3rd Trimester



  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Tara- YAY congrats on your baby girl.

    Kelley- I'm glad you're girls trip went well. The Hunger Games series is WAY better then the movie but it always goes that way it seems.

    Jalyn- I like your thinking about not knowing what you "need." I haven't had anyone ask really so I went to my Mom and made a list with her since I won't be having a baby shower until June 24(~3.5 weeks after I'm due) so I've had to buy a lot of the essentials myself.

    AFM- Well I am loving this no work thing, I can stay up later and have actually managed to sleep in past 8 am 3 days this week(which I haven't done since my first trimester no matter what time I go to bed.) The week has been a busy one. Friday I had my 36 week prenatal and got the Group B testing done, which I must say was not near as awful as I feared and some let me believe haha. Doctor said Evie's head is really low but my cervix was still very high and thick. I hadn't expected much different but good to know. We also talked about induction dates and he said he probably wouldn't look at induction until at least June 11 unless something drastic changed, ugh. I was prepared for a week but not so much for 11+ extra days I will just pray she thinks she is ready before then.
    Monday was beautiful outside so I did a ton; weed wacked, mowed the lawn, picked weeds, cleaned the front porch/door, played with the dogs, and did a big trash round up/drop off. Then I moved inside and cleaned up the spare room, vacuumed, cleaned the laundry room shelf, laundry, dusted, de-cluttered my bedroom TV stand, and gathered a bag of clothes, purses, etc to go to the Salvation Army.
    Needless to say Tuesday I was one sore Mama, which was actually a little nice since it has been a while since I had sore muscles for a day. Tuesday hubby and I went to shopping and did a bunch of running around. Yesterday I had my first acupuncture appointment, which I think went well(Other then when I walked it she was like are you sure your due date is June 1? You're belly is so small...Yes, trust me I'm sure haha) My rib is pretty achy today almost like it got a good work out but not near as painful as it typically is, on the back side anyways.
    Finally have the energy and time to get back into swimming again, YAY. Hubby and I have gone the last 3 days, I've definitely had to slow down but at least it's something. My stomach is pretty quick to tell me if I'm over doing it. My prenatal yoga classes are officially over so I think I'm going to attempt some yoga DVD's I have here at home. They aren't pre-natal but I'll do my best at altering them to be.
    Going to be a less busy day today followed by another crazy Friday so I'll try and do better at keeping up to date. I sure wish I could see the forums and post from my phone since that's where I do the majority of my MFP. Sitting at the computer is just plain ole uncomfortable these days so I'm not on here a ton.

    Anyways sorry for the long post. Hope everyone is feeling great!

    37W- YAY Full term today
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Taldie - congrats!

    Missconfidence - I think we all experience anxiety from time to time. I tend to cope with it by using denial and procrastination to keep myself calm, am starting to get more stressed though! Hope you are well

    MrsJax - great job getting active again!

    Emily - glad you enjoyed the birthday party!

    Runningfor2 - fantastic job on the race. I think MDs tend to be pickier than midwives about weight gain, maybe that's the difference. As long as the baby is growing it's likely fine. In Japan they are apparently only allowed 15lbs total (but it's to purposely have smaller babies)!

    Jalyner - great job on being active this week and congrats on all the baby stuff. The nightgown sounds particularly fancy, I guess for day 2 cause the first day I'd imagine it'd just get dirty? Great goals!

    Destiny - sorry to hear about the bday mishap and the vomiting episode. I tend to get heartburn and some nausea after I exercise recently, maybe it's the extra baby pressure... Great goals this week!

    Myiceisonfire - thanks for the link. I frequently look at these sites when planning dinner but sometimes it's confusing cause I don't always know the subspecies of fish they refer to , ie king versus Spanish mackerel

    Kelley - so glad to hear you had a great time with your girlfriend! DH and I drink kale smoothies too, though I've been slacking recently. Your son might just not like his doctor because he remembers the association with vaccines? I know most that come to the ER his age are NOT happy campers, lol
    Yolie - though I hate them too, those sudden gains in weight are usually water shifts. Sometimes you keep it for amniotic fluid, but many times it will go away. Just drink plenty of water and watch your sodium. I feel you on looking forward to being svelte again, I find myself trying to hold in my stomach sometimes :laugh:

    Sarah - glad to hear you enjoyed your birthday celebration. Your measurements are within margin of error though they are right to watch it of course. I know what you mean by eating healthier, I have to choke down my protein and veggies these days when I'd rather just eat carbs...

