Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Hey there! I wanted to repost this response from Kiki regarding 'how to know if you've reset long enough'. It's probably one of the most concise, practical answers that should answer a lot of your questions/concerns on how long to reset!! (it even cleared up some for me! lol).

    (so that being all said, feel free to sport the RESET SURVIVOR PIN if you do AT LEAST 4-6 weeks...I previously thought 8 was a minimum)

    Kiki: 4-6 weeks is minimum, 8-12 is even better. I did take 3+ months, because most research that I'd done showed that it could take up 6 months, and I didn't wanna chance it, & quit early. It's personal, which is why there is no definite time given. The whole point of the reset is for the individual to get in touch with their own body and understand it better. Most people will rush the process, which is fine, because, they feel overly bloated and full (& again, it's personal) The only thing to consider with that is that there is a high probability that if you're still feeling stuffed, you haven't fully reset. So as far as signs to look for, that was mine. When I went to cut, I had completely "plateaued." Meaning, I was no longer gaining and did not feel overly stuffed. I didn't have any more bloating, & was completely comfortable eating that amount of food. When people are feeling "relieved" at the thought of cutting, because they are looking forward to less food, it's kind of a red flag for me, that things aren't *completely* fixed. But, at the very least, they've eaten at higher cals long enough to give the metabolism a little boost, & if they take diet breaks every 6-10 wks, it can typically still work out fine.

    Thanks for reposting this. This is a good reminder why I'm sticking with this so long.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I posted this on the main discussion board and thought I'd post it here too since I'm in need of some support!

    My stats:
    25 years old
    SW: 226
    CW: 197-199
    GW: ??? (Honestly, I don't have one other than the unhealthy, skinny fat 180 lbs I was in college.)

    BMR: about 1700
    TDEE: 2200-2400 on non-workout days, 2500-3000 on workout days depending on the workout

    I was on a VLCD for 14 weeks during which I lost 28lbs (7lbs of which were muscle mass). It was incredibly irresponsible of me, but I did it for science and will never do it again! (I was part of a research study studying dopamine receptors in the brains of obese people before and after a drastic weight loss.)

    Anyway, I've been eating at my BMR (~1700) plus some of my exercise calories back for almost a month now. I'm still kinda bloated and still feels like a lot of food to me, which leads me to believe that I need a reset! I lift heavy 2 days a week and do some cardio 3-5 days a week depending on how my body feels. I plan on starting NROLFW soon instead of working with a trainer. Very excited for that!

    Now here's why I posted, I'm going to be upping to TDEE for a reset for at least one month, probably more like 6-8 weeks. I would love some support from other EM2WL people. I'm a bit discouraged since the scale keeps bouncing between the same 2lbs, but I feel so much better physically that I'm willing to keep going!

    Please friend me! I'm online every day and I am a very good cheerleader. Any advice as to whether or not I'm on the right track is welcome too.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I posted this on the main discussion board and thought I'd post it here too since I'm in need of some support!

    My stats:
    25 years old
    SW: 226
    CW: 197-199
    GW: ??? (Honestly, I don't have one other than the unhealthy, skinny fat 180 lbs I was in college.)

    BMR: about 1700
    TDEE: 2200-2400 on non-workout days, 2500-3000 on workout days depending on the workout

    I was on a VLCD for 14 weeks during which I lost 28lbs (7lbs of which were muscle mass). It was incredibly irresponsible of me, but I did it for science and will never do it again! (I was part of a research study studying dopamine receptors in the brains of obese people before and after a drastic weight loss.)

    Anyway, I've been eating at my BMR (~1700) plus some of my exercise calories back for almost a month now. I'm still kinda bloated and still feels like a lot of food to me, which leads me to believe that I need a reset! I lift heavy 2 days a week and do some cardio 3-5 days a week depending on how my body feels. I plan on starting NROLFW soon instead of working with a trainer. Very excited for that!

    Now here's why I posted, I'm going to be upping to TDEE for a reset for at least one month, probably more like 6-8 weeks. I would love some support from other EM2WL people. I'm a bit discouraged since the scale keeps bouncing between the same 2lbs, but I feel so much better physically that I'm willing to keep going!

