Important stuff will go here one day.
Dont need to be so quiet people
For me all is going well, eating well and working out. I finding out alot more about food intolerences I have. Food season is coming up so it will take more restraint but Im sure I can manage
A Beneficial Cheat Day?
Something that I have been really interested in the last few years is the mind/body connection. Workouts have always focused on the physical aspect to achieve weight-loss/gain/physique etc. and usually seems to neglect the mind's impact on fitness. I have really focused on researching the mind/body connection and have…
Hill Workouts
I have always preferred running hills to running flats, I know that most of you will disagree, but for me it is less stress on my knees. Hill workouts are great exercises that can be done a variety of ways. These workouts are challenging, but also let you workout at your own pace. I happen to live in a mountainous area…
Outdoor Workout Routine
Okay everyone, here is a great set of drills that can be done outdoors and just about anywhere. This one is from Urban Training which has some great workouts available that (for the most part) do not require any special equipment. This means that there should be no excuse to try it out. Remember go at your own pace, stay…
Paleo in a nutshell
Stricked paleo would be anything that you could find camping in the woods would be genetially acceptable for us to eat. Ive always said it it had a face on it at one time it is good (aside from processed meats). I add the greens and and fruit about 3 times a week. If I don't eat greens I drink "Green Vibrence . You can…
Box Jump Workout
Box jumping is a very fun workout, in fact this is one of my favorite workouts. It increases leg muscles, creates a long lean muscle and actually prepares you for a variety of sports. This was always one of our last workout of the day in the fight gym. We would already be on spaghetti legs from kick drills and have to…
Semi cheat night
I went to the movies with the family and in the past I would consume a large popcorn, and hotdog and candy. I was very surprised that I did not have the taste for it. I could only eat a coupe handful of popcorn and 1/2 the hotdog and some Woppers. It just did not taste good to me like it had in the past. I am very pleased.…
Chinese Grilled Shrimp Last night my wife was craving shrimp and I was craving something Asian. I found this great recipe from Steamy for Chinese Grilled Shrimp and thus the stars were aligned. This recipe was very quick and super easy...and fell right in line with paleo eating. A bonus is that this recipe does…
My normal food intake
I eat about 2400 +- a day. I love eggs and eat them in the am, steak or chicket for lunch. dinner is usally BBQ chicken thights, Korean BBQ ribs, BBQ baby back ribs, steak Pork chops. I do like popcorn for snacks at night (kettle cooked with tobasco sauce). My cheat day (now foortball season) is a giant burger on Sunday at…
My name Is Steve and I just joined this group. I eat Paleo most of the time but have a semi cheat day once a week (football season). I got my daughter to convert cause I noticed that she is carb sensitive like me. Here sleep and mood and overall wellbeing has improved. I do crossfit and walk a lot. I am still subject to…