I was wondering if there are any others on this diet? I started the Starch Solution on May 15th. So far I've lost 3 lbs and some inches around my waist and hips. I've tried several diets throughout my life (I'm almost 70), but I seem to keep coming back to this one. It makes me feel like I'm getting the right food for my…
We need to reactivate this group, help support each other, we know this way of eating works to relieve inflammation and reverse illness there are to many people in our lives who just don't understand so please we need to reach out to one another.😁
I'd love to start on this diet and I'm wondering if anyone is still around and going strong? Would love to chat.
Does anyone know recipes that I can pack for lunch. My kids don't have access to a microwave or a fridge.
Why did you decide to turn to the Starch Solution? What appeals to you? How long have you been eating this way?
I have a goal to lose more weight, but would like a buddy who checks on how I am doing to keep me accountable. Anyone else feel this way? Please friend me and lets keep in touch. http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/how-to-find-an-accountabilibuddy/ Karen
I started the starch solution today and was wondering if there was anyone living this lifestyle here, so i could get inspiration :-)
I just had the McDougall brand oatmeal cup with fruit, flax, and nuts. Aren't nuts (and flax seeds, for that matter) not a McDougall approved food? I'm not super concerned about it and I don't follow the McD plan usually (I'm vegan and switch to McD's way of eating strictly for weight loss purposes from time to time), but…
Which do you prefer? Why?
Hello, I could use some support following this lifestyle. I wonder why there are so few people on this board. I have tried (off and on) the starch solution and McDougall plan. I ALWAYS feel better, and my numbers go down except for one - my weight. Is anyone having luck losing weight? I am short so I don't know if I need…