1st Trimester



  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    At the time I found out I was pregnant, I was netting between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day. When I spoke with my doctor he said that, for the first trimester at least, I should be netting around 1,800 (maintenance for me). I will probably bump it up eventually, when I'm further along. Congrats on your pregnancy! And if you are starving....eat! Just don't eat junk...and make sure you are drinking enough water.

    Hello all, I am new to the group. Found out last week we are pregnant with our first little one! Any advice is welcome. Still trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating? I have been on a wt loss plan since Jan 2012 eating about 1290 Cal a day. I bumped.up to about 1900 but still unsure if this is enough. I am perpetually starving. Any advice??
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi ladies! I had my first appointment day! Everything went really well. I didn't get to hear the heartbeat, but they said it's going about 189bpm. She also quickly told me that's NOT too high so not to worry. They put me at 9w3d, so about a week less that I thought. I was really hoping it would be the other way around as my due date is officially January 18 - my brothers wedding day! So we'll have to see how that all pans out. I think I might be one of the few hoping the baby is too cozy to come out on time!

    My doctor said he'd like to see me gain at least 20 pounds. That will account for the baby and extra fluid. Any weight beyond that, I'm stuck with :)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    that's great louann! so glad everything went well :) I think seeing our little babies on the ultrasound makes it all seem more real! are you in your brother's wedding?!!? hopefully you don't have a dress you need to fit into :) what a great month for your family!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Had my first ultrasound today! my little bean measure right on target 9wk 6days!! yey!! had a heartbeat of 170bmp. I had a little dilemma this morning and was so scared I lost my little gummy bear, I honestly should stay off of baby center cause it just stresses me out. LOL

    my pregnancy symptoms had vanished about 1.5weeks ago and my tummy DE-bloated so I started freaking out. Was reading on baby center that it can be a missed miscarriage where the baby stops beating but your body still thinks its pregnant. I was FOR SURE it was happening to me, so i called my nurse and she scheduled a fetal heart scan with a doppler and well guess what?! she couldn't find the heart beat. I WAS FREAKED OUT. she started saying I am not as far along as I think I am and blah blah blah. I was like, I know my body, I know the EXACT day of ovulation and when I got pregnant. So we did some lab test. On my drive home I was bawling my eyes out! I really want this baby. Anywho, she called me later in the day and told me the lab tests look great and to come in for an ultrasound. SO I did and behold! baby is doing great!! yay me!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hi all! Just found out I was expecting our first (my first) last Thursday. We are thrilled. I'm about 6 weeks along. First ultrasound on Wednesday.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hello all, I am new to the group. Found out last week we are pregnant with our first little one! Any advice is welcome. Still trying to figure out how many calories I should be eating? I have been on a wt loss plan since Jan 2012 eating about 1290 Cal a day. I bumped.up to about 1900 but still unsure if this is enough. I am perpetually starving. Any advice??

    My doc put me on 2,000 calorie diet. He said to eat at my maintenance level, so try to fill your day with filling foods, and keep some snacks around. I've been pigging out on popcorn and frozen yogurt since last week to help ease my cravings and keep me within my limit.

    Also, start on a prenatal vitamin ASAP.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    are you in your brother's wedding?!!? hopefully you don't have a dress you need to fit into :) what a great month for your family!

    I am in the wedding! Thankfully my future SIL and her other bridesmaids are all really thrilled. We already picked out new dresses that everyone still likes but will fit over my big belly. It'll definitely be an exciting one, thanks!!

    cocolo: I'm glad everything turned out alright for you! That's so good to hear. I can't blame you for being so nervous. I certainly would be too! Have I already mentioned I hate baby center?! haha People on that sight make it seems like a miscarriage is inevitable.
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm expecting my first miracle and it is truly a miracle as I was told I could not have kids but God had other plans for us. I'm 10wks and 2 days.
    Thank God I have no morning sickness but boy am I tired. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself and also I'm scared but I'm learning to relax.
    I'm eating at maintenance 1890 and doing well so far.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Had my 12 week appointment today (11 weeks, 3 days to be exact). Had a few minutes of high-stress when the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler...knowing I was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack, she got me right in for an ultrasound, showed me the heartbeat, and said everything looked fine. Happy about that...but still kind of bummed that she couldn't find it on the doppler. Even though I JUST saw the heartbeat a couple of hours ago, I'm already worrying about it. She said when she couldn't find it that the baby was probably moving around too much...but he/she appeared to be relatively still on the ultrasound. A little bit of wiggling, but no backflips or anything. Here's hoping I can get through the next month before my appointment with no freaking out. My latest obsession is the 6cm fibroid they found. Supposedly, it's in an okay spot and "shouldn't" cause any complications...but that doesn't make me feel much better.

    On that note, the doctor also gave me the number of a psychiatrist she wants me to call about my anxiety issues...trying to decide if I can swing the cost of that PLUS prenatal care...ugh. Never anticipated pregnancy would cause such a use anxiety relapse...I've been so much better for a few years now.
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    New here. Tested positive for baby #3 on June 8th. My midwife estimates me to be 5weeks 6days today! So excited. We are planning our second home birth VBAC and I am still sitting around 200lbs. I was hoping to be 20-40lbs lighter by the time we tested positive but oh well...my goal now is just to maintain my weight. My midwife told me to just add about 300 calories a day and make sure all of my calories are nutritional and no empty calories and to very rarely drink my calories.

