Yoga Mindfulness

I was surprised to find that there are not that many Yoga, meditation groups on here. So I'm Making a group full of Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, and Positive people. Please join if your goal is to start yoga, meditation or practice mindfulness (whether is be eating, walking, sitting or everyday life mindfulness). I hope that this group can encourage and support each other to the fullest of everyone's capabilities. PLEASE it is critical that EVERYONE is supportive and NONJUDGEMENTAL towards everyone else. This group is to help other become a better person, through health of the body and mind.

Post anything that will help or support anyone else in their endeavors and don't be afraid to "get out there" and DO YOUR BEST!

It doesn't matter whether you can or can not touch your toes with your fingers, what matters is who you are when you get out of the pose.

Firstly; a lot of people think yoga/flexibility is hard work, its actually not as hard as you think. Through dedication and relaxation you become more flexible. When I go into a pose, the more relaxed I am, the deeper I go.

Secondly; I would like to recommend some books that helped change my life:
The Four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (and the series along with this book Such as the Fifth Agreement, the Voice of Knowledge, The Mastery of Love*)
Zen Mind, Beginner Mind. by Shunryu Suzuki

Some good types of books for spiritual growth or enhancement:
Raja Yoga
the Three Pillars of Zen
Kundalini, the spiritual awakening

I know that some of these may be religious in some way, but when I read them I'm not taking in the religion aspect of them, I'm bringing in what they have found through the practice of Yoga/meditation and apply it. It has let me become more in touch with myself and allowed me to free my mind more than before which brought me out of the greatest depression of myself.

BE YOUR OWN PERSON! Just because one person is doing it doesn't mean that you should too. You do not have to agree with people to join this group, you may give your opinion but be respectful and watch how you word things. DO NOT get into a heated conversation. Remember LOVE is the best emotion to over come any obstacle.


Happy Life = Happy Mind.
Owner: BabyUnicorn3Leaders: BabyUnicorn3Created on September 17, 201554 membersPrivacy: Public



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