    Stellcorb - sorry to hear about the congestion, it may be just from increased vascular supply to the nose during pregnancy. A lot of women get it towards the end. Good luck with moving your toddler. I haven't bought much for my little one either but people keep giving me stuff and I'm having a shower next month. It's not to late to get one, you know...

    Amanda - so glad you are able to relax on maternity leave and that the rib is a bit better. You are doing just fabulous! I hate it when people question my belly size - what can I do? My OB says it's cause they're not used to fit moms that don't gain a lot, I think it also has to do with body type. Congrats on being full term! I hear you on the computer, I am on my iPad most of the time....

    AFM - been spending my free time trying to find a house to rent. I am learning a lot about the area from my coworkers with kids and am o today, hopefully DH and I will go for a drive and get to look at some of them. I would love to be able to get moved in, make a nursery, and be all set up for my little one! DH has started freaking out about not having gotten a kid friendly car yet, so we are pushing up the timetable on that too. I am still fighting off a cold, it's getting better but I was this close to trying antibiotics. Been largely keeping up with my exercise though lord knows there are days I don't want to and I am often unsure of how hard to push myself. In general I have been doing it right to a little over my comfort zone but I'm trying to stay cognizant of my little man. Lots of problems with heartburn and some nausea recently, I actually suddenly felt vomit in the back on my throat while taking to a patient! :embarassed: Hopefully I will adjust to how high the baby is. My stomach has turned into a soccerball, need to take a profile shot! The weight I gained last week seems to have gone away on it's own though I'm still slacking on logging. I have been sending out mother's day wishes, can't believe this time next year I will be a mama! :noway:

    31 wk 6 days (yay almost 8 months!), + 19.5ish
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member

    Kelley - so glad to hear you had a great time with your girlfriend! DH and I drink kale smoothies too, though I've been slacking recently. Your son might just not like his doctor because he remembers the association with vaccines? I know most that come to the ER his age are NOT happy campers, lol

    Stellcorb - sorry to hear about the congestion, it may be just from increased vascular supply to the nose during pregnancy. A lot of women get it towards the end. Good luck with moving your toddler. I haven't bought much for my little one either but people keep giving me stuff and I'm having a shower next month. It's not to late to get one, you know...

    AFM - been spending my free time trying to find a house to rent. I am learning a lot about the area from my coworkers with kids and am o today, hopefully DH and I will go for a drive and get to look at some of them. I would love to be able to get moved in, make a nursery, and be all set up for my little one! DH has started freaking out about not having gotten a kid friendly car yet, so we are pushing up the timetable on that too. I am still fighting off a cold, it's getting better but I was this close to trying antibiotics. Been largely keeping up with my exercise though lord knows there are days I don't want to and I am often unsure of how hard to push myself. In general I have been doing it right to a little over my comfort zone but I'm trying to stay cognizant of my little man. Lots of problems with heartburn and some nausea recently, I actually suddenly felt vomit in the back on my throat while taking to a patient! :embarassed: Hopefully I will adjust to how high the baby is. My stomach has turned into a soccerball, need to take a profile shot! The weight I gained last week seems to have gone away on it's own though I'm still slacking on logging. I have been sending out mother's day wishes, can't believe this time next year I will be a mama! :noway:

    31 wk 6 days (yay almost 8 months!), + 19.5ish

    Melissa - I thought about that...but the nurse gives the vaccines so he has no reason to associate his Ped with shots...don't know what was up with him. He didn't take to his shots well at all either...I do think though he recognized where we were...after 20 mins of waiting he was like bye and started heading out the door...love him.

    Sorry to hear you are still battling your cold...hope you feel well soon...
    Definitely hoping you find a place to settle down and call home but remember to take it all in stride which can be easier said than done but being an ER doc I am pretty sure you do well under pressure.

