Introduction for New Members



  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi All,

    Denise here,

    59 years old
    133 now

    I have been a believer in Eating to lose weight for some time but haven't believed enough to really practice it. I did a post on "testing" it out 2 days ago and got a few people interested in seeing my results. I found your group through Deedsie and got way excited. I want to be with like-minded people as much as possible so I joined:) I have committed to eating all my exercise calories til Sept 1. I already know the outcome, it will be a wonderful start to losing fat and gaining muscle. But many don't see it that way but at least they will have the data and the opportunity to decide by using provin information like you have in this group.

    Looking forward to joining in and contributing as well if I can:)

    See you along the journey, Denise
    PS I do have befores but won't show them here til I have made some noticeable progress;):drinker: :drinker:
  • joeykat16
    joeykat16 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I'm Brandi a new member to the group... I just want to make sure I'm understanding...

    Here's my stats:
    SW 194
    Height 5'7
    Age 27
    GW 150

    TDEE is 2611
    BMR is 1684
    Moderate Activity Level (3-5/wk)

    2611 at a 20% reduction (I've read anywhere b/w 15-20% is ok, but correct me if I'm wrong!) = 2089 that I should be eating daily. That just seem so high to me... but I haven't seen the scale move eating 1200, 1450, or 1700 calories, soooo....obviously I'm doing something wrong!

    If I burn more than 405 calories (difference b/w 2089 and 1684 BMR) exercising then I should eat back just those calories to get me back up to my BMR? Ex. If I burn 450 cals, then I would eat back 45 cals, the difference b/w 450 minus 405.

    Is this correct?

    Sorry to have ya'll answer the same question over and over but I really appreciate the help! :)

    Feel free to add me; I'll support you, if you support me!
  • Tahlij
    Tahlij Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I'm Brandi a new member to the group... I just want to make sure I'm understanding...

    Here's my stats:
    SW 194
    Height 5'7
    Age 27
    GW 150

    TDEE is 2611
    BMR is 1684
    Moderate Activity Level (3-5/wk)

    2611 at a 20% reduction (I've read anywhere b/w 15-20% is ok, but correct me if I'm wrong!) = 2089 that I should be eating daily. That just seem so high to me... but I haven't seen the scale move eating 1200, 1450, or 1700 calories, soooo....obviously I'm doing something wrong!

    If I burn more than 405 calories (difference b/w 2089 and 1684 BMR) exercising then I should eat back just those calories to get me back up to my BMR? Ex. If I burn 450 cals, then I would eat back 45 cals, the difference b/w 450 minus 405.

    Is this correct?

    Sorry to have ya'll answer the same question over and over but I really appreciate the help! :)

    Feel free to add me; I'll support you, if you support me!

    Spot on to me :) Good luck x
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I joined this group a couple of days ago. I started off with MFP in August last year eating 1400 calories and I lost really well until Christmas when I took a week off and ate whatever I wanted. When I started back again I started cutting cals more and more some days only netting 200-300. I stopped losing weight and a few months ago upped my calories to 1900 which is my TDEE - 20% which got the ball rolling again.

    Then 6 weeks ago I stopped losing again so I decided to eat at TDEE for a while and start strength training then take it from there. I've written about what I plan to do in my blog and would appreciate it if anyone who knows vaguely anything about eating more/strength training could come and have a look just to make sure I'm not barking up the wrong tree completely!! Thanks to anyone who does!!

    This is a great group, looking forward to being a part of it!:drinker:
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Oh yeah, would be happy for anyone to add me too. All/most of my current friends are eating low calories so would be great to have some support from others who are eating more!!
  • ChiJenn
    ChiJenn Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I am Jennifer,

    I am a married 40yr. old with two girls living in IL. Been with MFP since April at 1400 cal. and I have been heavy lifting at least 3 days a week and cardio on some of the other days. So far I have lost 15 inches and no weight at all. Thought I would up the calories and see how my body likes more food. I have been a slave to the scale for a long long time. I hid my scale about a month or so ago. And that has been really difficult. I am trying not to weigh again until my 90 day goal. But maybe I just will see how long I can go without looking at the scale. I am currently (well a month ago) 156lbs. at 5"7". I'd love to have some new friends for support and encouragement!
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I'm Brandi a new member to the group... I just want to make sure I'm understanding...

    Here's my stats:
    SW 194
    Height 5'7
    Age 27
    GW 150

    TDEE is 2611
    BMR is 1684
    Moderate Activity Level (3-5/wk)

    2611 at a 20% reduction (I've read anywhere b/w 15-20% is ok, but correct me if I'm wrong!) = 2089 that I should be eating daily. That just seem so high to me... but I haven't seen the scale move eating 1200, 1450, or 1700 calories, soooo....obviously I'm doing something wrong!

    If I burn more than 405 calories (difference b/w 2089 and 1684 BMR) exercising then I should eat back just those calories to get me back up to my BMR? Ex. If I burn 450 cals, then I would eat back 45 cals, the difference b/w 450 minus 405.

    Is this correct?

    Sorry to have ya'll answer the same question over and over but I really appreciate the help! :)

    Feel free to add me; I'll support you, if you support me!

