Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Week 8 *almost* over! Starting my 15% cut on Monday, June 18. CanNOT wait. Up a total of 23 pounds as of yesterday morning. Interestingly, I was so hungry yesterday evening and went over my TDEE by a LOT ... and my jeans fit this a.m.! My weekend was super active, so I am hoping that was just everything there catching up with me. I'm drinking tons of water, working on getting my sodium levels down and I've got my meals planned for next week already. I'll be over carbs by 1, over protein by 16, under fat by 4, under fiber by 9 and over sodium by 396. Crossing my fingers that I'll have some kind of drop next week - even if it's just water and bloat!

    Yeah!! I wish I was starting cut with you, but I have another 5 darn weeks to go!! :grumble: Keep us posted!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Day 22. I lost a half pound this week. I think it's a little de-bloating from a salty/boozy weekend, but I'll take it.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Day 13 for me and I am feeling alright.

    I started to experience the big hunger everybody is talking about. I can usually comfortably eat my 2400/day and I am proud that I got the hang of hitting my protein levels. The everything else usually falls into place. Also I noticed if I eat enough protein I do not crave carbs at all, and sometimes I do have quite a bit of carbs left at the end of the day. But some fruit will usually easily take care of that :)

    Jeans fitting better these days which makes me happy.
  • kmcnulty05
    kmcnulty05 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 13 for me and I am feeling alright.

    I started to experience the big hunger everybody is talking about. I can usually comfortably eat my 2400/day and I am proud that I got the hang of hitting my protein levels. The everything else usually falls into place. Also I noticed if I eat enough protein I do not crave carbs at all, and sometimes I do have quite a bit of carbs left at the end of the day. But some fruit will usually easily take care of that :)

    Jeans fitting better these days which makes me happy.

    Any tips on hitting those protein levels? I'm also at 2400/day, which I've been having a tough time with...always ending up with 400-500 calories left at the end of the night, but way under in protein and very little fat left. I have my macros set to 40/carbs, 30/protein, 30/fat. Last night I made a protein shake with greek yogurt AND peanut butter which got me up to my calories, but over on fat and still under on protein.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I love my Optimum Nutrition 100% whey (double chocolate). I have 2 scoops in a shake in the am and post workout. Along with my proteins at lunch and dinner I do great on protein! And it's really delicious with just water and ice!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Day 13 for me and I am feeling alright.

    I started to experience the big hunger everybody is talking about. I can usually comfortably eat my 2400/day and I am proud that I got the hang of hitting my protein levels. The everything else usually falls into place. Also I noticed if I eat enough protein I do not crave carbs at all, and sometimes I do have quite a bit of carbs left at the end of the day. But some fruit will usually easily take care of that :)

    Jeans fitting better these days which makes me happy.

    Any tips on hitting those protein levels? I'm also at 2400/day, which I've been having a tough time with...always ending up with 400-500 calories left at the end of the night, but way under in protein and very little fat left. I have my macros set to 40/carbs, 30/protein, 30/fat. Last night I made a protein shake with greek yogurt AND peanut butter which got me up to my calories, but over on fat and still under on protein.
    I usually have oatmeal for breakfast and I like to add about 10 gr of pea protein powder
    for lunch I love to eat a tub cottage cheese or tuna (but rinse it cause it has lots of sodium)
    I eat quite a lot of beans/lentils
    Fish, chicken or meat is about each one once a week on the menu
    Quinoa has lots of protein for a grain and if I make it I mix in black beans
    After workout I have a protein shake mixed with skimmed milk
    And I eat about 60 gr of nuts every day
    I also love something called Quark-it's a german/austrian thing, which I can luckily find here in the UK. It does not have lots of fat but it has about 10gr of protein on 100 gr. You can eat it sweet or savoury. I like to mix in a spoon of home made jam.
    Hope that helps :)
    When I hit the protein level, I usually don't go over with fat. Today I was a bit over, cause I had Avocado though.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Day 13 for me and I am feeling alright.

