Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Graduates!



  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Wow that's fantastic! Good work!
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.

    This makes me sad that you both didn't see much as in the form of results. Did you have a lot to lose or you just looking to drop a few? I'm wondering if that is the difference.

    I am just finished with my first month and don't see much in inches or weight loss. I wonder if it really doesn't do much for fat burning

    I want to lose 20 lbs , according to my BMR i'm in my healthy body fat percentage. I'm 173 cm and weight 73 kg, want to drop to 65 kg. I'll strat workout 9 on Monday- I have a lot of defintion in my shoulders , my thighs and midsection got tighter and smaller. However, not a lot of weight loss according to my scale :)) Although, they say that you might put on muscle faster then you burn fat, that's why I guess I can see difference in my body ,but the scale doesn't move. Also, I have to mention that I can do real push ups now, that I wasn't able to do even one before I started BR.:bigsmile:
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Great job!!! Yes you do look amazing, much more toned and stronger! I am on week 9 and after reading the reviews of workouts 9 & 10 a few weeks ago, I have decided to do them for 3 weeks. I do feel stronger and my clothes fit better, I have gone down a size, but I am just not seeing great results on the scale or measurements. I do love the feeling after finishing a workout though, they are awesome!

    I'm totally with you. I just did my workout 8 today, and I lost only 2 lbs and couple of cm since the beginning. My clothes fit better as well and friends and family commented that I look thiner and more toned. However, I don't see much of a result.

    This makes me sad that you both didn't see much as in the form of results. Did you have a lot to lose or you just looking to drop a few? I'm wondering if that is the difference.

    I am just finished with my first month and don't see much in inches or weight loss. I wonder if it really doesn't do much for fat burning

    I also haven't seen much in the way of encouraging changes in numbers. Actually, in phases 1+2, I GAINED 6lbs (I'm not following the meal plan, but I am tracking on MFP and eating reasonably for my age/size/activity level). In phase 3 I am slowly starting to see those 6lbs go away again, and I definitely see more definition - especially in my arms - but my measurements and weight have hardly budged.

    I'm on week 11, so we'll see about posting my final results after the end of next week. My overall impression is that I *am* developing more muscle, but fat loss is very slow AND the constant changes in routine are ensuring that my muscles stay sore (and swollen with extra water weight).
    Actually in phase 1 I was gaining and losing the same 4 lbs. I don't understand, how some people see pounds droping , and others hardly anything ? I don't follow her meal plan, but I eat around 1700 cals a day, which I think is enough for fat loss ? I try to limit carbs, and sugar whenever possible. Mostly I eat 2 eggs for breakfast, grains with tuna , yogurt... Very sad:huh:
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    24 lbs down and a total of 23.25 inches lost!!! Went from a size 12/14 dress to size 9!
  • Severshe
    Severshe Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you! Your results are awesome! My whole family has almost completed the 90 days and our results are more in alignment with yours. I agree that the program works and is VERY empowering! You will take care of the second half!!!!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    OK, so I'm finally getting around to posting my stats. As I said earlier, I haven't seen much weight loss over this program, and at the end I'm slightly disappointed at how little change I'm seeing in measurements and all that, considering how much hard work this program took. Anyway....

    Stats [start / finish (change)]:

    Weight (lbs): 155.4 / 155.8 (+0.4)

    Bust (in): 40.0 / 39.0 (-1.0)
    Waist (in): 32.5 / 31.0 (-1.5)
    Hips (in): 42.0 / 40.5 (-1.5)
    Upper arm (in): 12.0 / 12.0 (same)
    Upper leg (in): 24.5 / 23.5 (-1.0)

    Pics (top are @ start, bottom are @ end):

    Edit to add: halfway through the program I was up to 161lb, so I am happy that I'm at least back down to the weight that I started at.
  • ViaStar
    ViaStar Posts: 2 Member
    Well I think the diet may be the problem. I'm not expert but I did a little research and I believe 1 lbs= 3,500 calories. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Jillian recommends 1200 calorie diet which isn't easy. But I have heard that diet is 70% of weight loss. So if you were eating 1700 calories a day that would be an extra 500 calories a day. 500 x 90 days is 45,000 calories. Divide that into 3,500 and it gives you 12.85. So if the 1200 calorie plan was followed it could have resulted in a extra 12.857 weight loss. Now this is just the math. I don't know how it would really apply because everyone's body's different. Many people say they don't lose weight if the calorie intake is too low. But I think you look great. I see the muscle definition in your tummy.:smile:
  • landlockedlove
    landlockedlove Posts: 6 Member
    I finished the program this past Saturday!!!

