

  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I'm in! I started my journey about a month ago with 110 pounds to lose. I am 5'4".
    For this challenge:
    SW 246

  • laurabeerotten
    I'm on this! I have a mini goal of getting to 250 by the end of September for my friend's birthday ziplining adventure (which I'm currently too big for!!) and I have longer term goals as well, so I am EXCITED for the motivation. Motivation is the only thing that has ever worked for me, and my group motivation last summer was AMAZING. Too bad I fell off the wagon. Back on again! Let's do this!!

    PS: Who DOESN'T love the name of this challenge, am I right?? Adorable.

    Laura. 25. 5'6". Kentucky.

    SW for challenge: 268
    Christmas GW: 230
    Pounds Lost: 38

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 258
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 250
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 242
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 235
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 230

    I'm starting pharmacy school in August, so I KNOW I'm going to get bogged down at the end of the semester with class and maybe slip with exercise so keeping it reasonable at the end. Hopefully that won't be the case, but I'm trying not to set myself up for failure, given the circumstances. Best Christmas present ever?? Surpassing the 230 goal, which would mean I'm back in my high school weight land!

    Feel free to add me, I'm new to the group! :)
  • vonns36
    vonns36 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all..I'm Vonnie 37 from England (feel free to add me)

    SW 242
    GW 200

    Goal 1....August 23 - 235
    Goal 2....September 23- 230
    Goal 3 ...October 23 - 225
    Goal 4 .....Nov 23 - 220
    Goal 5 .....Dec 23 - 215
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    Love this IDEA!!!:drinker:

    SW: 173

    Goal August 25th: 168

    Goal September 25th: 163

    Goal October 25th: 158

    Goal November 25th (3 days after Turkey Day): 155

    Goal December 25th: 150-155 My ultimate goal

    I'm 18 lbs away from my goal and I know I can do it in 5 months!
  • springbreakmission
    springbreakmission Posts: 83 Member
    YAY more even motivaion!!! I love it!!! I'm Noel and 22 years old

    Height: 5'5.5
    SW for challenge: 159
    Christmas GW: 135-140

    Goal #1 Aug 23: 154
    Goal #2 Sept 23: 150
    Goal #3 Oct 23: 146
    Goal #4 Nov 23: 142
    Goal #5 Dec 23: 137
  • nbrown1989
    nbrown1989 Posts: 44 Member
    SW July 2012: 328
    GW December 2012: 278

    August 2012: 318
    September 2012: 308
    October 2012: 298
    November 2012: 288
    December 2012: 278 or less
  • Hughjfan80
    Hello ladies. I'm Shelly from Colorado. I am definitely in for this challenge. My SW is 225 lbs, my GW is 150 lbs. By Christmas I hope to lose 25 lbs.

    August 22nd: 220
    September 22nd: 215
    October 22nd: 210
    November: 205
    December: 200
  • lrobannon
    lrobannon Posts: 12
    Hello ladies, I'm Tasha from KY. I am excited about this challenge. I need a motivated and a support system. My SW is 165.5, and my goal weight is 130lbs
    August 23rd : 160
    Sept. 23: 155
    Oct 23: 145
    Nov 23: 136
    Dec 25: 130
    Good luck ladies, please feel free to add me as a friend............Let the games begin
  • Empressmee
    Empressmee Posts: 92 Member
    Love the motivation I'm in!! I'm 5'5 195 lbs and ready to push myself to get where I want to be!

    SW 195 GW 175
    Aug23: 190
    Sept 23 185
    Oct 23: 180
    Nov 23: 175
    Dec 23 Anything lost under my GW of 175 is well welcome!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Hi, ladies! I am so excited for this challenge. I was going to do a personal, "Birthday Challenge" because my birthday is December 21, just four days from Christmas, but this is so much better. Having support and the motivation of (friendly) competition is a great way for us to move towards our goals. And, even though I know there are prizes involved and we're "competing" - I can't wait to see you all on December 25 after we all hit our goals!

    My height is 5'11''

    SW - 294.2
    GW - 250.2

    Goal 1 - August 25 = -8.8 (285.4)
    Goal 2 - September 22 = -8.8 (276.6)
    Goal 3 - October 27 = -8.8 (267.8)
    Goal 4 - November 24 = -8.8 (259.0)
    Goal 5 -December 25 = -8.8 (250.2)


    I typically weigh-in on Saturday, but I was only recording my weight once a month. For this challenge, I will update my weight weekly, when I weigh-in on Saturday.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Me too I'm so excited about this challenge count me in as well!!

    My height is 5'4" (I'm just telling y'all that to everyone else I'm 5'5" got it !!)