    I started to experience the big hunger everybody is talking about. I can usually comfortably eat my 2400/day and I am proud that I got the hang of hitting my protein levels. The everything else usually falls into place. Also I noticed if I eat enough protein I do not crave carbs at all, and sometimes I do have quite a bit of carbs left at the end of the day. But some fruit will usually easily take care of that :)

    Jeans fitting better these days which makes me happy.

    Any tips on hitting those protein levels? I'm also at 2400/day, which I've been having a tough time with...always ending up with 400-500 calories left at the end of the night, but way under in protein and very little fat left. I have my macros set to 40/carbs, 30/protein, 30/fat. Last night I made a protein shake with greek yogurt AND peanut butter which got me up to my calories, but over on fat and still under on protein.

    Double your serving of protein each meal
    Greek yogurt
    Beans + rice
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I am having one of those tough days. It's 5 weeks today of my reset and I was supposed to weigh in, but I thought I better not. I have been sick and I have just been eating whatever tastes half way decent to me, not logging and I know I am not hitting protein, but pretty sure I have been able to keep my calories up high enough. I haven't been able to workout since Friday.
    Today is one of those days I wish I was one of those people who could have jumped right into a cut and was experiencing the inches falling off, but I am not. I still have a long road to go even after my reset. That's if it works and I am even able to lose at a small cut.
    Just feeling sorry for myself today, sorry for the vent.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Week 8 *almost* over! Starting my 15% cut on Monday, June 18. CanNOT wait. Up a total of 23 pounds as of yesterday morning. Interestingly, I was so hungry yesterday evening and went over my TDEE by a LOT ... and my jeans fit this a.m.! My weekend was super active, so I am hoping that was just everything there catching up with me. I'm drinking tons of water, working on getting my sodium levels down and I've got my meals planned for next week already. I'll be over carbs by 1, over protein by 16, under fat by 4, under fiber by 9 and over sodium by 396. Crossing my fingers that I'll have some kind of drop next week - even if it's just water and bloat!

    Yeah!! I wish I was starting cut with you, but I have another 5 darn weeks to go!! :grumble: Keep us posted!

    I wish I was cutting with you too! Can't wait to follow your results. Awesome job planning your meals!
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I am having one of those tough days. It's 5 weeks today of my reset and I was supposed to weigh in, but I thought I better not. I have been sick and I have just been eating whatever tastes half way decent to me, not logging and I know I am not hitting protein, but pretty sure I have been able to keep my calories up high enough. I haven't been able to workout since Friday.
    Today is one of those days I wish I was one of those people who could have jumped right into a cut and was experiencing the inches falling off, but I am not. I still have a long road to go even after my reset. That's if it works and I am even able to lose at a small cut.
    Just feeling sorry for myself today, sorry for the vent.
    I know those days too....:(
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi ladies! Well I had a rough yesterday but today is a new day!!! Just got through meal number 3 of 6, and so far have kept everything clean...the caramel cashew cookies from TJs were calling my name as I gave them to my kiddos for a snack(why I even allowed those in the cart I have no idea!!!) but I stayed strong!!!
    The scale was up 5 lbs total now for me (day 21) but I'm fairly certain its from chinese food yesterday. Oops!
    My challenge lately has been keeping my eating clean. Ever since I got back from vacation, its been hard for me to transition back into real life, lol.
    Had a great lifting session this morning though with stronglifts and feeling better about life. Hope you all are having a great day!
  • kmcnulty05
    kmcnulty05 Posts: 15 Member
    I usually have oatmeal for breakfast and I like to add about 10 gr of pea protein powder
    for lunch I love to eat a tub cottage cheese or tuna (but rinse it cause it has lots of sodium)
    I eat quite a lot of beans/lentils
    Fish, chicken or meat is about each one once a week on the menu
    Quinoa has lots of protein for a grain and if I make it I mix in black beans
    After workout I have a protein shake mixed with skimmed milk
    And I eat about 60 gr of nuts every day
    I also love something called Quark-it's a german/austrian thing, which I can luckily find here in the UK. It does not have lots of fat but it has about 10gr of protein on 100 gr. You can eat it sweet or savoury. I like to mix in a spoon of home made jam.
    Hope that helps :)
    When I hit the protein level, I usually don't go over with fat. Today I was a bit over, cause I had Avocado though.