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Wanted to post a quick check in and see how everyone was doing. Fighting the eternal cold still... thinking maybe I have aquired allergies during pregnancy b/c I've never been congested for this long before.
    Looks like everyone is doing fairly well and I see a few getting back on the heathly eating track.... I did well w/ that for a couple of weeks but fell off again this week... but luckily still haven't had a spike in a few weeks so I'm holding at 23 gained w/ about 6 weeks left. FIngers crossed I won't gain much more!
    Well, please wish me luck girls! I'm transitioning my 2.5 year old to a bunk bed that he will be sharing with his older brother this weekend. New room, new bed, no more crib... not sure how his going to take it but it's gotta happen regarless!
    Also getting that nervous feeling as my due date creeps closer that I have too much to do and not enough time. Even though this isn't my first, we borrowed everything for Max so I'm not much better off on my second. I also have absuolutely no clothes yet for the baby. Not sure what I'm waiting for since I'm not getting a baby shower this time... guess I still have the fear that this may turn out to be a boy (only had 1 ultrasound and it was pretty clearly a girl, but you can never be 100%).
    Have a great day ladies and if I don't get to post again before Happy Mother's Day!

    Good luck...I transitioned my son about 3 weeks ago, same room just no crib...he loved the freedom...not the reaction I was expecting but still not a bad one either. Although when we go into the nursery where his crib is he does try to climb in...
    I say if you are still unsure about the sex...maybe mama's intuition ( sp?) then get a few gender nuetral outfits...as I am sure you know the first few weeks is just onsies and sleepers from what I remember.

    Good luck and Happy Mother's Day to you too...
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies, Corbynn Rae Aldie Olson, graced us with her appearance May 8th at 7pm, weighing in at 9lbs. She decided to show up on her own the day before her induction. We are doing good, luckily only in the hospital for 24 hrs. Lots of feelings and sleep deprivation. Thank you ladies for putting up with my constant complaining about being over due. Hope to beta birth story up soon.

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Tara- Congrats!!! Glad your little cutie decided to come on her own. Love the name! And I can't wait to hear your birth story.

    Melissa- How's the house hunting going? Sorry you've been getting heartburn and nausea. Your bump looks great!

    Kelley- The CSA sounds great. We joined a co-op a little over a year ago so we get a big basket of fruits and veggies for $15. Its so nice. Your clean eating plan sounds great!

    AFM- My dr appt went pretty well. He ok'd me to ride my bike as long as I feel balanced so I'm looking forward to pulling it out. We got to peek at this little girl again, but she's getting to the point where its hard to see much on an ultrasound. Too squished! Olivia had her 2 year check up Wed so I did my glucose tolerance test beforehand. It was a LONG morning in the hospital but she was mostly a good girl. She had to get a shot and she didn't even cry! She kinda jumped at first but was laughing by the time she got her band-aid. Hoping to get my results back soon so I can get the 3 hour test over with if I need to. The scale was NOT my friend this week. Too much birthday cake I guess. I changed my food goals to maintenance for a while. Anyways, hope you all have a great weekend!

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    It has been entirely too long since I've visited! I'm so excited to see I'm not the only one with a new bundle taking up all my time :)

    Cecelia Cozette joined us May 4th at 10:53a via scheduled c-section due to her breech position. Everything went just as planned. Well we were a bit delayed going into the OR because of a twin birth, which just let me sit longer with my nerves through the roof. Lol I had a pretty severe topiacl allergic reactions the the adhesive drape all across my abdomin that is extremely itchy, but it is finally starting to clear now.
    CC is absolutely beautiful and perfect. She (knock on wood) sleeps a lot. There have been numerous times where I have had to wake her to feed. :) Ugh.. Feeding. I'm convinced that she has a bad habit of shallow latching and I haven't yet found a way to help it. I plan to call a consultant monday. My nipples can't take anymore abuse. (TMI: they have already scabbed over and starting to heal, so I am hoping the worst is over) She is a good eater and I have even been able to pump to give my hubs the opportunity to feed her :) He's SUCH a GREAT daddy!
    Tomorrow is his first day back to work since her birth and he has a 17hr shift :( So I will pretty much be on my own all day (yes, my first Mother's day and He has to work :sad:) It is going to be a sad day. (I'm about to cry just thinking about it)