    SW- 182lbs
    Goal 1 -Aug23/177lbs
    Goal 2 -Sept23/170lbs
    Goal 3 -Oct23/167lbs
    Goal 4 -Dec23/155lbs

    There you have it Divas!! This is not my goal weight but, I'm taking things slow, so good luck to everyone!!!
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey ladies just checkn in ( UPDATE END OF CHALLENGE PRIZES) I had a couple of ppl messege me about how im going to handle the prizes/selection winners I wanted to add prizes because I think itll be fun and a little more added motivation I DO believe everyone will be honest wen its time to post your starting weight and your final weight at the end of the challenge so after consideration for others I decided that in order to be in the bid for the 3 prizes u MUST post your sw and final weight ALONG WITH WITH PICS BF AND AFTERS PICTURES (hope this won't be a strain for u ladies) not only do pics add confirmation but itll show off all YOUR hardwork n dedication n plus we want to see ur new sexy bodies for the new year so STRUT IT!!! SO EVERYONE WILL HAVE UNTIL DECEMBER 27TH 2012 TO POST SW n FINAL WEIGHT WITH BEFORE AND AFTER PICS WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED THROUGH MESSEGE DECEMBER 28TH FOR PRIZES/INFO/mini interview of their journey DECEMBER 29TH I WILL POST THE WINNERS NAMES THE PRIZES THEY RECIEVED NG THEIR MINI INTERVIEW THANKS
  • Mpowered1
    Mpowered1 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone, and happy Monday! I'm Amy from Ohio. At my heaviest, I was about 295 (several years ago). I've managed to take some of the weight off but now it's time to get serious!

    My SW is 259 and my GW is 209 which is a goal of 50 lbs lost.
    Goal #1 August: 249
    Goal #2 September: 239
    Goal #3 October: 229
    Goal #4 November: 219
    Goal #5 December: 209

    Feel free to add me. Let's cheer each other on!!
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Ladies! I love the idea of this challenge and I am so happy to see sista divas supporting and motivating each other!

    I'm Kim from Ohio.
    33 years old. Please feel free to add me.

    SW: 272 (EEEEEEEK!)
    GW: 228 Not my ultimate goal, but I think it's a good start.

    Total Weight loss by December 25: 44 lbs

    GOAL #1: August 23 - 264
    GOAL #2: September 23 - 254
    GOAL #3: October 23 - 246
    GOAL #4: November 23 - 238
    GOAL #5: December 23 - 228

    I'm going to weigh in tonight to confirm my weight, but that's what it was the last time I got on a scale. I will continue to weigh in on Mondays.
  • mysswhit
    mysswhit Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in and excited! I am 5'4", 27 years old, and live in Oklahoma. My SW is 242 and my GW is 200 which is a goal of 42 pounds lost. I will weigh in on the 25th of each month.

    Goal #1 August: 235
    Goal #2 September: 225
    Goal #3 October: 215
    Goal #4 November: 208
    Goal #5 December: 200

    Let's Get it Ladies!!!!
  • astunningimpact
    astunningimpact Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 5"5 and 25 years old from the Midwest. I weigh in every Sunday. I'm very new to this whole thing so I am going to set my goal to be 20lbs by the end of December.

    SW: 215
    CW: 208.8

    August GW: 204.8
    September GW: 200.8
    October GW: 196.8
    November GW: 192.8
    December GW: 188.8
  • Khloe_Nicole
    Khloe_Nicole Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I'm Nichole and I'm new to this group. I'm 26 and I'm 5'4.

    SW: 236 GW: 185

    08/23/12 Goal #1: 225
    09/23/12 Goal #2: 215
    10/23/12 Goal #3: 205
    11/23/12 Goal #4: 195
    12/23/12 Goal #5: 185
  • thicknsexiTy
    thicknsexiTy Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everybody! Im Tyneshia from New Orleans, but living in Dallas Texas right now. Im 28 and im 5'8. Hoping to lose 50 more lbs by my birthday which is 12/28. I will weigh in on the 23 of every month! FEEL FREE TO ADD ME!

    SW 259
    GW 209

    Goal #1 Aug 23 249
    Goal#2 Sept 23 239
    Goal #3 Oct 23 229
    Goal#4 Nov 23 219
    Goal#4 Dec 23 209
  • londaknight
    londaknight Posts: 24 Member
    Hi my name is Sherlonda and I'm from Chicago. 26 year old married mother of 4 and with my anniversary being December 16th, I really want to shed these pounds and give my husband something to think about on our anniversary LOL. I need all the motivation I can get to achieve my goal.

    26 years old 5'11
    SW: 265
    GW: 215
    Hope to lose 10lbs a month for a total of 50 by December 25

    GOAL #1: August GW 255
    GOAL #2: September GW 245
    GOAL #3: October GW 235
    GOAL #4: November GW 225
    GOAL #5: December GW 215
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Sisters! I'm Tere, 5'6", 53 years old, here in Richmond VA! I am totally feeling this! Looking forward to the challenge!

    SW: 231
    GW: 196 :happy:

    Weight loss Total by December 25: At least 35 lbs gone!

    GOAL #1: August GW 224
    GOAL #2: September GW 217
    GOAL #3: October GW 210
    GOAL #4: November GW 203
    GOAL #5: December GW 196