Introduction for New Members



  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Hi All,

    I've been on MFP for a couple of months. Was trying to eat under 1200 (under 1000 some days). FInally cracked as it was leaving me so tired & cranky... I couldn't focus at work and it was ruining my social life!! I was on the verge of throwing MFP in altogether, but I've decided to raise my calories instead. I will try to eat my maintenance cals of around 1800 for a while and see how that goes. I'm scared!! :-/

    I don't really care how long it takes to lose the weight, I just don't want to lose my sanity doing it. I hope this works!

    Nice to meet everyone, please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • hayley0181
    hayley0181 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been on mfp since january and have only lose 2lbs since then! I've toned up a bit but but I've got more weight I'd like to lose. I had been sticking to 1200 a day but the weight hasn't gone. So I thought I'd give this a try. I'm aiming to eat 1750 a day. Anyone feel free to add me. It'd be great to see some diaries of people eating more as I'm finiding it difficult to eat this amount without having junk!
  • Gertie_Brinks
    hello :)

    my BMR is 1744
    my TDEE is 2398
    I'm 47
    current weight is about 100kg

    so today is my first day at this. I had joined last January and started at 1200 a day, began exercising about 4 days a week and thought I was doing what I should be.
    I didn't lose anything.

    I had a long think about where I was and what was going on. I think it started a while ago.

    I use to live in Vancouver and I would drive by a 'Dr. Bersteins Diet Clinic' almost daily. I think there may be some Clinics in the States but they were mostly in Canada then. One day I went in. I did manage to lose 75 lbs in under 4 months. It was amazing, the weight literally feel off. I went with my GP's blessing so I thought it was great. I never thought about how much I was actually eating calorie wise. I think it was somewhere around 500-600 cal/day. No wonder the weight feel off.

    Oddly I kept it off for about 6 years, I only gained about 25 lbs back. But for the last three years I have been on a very low carb diet, I've avoided fruits and most carbs. I would eat protein bars for all my breakfast and sometimes lunch. I was always getting sick and never had any energy. This of course was because I needed to lose weight!

    I want to say I have always been 'overweight' but I haven't. I just think I have been. I look back now at pictures when I was in my late teens and think 'what?? But I was fat!' No I wasn't, but I was always called that by my family.

    When I started at 1200 I thought it seemed like a lot of food or maybe it was just because I was actually eating some carbs that it felt like that. I wasn't sure why I didn't lose anything but I was curious. I read some interesting things.

    About 2 months ago the elliptical trainer we have broke down and and I got sick so I took a break. I read, did some numbers and thought about things. Well, the trainer is finally fixed and I'm back at it. But two months of not being too active has had it's effect. The 20 minutes I did ( I was doing an hour in February and it was easy!! ) HURT. I ache and I also misread a label on consumed 706 cal not 206! Yes, it's time to get bifocals.

    So, today's my first day and I feel a bit like my *kitten* has been kicked :)
    Luckily I'm in for the long run not just a quick fix.
    I'm sure I'll have questions but right now I just want a lie down and a cup of tea.
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Thought I'd say hello to everyone and finally introduce myself. I've been creeping this group for a while and am now committed to EM2WL (unless you know, in the future it stops working for me.)

    Right so I've been trying to lose since about November. I ate only 1300 calories that month and lost 8lbs. I was ecstatic but hungry and overworked. It was not sustainable and when I stopped losing in mid-December I sort of gave up a bit and went through periods where I was eating healthy, eating around 1300 net, 1500 calories, and also periods of huge binges, fried foods, eating normally, eating too much and so on. Really though this time has been important for me as I've been working on being in a healthier mindset, learning to love my body, and all that.

    About mid-April I recommitted fully to healthy eating with new vigor. I went back to 1300 net and saw no progress for a couple weeks. So, after a bit of creeping this group and seeing stuff on Tumblr I bumped up to 1600 calories and watched about six pounds drop. However I was still afraid of going for my whole TDEE - cut/ not doing the metabolism reset because I was afraid of gaining weight.

    But I did gain weight. The first week I gained two pounds which I lost the next week and lost since. However two weeks ago when I weighed in I was back at the 148 mark where I have been 'maintaining' since December and only managed to lose 0.6lbs that week. So, a little scared of being stuck in that pattern I decided to go for it and up my cals.

    I upped my calories to my TDEE-20% finally and over the last week I dropped exactly two pounds - I am now at my lowest weight since I started this journey at 146.4lbs. This is great news for me and I hope this stays up.