    Please friend me! I'm online every day and I am a very good cheerleader. Any advice as to whether or not I'm on the right track is welcome too.
    I think a reset will bring your metabolism back on track. Then you should be able to get the scale budging again. It's the best way to lose, and you never feel deprived. That's the best part about it all :)
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I can't believe it, but 4 weeks of the reset are already over. I did not gain anything, but I decided that I would have to increase my caloreis from 2400 to 2600. My FitBit tells me that even on non workout days I am burning around 2400. I collected the data now for a week, and I decided to go up. I really want to get this reset right. Will see if I will be gaining. My body might already put the lower cals as the new TDEE. Time will tell.

    I can easily eat my calories now, and even enjoy them. Which is a good sign I guss. Last week a had a few days, where I was very hungry even. a very new feeling to me.

    So yeah, all in all things are good at my end.
    How are you guys all doing? All staying strong?
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Okay here is my 4 week check in - I stepped on the scale for the first time in 4 weeks and I am up 4.6 pounds. I stared at the highest number on the scale that I have ever seen and you know what...IT DIDN'T MATTER...if nothing else happens the freedom from that number and silly machine is worth it. I had to share this with you all because no one else would get it....

    I also took measurements and some are up and some are down...but again not stressing. So I am now going to weigh myself every couple of days to make sure that I am at my true TDEE.

    The little voice in my head started to panic but then I fed her breakfast and she quieted herself down....

    Halfway there....July 27th - here we come!
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    I am glad to hear that you guys have only gained minimal weight as well. I keep worrying that I am not doing something right. I would hate for these 8 weeks to be a waste.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I feel like I need to do this.... I just don't know if I'm ready for it.

    I have been eating at TDEE less 25% for 8 weeks and lost about 6 pounds. I was shooting for 10 pounds.
    My weight has been a yo-yo for the past 4 years. It's really frustrating.

    I think most of us werent ready, or willing at accept we needed a reset. In fact I had a complete mental breakdown last week when I realized I was not ready to go to Cut at 4 weeks and needed to go the full 8. My original "plan" was to give it a week or two at TDEE, and here I am on week 5.
    Mentally, resetting is hard. You have to get go of hte "losing" part of weight loss for about two months. This is not a plan for those that want a quick fix and want to drop 20 pounds in a season, sort of thing. If you want to change your life, and never have to worry about eating so little again, then jump in with both feet and go for the reset.

    25% Cut is too high. We recommend no more than a 15% cut. If you arent mentally ready to try a complete reset, then jumpt to 15% cut instead and give that a shot for a few weeks and see hwat happens
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im doing ok here.. enjoying a nice long weekend, and going to have a good week overall:)
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey there! I wanted to repost this response from Kiki regarding 'how to know if you've reset long enough'. It's probably one of the most concise, practical answers that should answer a lot of your questions/concerns on how long to reset!! (it even cleared up some for me! lol).

    (so that being all said, feel free to sport the RESET SURVIVOR PIN if you do AT LEAST 4-6 weeks...I previously thought 8 was a minimum)

    Kiki: 4-6 weeks is minimum, 8-12 is even better. I did take 3+ months, because most research that I'd done showed that it could take up 6 months, and I didn't wanna chance it, & quit early. It's personal, which is why there is no definite time given. The whole point of the reset is for the individual to get in touch with their own body and understand it better. Most people will rush the process, which is fine, because, they feel overly bloated and full (& again, it's personal) The only thing to consider with that is that there is a high probability that if you're still feeling stuffed, you haven't fully reset. So as far as signs to look for, that was mine. When I went to cut, I had completely "plateaued." Meaning, I was no longer gaining and did not feel overly stuffed. I didn't have any more bloating, & was completely comfortable eating that amount of food. When people are feeling "relieved" at the thought of cutting, because they are looking forward to less food, it's kind of a red flag for me, that things aren't *completely* fixed. But, at the very least, they've eaten at higher cals long enough to give the metabolism a little boost, & if they take diet breaks every 6-10 wks, it can typically still work out fine.

    Thank you SO much for posting this!! This is making me feel a lot more comfortable with doing the reset...I'm one week in and up over 6lbs, feeling so bloated, fat and just plain sick of eating! This gives me the courage and peace of mind to keep on truckin'!