    Spot on to me :) Good luck x

    OMG!! Have I been doing this wrong???
    My Cut value (TDEE-15%) = 2150, so I've set that as my goal for MFP.
    On my workout days, I enter my workouts into MFP, and of course, I need to eat more to reach a net value of 2150.
    So my actual intake of calories fluctuates for my workout days and non-workout days, but MY NET VALUE is what I try to keep I doing this wrong??

    I am only a few days in, so it won't be a big deal, but I thought I had this all clear from the videos and it coincided with the diet plan in NROLFW (where they have you drink a protien shake on your workout days) - Thought I was all clear - but here it is again that you only want to eat it back if you are under your BMR??? :explode:

    Please let me know if I am already setting myself up for failure... Do I keep my NET calories constant? Or make an adjustment only if I dip below BMR? It seems the latter would not always give your body a 'constant' flow...and therefore be counterproductive...

    (Sorry for the ramble, but there is a lot of conflicting stuff I've come across....)
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Hellaine, 5'4 and started my lifestyle change at around 165 pounds (although just came here recently). Big fan of food, I usually end up netting something like 2100+ after workout chows and everything. Works for me, I've consistently been losing a pound a week since I started (except for a serious health hickup that set me off for a few months). I dig it! I also eat mostly healthy, unprocessed, simple foods, lots of all food groups, home cooked meals made from organic and local ingredients, just a lot of pure food as opposed to the prepackaged and fast food diet and soda diet I was on.

    Never ever had any luck either a) losing weight OR b) sticking with the change that the cookie cutter 1200 models websites offer up. What I'm doing now, eating lots of GOOD food choices, lots of cardio and starting a lil strength finally, it feels doable. I mean, I could do this for the rest of my life and never deter, this is manageable, maintainable and feels good! I'm ENJOYING it!

    Anyway, I'm 31, in Columbus Ohio currently with my longterm boyfriend, kids and cats. Changing not just my food and activity level but my outlooks on life, my views on things I like... everything! Having a 'me' rehaul I guess, and this site has been an awesome motivator.

    Always looking for more active friends with similar healthy goals too :)
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Hi all. I'm Leigh-Ann and obviously new to the group. I'm 41, married with kids, and have been gaining and losing the same 3 or 4 lbs for 3 my lowest hit 175. Just upped my calories a few days ago and started drinking protein shakes to up my daily protein. I don't know if I've raised my calories enough, but honestly I'm scared out of my mind to eat more. I'm hoping to get to a gym next week and start lifting weights, but am not sure I can make it happen. Truth be told, I HATE exercise and really struggle to make myself do it. Hopefully I'll like weight lifting more than I think I will.

    Did I mention that I'm scared out of my mind about possibly gaining weight? I want to get leaner/more toned, but I think I would feel better about trying this if I was closer to my goal. Of course, the reason I'm trying to eat more is because I can't seem to move towards my goal right now! Feels like one hell of a double edged sword. lol

    I'm going to jump in with both feet though...and see what kind of progress I've made in a couple of months. Thanks so much for sharing all of this great information!
  • Tahlij
    Tahlij Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I'm Brandi a new member to the group... I just want to make sure I'm understanding...

    Here's my stats:
    SW 194
    Height 5'7
    Age 27
    GW 150

    TDEE is 2611
    BMR is 1684
    Moderate Activity Level (3-5/wk)

    2611 at a 20% reduction (I've read anywhere b/w 15-20% is ok, but correct me if I'm wrong!) = 2089 that I should be eating daily. That just seem so high to me... but I haven't seen the scale move eating 1200, 1450, or 1700 calories, soooo....obviously I'm doing something wrong!

    If I burn more than 405 calories (difference b/w 2089 and 1684 BMR) exercising then I should eat back just those calories to get me back up to my BMR? Ex. If I burn 450 cals, then I would eat back 45 cals, the difference b/w 450 minus 405.

    Is this correct?

    Sorry to have ya'll answer the same question over and over but I really appreciate the help! :)

    Feel free to add me; I'll support you, if you support me!

    Spot on to me :) Good luck x

    OMG!! Have I been doing this wrong???
    My Cut value (TDEE-15%) = 2150, so I've set that as my goal for MFP.
    On my workout days, I enter my workouts into MFP, and of course, I need to eat more to reach a net value of 2150.
    So my actual intake of calories fluctuates for my workout days and non-workout days, but MY NET VALUE is what I try to keep I doing this wrong??

    I am only a few days in, so it won't be a big deal, but I thought I had this all clear from the videos and it coincided with the diet plan in NROLFW (where they have you drink a protien shake on your workout days) - Thought I was all clear - but here it is again that you only want to eat it back if you are under your BMR??? :explode:

    Please let me know if I am already setting myself up for failure... Do I keep my NET calories constant? Or make an adjustment only if I dip below BMR? It seems the latter would not always give your body a 'constant' flow...and therefore be counterproductive...

    (Sorry for the ramble, but there is a lot of conflicting stuff I've come across....)