    Well I better get to bed before I cut into my sleep time too much. Happy Mother's Day to all of you!! Hugs!
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    It has been entirely too long since I've visited! I'm so excited to see I'm not the only one with a new bundle taking up all my time :)

    Cecelia Cozette joined us May 4th at 10:53a via scheduled c-section due to her breech position. Everything went just as planned. Well we were a bit delayed going into the OR because of a twin birth, which just let me sit longer with my nerves through the roof. Lol I had a pretty severe topiacl allergic reactions the the adhesive drape all across my abdomin that is extremely itchy, but it is finally starting to clear now.
    CC is absolutely beautiful and perfect. She (knock on wood) sleeps a lot. There have been numerous times where I have had to wake her to feed. :) Ugh.. Feeding. I'm convinced that she has a bad habit of shallow latching and I haven't yet found a way to help it. I plan to call a consultant monday. My nipples can't take anymore abuse. (TMI: they have already scabbed over and starting to heal, so I am hoping the worst is over) She is a good eater and I have even been able to pump to give my hubs the opportunity to feed her :) He's SUCH a GREAT daddy!
    Tomorrow is his first day back to work since her birth and he has a 17hr shift :( So I will pretty much be on my own all day (yes, my first Mother's day and He has to work :sad:) It is going to be a sad day. (I'm about to cry just thinking about it)

    Well I better get to bed before I cut into my sleep time too much. Happy Mother's Day to all of you!! Hugs!

    Congratulations on the arrival of Cecelia Cozette and Happy mothers day!
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning Mama's and Mama's to be,

    Melissa- I hope the house hunting went well. I can't imagine adding that stress to this time in my life.

    Kcurtis- CC is sooo adorable. Congrats! Hope you were able to enjoy your first Mother's Day even with your hubby away.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day and weekend. I planted my flower pots this weekend and although it only should have taken about 2 hours it took 4. Everything is taking longer to do these days. I got sunburnt day one and then in different spots day two even with sunscreen on. Went out for supper twice this weekend which didn't help the scales this morning.

    Friday I got my strep results and they are negative (YAYYAYAYYAY!) The thought of going into the hospital as soon as labour started did not sound like my idea of a good time. Hubby also talked to my MIL(since she is a nurse on ward I'm delivering on) and requested that she not be my nurse. She totally understood and said she had no problem asking someone else to do it, unless the other option was scary and then we would talk. She is so go with the flow I love it.

    I also talked to my Mom about being at the hospital/in the delivery room before and during labour. I'm positive we had talked about it before since I don't want anyone in the room except my husband and the medical staff. She had a mini flip out over it. This shocked me a little but other then multiple sad comments slid in here and there she seemed to get over it. I have never imagined my mom/family in the delivery room with me. The less people who see me like a cranky, crazy, witch the better in my opinion.

    Anyways the weather is beautiful again today so hoping to get more outside time. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hello ladies :) My name is Amy or Bru. I'm 27wks tomorrow so I thought I'd give a quick intro on here.

    This is our first, Miss Miranda is due Aug 14th, 10 days after my birthday, though I have a feeling she'll be here at the end of July, just before my birthday. I still work, 20hrs a week at Home Depot, I change prices and such for a few hours a day. Pay sucks but I get every night and weekend off, so it's worth it. DH, Nick, is a union steamfitter currently working 5hrs away, he just left May 1st, and will only be allowed to come home for a couple days every 28th days. So we're hoping for Memorial Day weekend, if not sooner as there was a safety scare and they may get shut down for a few days to a few weeks. Downfall is that means only my dinky income til he can go back.
    I had a cerclage put in at 21wks and I go in on the 25th to have them check the stitch as well as give myglucose test.That pretty much sums me up. Oh,and my MIL and mom are hosting my shower on June 24th. They don't get along very well, so I'm a bit nervous.. chat with you all later!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    HI Ladies,

    Amy - welcome to 3rd tri. Sorry to hear about the scare at your DH job but nice that he maybe able to come home for a little while longer.

