What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Stress, I'm a terrible stress eater. I will just sit there and shove food in my mouth with no bottom to my stomach. I have to be really careful to eat mindfully.
  • ferraroma
    ferraroma Posts: 13
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    Ditto to this!
  • AgapeLove7
    AgapeLove7 Posts: 29 Member
    lets see...

    I over eat when:

    I'm stressed..
    to avoid pain when oher people hurt me...
    I'm bored
    to satisfy other people's feelings

    ... I just remembered why I had gained back all my weight... I had a miscarriage
  • bjf232
    bjf232 Posts: 8
    I think what is most attractive about overeating or emotional eating for me is that most of the time I can do it invisibly; that is, if I am feeling sad or stressed, I can eat to feel better instead of sharing and admitting to others that I am struggling : /
  • sdm329
    sdm329 Posts: 57
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    This is sooooooooooo me!!!
  • KaitieBean
    KaitieBean Posts: 24
    Definitely boredom. If I'm just sitting around watching movies with a few friends I could eat like 300 bags of chips and not even notice, haha. I've found that if I'm going to eat something "junky" I'll need to buy it in it's "snack-size" form because once I start, I just can't stop. So I'll buy a small bag of chips or a tiny bag of candy instead of the "family size" bag. I've also been making really huge changes in the foods that I buy. I don't keep anything unhealthy around the house. At least then when I head for the fridge I'll fill up on grapes instead of cookies.
  • super12change
    super12change Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat when I'm at work in a sedentary job. Coworker bring unhealthy snacks and I have trouble turning them down. I'm trying to find ways to take breaks and put the word out I'm trying to take better care of myself and if you care about me don't tempt me :)
  • rudypuck
    rudypuck Posts: 3 Member
    I overeat after dinner, when no-one's around. I rarely eat in front of people. I'm such a fake! but I eat after supper in front of the tv by myself. It's "me time". a way of loving myself, something to look forward to, something comforting. i don't have a lot of stress in my life, i'm not a worrier, i have a good family and good friends. i'm just a secret eater. always have been. i used to hide food under my bed as a child. i don't know if i'll ever figure it out. sound familiar? any tips? looking for friends!
  • Erin70CA
    Erin70CA Posts: 85
    I overeat in reaction to any uncomfortable feeling it seems. Worry, boredom, sadness, exhaustion, anger etc......
  • 80ld
    80ld Posts: 25 Member
    boredom...definitely !
  • skellyness
    skellyness Posts: 165 Member
    This quote summarised why I do perfectly:

    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!
  • I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    I'm with you!
  • I overeat when I'm studying for my exams! I've these thoughts like "Ohh, I need to stay up and study, I need alot of energy to keep me going, so I'll need this cookies and chips" =.=
    I'm having my block exam in a couple of weeks, hopefully I'll refrain myself from these nasty calories and still do well in my exams! :/
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    eating out,putting away leftovers and when i am anxious or nervous.
    i think i eat more when i dont exercise too, i think the exercise helps regulate my blood pressure.
  • britrenae
    britrenae Posts: 4 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    This quote is exactly me!!! How to make it stop...hmmm...I have NO IDEA! :noway:
  • Wow! Could not say it any better...Thank you.
  • Carol7Jean
    Carol7Jean Posts: 33 Member
    Out of everything I think that causes me to overeat is cravings. If it is in the house and I know its there the temptation overthrows me and I will indulge to the point of guilt and then the next few days after I do that I keep doing it. :sick: DEAR Junk food,I HATE YOU!!!!!
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I overeat when......
    Im sad
    Im angry
    Im happy
    Im lonely
    Im bored
    Im stressed
    Im at a party
    Im at a family get together
    I want to make myself feel better
    Ive accomplished something, overeating is like a "treat"

    So yeah....I think thats pretty much it!

    yup that sounds about right for me..
  • avigirl28
    avigirl28 Posts: 6
    I tend to overeat when my boyfriend realizes so many depressing things in his life (which they are NOT depressing...he just wants so many things all at once and hates waiting)

    When he is down and depressed I have started to notice that whatever mood he is in is starting to rub off on me...

    I don't really know how to NOT feel down when he is...it's like he wants me to feel DOWN with him and I can't...

    Taco Bell
    2 Chicken Burritos (1 ea for us both)
    2 Bean Burritos (both for him)
    1 Gordita (him)
    1 Volcano (him)

    and it's always around 11pm midnight that he gets down and hungry so there we go :/

    Also he weighs 235 and is a beach body consultant and when he continuously looks at the HUGE box in our spare room he realizes that he will nvr get to where he needs to be so there I go again feeling bad...

    Like me losing weight is on the back burner bc he wants my support when he gives me none.

  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 409 Member
    Mainly when I'm stressed or upset. Sometimes out of boredom too!