    I'm really only focused on the scale to the point where I want a healthy BMI which is just 0.5lbs away now! Once I get to that healthy BMI I'll be hiding the scale and only weighing in about once a month. I want to focus on body fat percentage and get down to around 20% - I'm currently around 26.5%. That and I want to focus on attaining a healthy body image, lifting heavier when I get to school, becoming vegetarian when I move out, shooting better in archery, and inches lost.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! Just let me know where you're from because otherwise I'll be curious. I like to support people a lot, try to comment on people's burns/weigh ins/that sort of stuff and like when people do that back. Just don't like if you use the mfp feed like a twitter and every single thought you have is posted. (Sorry, just one of my quirks. I have tumblr for that function xD)

    Age: 19 (20 next month!)
    5 foot 4
    Activity Level: Went with 3-5 hours/week moderate exercise
    6 half hour long work outs a week (doing the Jillian Michaels 90 Day Body Revolution) with probably one extra work out (ie light swim, hour walk, archery)
    however I also work on my feet serving coffee at Tim Horton's about 30 hours week. So I might have to up my activity level, not really sure, bah.

    Calculated all this at my weight of 148 last week...
    BMR: 1505
    TDEE: 2333
    20% Cut: 1866

    Goals: get to a healthy BMI (around 145lbs), hold a three minute plank, get to around 20% body fat, start lifting heavy (NROLFW) and go vegetarian in September, do more archery and become a bamf like that, try jiu jitsu, finish the 90 Day Body Revolution, be a year binge free, be on better terms with my body

    And here's a chart of my weight over the last 180 days for the fun of it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    hello :)

    my BMR is 1744
    my TDEE is 2398
    I'm 47
    current weight is about 100kg

    so today is my first day at this. I had joined last January and started at 1200 a day, began exercising about 4 days a week and thought I was doing what I should be.
    I didn't lose anything.

    I had a long think about where I was and what was going on. I think it started a while ago.

    I use to live in Vancouver and I would drive by a 'Dr. Bersteins Diet Clinic' almost daily. I think there may be some Clinics in the States but they were mostly in Canada then. One day I went in. I did manage to lose 75 lbs in under 4 months. It was amazing, the weight literally feel off. I went with my GP's blessing so I thought it was great. I never thought about how much I was actually eating calorie wise. I think it was somewhere around 500-600 cal/day. No wonder the weight feel off.

    Oddly I kept it off for about 6 years, I only gained about 25 lbs back. But for the last three years I have been on a very low carb diet, I've avoided fruits and most carbs. I would eat protein bars for all my breakfast and sometimes lunch. I was always getting sick and never had any energy. This of course was because I needed to lose weight!

    I want to say I have always been 'overweight' but I haven't. I just think I have been. I look back now at pictures when I was in my late teens and think 'what?? But I was fat!' No I wasn't, but I was always called that by my family.

    When I started at 1200 I thought it seemed like a lot of food or maybe it was just because I was actually eating some carbs that it felt like that. I wasn't sure why I didn't lose anything but I was curious. I read some interesting things.

    About 2 months ago the elliptical trainer we have broke down and and I got sick so I took a break. I read, did some numbers and thought about things. Well, the trainer is finally fixed and I'm back at it. But two months of not being too active has had it's effect. The 20 minutes I did ( I was doing an hour in February and it was easy!! ) HURT. I ache and I also misread a label on consumed 706 cal not 206! Yes, it's time to get bifocals.

    So, today's my first day and I feel a bit like my *kitten* has been kicked :)
    Luckily I'm in for the long run not just a quick fix.
    I'm sure I'll have questions but right now I just want a lie down and a cup of tea.

    Welcome to the group!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thought I'd say hello to everyone and finally introduce myself. I've been creeping this group for a while and am now committed to EM2WL (unless you know, in the future it stops working for me.)

    Right so I've been trying to lose since about November. I ate only 1300 calories that month and lost 8lbs. I was ecstatic but hungry and overworked. It was not sustainable and when I stopped losing in mid-December I sort of gave up a bit and went through periods where I was eating healthy, eating around 1300 net, 1500 calories, and also periods of huge binges, fried foods, eating normally, eating too much and so on. Really though this time has been important for me as I've been working on being in a healthier mindset, learning to love my body, and all that.