    Amanda - good to hear you are doing well and congrats on the negative strep B.

    Everyone else - where are you ladies...hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed your mother's day...

    AFM - Last weekend was crazy, we had a graduation party Sat night that we took the kids too and stayed out past their bedtimes. Then on Sunday, I got the morning to myself and then off to cookout at MIL and My Hubby's friend's house ate lots of food and dessert...and got some good gardening tips from MIL neighbor. MIL and I are just cordial but she does her best to be nice even though it's more of a pretend...I had fun at her BBQ nonetheless because well...I just make the best of it. Her neighbor gave me some ideas for a flower garden and some collards for my kitchen garden so all in all a good day.
    I still have two loads of laundry to get done this week and next weekend we will have a few hours sans the little one as well so I will get some more housework done...

    Today was raining here...so LO and I were lazy but we did go to a playdate in the am and then late naps and then just hung around the house...then I ran to the thrift store to get some bed guards so that when the LO goes to his Godparents this weekend he won't fall out of the twin bed. I got then super cheap which is nice.

    Alright well off to bed since my work week starts tomorrow and this will be a busy week as the nanny leaves for her 2 weeks vacation...

    35 weeks on Wed
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Amy- Welcome!!

    Kelley- Glad you were able to have a good BBQ, aside from tensions. My MIL and I get along for the most part, but I did shout at her on accident when I got SO fed up with her bossing me around a few weeks ago. :blushing: DH was actually proud of me for telling her to leave me be. I didn't expect that reaction. I'm glad you got some good garden tips!! I LOVE gardening.

    Amanda-Yay on the negative strep results! I'm glad the "telling of the mother" wasn't too bad. I'm trying to figure out how to tell mine.

    KCurtis- Congrats!!! Welcome Cecilia!!

    Destiny- Yay on the bike riding!! I wish I had somewhere safe to ride mine.

    Tara- Congrats to you! Welcome Corbynn! So exciting.

    I'm looking forward to reading some birthing stories soon.

    AFM: Busy, busy, busy. Wrapping up the end of the school year so I've been knee deep in paperwork and tieing up loose ends. Started canning and dehydrating from the garden and so I've been getting a lot of swelling standing up for so long. Possible good news: a company called my husband asking him to apply to an open financial analyst position. There is no job yet, really, since they're trying to get a contract with a shipping yard and the open position is only good if they get the contract, but still...possible good news! Keep us in your prayers, please. DH is still gone. I'm ready for him to come home, but he still has 5 weeks away. Lame.

    Goals: exercise 5 days this week, 3 WODs
    Drink more water (8 glasses min)
    LOG my food. I'm so bad at this.
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies! Just a quick check in, hope you’re all well!

    Monica – Great job on the 1/2 marathon! You are amazing!!

    Jayln - Sounds like you had a great weekend in New Orleans and awesome job on the exercise! As far as what you need, it sounds you have the essentials! If you are going to breastfeed, I loved my Boppy pillow! Also like Destiny said, burp cloths, nursing bras and pads!

    Destiny - Sorry to hear that the weather didn’t cooperate for Olivia’s party, and sorry to hear about the nausea too. I have had a couple of random days where I’ve thrown up too. How did your glucose test go? Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!

    Kelley - Glad you had a great time in Chicago! I had never even heard of the Hunger Games until the movie came out, but now I want to read the books! My son does silly things like that too! If he’s not in the mood, he’ll spout off silly answers or say he doesn’t know, when I know full well that he does! Glad you had a good weekend and that you and MIL were able to get along!

    Sarah – Sorry to hear your birthday was a washout, but yay for not having to lift a finger! And you look great, I don’t think you have to worry about your weight gain! My sister brought me back a bunch of goodies, but I’m yet to start on them!

    Stellcorb – Hope you are feeling better. How is the transition going with your son? I hope it’s going well!

    Amanda – Sounds like you are getting a bunch accomplished around the house! Oh my gosh, if my doc says she’ll let me go 11 days after my due date, I’ll cry! Lol! Glad to hear you GBS came back negative! I’m with you, I don’t want everyone up in my junk when I deliver! Lol! I also would really like DS to be the first person to meet his baby brother, but I guess that all depends on the time of day, etc. that I deliver.

