Is there a currently active group for obese seniors with disability/mobility issues?
Hello everyone. I am a 73 year-old woman from Winnipeg, Manitoba. I struggle with chronic muscle and joint pain related to degenerative disc disease and arthritis. Weighing in at over 260 pounds, I know that losing weight will help, but many factors of my daily life make this difficult. I need group support from people who…
my right hand is not lifting dumble weight and left is lifting it is happening form 2days.
why it is happening
Any advice on strengthening my core?
I suffer from lower back pain and sciatica, both caused by anterior and lateral pelvic tilt and due to a motorcycle accident and excess weight. I'm wanting to build the muscles required to hopefully fix the pelvic tilt, while I work on my weight loss. The problem is, I'm new to weight training. I am quite strong anyway,…
I recently injured my pelvis in the worse way...believe it or not..exercising...my SI joint is inflamed..I have limited mobility now..I eat now badly as I'm back to emotionally eating...I got all the way down to to 270 now I'm 304... I'm unable to do these... No cardio. No walking No bike I don't know how to pull myself…
Foot numbness/aching from running
In the past few days, my foot has been aching and I have numbness on the outside sole, near the pinky toe. X-ray showed nothing unusual. Doctor declared it plantar fasciitis. It's a bit of a catch-all for every non-specific foot problem. I read that it's unusual to have numbness associated with it. Anyone else gotten…
Preggy and Type lada
I'm pregnant and type LADA diabetic. Insulin pump, dexcom cgm. I have a strict dietician ❤️. I am a major crocheter, love gamers, cats and ramen of course. Looking to help other diabetics and those with chronic diseases.
Back Again...with ADHD and hEDS
Hi all, so I joined MyFitnessPal AGES ago...like...2011. It was a very very different website back then (the layout, etc). I've tried to get myself going on it multiple times, and I always lost motivation. It turns out...I have ADHD. But I also have hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos. Since 2015 I've been dealing with chronic…
Orlistat newbie early days
Day 3… not great but Christmas is out the way. Had a nice time eg food. I’ve done a bit research so I can see some areas for improvement. Lesons learned as well explanations. Looked up 15g fat recipes so I can be more sure of what’s going in my mouth. I’ve noticed every recipe is either chicken fish turkey pork of a carb…
Post A-Vascular Necrosis Physical Fitness Question
Hello, Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with A-Vascular Necrosis. As a 36year old male that loves things like water skiing, motorcycle off-road racing, and public displays of nudity, I was concerned. For those that do not know, A-Vascular Necrosis is an incurable disease that causes bone death, bone collapse, and…
Any supplements, etc. reccomended to help with intense muscle soreness (DOMS)?
I have been working out for about 4 years now and I mostly do strength exercises with some cardio thrown in and lots of stretching/mobility stuff but I have always been a person to easily get sore from working out and have the worst delayed onset muscle soreness ever! It's been a thing my whole life and I feel like it…
Weight loss and rib discomfort
Over the past 7 months, I've dropped right at 44lbs from 174ish to 130ish. I haven't noticed any major changes as far as how I feel until the last 5 pounds or so. Now, unless I'm sitting perfectly straight, my ribs feel incredibly uncomfortable, with just a bit of pain. When I bend down to grab something or reach far,…