    I am very excited to join this group!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Hey girls, well i am 13 weeks today so I will be moving into the second trimester group in the next week. Just wanted to update you all! I had gained about 14lbs but then either got nasty food poisoning or the flu and was extremely sick for 3 days and ended up losing about 5 of that . I am taking it easy on workouts this weeks so I can build up my nutrition and strength for the baby. Not sure about anyone else but I am definitely feeling this heat alot more than i used too! lol

    Good luck to you all and i will meet up with you guys soon in the 2nd trimester group!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey girls, well i am 13 weeks today so I will be moving into the second trimester group in the next week. Just wanted to update you all! I had gained about 14lbs but then either got nasty food poisoning or the flu and was extremely sick for 3 days and ended up losing about 5 of that . I am taking it easy on workouts this weeks so I can build up my nutrition and strength for the baby. Not sure about anyone else but I am definitely feeling this heat alot more than i used too! lol

    Good luck to you all and i will meet up with you guys soon in the 2nd trimester group!

    woohoo, see you there in 3 weeks!! :))
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    So...I hit 12 weeks this weekend. I thought I had escaped the icky pregnancy symptoms. However, for the past three days, I am getting a dull headache that lasts from about 4:00 pm-8:00 pm. Tylenol fixes it right away, but I am trying to avoid taking Tylenol every day. I drink tons of water, so dehydration is probably not the issue. Anyone have any magic cures for pregnancy headaches? I'm wondering if it could be related to what I'm eating (or not eating).
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Jacylnn - I haven't had any headaches, so I'm not sure :( But I hope you find something that can help you feel better! It sounds like how I felt when I gave up caffeine - afternoon headaches for days! As for the anxiety - is there anyone who is covered on your insurance that you could see? I see a counselor and she's not covered, but she lowers her rate for me since I pay out of pocket. Hopefully you can find something that works so you are able to get some help with the anxiety!!

    Jamie - congrats on the second trimester :) see you in a few weeks!

    tbhoover - congrats on the BFP!!! I started around 200 as well, so we're in the same boat. I'm just doing the best I can!
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am having such a rough AM. A dress I bought a few mos ago doesn't fit across my chest anymore. Mentally the last week has been tough because for 16 mos I focused on weight loss and maintenance. Now, I am faced with guaranteed weight gain with Baby #2. I am staying active and haven't increased my caloric intake but it is still such a challenge. Ultimately, I know what it took to lose the weight and I'm not really looking forward to doing it all over again. Six weeks and counting . . .
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am having such a rough AM. A dress I bought a few mos ago doesn't fit across my chest anymore. Mentally the last week has been tough because for 16 mos I focused on weight loss and maintenance. Now, I am faced with guaranteed weight gain with Baby #2. I am staying active and haven't increased my caloric intake but it is still such a challenge. Ultimately, I know what it took to lose the weight and I'm not really looking forward to doing it all over again. Six weeks and counting . . .

    I hear ya, this weight gain is driving me nuts. At this rate I'll be lucky to be under 40lbs gain.

    11 wks today! I have been on progesterone pills for the past week, as soon as I started them, my weight went up 1lb and my breast got huge. lol. anyone else taking them??

  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 7 weeks pregnant - (due Feb. 10th). I have my first OB/GYN appointment July 3rd!
    I don't have too much of the so-called "morning sickness", but I'm always hungry. I've already gained 7 pounds!!! OMG!!!
    I'm a little stressed out about the weight gain. I mean, if I got this much weight, this soon, what am I going to be like in another 30 weeks?! I've heard of women gaining 60 lbs during pregnancy - yikes! So what kind of calorie intake should I be shooting for? Right now, I simply eat everything in sight.

    Again, no morning sickness, but I can barely keep my eyes open. I've been sleeping 12-14 hour nights and having a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoons after work......hows everyone else doing?
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    welcome snowgrrl and congrats on feeling pretty well so far :)

    I think we're all afraid of weight gain and I'm glad we are all here for support!

    Update: I had my second ultrasound today (10 weeks) and everything looked great! Heading back in another 2 weeks for our first trimester screenings. After that, we won't see the baby again until week 20 (boooo!) because we aren't doing the gender scan. Team green here :)
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am having such a rough AM. A dress I bought a few mos ago doesn't fit across my chest anymore. Mentally the last week has been tough because for 16 mos I focused on weight loss and maintenance. Now, I am faced with guaranteed weight gain with Baby #2. I am staying active and haven't increased my caloric intake but it is still such a challenge. Ultimately, I know what it took to lose the weight and I'm not really looking forward to doing it all over again. Six weeks and counting . . .

    I hear ya, this weight gain is driving me nuts. At this rate I'll be lucky to be under 40lbs gain.

    11 wks today! I have been on progesterone pills for the past week, as soon as I started them, my weight went up 1lb and my breast got huge. lol. anyone else taking them??

  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am having such a rough AM. A dress I bought a few mos ago doesn't fit across my chest anymore. Mentally the last week has been tough because for 16 mos I focused on weight loss and maintenance. Now, I am faced with guaranteed weight gain with Baby #2. I am staying active and haven't increased my caloric intake but it is still such a challenge. Ultimately, I know what it took to lose the weight and I'm not really looking forward to doing it all over again. Six weeks and counting . . .

    I hear ya, this weight gain is driving me nuts. At this rate I'll be lucky to be under 40lbs gain.

    11 wks today! I have been on progesterone pills for the past week, as soon as I started them, my weight went up 1lb and my breast got huge. lol. anyone else taking them??

    Thanks for understanding. Let's encourage one another to stay active and eat healthfully. It looks like increased hunger is a side effect of those pills so you are battling a double edge sword. We will do our best to be healthy, have healthy babies and then we'll breastfeed and work out to drop the weight. :)

    My breasts are bigger also; forget about wearing any of my demi-bras and they are very sore.