    Melissa – How are you feeling? Better I hope. Are you having any luck on the house hunt? Hope your nausea and heartburn have subsided some! My heartburn is still pretty bad!

    Tara and Kim - Congrats on the baby girls! They are both adorable! Hope you are all doing well :) Hope you both had a great Mother’s Day with your new additions.

    Amy – Welcome! How have been holding up since hubby has been away? Hope your mom and MIL are able to get along to plan your shower!

    AFM - Took DS to an airshow on Saturday and he had a blast! Mother’s Day was a washout, it rained ALL day long. We stopped by my dad and step-mom’s for a little while in the morning, then when we got home we just chilled out and watched a movie and ate dinner. Had an appointment today and met with another midwife in the practice, and everything looked good with baby boy. I got more blood drawn to check my antibodies, and the midwife said that last time my levels were too low to know which antibody I tested positive for, and again that there’s really nothing to worry about for this pregnancy, so I feel so much better!

    Hope you all have a great week!

    32weeks, +16ish lbs
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Jayln, we must have been typing at the same time! I will keep my fingers crossed for your hubby!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've been doing what I can to stay busy.. cleaned the whole house, partially from nesting, but partially because no one else is here to do it, and I want to get it done before any chance of me going on bedrest. Plus I can get rid of things that hubby will never miss ;) I got to start on the nursery which helped for a little while. Some days I'm a crybaby, others I feel strong. I've made Hobby Lobby my new bff again, lol. Hoping to find more things to keep me busy in the upcoming weeks. My in laws live directly across the street, but they do have a pool that should be opening soon..
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Bru- Glad you're keeping busy! I wish I had some motivation to get more done.

    Emily- Sorry you had a rainy Mother's Day, but hope you got spoiled a bit. So glad to hear your appointment went well!

    Jayln- Will be keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts. That's exciting possible good news :happy: I'm impressed that you have found time to can and such at the end of the school year. My Dad said that my Mom was in her classroom from 10 am to 9 pm last Saturday!

    Kelley- Sounds like a great weekend. That's awesome you found those bed rails at a thrift store. The ones around here are pretty pathetic. Hope you have some time to relax while the nanny is on vacation and things are busy!

    Amanda- Its smart that you talked to your mom about being in the room ahead of time. I didn't have a problem with my mom being there, but while I was in labor and my SIL was texting me telling me she was on her way to see me I made my hubby call her and tell her not to LOL she didn't take that very well. I didn't plan on my mom being in the room when I was actually pushing but it happened so fast she didn't have a chance to get out.... neither did my DAD! LOL kinda awkward.

    Kcurtis- Congrats! CC is a doll. Hope your Mother's day was ok even though you were on your own.

    AFM- Olivia and I went to a fun birthday party on Saturday, she ended up splashing in puddles with the birthday girl in their diapers. It was cute, but a mess! Sunday DH had to work so Olivia and I just kind of laid low. Went to church, then lazed around. DH said he'll owe me a relaxing day when he is off. We FINALLY got some good news on the job he's been waiting for (he interviewed at the beginning of march!) and his official hire date is June 1st! So excited, mostly because he'll have more than 4 days off every month. Last night Olivia got a hold of my deodorant and I had to fight her to get it, and she FREAKED! She even bit my hand, which she hasn't done in months and months. And she bit it so hard, she wouldn't let go until I spanked her, which we don't do. Its still sore today and I have bite marks! Its times like that when I don't know what I'm going to do with 2 little emotional girls running around :laugh:

    So I need some advice- my Grandma informed me that she wanted to come out when the baby is born and stay with us for a MONTH! When Olivia was born she stayed for 2 weeks and I was going crazy. Don't get me wrong, it was nice having her around and she was definitely helpful, but I honestly felt like she was preventing me from bonding with my baby. The only time she let me really hold her was when I was nursing her. She says that I'm going to need more help with Olivia this time which is totally true, but because of some health issues she has she can't even pick up Olivia so I'm not sure how much help she'll be with her. Plus with DH's new job he'll be around a lot more to help. I know that I can't tell her I don't want her to come or that I don't want her to stay for a month because that will be so disrespectful in her eyes and in my Mom's. I guess I don't really need advice, LOL. I know that I just have to let it happen. Just needed to vent I guess.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

