
  • skirtlongjacket
    skirtlongjacket Posts: 41 Member
    Hello! I'm Dominique and my superpower is being a twin, although the jury is still out on which of us is evil!
  • wyldling
    wyldling Posts: 35
    Hello everyone! My name is Amanda and my superpower would have to be randomly remembering completely useless information that will never be useful during my existence while also managing to never retain anything of importance.

    Feel free to add!
  • Anthyitis
    Anthyitis Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! my name is Celeste and my superpower is the ability to fly.

    ....oh wait, I can't? That's not really possible?

    Vivid imagination it is, then!
  • Allihexen
    Allihexen Posts: 111 Member
    'Ello, everyone!

    Name's Alli. I'm from Georgia and my superpower is...drum roll...having animals come to me when injured or when I'm walking.

    No, seriously. I can't go into PetSmart anymore without having all the birds or fish try to follow me. A dove even did it once in a friend's house. I caught, put it back outside and it wouldn't fly away until someone scared it away.
  • LexxyV
    LexxyV Posts: 60 Member
    Hello everyone I am Lexxy- my superpowers are knitting and crochet I can knit beanies in under 30 minutes. I can also cook like no other- I rock in the Italian food arena. Like Amanda I am the bottomless pit of useless information. I currently live in Georgia but I am an army wife so I move around a lot- glad to be a part of this group :)

    over and out
  • Kmwienke
    Kmwienke Posts: 8
    Hi, I'm Kayla! My superpower is being extraordinarily bad at certain genres of video game but still being masochistic enough to suffer through them anyway!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, I'm Gina and my superpower is managing to live in a house with my three boys and husband and only being half-crazy.

    My older boys think my super power is being the COOLEST MOM EVER by playing MMO's with them and running a D&D game for them.

    I also have a great command of a whole lot of information that will never be useful outside of a trivia game.
  • sukuna
    sukuna Posts: 13
    Hiya Everyone,

    Names Tasha, I'm 23 and live in Georgia. My superpower would have to be random squeakiness. =P
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    My name is Anthony. I'm 22 years old. I live in Ontario, California. My..uh... my superpower is that I will make you smile, make you feel awesome, and be a totally awesome motherf*cker with you using my ultimate customer service skills and backgrounds in sociological studies. If you find out that I'm running expirements on you, its because I like you! :D Let me pick at your brain!

    oh and I can raise my right eyebrow! like this --->:huh:
  • sithmuffin
    sithmuffin Posts: 88 Member
    My name is Marissa, I'm 21 years old.
    My super power is fan-girling, WITHOUT being annoying about it.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    -waves frantically- Hi everyone, I'm Steph. I'm 21 (22 in August) year old living in the Bay Area, California. I work full time and am attempting to get back to college. I'm two classes away from my A.A degree but took a year break and it's been a pain trying to go back. My superpower would be my ability to be an enormous dork at the drop of a hat dood.
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    my name is josh....i love to dance (sorry too much yo gabba gabba in this house) my super power is making myself laugh by making up stupid songs or creating red neck adaptations to movies like star wars. (note my powers seem to only work on the weak minded)
  • digitalodin
    digitalodin Posts: 23 Member
    Ahoy! My name's Jesse and my superpower is the ability to bend anyone to my will. I can only use it once though, so I'm saving it.
  • Hello, I'm Michelle and my superpower is drawing! I especially love doing stuff with charcoal and pencils :) My superpower is also somewhat inconsistently joined by the ability to flip omelets like a bad-*kitten* chef :)
  • Hey everyone, i'm Bri. :) I play video games. I'm obsessed with vampires and zombies. My favorite superhero is Batman. If I could have any super power is would definately be kenessis. Sorry if I spelled that wrong. Lol. My xbox gamertag is xSinfulUndeadx. Add me if you want. :)
  • NS1216
    NS1216 Posts: 26
    HI EVERYBODY! My name is Nicole. You can call me Nic but never Nikki please. I have a triforce tattoo and Ive seen every episode of Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who. I heart Batman and Spiderman. Ive read all the Harry Potter books and if I had three wishes one of them would be to have Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter live across the hall from me. My super power is the unability to tan and being fully functional on just a few hours of sleep. Although some people would argue that those arent superpowers, Im just half-vampire. Looking for some MFP besties so add away (:
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Kristine, I live in Cincinnati, OH and my super power is being able to go zero to witch in 0 seconds flat! (or so i'm told...) :wink: Plus I can be super sarcastic with my humor... added bonus right!?

    I'm a game nerd in that I LOVE LOVE LOVE MMORPG (think UO, DAOC, WoW, etc) as well as quite a few console games like the RE series (Resident Evil), Assassin's Creed and once upon a time.. the Tomb Raider set.

    Also love anything Zombie/Vampire or just flat out Supernatural related and I'm recently gotten into comic books.

    *edit to say - Please feel free to add me =)
  • Hey!!

    My name is Tiffany I over analyze.... everything... (super power, curse same thing right?). I am looking for some encouragement for my weight loss. It was nice to meet you all. Hope to find and help with encouragement.
  • enchanted_daydream
    enchanted_daydream Posts: 258 Member
    Hey all! My name is Katie and my power is my ability to get way too involved in fictional characters and stories! Books, TV shows, movies...I get way too attached! Anyway, I'm super excited for this group!
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    My name is Wendy and my superpower is helping my friends with computer issues and music related questions.
    Hey all! My name is Katie and my power is my ability to get way too involved in fictional characters and stories! Books, TV shows, movies...I get way too attached! Anyway, I'm super excited for this group!

    Me too ^^