    Your TDEE -15/20% already accounts for your excercise calories so you need to hit that daily, you only need to go over if you burn off more calls and go under your BMR - so say you have to hit 2000 calls a day and your BMR is 1500, if you burn 600 cals you need eat an additional 100 to bring your net back up to 1500 (2000-600=1400, eat 100 extra cals to reach your BMR of 1500)

    Am I making sense :ohwell: Tails x
  • Callalili
    Callalili Posts: 119 Member
    Hi. I've been reading like crazy and am about to up my calories. I've been with mfp since January I think. I'm 38, 5'2", currently 152, after gaining a pound during last weeks vacation where I did not track calories, celebrated both my kids b-days and had cake, pie or ice cream everyday and beer. I was also exercising by swimming, snorkeling and kayaking, tennis in the Keys. Anyway I've lost 16 pounds since joining mfp but only a pound or 2 in the last couple months. MFP has me set at 1200 which I eat all of plus exercise calories and usually go over on non exercise days and a weekend day (or another day I drink a couple homebrew beers so not exact sure of those calories). Most days I eat around 1500.

    I have not changed my goals yet, trying to figure out what my new numbers should be. For exercise I am on my second round of Supreme 90. I did not loose much on the first round but gained muscle and lost inches, which I did not measure. So its between 25-38 minutes on exercise days, a couple days are mostly cardio, others are mostly strength. Other than that I'm not doing much, I work at home part time and sometimes stand at my desk. I have 2 kids (8 and 10) who are home now, we go bowling or swimming a couple times a week. I'm going to get NROLFW soon and when it's cooler out, I ride my bike.

    Anyway I calculate:
    BMR 1423
    TDEE (1-3 hours light exercise) 1956 with 15% cut on that at 1663
    TDEE (3-5 house moderate exercise) 2206 with 15% cut on that at 1875
    I'm really uncertain what to set it at.
  • kimberly2504
    kimberly2504 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello everyone, I wanted to come on here and introduce myself.

    I joined MFP and actually started logging every day about 3 weeks ago. MFP had me set at 1650 for 1 lb/week, but I was really eating more around 1500 and not eating excercise calories back. I have been losing about 1 lb/week, but really got interested in EMTWL by checking out the boards. I really want to set myself up for success by starting this off the right way, and I'm faithful that it will work. I plan on starting to up my calories to TDEE-15% and see how that goes, since my previous cals weren't *super* low (but below BMR) and it's only been a few weeks at that level.

    I am 29, CW is 212.
    BMR: 1750
    TDEE: 2406
    TDEE cut: 2045

    I have PCOS and have struggled for years with gaining. Had some success with WW but really got super obsessed and focused on food, which drove me nuts, and it only worked once. Any other times I tried I got nothing. With having such a hard time losing, I tended to just say "screw it!" and eat whatever made me happy, accepting I'd just be fat and hate myself forever. NOT OKAY.

    I look forward to meeting you all and learning about your journeys!
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Hey there everyone !

    I have been using MFP since May 9, I have lost 11.4 lbs so far. I noticed the last few weeks my weight has been slowly coming off or I would not lose anything at all. I decided that something must be off and I look into EM2LW, joined the group yesterday and starting reading all the information & trying to retain it all.

    I am kinda confused about the whole 40/30/30, if anyone could shed some light on that for me I would greatly appreciate it ! I would also like to have more EM2LW friends so if you would like send me a request, please add in that you are a EM2LW friend.

    My stats are:
    *Weight: 160.4
    *Height: 5'4"
    *BMR ~ 1442
    *TDEE ~ 2234
    *CUT VALUE ~ 1787
  • :smile: Hi all!
    Would love some friends that like to eat and fuel themselves properly! I'm 5'7", 140lbs and currently eating 2000cals a day.
  • Hi everyone.
    My name is Theresa, I'm brand new to myfitnesspal.
    I did Weight Watchers for a while (okay a week) and have calorie counted but not anything like what this group seems to be all about (1400-1600 calories which was WAY under my BMR, and that right now after reading everything on here scares me)...anyway I tried Weight watchers again this past week and I just felt faint, and not good about my body - in all, just sick. So I came on Myfitnesspal just now, read the thread and looking for some friends for support as well as me supporting you too.

    My stats are:

    My stats are:
    *Weight: 256.8
    *Height: 5'3"
    *BMR ~ 1898
    *TDEE ~ 2278
    *CUT VALUE (15%) 1936

    I was wondering if this was right: I just set my goal to 1900 (bmr) and if I exercise need to bring my net to 1900 no matter what (eat bmr +)?

    I look forward to having more friends on here :)!!!
  • aprice3320
    aprice3320 Posts: 26
    Hi, I started my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers in Jan. 2012 then switched to mfp. I've lost a total of 49 lbs. My weight loss has slowed to a crawl. Scale is just not moving. mfp has had me on 1300 calories a day. I've been sticking to that and not eating back my exercise calories. I exercise about 4x a week for 30 minutes. I've heard so much conflicting advice. I just don't know what I should do. Please help!!! I went to the scooby calc and it said my TDEE is 2116, BMR 1539, and calorie goal is 1693. I'm 48 yrs. old, 189.5 lbs and 5'2".
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I'm Greyson, and I'll be back to say hello later!