    About mid-April I recommitted fully to healthy eating with new vigor. I went back to 1300 net and saw no progress for a couple weeks. So, after a bit of creeping this group and seeing stuff on Tumblr I bumped up to 1600 calories and watched about six pounds drop. However I was still afraid of going for my whole TDEE - cut/ not doing the metabolism reset because I was afraid of gaining weight.

    But I did gain weight. The first week I gained two pounds which I lost the next week and lost since. However two weeks ago when I weighed in I was back at the 148 mark where I have been 'maintaining' since December and only managed to lose 0.6lbs that week. So, a little scared of being stuck in that pattern I decided to go for it and up my cals.

    I upped my calories to my TDEE-20% finally and over the last week I dropped exactly two pounds - I am now at my lowest weight since I started this journey at 146.4lbs. This is great news for me and I hope this stays up.

    I'm really only focused on the scale to the point where I want a healthy BMI which is just 0.5lbs away now! Once I get to that healthy BMI I'll be hiding the scale and only weighing in about once a month. I want to focus on body fat percentage and get down to around 20% - I'm currently around 26.5%. That and I want to focus on attaining a healthy body image, lifting heavier when I get to school, becoming vegetarian when I move out, shooting better in archery, and inches lost.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! Just let me know where you're from because otherwise I'll be curious. I like to support people a lot, try to comment on people's burns/weigh ins/that sort of stuff and like when people do that back. Just don't like if you use the mfp feed like a twitter and every single thought you have is posted. (Sorry, just one of my quirks. I have tumblr for that function xD)

    Age: 19 (20 next month!)
    5 foot 4
    Activity Level: Went with 3-5 hours/week moderate exercise
    6 half hour long work outs a week (doing the Jillian Michaels 90 Day Body Revolution) with probably one extra work out (ie light swim, hour walk, archery)
    however I also work on my feet serving coffee at Tim Horton's about 30 hours week. So I might have to up my activity level, not really sure, bah.

    Calculated all this at my weight of 148 last week...
    BMR: 1505
    TDEE: 2333
    20% Cut: 1866

    Goals: get to a healthy BMI (around 145lbs), hold a three minute plank, get to around 20% body fat, start lifting heavy (NROLFW) and go vegetarian in September, do more archery and become a bamf like that, try jiu jitsu, finish the 90 Day Body Revolution, be a year binge free, be on better terms with my body

    Welcome to the group!
  • thordisintho
    thordisintho Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    I'm a 23 year old photographer from Iceland. I started on MFP in July 2011 at 140kg and started eating around 1800 calories I think. It then lowered with MFP as I lost more weight down to 1600. At that point I had lost 10kg and I was starving on 1600. November and December I tried to eat maintenance and didn't really log and on January 9th when I started again I had gained back 5kg.
    In March I found out my BMR and decided to eat that number + exercise calories. Since then I've been hovering on the same 0.7kgs, 131.8-132.5.

    Today one of my friends here posted a link to this group and I decided to try after viewing my diary for the last 3 weeks and realizing that I've been eating 2600-3400 calories and still maintained within 0.7kgs.
    The Scooby calculator tells me my TDEE with 3-5hrs of moderate exercise (which I plan to do) is 3277 calories and -15% is 2766 so I'm setting my diary to 2760 and I'm gonna start working out 3-5 hrs a week tomorrow.

    Can't wait to see if these calculations are correct! :)
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all, my name is Sarah.

    I started MFP a few months ago around christmas. I lost maybe 10 pounds, but found the general community to be disheartening. Everyone around me was eating so little! And I'm definitely an eater and just knew that wasn't going to work for me so I stopped for a while. Then last month I started up again, trying to eat 1700 (but always eating my work out cals) then I went down to 1500 and was VERY HUNGRY...and then I found this community! What a dream come true :)

    So my new goals are the following:

    Current weight: 195lbs
    Goal: 165lbs (AND BUFF :))
    TDEE: 2353
    BMR: 1705
    current calorie goal (assuming I haven't done a mega amount of exercise): 1993

    Truthfully I sometimes am over or under and I'm trying not to be crazy about. Here are my non-scale related goals:
    To be a healthy and strong lady.
    To avoid diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure that seems to follow everyone in my family.
    To love my body at every size.