    30w tomorrow
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Destiny - The deorderant eposide sounds like the day I had...without the biting though. Can't imagine what I would do if my son bite me. But today after I put lotion on him he had a 30 min fit when I took the lotion away and then he almost had the same fit when I tried to take a pencil from him...tantrums have been all the rage lately...So I completely feel your pain. As for the grandma coming...maybe you could talk to your mom about persuading your grandma not to stay as long. My Grandma had a stroke a little over a year ago...I wouldn't let her alone with my kids but still I know she would love to be able to help. Or you could just set up a schedule with your Grandma when she gets there so she's not hovering over you and the baby all day. Does she have any friends where you live that you can get to take her out once in a while when you really need a break? Congrats on the hubby getting a new job and being home more...SWEET!

    Bru - sounds like you have been really busy...don't forget to take time to relax and enjoy your "me" time. Hopefully hubby will be back soon.

    Emily - sorry your Mother's Day was a wash but glad that you got to do some other things over the weekend..and good to hear that things are going well with your bloodwork.

    Jalyn - Definitely praying that things work out and your hubby gets a job where he can be home more.

    Hope all you other mommies are doing well and staying active and eating healthy!

    AFM - took my son Strawberry picking today with my moms group, it was fun but really warm so after 2 hours I was ready to go home and my son was ready for a nap which was nice. I definitely want to do it again the strawberries we picked were delicious and so sweet...I really need to get a few more bushes of my own so that I can have a nice crop myself. In the afternoon, I got to spend a little while cleaning up my son's room, so that I can have it organized after the baby comes. I figure if I can get in a hour or two a day and get things cleaned up I will be set for the most part. Otherwise, things are good...been trying to stay active and eating heathly also really keeping my water intake up... Haven't gotten any work done today so hopefully tonight. Have been tired the last few nights so I need to get some more sleep but also get some work done.
    Alright I hope everyone is well..will check back in later.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Destiny – thanks, I like your bump too ☺. This yucky stomach does suck but my little guy’s movements are making up for it so far! I hear you on the squished, took a quick peek of my LO on the ultrasound at work and he is just packed in there! Glad to hear your daughter did well at the doctor’s office, but sorry things didn’t go as well at home with the deordarant! Hopefully you passed your glucose test with flying colors! Congrats on DH’s job! I know you didn’t want advice, but you have to stick up for your family. Tell your grandma that you are so appreciative that she wants to help out so much, but you worry about her health and you will also have extra help from hubby now and just feel you need the time to bond. Your mom and grandma should be able to understand!

    kcurtis – sorry DH had to work on mother’s day but congrats on your beautiful daughter! I think it’s great DH already got to feed her, I think my DH would love that as well. hope your nipples are starting to heal and the latching is improving!

    Amanda – glad you are getting these potentially awkward conversations out of the way. I am not sure if I would want my mom there or not, it might be impossible to stop her and I’m also a little afraid DH will freak out on me and I’ll need a backup! I’m sure your mom wouldn’t care if you were cranky though ;)

    Amy – hey, long time no see. Sorry to hear about your hubby’s job situation but happy to hear your cerclage is holding up. Best of luck on the glucose test. I’m sure this shower will be a good way for your mom and MIL to put aside their differences and focus on something they are both excited about, maybe it will even bring them closer! Congrats on cleaning the house, I hope to do that in the next 2 days…

    Kelley – sorry to hear you and your MIL don’t really get along – why not? Sounds like you are a busy bee these days. I didn’t even think of bedguards –yikes there is a lot to consider with LOs! The strawberries sound delicious, was just eating some myself earlier… glad you are staying active!

    Jalyn – Must be so hard missing your DH during this hormonal time! I’m glad you are staying busy and will be praying this job situation works out for DH. I need to drink more water too, going to add that to my goals…

    Emily – Yay on the low antibody levels and great baby checkup! Very relieved for you. Sorry Mother’s day got rained out, but it sounds like you made the best of it.