    Thanks! I think I will have to start adding beans into my meal planning and look into pea protein powder. Right now I'm getting most of my protein from greek yogurt, nuts, tuna, chicken or beef and my whey protein powder.
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Middle of week 3 for me! So far I have bounced between 166 and 168 the whole time. Is it possible that I found maintenance that quickly? It is nice to know that this is what I will be eating once the weight is gone!

    Word of caution and someone correct me if I'm wrong... I believe your TDEE/maintenance calories will go down as you lose weight and it is recommended you recalculate every 5-10 pounds. I just ran my numbers at Fat2FitRadio and at 150 pounds my estimated TDEE at lightly active is 1869 calories and at 130 pounds it would be 1749.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Middle of week 3 for me! So far I have bounced between 166 and 168 the whole time. Is it possible that I found maintenance that quickly? It is nice to know that this is what I will be eating once the weight is gone!

    Word of caution and someone correct me if I'm wrong... I believe your TDEE/maintenance calories will go down as you lose weight and it is recommended you recalculate every 5-10 pounds. I just ran my numbers at Fat2FitRadio and at 150 pounds my estimated TDEE at lightly active is 1869 calories and at 130 pounds it would be 1749.

    Yes, you have to recalculate every 5lbs lost or gained. :smile:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Day 13 for me and I am feeling alright.

    I started to experience the big hunger everybody is talking about. I can usually comfortably eat my 2400/day and I am proud that I got the hang of hitting my protein levels. The everything else usually falls into place. Also I noticed if I eat enough protein I do not crave carbs at all, and sometimes I do have quite a bit of carbs left at the end of the day. But some fruit will usually easily take care of that :)

    Jeans fitting better these days which makes me happy.

    Any tips on hitting those protein levels? I'm also at 2400/day, which I've been having a tough time with...always ending up with 400-500 calories left at the end of the night, but way under in protein and very little fat left. I have my macros set to 40/carbs, 30/protein, 30/fat. Last night I made a protein shake with greek yogurt AND peanut butter which got me up to my calories, but over on fat and still under on protein.

    I used to have a hard time, now I focus from in the morning on getting in my protein by preplanning the day first thing in the morning. So after I just eat my allotted food.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    It's crazy how hungry I am now. I'm about a week in and ravenously hungry. I can't imagine how I was surviving on 1200 calories for so long!

    I had that same thing happen to me.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    What is a reset?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    What is a reset?

    A reset is eating at your maintenance amount, or TDEE for a period of 4-8 weeks. It is meant to "reset" your metabolism to eat at the appropriate caloric level to maintain your weight, so then you can lose the weight properly, and not eat a very low cal (VLC) diet any more. When you end up undereating for long periods of time, your body has no idea when the next time you over indulge, if ita a binge or not. So by eating at TDEE, it shows your body that you are no longer going to starve it, and will fuel it correctly. So when you drop to your Cut value, the weight will come off in the RIGHT way..
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I'm currently in week twelve of reset. I gained about 4 pounds within the first couple of weeks and haven't gained anything since. At week eight, I decided to continue eating at maintenance a while longer. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just felt like I'd turned a corner and I didn't want to backslide or mess anything up. Finally, in week eleven, my weight trended down 1/2 to 1 pound (from the 4 pound gain) which was exciting. Then I revised my workout plan to a modified version of Stronglifts and my weight went back up that pound, but I think just due to muscle repair.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm currently in week twelve of reset. I gained about 4 pounds within the first couple of weeks and haven't gained anything since. At week eight, I decided to continue eating at maintenance a while longer. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just felt like I'd turned a corner and I didn't want to backslide or mess anything up. Finally, in week eleven, my weight trended down 1/2 to 1 pound (from the 4 pound gain) which was exciting. Then I revised my workout plan to a modified version of Stronglifts and my weight went back up that pound, but I think just due to muscle repair.
    That's awesome.
    Are you planning to do a cut further down the road|?