    I'd love to meet anyone who shares some of these goals and would love to hear from folks who are trying to love themselves and care less about scales. I'm also looking for folks who really eat and really work out. Right now I only walk and occasionally do some yoga in my living room. But it's my goal to get into lifting some weights and things and would love some pals to help me along that journey :)

    Also, I'd like to recommend a book called Health at Every Size that I really love. Forgive me if folks already know about it--newbie here :)

    So yeah other things about me: social worker, new yorker, amateur ukulele player and vegetarian chef, a little wacky, in love with a wonderfully supportive person who amazing loves me back no matter what size my pant are, 23 years old, recent grad and recently unemployed, and I LOVE FOOD. I've always hated exercise and have always been the fat uncoordinated nerdy kid with a book, but these days I'm trying to figure out how to love exercising a bit too. Right now that just means walking as much of the island of manhattan as I can but I'm hoping once a job comes I can add in some weight training and maybe a little bit more too.

    Yeah so that's enough :) friend me and tell me about you! I'd love to support/be supported.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, I am very new to this eat more to weigh less group and very nervous. My name is Melissa and stay home mom to 2 kids who take up alot of my energy.
    I started this journey at MFP eating 700-900 calories. I had breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack but I made sure every meal was at least 200-250 calories. I was starving, I didnt do exercise because just starting out I hated it. Plus I never energy. It wasnt till one day that I felt so weak & dizzy that I decided to up my calories to at least 1200. At first it was hard on some days. i started feeling better. On weekends, I ate more than 1200 calories as i call my cheat days persay. I felt guilty then stop feeling like that. Now I enjoy my rest days and indulge.

    Now I am currently doing Insanity. I look at the nutrition guide and it said my BMR was 1550 calories. and then with Insanity I need to eat at least 1834 with 500 calorie deficit. So my TDEE is 2334. So I am to try to make it my goal to eat at least 1850 calories now. I am nervous to think I might gain weight or stall out. But I feel I need more fuel to do all I do.

    Wish me good luck!!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Allison: 5'4. 146lbs (trying to get to my first goal of 135). Currently living in Spain since April until the beginning of July. I come here very scared, but very frustrated. According to my fitbit, I'm burning 3,000 calories a day from exercise and walking around Madrid. I've been eating between 1600-1900 of those a day-- which was working great at first, but now i've stalled. It's been suggested to me that I should eat more to make up for my almost more than 1,000 calorie deficit.

    Any suggestion about how to do this without overwhelming myself with food?

  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Patty! Just joined MFP in April. Started at the suggested 1200 calories (eating back all my exercise calories) and lost 5 lbs but that is it. I am totally stalled and even gained a few back this week. My body loves to weigh 179 for some reason. I have been battling this magic number for years. I will gain and lose ...gain and lose and always end up at that same 179. I have been lurking in this group for a while just reading and taking it in and I am ready to throw the scale out the window and really try this. I just started lifting last week and I love it. I was a pure cardio girl before but am enjoying that tingle of muscle soreness I get from lifting. It makes me feel like I am really doing something. So my current schedule is weight lifting 3x week and cardio 2x and I take the weekends off. I have a desk job so other than my workouts, I don't get a lot of activity during the week.

    CW: 179 (surprise!)
    GW: 135-140
    BMR: 1531
    HEIGHT: 5' 6"
    AGE: 43
    TDEE - 2373 - 15% cut = 2017 < So I should eat this number on non-workout days and then eat 2217 on the days that I workout?According to the NRL4W, I estimated 1,651 for non-workout days and 1,926 for workout days so I am really confused which one to go with.

    I don't think anyone on my current friend list is doing this program so I would love some new friends to do this with so we can compare notes.

    This makes me really nervous to eat this much but will try it for 4 weeks and see what happens.
  • Isabelleza
    Isabelleza Posts: 25
    Hi everyone:

    I have been a MFP member since AUG of 2011. I have lost 'some' pounds but have gained some back (10 lbs gained back...jumped off the band wagon!). I REALLY need some motivation and tips on how to continue my weight loss journey. I hit a plateau at times and that was one of the reasons that discouraged me to continue... I know... excuses, excuses...but yeah, I REALLY want to continue to lose weight and feel better for myself. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CW: 197 lbs
    GW: 155 lbs
    TDEE: 2494
    TDEE-15%: 2120
    BMR: 1609
    Age: 41
    Exercise: Zumba 4x's a week
    MFP cal intake: 1200

    I am so confused with the BMR, TDEE, MFP suggestions....where do I begin????
  • ben_running
    I'm Ben. I ballooned up in college. My freshman 15 was a freshman 30 in the first semester. I left home at 180 and came home at Christmas at 209. I stayed around 200 for several years. I had asthma all my life up until a miraculous healing event in 1994 (I will just leave that for another day) occurred and I began cycling(1999). I then got back down around 185 and worked to get as low as 178 (2006?). At that time, I was cycling, running and lifting consistently.