    I lost 20.2 lbs! I haven't taken measurements, so I'm not sure how many inches I've lost.

    I'm starting Body Revolution right back at the beginning and doing the whole thing all over again. I still have roughly 40 lbs to lose, and this program has worked so well for me! I'm also adding in Jillian's Kickbox Fastfix.

    I've kept a blog of the last 90 days, and I'm going to continue to update it for my second go around. I keep track of all my workouts there, as well as post pictures of everything that I eat, and will be including a lot of healthy recipes.

  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Well I think the diet may be the problem. I'm not expert but I did a little research and I believe 1 lbs= 3,500 calories. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Jillian recommends 1200 calorie diet which isn't easy. But I have heard that diet is 70% of weight loss. So if you were eating 1700 calories a day that would be an extra 500 calories a day. 500 x 90 days is 45,000 calories. Divide that into 3,500 and it gives you 12.85. So if the 1200 calorie plan was followed it could have resulted in a extra 12.857 weight loss. Now this is just the math. I don't know how it would really apply because everyone's body's different. Many people say they don't lose weight if the calorie intake is too low. But I think you look great. I see the muscle definition in your tummy.:smile:

    First, thanks!

    Second, for full disclosure, my BMR is ~1400 and my TDEE is ~2300, so a net of 1700 calories/day is well within the range where I can expect to see healthy weight loss (with this goal, I normally eat 1900-2000 calories per day). I did start with the JMBR kickstart meal plan just to see what it was like, and I lost about 5lb in the first week, BUT I was getting migraines and not sleeping well because I wasn't eating enough (and no doubt all of the weight loss was water weight, which I don't really count as "real" weight loss anyway). Eating just the normal JMBR meal plan foods was making me feel about the same, so I went back to an eating plan that suits my body type and activity level better (i.e. more calories). Also, I changed my MFP goals to shoot for a 40% carbs/30% protein/30% fat macronutrient ratio to try to get more protein and fewer carbs in my diet.

    While I do recognize that I would definitely lose more weight faster if I lowered my net calorie target, I'm shooting for something more sustainable, and focusing on reducing my body fat % (more so than overall weight)...I know that means slower overall weight loss in the long run, but I'm OK with that as long as I'm building muscle and losing fat. That said, I had hoped that fat loss (even without much weight loss; I lost about 1.5% body fat during the 90-day JMBR) would result in larger changes in measurements than I actually saw.

    Considering that my body fat % is down a bit, my measurements are down a bit, and I'm seeing more muscle definition, I guess overall I can't complain too much :smile:

    Congrats to all other graduates of the JMBR - it was a tough workout plan!
  • lolo05
    lolo05 Posts: 7 Member
    I did not see much of a change on the scale but if I can offer any advise it would be to take pictures weekly. If it were not for my weekly pictures I probably would have become discouraged. It is amazing to see the changes in your body juct in a few days!
  • pashalia
    pashalia Posts: 66 Member
    Anyone else???
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I finished! I am sooo pleased with my results! I have been dying to share them with you all, but want to figure out how to post the pictures side by side... Any advice? I just finished last Saturday.
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    Before pictures March 26, 2012 After pictures June 24, 2012

    Starting weight 167.5 Ending weight 137.5

    Lost 37.75 inches

    size tight 12-loose 14 to a tight 8 loose 10
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Wow ! Those are amazing results!!
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks, I am so pleased with the results. I tried to post a picture several times, but it always came out too large :(. I'll keep trying though...
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    Ok trying pics again. Look 3 posts up for the stats. In the pics I'm wearing the exact same clothes in the beginning pics form march to the end pictures in June.




    I followed the diet to a "t" and did the kickstart week, but not the 2 workouts a day in the kickstart week.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Mayday, you look incredible! That is amazing results.

    I'm not following her diet (difficult being vegetarian) but I'm sticking to a good diet and have also been doing some form of cardio 6 x's a week (if no time, I at least walk a mile - mile and 1/2 with my dog) I'm at end of Phase 1 and have lost about 5 lbs and several inches. But just not seeing any difference really.. not yet.
  • pashalia
    pashalia Posts: 66 Member
    Mayday!!! Wow!!!! This is a revolution!!! Sooo proud for u!!! Jillian has to add u on her official site!!!!

  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Wow!!! Such great results!!! You should be so proud!!

    Definitely shows how important the eating plan is to keeping the results going.
  • pjsmom2010
    pjsmom2010 Posts: 79 Member
    MAYDAY AMAAAAAZING!!!!!!! If I could make my font larger I would. Incredible!!!!!