9 Week 2016 New Year's Countdown Challenge

There is exactly 9 weeks left from today 10/26/15 until the NEW YEAR 2016. I don't know about y'all, but I REFUSE to end this year with another FAILED new year resolution to only find myself starting 2016 with the SAME new year's resolution; lose weight, get in shape, build strength and feel good. Come join me and let's end 2015 with a BANG and we go into 2016 looking like a million bucks. I am going to find the cutest and sexiest NEW YEAR'S EVE party dress and I'm going to strut myself around like I own the place and take more selfies than EVER!
(even if I'm at home all alone haha)
Owner: FINDINGMYWAY4MELeaders: FINDINGMYWAY4MECreated on October 27, 20158 membersPrivacy: Public



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