pushing the Dr out of the way to video tape it all...Not happening! Haha. Good luck on the Grandma situation I wouldn't be able to handle that at all. I'm already worried about the array of visitors we will have over the first 2 months and they all are only staying 3-7 days.

    Melissa- I know my Mom wouldn't care if I was cranky but I would be afraid of saying something hurtful since I am very stubborn especially when people are trying to tell me what to do and I might say something I regret and she doesn't deserve that. My husband is also in the medical field so I'm not too worried he'll freak out. He's a very mellow and go with the flow type.. good thing since I'm high stress typically ;-) Good luck on the apartment. Sounds like a wonderful possibility. Great goals.

    Sarah- I can't imagine moving pregnant but just my organizing makes it look like a bomb has exploded and I seem to pick too big of jobs to complete alone and power out half way through. Then I just get angry at myself and have a hard time getting back at it. I have even had dreams of me telling myself how I need to hurry up and clean up the mess haha . Gotta love the pregnant dreams.

    Christina- Glad to hear the transition to the toddler bed went well. I have had stretch marks since I was about 13(I was a very chubby kid I think I broke 100lbs in grade 3) and maxed out my weight in grade 9 at about 225lbs. So the few little stretch marks I have got with this pregnancy haven't bugged me that much, besides the fact they all look like little vampire bites and are all just stretch spots not lines haha. In the end it is all worth it I'm sure so try not to be too worried about it :-)

    Helen- Welcome! A girl trip to Paris sounds awesome! Hope you had a blast.

    Yolie- Congrats! He's a cutie!

  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    AFM- Well my husband has graciously shared his head cold with me(I had managed to avoid it for almost 2 weeks) and it has hit with a vengeance the last 2 days. Today I got up at 730 to let the dogs out to pee then promptly went back to bed until 1030 followed by making myself some breakfast and laying on the couch until my nap time at 130-430. WOW is all I can say I never sleep this much, my body must need it.

    Husband got called into work a night early so I had an extra night alone. I lost my mucous plug which really excited me although I know it shouldn't since labour can still be weeks away after you lose it but it at least means that SOMETHING is happening with my cervix.

    I had another pre-natal appointment on Thursday and I only gained 0.4kg(less than a pound) thank goodness. Dr. says baby feels about average side and definitely not on the large side so that made me happy. Dr. also warned me he would be away on course next weekend so I'm sure if baby comes early that will be when. I will be stuck with the on-call Dr. I told my husband if it's one of the ones I don't like we will be driving to the next city to deliver. There are a few great ones so I'm praying if it does happen one of those will be on!

    I also found out why my life insurance claim got denied. ( I was dumbfounded that a healthy(aside from my ulcerative colitis) 26 year old non smoking female would be denied.) Apparently because I had a PAP a year ago with abnormal cells they declined me. My Dr. thinks it's BS since he says about 60% of ladies will have one abnormal PAP in their lives. So apparently I will be required to get a Colposcopy done after the baby is born to qualify for their life insurance...dumb!

    Well happy May Long to all the fellow Canadian's out there. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    +27lbs(and hopefully no more for the next 2 weeks!)
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Had my baby boy on Monday via C-section! His name is James Willie Sommers, 7lbs 10oz, 20.75" long :) I weighed this morning and I'm down 4.5 pounds, woohoo! :bigsmile:


    congrats he is one cute baby ad congrats on weight loss
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    AFM- I have been diagonesed with complete placenta previa at 32 weeks scan, so ill have C-Section. But I hope I can complete 37-38 weeks without any bleeding episode!
  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    AFM- I have been diagonesed with complete placenta previa at 32 weeks scan, so ill have C-Section. But I hope I can complete 37-38 weeks without any bleeding episode!

    I had a previa with my DD. I started bleeding at 36 weeks and delivered that day. Good luck to you!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Congrats, he's gorgeous!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Wow ladies, so much to catch up on - it's lovely to see more posts on here.
    Thanks for the link brunettewife :)
    10 days left at work for me! YIPPEEEEEEEEE!
    We managed to get the majority of the house moved over the weekend - well, hubby did and I just hung about looking and feeling useless but I managed to sneak a few light boxes past him :) We don't have to be out until June 2nd but we've made a really good start so that's good news. I was dreading having to sleep on inflatable mattress last night but it was actually REALLY comfy!
    30 weeks today for me and scales still need a new battery (and we've moved them to the new place now so definitely no depressing weigh-ins for me! ;))
    Have a great week ladies - I really love reading all of your posts :)
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Yolie – Congratulations! He’s beautiful.

    Monica – Great job on keeping up your running! I haven’t used a doula, and I don’t know anyone who has, so I can’t really comment! Have you decided yet if you will hire one?

    Christina – Thanks for recommending the book, we’ll look into it. He’s now on day number 5(or 6?!) with no cigarettes and going strong! He purchased an app for his phone which shows how long it’s been since he last smoked, how many cigarettes he would have smoked, how much money he’s saved, etc., and it seems to be really motivating him!

    Amanda – How’s your cold? I hope that you are feeling better. I am jealous of your sleep day though, sleep has been eluding me for the past few days. Yay on losing your plug! Definitely a step in the right direction! You’re sweet, but it’s not me that quit smoking, it’s my other half, my fiancé, who quit! (Not to say that I am currently smoking, I don’t smoke!) He’s still doing well and hasn’t smoked!

    Yaya - Sorry to hear about the complete previa. I’m assuming you’re on bedrest now? Make sure you take it easy!

    Sarah – Happy to hear that you are mostly moved! We have an inflatable mattress that sits on a stand and is super comfy too! Hope you have a great week.

    AFM - Had our hospital tour on Saturday which went well! The women’s center at the hospital that I’ll be delivering at is only a couple of years old, so everything is still so nice and new! I had signed us up for the family tour so DS could come along, and when we went past the nursery there was one baby in there, and DS was glued to the window! He loves babies! Sunday we took the little one to the lake and he did some fishing and just played in the water and had a blast! Sleep has been eluding me lately and baby boy is so active, so I’ve been feeling tired, and didn’t get any of my organizing accomplished this weekend. Will have to get some done this week!

    Hope you all have a great week!

    32w6d +17lbs
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I'm new to the 3rd trimester group =) Hi everyone! A little about me.

    This is my 2nd pregnancy. I had pre-eclampsia with my 1st child. Was put on bedrest at 28 weeks at home. Then at 29 weeks I was put in critical care unit on bedrest and told I'd be there til I delivered. I felt fine (that was the scary part for me). I ended up needing be induced at 32 1/2 weeks, after 6hrs of trying to be induced twice I got very sick and things went down hill fast. Needed an emergency c-section. After that c-section everything went smoothly. My son was put in the NICU for 2 1/2 weeks just as a precaution because he was so skinny, 1oz under 4lb and 17in long. I have a 40% chance of everything happening again. So far so good though.

    This pregnancy I'm already up 30lbs. 35 is my limit, but with 14 weeks left I don't see that happening =P Have had a VERY smooth pregnancy, no sickness etc. Just tired a lot, and that makes me lazy, meaning no exercise recently. Hopefully I'll start walking soon.

    One bump in the road I forgot to mention. When I got my 18wk ultrasound done, we found out it was a boy =) ... But we also found out my placenta was very low. And if it doesn't move up I'll have to have a c-section =( Getting an ultrasound done in two weeks to find out if it's moved up or not. Most cases it does move they say, so there's hope of a v-bac =)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Being SUPER full to the point where your tummy almost hurts because of how much you ate, yet still really hungry. Psh! Only when you're pregnant *shakes head* Doesn't even make sense!

    Does this happen to any of you?