what is your "OMG that was how many Cals" food?



  • melleefit
    melleefit Posts: 9 Member
    Bananna Bread!! 600 calories!!

    This for me too.
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Bread, anything yummy from brumbys or bakers delight.
    You know the ones, ham and chees toppings, walnuts and icing, pullaparts
  • emmalecras
    emmalecras Posts: 79 Member
    Nachos .... largish bowl is the equivalent of two roast dinners!!!
  • yxlr8
    yxlr8 Posts: 67 Member
    cheese cake.....Im sure it hypnotises me as im making it
  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    tim tams...about 55cal for just one. D:
    (I used to eat like 3 or 4 ever second DAY!)
  • joannaleasa
    joannaleasa Posts: 25 Member
    Nasi Goreng, intact any kind of indian, thai, Chinese, mexican.. all happening to be my favourite foods and what i mainly lived on till i found this app!
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I was eating raw almonds thinking they were ok..... yikes!
  • Subway Footlong- Chicken Teriyaki Multi Grain (No Cheese, No Sauce, All Salads) - 747 calories
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just a simple toasted cheese sandwich for me ... Thought it was a relatively safe option but totally not worth the calories!

    I can make mine for 245 calories. It is my breakfast of course :)

    Maggi noodles. I knew they were bad for you. Then i read the calories.....

    Thankfully they've turned them from the gooey awesomeness into the cardboard crap they are today. The Woolies ones are still holdouts (the Coles ones were AWESOME) but the rest have gone to yukkiness.
  • KayleighWS
    KayleighWS Posts: 15 Member
    Before I started a few weeks ago my treat was 6 dim sims for lunch. When I actually took the time to add it a bit of sour cream and the chili sauce I just about fell over. I was better off eating low GI pizza and 3 slices! I am off dim sims for awhile till I get some weight down and even then I am not sure the calories couldn't be better spent somewhere else. Also love pasta, and spagetti squash is good but not the same.
  • freshvl
    freshvl Posts: 422 Member
    kabana, one kabana is about 400 cal, as soon as i found that out it was easy to stop eating it
  • The cheesecake shop white gold mud cake......friends birthday cake last night, 1 peice with me having 385 calories in hand would be fine right? WRONG!!!! 190g slice, 690 calories!!!!!!!!!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    tim tams...about 55cal for just one. D:
    (I used to eat like 3 or 4 ever second DAY!)


    speaking of biscuits! delta creams, or anzac cookies...
    about 75 and 130 respectively, lol.

    when i first started tracking food, i went and smashed about a dozen anzacs...

  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    I was eating raw almonds thinking they were ok..... yikes!

    DITTO! And walnuts? Don't even get me started...
  • I should really have known this one but coconut milk.

    I have a case I bought at Costco that I'm going to have to give away. One can has almost 700 cal.

    I'll definitely be trying the evaporated milk with coconut flavour instead !
  • Hot chips. Shouldn't be a suprise but I just can't get my head around how few chips add up so quickly.

    And nuts. You feel healthy eating them, but a serve of nuts is actually way smaller than I think it is!!
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    I was eating raw almonds thinking they were ok..... yikes!

    I went the raw cashews... Boy was I wrong. No more nuts here...
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    tim tams...about 55cal for just one. D:
    (I used to eat like 3 or 4 ever second DAY!)

    Tim Tams are actually 100 calories each :(((((
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Garlic bread... figured it had some calories, more than just a bit - didn't expect as much as it has for little pieces, haha.
  • Coconut cream here... I use it in my curry - I think from now on I will be using half a can per curry instead of a full can.
    Or, if there is a better alternative please tell!

    Another one is the raspberry, white choc blondies that I made yesterday. Almost 300 Cal per piece =( So now I can't eat them, and have to give them all away.