Welcome! Say hello....



  • TAnne123
    TAnne123 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! Just joined this group. I think I'm way to late for the 3 month challenge, but will be here for the start of the next challenge!
    I'm 32, no kids, from NYC area, and am in a wonderful relationship. I was pretty fat in my 20's, but I drank a lot of beer! :drinker:
    Although I'm currently a pack-a-day smoker, I'm trying to be more health conscious. I plan to stop smoking everything on June 1st, but I'd prefer to be thin by then... But I'm 2 lbs. over my starting weight, so my big plan didn't work. :tongue:
    Anyway, happy to be here, glad to meet you all, and looking forward to losing weight with you guys and being an active member this group :smile:
  • nutmeg36
    nutmeg36 Posts: 1
    Hi! I am 37 and new to this group. I am hoping to find success in losing about 10 pounds.
  • kalajean
    kalajean Posts: 15 Member
    Hy everyone. I'm 31 and working to lose 35 pounds. I tend to be an on again, off again person when it comes to weightloss, but I'm at it again. Starting by exercising and back to tracking what I eat. Hope to get to know you guys :)
  • neikoboo927
    neikoboo927 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I'm Kris, and I'm 30. I work full time at a small electric motor shop as the Vice President. I am a very happily married momma of 1 6yo son and 3 stepsons, 12, 13 and 18. We live for today because we are never granted tomorrow. Love to go out and have fun. Anything active is great for me. I had a complete abdominal hysterectomy 10/21/11 due to severe endometriosis. Since the surgery I have gained 40lbs! I went to my general doctor and asked for blood work a few weeks ago and found I had no vitamin D in me as well as being on the verge of hypothyriodism. So I got a D3 1000mg supplement I take daily which helps a ton with my mood and energy and completely changed my eating habits. I went from eating out for lunch at fast food 5 days a week as well as eating out at dinner type restaurants at least 4 nights a week to packing my lunch every work day which is 468 calories and cooking a healthy meal at home during the week as well and only eating out 1 night on the weekend. I completely cut out soda from my diet so that counts for most of my weight loss so far.

    I look forward to sharing and supporting my fellow 30 something weight loss buddies.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group for those of you coming on this week! There are several of us actives on here so feel free to add us for additional support.

    Good luck on your journeys!!

  • adstpier
    adstpier Posts: 4
    I have JUST entered my 30's and am really having a hard time with it - I am not sure where my 20's went, when i put the weight back on or when my children got so big!!! :sad: I'm looking for a few MFP friends who are willing to keep me in check and kick me in the @$$ when i need it!! Maybe then I'll know where my 30's go :wink:
  • KatiO11
    KatiO11 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Kati. I am 32, live in Dallas, TX. Single, Pomeranian owner, full-time school and work. I have 70 pounds to lose.
  • McClau
    McClau Posts: 8
    Hi Guys

    I'm Claudine, 33 and from Montreal. I started MFP primarily for a trip planned at the end of the summer and to feel better about myself in general. I am on the right path exercise wise however I still have a few struggles here and there with my food intake and choices. Everybody welcome to add me as a friend for motivation, moral support or anything else. Cheers!
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I am here but still not ready to admit I am 31! :) I am married, 2 kids: 7 year old and almost 1 year old. They both keep me way busy at home and I work full time. I also have a "third kid" . . . my husband. :D I am finding that after my second child, years later, is taking a lot longer to get this weight off than it did with my first one when I was 24. So . . . I'm here :D
  • cindyhoyos
    cindyhoyos Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I'm Cindy and I am 30 years old. I am married and have three active boys: 8,6, &5. I had all three of those boys by the time that I was 25, so I have been looking forward to my thirties...it has just always felt like life would be more settled! At one point in my life I had lost 60 pounds, then I got pregnant again! Not sure what the heck happened with that pregnancy, but I pretty much started gaining all my weight back from the moment of conception! He had a lot of health issues when he was born and passed away at 5 months, almost 2 years ago now. Since his birth I have done nothing about my weight (he required quite an extended stay at a children's hospital for the first 12 weeks of his life and then his home care was quite extensive, so obviously that is where my focus was) so I gained all I had lost plus some extra. It's time to get back on track, get rid of the extra weight and work out my blues. My 10 year wedding anniversary is next June and I plan on looking HOT! :wink:
  • Hello! I am happy to see that there is a group for us fabulous 30 year olds. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am 36 years old and I am a mom to three wonderful children who each have their own specific needs and so in between many appointments and providing them with the supports that they need, I have little to no time for myself, especially this last year. I am married to a wonderful man whom I have been married to for almost 14 years. He is a wonderful support and now that I am putting myself first for the first time, he has been even more supportive. I am a teacher and work hard to provide my students with activities that will provide them with a love for learning.