    Hope everyone is gearing up to enjoy the weekend! It's a balmy 107 here in VA today and supposed to continue thru the weekend. :noway:
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Day 33, well technically 34 though I haven't started logging Saturday's food yet (I work nights and will have breakfast around 4 am if I get hungry enough . . . plus the MFP site has been down most of the night), of my 8 week reset. I had some bloating at first, but never really felt over full. I only had one day that I wasn't able to meet TDEE. Now I just feel fat. Suddenly my clothes are really tight, even my HRM chest strap is uncomfortable. I don't feel bloated or full, just huge. LOL, is it all in my head? My weight hasn't changed much. I had TOM a week or so ago, so that can't be the problem. Just wondering if any other resetters had this issue at some point?
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I'm hanging in there! Its been a rough week for me mentally as Ive shared (ranted, whined) on here before...but I have fight through it and I'm determined to keep going strong til the end.
    Terri: I find that feeling comes and goes and had nothing to do sometimes with the number on the scale. Is it the heat?
    Same with my appetite, though at beginning week 6, things seem to be evening out a bit.

    Can I just say this is, a great weekend to be on the reset, lol! Hoping to stay under my TDEE! Some days, especially around TOM (due soon), I feel like I could definitely eat more! Anyone else?
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Day 33, well technically 34 though I haven't started logging Saturday's food yet (I work nights and will have breakfast around 4 am if I get hungry enough . . . plus the MFP site has been down most of the night), of my 8 week reset. I had some bloating at first, but never really felt over full. I only had one day that I wasn't able to meet TDEE. Now I just feel fat. Suddenly my clothes are really tight, even my HRM chest strap is uncomfortable. I don't feel bloated or full, just huge. LOL, is it all in my head? My weight hasn't changed much. I had TOM a week or so ago, so that can't be the problem. Just wondering if any other resetters had this issue at some point?

    Yes, we are at the same pace and yes, lately all I feel is just plain huge! Then I went over TDEE yesterday by about 500. TOM is next week and this is what happened last time. I just would get so hungry and couldn't get satisfied....I really didn't want that to happen again but what do ya do *shrug* I am surprisingly not beating myself up today. I didn't want t to gain anymore since My trip is next week and the dresses I bought are already a tad tighter. I am hoping since it will be week 6 that I will be distracted enough that it will fly by into week 7! Then week 8!! I am so excited!

    I don't weigh myself so I am not sure about scale weight. We are getting so close! I didn't think I would ever be able to want to eat less but I am ready to if it means inches lost :bigsmile: I have even been throwing the idea around of lowering my workout schedule. I was going eventually anyway but didn't want to because that means less food but since we are planning on taking a huge risk in a month or two and putting all of our money in to move 9 hours away, it may be possible we will have to cut back for a bit on things and eating a little less would help. We know moving is the right decision, but it doesn't make it an easy one!

    I'm off to take the girls to swim lessons!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Day 33, well technically 34 though I haven't started logging Saturday's food yet (I work nights and will have breakfast around 4 am if I get hungry enough . . . plus the MFP site has been down most of the night), of my 8 week reset. I had some bloating at first, but never really felt over full. I only had one day that I wasn't able to meet TDEE. Now I just feel fat. Suddenly my clothes are really tight, even my HRM chest strap is uncomfortable. I don't feel bloated or full, just huge. LOL, is it all in my head? My weight hasn't changed much. I had TOM a week or so ago, so that can't be the problem. Just wondering if any other resetters had this issue at some point?

    I honestly wish I knew what bloated feels like. I am a larger gal, and I dont wear anything that has a tight waist on it, so I have no idea when I am bloated. I never have been able to tell when Im bloated up or not. So for me, if the scale suddenly jumped a few pounds, then I would know Im carrying extra water. I do however feel horribly fat and gross everytime I look in the mirror and see myself standing there.
    My weight has levelled off so Im pretty sure there is no bloat outside of TOM when it hits.. Now I just wait until cut day so the inches can start to fly off..
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    Inches flying off . . . there's a very happy thought. I don't expect it to melt away, I'd rather see a slow steady loss that I can easily maintain (for once!) But it would be nice to go that direction. I never thought I'd say that! I've been enjoying these extra calories very much.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Day 33, well technically 34 though I haven't started logging Saturday's food yet (I work nights and will have breakfast around 4 am if I get hungry enough . . . plus the MFP site has been down most of the night), of my 8 week reset. I had some bloating at first, but never really felt over full. I only had one day that I wasn't able to meet TDEE. Now I just feel fat. Suddenly my clothes are really tight, even my HRM chest strap is uncomfortable. I don't feel bloated or full, just huge. LOL, is it all in my head? My weight hasn't changed much. I had TOM a week or so ago, so that can't be the problem. Just wondering if any other resetters had this issue at some point?
    Yep! Felt just like you a few days ago. This reset is so strange, though, because this morning I woke up feeling a bit smaller. Huh? Odd.