    About 5 years ago, a friend of mine suggested I stop lifting in lieu of swimming (I'm not a swimmer) and join him in participating in triathalons. The weight began to slowly creep up even though I was swimming as often as I was lifting before. Long story short, when I trained for my first marathon (2010) I weighed 200 and when I crossed the finish line I was 206.

    I continued to run, but little else. After completing my second marathon (January 2011), I weighed in, again, at 206lbs and I've been hanging there since. I fell out of the habit of daily running and have struggled to get back into it.

    The past few months, I've gotten down to 190 using the MFP setting which was 1230 calories. After looking at my notes from when I was 178, I was eating 6-7 times a day around 2100 calories. Makes you go hmmmmm...

    Anyway, have calculated BMR of 1810, TDEE of 2578 and currently trying to stay between 1810 and 2090 per day.

    Feel free to tell me where I may be missing something or send me a friend request.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Steph and I think I am gonna try eat more to weigh less!

    A little history of myself:

    First joined weight watchers around 2005 and lost 64 pounds and became a lifetime member. Second time I joined was April of 2011 and currently lost 56 pounds and reinstated my lifetime membership. I know that this is a low calorie plan and that is why I am here.

    My current weight (since over a month ago, hardly ever weigh myself) is 128. My height is 5'3". 37 years old.

    I am in Stage 5 of NROL4W. I am fatigued constantly. Could it be that I'm not eating enough? I think so.

    I can't eat like this forever, love food too much:love:

    So here I am. I read stickies and watched the videos. Here are my calculations:

    BMR - 1327
    TDEE - 2058
    daily calories based on goal - 1749

    So, I would like to lose a little more fat. Thinking of doing a metabolism reset.

    For the reset I would eat 2058 daily and NOT go under 1327 (BMR) correct? Then after reset start eating at 1749 and NEVER go under BMR, right?
  • saraoverbeck
    Hello all:) My name is Sara, and I just started EM2WL yesterday:) I have been on MFP for a while now, eating around 1400 calories. I have managed to yo-yo about 10 lbs lost from this site, 15 lbs total in the last 2 months or so. I really LOVE this group, and everything I've read so far.... I just hope I have the patience to wait to see the results, and not get discouraged if I gain weight back before I lose it and KEEP IT OFF!

    I bought NRFLFW for my Kindle the other day, and have just started reading it, but so far it's been very informative:)

    My biggest goal for losing this weight is a family. I got married last November, and while we're still wanting to wait a bit before we have children, we have been talking about it, and we both realize that I'll be risking health if I were to get pregnant right now. I'm weighing in at this moment at 220- I'm already at risk due to family history for diabetes. This will just increase during pregnancy and beyond. I have PCOS (although I haven't been 'officially' diagnosed, my Dr. said I have all the signs, but for various reasons I can't get the testing done to be on meds to help), and am hoping the weight loss will help that issue, as well, so we don't have as hard of a time trying to conceive when we are ready. I want to be healthy, have a healthy pregnancy, and have a healthy child. My entire family is overweight, so I have a LOT going against me, but I am determined:)

    I also, of course, want to look better and feel better about myself. There's no pressure coming from my husband (other than health concerns) to lose weight, but I want to AMAZING for him. It doesn't matter how many times you hear it.... you have to FEEL it to believe it!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here- or Facebook! I would LOVE having like-minded friends that can help me succeed:)
  • jwilds1010
    jwilds1010 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome, I just started EMTWL about a week ago, need more friends who eat!!!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I joined this group on the recommendation of a "friend" but having trouble getting used to the idea behind it.

    I'm Mel and I'm from Sunny (not!) Scotland! I am 5'3'', 39 years old, female. I'm married and have a desk job but I also have a 6 year old son who keeps me busy, especially at the weekends. Despite working full time I still manage to work-out about 4-5 times per week doing running (up to 10km now), Kettlebell classes, Body Pump, CXworx, general gym workouts using both cardio and strength training exercises. For the days when I can't get out to exercise I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or Davina Power of 3 DVD and also sometimes Zumba on the Wii.