    AFM - Well after a tumultuous week highlighted by a big fight that seemed to happen for no reason but was definitely DH's fault :grumble: and tons of time spent searching, DH and I are probably going to just move to a bigger apartment instead of renting the house. We haven't really liked our other options. We applied for a large 3 BR in a fancy highrise downtown, if all goes well we'll move in about a month. I'm excited about the possibility of having room for a dedicated nursery but a little overwhelmed at the thought of somehow packing while 9 months pregnant and still working full time. I also still need a baby friendly car!

    My LO has started moving even more the last few days, he seems possessed sometimes! He likes to get stuck right under my ribcage, which doesn't help my heartburn, but I'm glad he's healthy enough to do all that. I am still powering through some tough workouts but this week have been a little more tired at the end with more Braxton Hicks (had several today especially). I am going to try more water and if that doesn't work start scaling down. I'm just afraid if I slow down too much I'll stop and then be unable to move! :laugh: Still not logging and don't think I care anymore just going to focus on getting in my fruits and veggies and eat when I'm hungry (which admittedly is more often and more urgently!)

    my goals this week
    - more water 2L minimum!
    - maintain my 3 strength circuits a week with 2 cardio days
    - 3 veggies, 2 fruit servings daily (been slacking on the veggies a little!)
    - finalize the apartment and moving situation so I can figure out a packing schedule (sigh)
    - Reward for above will be ordering my nursery decorations!

    (32 week 5 days,+20ish)
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey ladies,
    Sorry for being quiet this week, I've been off work and resting. I just seem to be totally wiped out! I'm putting it down to being 37yrs OLD now and carrying a baby! Anyway I listened to my body and stayed home. Back to work today and I walked to work but had really bad 'stitch' like pains in my lower abdomen that lasted about 8 minutes. They went away after sitting down for a few minutes so I don't really know what that was all about!
    We're moving house at the end of this month so my current home looks like a bomb has hit it! There's stuff everywhere and it's driving me insane! I'm sure we'll get there - I love to be organised but I'm not allowed to lift a finger and it's doing my head in!
    Anyway, I'm so glad to hear that you're all doing great, I've just been catching up so hiyaaaaaaaa everyone, have a great Thursday and a lovely weekend.
    Love Sarah
    29wks 4days
    (Don't know my weight as the scales need a new battery - might just keep it that way for a while ;))
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Good morning all you pretty mammas!
    Looks like you ladies are doing pretty well and we're all getting closer day by day!
    I'm doing well myself... eating has been pretty bad as I've been eating out much too much lately, but still doing well with working out. It's definately getting more difficult though because my energy level has plummeted in the last few weeks. Not great timing either since I have about 4 million things to do to get ready for the baby still. I did, however, get Max transitioned to his new room and big boy bed last weekend! He took it pretty well and has only pointed at his old room a couple of times saying "Max's room!" I'm hoping it works okay with his big brother in there as well since we have him this weekend. I'm getting anxoius for my next Doctor's appt (a week from today) because it will be my first progress check... Even though I know it doesn't really mean anything, I just want to know where I'm at... especially since my progress will influence how/ if the VBAC goes over. I'm having trouble figuring out which direction she's facing b/c I feel her all over the place. Oh yeah, and I just noticed I'm getting stretch marks on my belly! Which doesn't sound like a big deal, but I was almost 60 lbs heavier with Max and of course have a slew of stretch marks to show for it... but how could I possibly get them this time too! I can only think it's because I'm carrying her so differently, but come on!
    Also, my vericose viens are out of control... the doctor assures me they will fade once I have the baby, but they're bad and they're on my calves so I can't even wear capris without them showing in thier full glory. Sigh, I know it's all worth it... but it sucks to be in good shape and still not be able to show any skin without being embarrassed!
    Okay, rant over, I promise. Overall I can't wait to meet my little princess and I really wish I could concentrate on that more than the stress of feeling like there's too much to do and too little time!
    Have a great day ladies!
    35 weeks on Saturday- up 24lbs (as of last weekend)