    I'm definitely excited to see July 25th get here. But truth be told, I am NOT looking forward to cutting my calories down now. Hubby and I have schedules that got a bit busier two weeks ago and our workouts went from 6 days a week down to 3 maybe 4. So, I asked and one of the mods said it would be appropriate to recalculate my TDEE. I did so and my calories went from 2280 to 1940. I went over yesterday, but I also burned almost 600 extra yesterday. Anyway, come July 25th when I go to cut 10% I will only have 1740 each day. Eeek. Now that I've been EM2LW for 6.5 weeks (4.5 of them reset), that number looks small! Funny how we change our perspective through this process...
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I just wanted to say how proud I am of everyone, and I can't believe many of you are almost DONE!! I will be stalking you with fingers and toes crossed that the reset works and you can reap some serious rewards from your efforts. Reset must be the hardest thing in the WORLD. Love you guys!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Hi all, almost at week 5 of my reset. Yesterday seemed especially difficult to just be "me" because it was over 100 degrees and I felt so fat in my shorts (tighter waistband) and tank top (bloated tummy). I carry my weight mostly in my hips and tummy, so during this reset I've felt the most fat right in the belly. I look like I'm seven months preggers again. Some mornings I'll wake up, have a great visit to the toilet, and then I won't look so bloated. But once I start eating, the belly looks big again. I wonder if my having three kids in a row has also affected my tummy composition in a bad way. I really hope that going through the cut will help bring that belly down eventually.

    The good thing is that my weight has leveled off. What I really need to do, once the cut starts, is to increase my exercise back up from 2-3x-wk to maybe 4x/wk. I've been telling myself during the reset that I plan to hit it hard once the cut starts, so my current workouts have been lifting heavy twice a week. Other daily drama/life/kids have taken precedence, but I've got to get my workouts up at priority status once again.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I'm going to try. And eat! :)
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I really had a bad moment with this reset yesterday...i started to doubt the process and then tried on my pair of aussie size 14 jeans and they were too tight....and i started to worry i am going to end back where i started (and ive lost 185 pounds so how ridiculous was that) Im into the second week of the reset and going to last at least 4 weeks. Im not sure i have the mental capacity for 8 weeks....and whilst i wanted to do the whole EM2WL approach properly...i dont feel my metabolism was ever really compromised. As of this morning i was exactly a kilo (2.2 pounds) up from where i started. I had already noticed my other pants had been fitting me better this last week so the reality is the jeans prolly didnt fit PRIOR to starting this. If nothing else i have a pair of jeans as a goal now. Unfortunately today i have had a tummy bug and been throwing up so wont get close to TDEE but tomorrow is a fresh day :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi all, almost at week 5 of my reset. Yesterday seemed especially difficult to just be "me" because it was over 100 degrees and I felt so fat in my shorts (tighter waistband) and tank top (bloated tummy). I carry my weight mostly in my hips and tummy, so during this reset I've felt the most fat right in the belly. I look like I'm seven months preggers again. Some mornings I'll wake up, have a great visit to the toilet, and then I won't look so bloated. But once I start eating, the belly looks big again. I wonder if my having three kids in a row has also affected my tummy composition in a bad way. I really hope that going through the cut will help bring that belly down eventually.

    The good thing is that my weight has leveled off. What I really need to do, once the cut starts, is to increase my exercise back up from 2-3x-wk to maybe 4x/wk. I've been telling myself during the reset that I plan to hit it hard once the cut starts, so my current workouts have been lifting heavy twice a week. Other daily drama/life/kids have taken precedence, but I've got to get my workouts up at priority status once again.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I'm going to try. And eat! :)

    I am definitely carrying more weight in my hips/belly. Its not all over and I haven't gained in my face but its so uncomfortable! I agree with the 3 babies, though! Especially the third pregnancy really added a roundness that I have never had before. Even at my highest weight I always had a flat belly. Still more fat than I should've had and not nice, but I was always able to look slimmer than I was and always got compliments on how flat my belly was (i.e." for being a bigger girl" but hey, I took what I could get;)

    I am ok with the long as I can get rid of most of the fat!!
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I keep reading about fat loss. One of the things that is sticking with me is that fat actually absorbs water prior to shrinking or being burned off, resulting in something called "whooshes" or sometimes "squishy fat" Today, I actually feel less squishy! I hope that 's what's happening to me this week.