    I have managed to lose about 14lbs since August of last year but it has been very slow going. I started out doing Scottish Slimmers but that didn't work and after reading up a lot on here I realised I wasn't eating enough. I started using MFP properly in November last year and have found the support on here to be fantastic - I now prefer it to Facebook lol!

    Today I am really fed up as I have only lost 1.8lbs since the end of April 2012 and it is not through lack of trying although I have been losing inches (dropped a dress size!). Friends keep telling me to give it a go so I am going to start it tomorrow and do it properly!

    I've been to Scooby's website and my numbers are as follows (based on moderate activity level):

    Current Weight = 162
    Goal Weight = 140
    BMR = 1422
    TDEE = 2272
    Cut @ 15% = 1931
    Cut @ 20% = 1818

    I am going to start off with eating 1818 cals per day and, if I understand this correctly I should only be eating back exercise cals if my Net is below 1422. According to Scooby, if I eat this amount I should lose about 3.6lbs per month.

    Well, off I go and change my MFP goals.....again.....this time hopefully for the last time!
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member

    Been in this group for a few days but increased my calorie intake today from around 1200 to 1400. My TDEE - 15% is 1418.

    Not really got a target weight but need to lose about 12-14 lb to get into a healthy weight range. After that will go a bit further but will see how I feel.

    I am not blessed in the height department so my BMR is around 1391, my TDEE is 1669.

    Not doing huge amounts of exercise, around 30 minutes a day.

    I can stick to low calorie diets but they aren't my ideal way to spend my time so I am trying this route instead.
  • skammerich
    Hi All! One of MFP friends recommended this group to me after I had a little temper tantrum about my two month plateau :explode: I have had some success--I had been eating 1300 calories a day for about a year and a half and lost about 20 pounds, exercising (cardio) about 5-6 times a week. I lost about 20 pounds and completely stalled. Out of desperation, I backed down to 1200 a day, but was STARVING all the time and found myself going over & then feeling guilty, disappointed, and frustrated. I also found myself logging shopping and housecleaning for cardio, just so I could eat some more! It had been sitting at the back of my mind the whole time how insane this is, really, when I found this group and now I can't stop reading and learning more. I'm very new, but I'm totally committed to trying this route--there is no way I want to live on 1300 calories for the rest of my life!!!

    I know this journey is not going to be as easy as the low-cal route--psychologically, I'm still letting go of my low-cal ways & fears about gaining and eating more and I'm hoping to be able to remember all the advice on here when/if the scale creeps up. I took measurements & pics today for the first time and my goal is to add some strength training and try to sculpt my body to how I want it to look.

    Would love to friend some more like-minded, positive "eaters," so feel free to send me a friend request if you need some support as well. :love:

    BMR 1311
    TDEE 2030
    Cut 1720
    Goal 7 more pounds or 1 more pants size down--I'll take either :)
  • Mistymath
    Mistymath Posts: 146 Member
    I've been lurking in this group for a bit, but I've decided to finally join in some discussions.

    My name is Misty. I'm 29 years old, and I've been (mostly) gradually gaining weight for about the past 10 years. I was an athlete in high school and accustomed to eating whatever I wanted and maintaining an OK weight (I was a very active 180 when I played softball), but once I hit college and adult life without that 4 hours of exercise each day, I didn't change my eating habits, and now I'm much heavier.

    I had a baby last year, and I am ready to be healthy, both in my eating and exercise habits. I started on MFP in May with a calorie goal of 1400 per day, and it was going fine. But as I read more about BMR/TDEE and eating more to weight less, that route made so much sense. I don't want to screw up my metabolism and plateau long before I reach my goal. So I quickly changed it up.

    According to the scooby calculator, my BMR is 1962 and TDEE is 3042. I'm currently eating around 2000 calories per day because I have a large amount to lose (over 100 pounds to goal weight) and am currently on track to lose around 2 lbs/week (I've been hitting between 1-2 pounds consistently since I started eating my BMR as a minimum about 3 weeks ago). I primarily do cardio at this point but plan to add weight training.

    I've read different things but was just wondering if, with such a large amount of weight to lose, this is considered an acceptable range of calories for me. For a 20% reduction, the scooby site suggests that I eat 2433 per day. Here are my current stats:

    Weight: 253.4 (down 10.1 pounds so far!)
    Height: 5'4 1/2"
    Exercise: At least 30 minutes daily (but varies anywhere from 30-70 minutes)
    Activity level: Other than the daily exercise, I work at a fairly sedentary desk job.
    UGW: 145