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The ye ol' welcome post.



  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Starting on Monday!! Lil scared lol
  • caylamo
    caylamo Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, fellow insane friends!

    I am starting Insanity today and I am pretty scared/nervous.
    I watched the fit test through the other day and I predict that I am going to spend
    most of that time dying on the floor!
  • Lizzymaep
    Lizzymaep Posts: 24 Member
    Just starting my 2nd month of Insanity.... I'm so pumped! This is by far my most enjoyed workout program. <3
  • Hey everyone! Im in week 1 (Day 4) of Insanity and im pretty pumped about it. It hurts so good :) Im new to MFP so feel free to add me as a friend! Cant wait to see everyones progress!

  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm starting day one on Monday, June 11. I did the fit test today and did ok. I've got about 12-15 pounds to lose (and have been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for the last year). I'm really pretty active, but I obviously need to change up my routine. Hoping Insanity is the answer.

    Best of luck to everyone.
  • kewe2012
    kewe2012 Posts: 2

    I am now on week 3 of insanity and have lost 6 lbs so far. I think it is a little repetitive but I keep pressing play because it gives me energy and I see results fast. I am following the meal plan as well which helps. It keeps me motivated. I do have to modify some of the exercises to keep it low impact but as long as I am eating right and moving, the results will come maybe not as quick as if I did all the high impact exercises. I am much stronger than 3 weeks ago and the stretching routines really help.
  • chrmne
    chrmne Posts: 3
    Hey peeps,
    Just join yesterday.....53 y/o mom of 4.....Goal is lose at least 8-10 lbs and/or, 6-9 inches by the end of July I just started insanitity one week ago, and 2days. This is an insane workout. I think this workout is better then all workouts I have experience. I never sweat as much on this workout as the others. I workouut in the basement, where it is extrememly cold there, its not cold enough, it feel like the outside 90degrees. I live in Chicago, and the summer starts kinda of early and it is close to 100 degrees. Oh well just ate breakfast (yogurt with oat bran) before I start day 2 week 2 of insantity. :grumble:
  • just started Insanity yesterday and WOW! hope to keep it up :wink:
  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all im hoping to start insanity by july 1st if not sooner after i get rid of this cold i have but im excited to get started and really hope to stick with it. ive still got roughly 54.6 lbs to lose ive got 3 kids and im 23 years old so ive still got a ways to go and a major belly pooch to get rid of so im really hoping this program will help me out. i have extreme motivation issues so i could really use all the help i can get :) good luck to you all and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Meri7
    Meri7 Posts: 1
    Hi! Started Insanity last Tuesday (19th) and I'm following the diet plan which I really like. Im hypoglycemic so this diet helps to keep my sugar at regular levels.
    The first day after the fit test I felt like I was going to faint. I used to dance when I was a teenager so it was a shock to see how out of shape I am now. Second and third day were difficult and I would have to stop for a few seconds but always tried to get back to it.
    I do the workouts with my boyfriend and it is definitely better to do the program with someone than doing it alone.
    I will post progress updates!
  • I've lost over 50 pounds thanks to Beachbody. Started with P90X and I've added Insanity into the mix in the last few months. I hit a snag in my weight loss, so I found this site to help me track my food. Now I'm back to losing weight, slowly but surely. I'm here to keep myself motivated.
  • I just started Day 1 yesterday, I tried it before a couple months ago and I really enjoyed it but some things in my life came up so I stopped and gained my weight back. But this time I'm back on my veggie diet and I'm going full blast on Insanity, getting fit is my number 1 priority in my life right now!
  • jeffsalyer
    jeffsalyer Posts: 13 Member
    I just started the third week and I can feel and begin to see a difference in my body. Down 5 pounds and I have more energy than I have in a long time. MFP and the success stories and knowing others are doing the same things helps keep me going. My wife is down 4 lbs in a week of 30DS.
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    Hi there! Just purchased Insanity this evening. I have done P90x before, but didn't complete a full cycle. I am determined to make it through the entire 60 days! My goal is to start on Monday, July 2nd as long as it arrives in time!! I am excited!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I just received my dvd's last night. I am starting on Monday - and am so excited. My husband is doing it with me (so he says). I am really hoping he is on board with me. I've had a hard time focusing on working out and eating healthy since we have been married. I'm already tracking my calories and I have my weekly calorie goal I am going to hit. He works a job where it is hard for him to eat the 5 meals. He doesn't like protein shakes and doesn't eat anything in the mornings, but I am going to try to help him change that as I think he really needs the protein to do this. He will continue to drink his beer I am sure, I don't drink beer, I do wine. Taking my measurements this weekend. Going to take our before pics before the fit test on Monday. I've got the calendar and the nutrition booklet and will be doing the reading, and making a chart for us to use together today. Am so excited!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Anyone want to follow each other on our walls and/or our blogs feel free to friend request me. I eat - not one of those people that starve myself and I am really going to work hard to keep my calories up, eating cleaner and keeping my macro percentages where they should be. Any help in the food nutrition/meal category would be welcomed. I like the zig zag method as my lifestyle needs that flexiblity. So I have used the method to get my TDEE, did the 500 calorie cut to lose and have times that by 7 to get my weekly calories. So some days my calories will vary but my weekly will be the same. I'm going to try this for two weeks and see if I see any results. I have used the 1.55 activity level since I will being doing Insanity. I also walk/jog everyday on my lunch hour and I will add those calories back in on the days I do both so I am not eating too low.
  • SilverLuma
    SilverLuma Posts: 46 Member
    Were you pleased with your results? (this questions goes for anyone who has done this regularly and wants to answer haha). I am just starting out. :) Any starter tips?
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    Due to a few complications -- Insanity arriving late, a tornado, and various power outages, I wasn't able to start last week. I am starting tomorrow! SO READY!!
  • Hey guys, just started insanity today. Did the fit test, and though I didn't do great, I feel great tonight (now that I've recovered a little and can breathe) This is definitely INSANE! By the time my buddy and I finished the fit test we were both laying on the floor face down in a puddle of our own sweat! I am looking at before and after pictures of people to help keep me motivated! Add me if you'd like!
  • Hey guys I'm on day 2 of Insanity. Looking forward to day 3. My buddy and I keep each other motivated. This is the hardest and definitely INSANE! But love every moment of it.