    So I started MFP a little over a week ago and I am down 8 pounds since Monday. have a long way to go with a goal of 104 pounds to loose. I am not sure if I have lost any since then as I made my husband hide my scale. I will have to wait until Monday to find out.

    Well that it is for me. I would love to add to my friends list, as I know that I will need all of the support that I can get. So if you are looking for a little support as well please send me a message and we can support one another.

  • Seonaid74
    Seonaid74 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm 38 and a mother of 2 boys. My oldest will be 20 in a couple weeks and my baby is 6! I've been married almost 13 years. I have struggled for years with my weight! I am also diabetic. That makes it worse. I want to live for myself and my family. Time to put my health first! I want to be 40 and fabulous!!! I am also a member of TOPS and need more support! That is why I joined MFP. Please feel free to add me as a friend and I'll do my best to support you all as best as I can.

    Seonaid ;o)
  • Hello everyone! My name is Cynthia. I just turned 30 March 21st! I live in Dallas, TX. I have started my own cheerleading company and I am embracing my 30's. I am going to lose 25 pounds and I can't wait to see the results. I am looking for friends for support and I can be supportive as well. feel free to add me as a friend! Have a Cynsational Day!
  • Hello! It's great to meet you! I am actively working on losing weight too. I like beer but, had to cut it out and I am cutting back on the cigs. If you need motivation I'm here!
  • Mamao7
    Mamao7 Posts: 79
    Hello, I'm Jennifer and I've been in my thirty's for about 6 years now, maybe 7 years... lol I'm young at heart and most days can not even remember my age.. I have 5 children.. 3 girls 2 boys.. 17, 11,10,8,3 & hoping that we can make the baby a big brother... :) but that aside. I've been with my husband for 20 years... meet him at 18.. and I will have to admit now that I will be 38 in September. (age is just a number to me its not defining me) I'm looking to support and be supported by ladies who have the same goals as me. Well Have a great day all.. hope to meet some new friends.. :)
  • Honeybee165
    Honeybee165 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I'm J, I'm 32, I'm engaged and want to lose weight before the big day. I don't have any kids, I'm from Venezuela, and I love getting to know new people and making friends all over the world. I'm very open mind, I'm an Aries :) and Im here to offer my support and also to get all the help I can in my weight loss journey.
  • Well, I just turned 30 (sigh) and I'm ready to get healthy. I've started running and am ejoying the experience so far. I'm looking forward to the journey...the good and the bad. I definately need motivation and help which I'm hoping will keep me pushing myself for toward new goals.
  • 36 in Fort Myers Florida! tooooooooo quiet in here! Looking for buddies near and far for/to support! Add me :tongue:
  • jimc2334
    jimc2334 Posts: 15
    Hi all, Kind of new to the boards and MFP. Been here since the end of April and loving it. Looking for some friends more in my age group so I joined the 30 somethings. I'm from PA..northeast. Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me!
  • jacki318
    jacki318 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone !!

    I am 33 from NY. I just had a baby boy 4 months ago who is the love of my life ( I guess my husband is too haha ). After my wedding in January 2011 I decided to just eat whatever I wanted for a few months after obsessing for a year. Bad move , I gained 15 lbs then I got pregnant and gained alot more. Ive never been super skinny but I have always been in good shape , I have never been anywhere near this big.

    Anyway dont mean to ramble , I need to lose about 67 lbs and I am looking for any motivation I can get ! Feel free to friend me if you want , once I get going on the weight loss kick I usually do pretty good.
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