Weelky Weigh Ins ..... :happy: Also on the weekly challenge's Is there any idea's? What would you all like to do?
Hey y'all April is finally here and even tho I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to I'm still happy. I'm hoping to lose another 9lbs by the end of the month. How is everyone doing?
Well I'm sorry for being MIA. The pass month I've been doing bad sinus infections ear infections and strep throat 3 times and now I throw my ba k out but I'm glad to say that I'm starting to feel better thankfully! There is no way I'm gonna hit my birthday goal weight so I'm thinking if Ivan get another 10-15 off I willbe…
Just wanted to stop and see how everyone is doing so far? I kinda feel off the wagon over new years eve but I'm back and have been doing good and hitting the gym almost daily now. It was really hard to get out of this funk I was in I didn't even feel like working out not even walking but finally I said the heck with it and…
Since I forgot to post...same as last week 8 cups of water of course 20 minutes of jogging (in place, on wii, outside, or on treadmill, whatever works:) 150 jumping jacks 50 squat twists (hands by ears, elbows straight out, squat down and when you come up lift right knee and touch left elbow to it, and same for other side)…
I guess I better post this before I forget. lol 8 cups of water of course 20 minutes of jogging (in place, on wii, outside, or on treadmill, whatever works:) 150 jumping jacks 50 squat twists (hands by ears, elbows straight out, squat down and when you come up lift right knee and touch left elbow to it, and same for other…
Yay! A new year!!!! Who is ready to bring it??? So this week we will shoot for... - Try something new once (either a new video or a new machine at the gym) - 8 cups water - 150 jumping jacks everyday - 50 squat kicks (25 each leg, front or side kicks, you choose) Now I'm off to get ready for my next Christmas... I have 30…
So week after Christmas most people are probably done their Christmases (I've still got at least one full Christmas to go and possibly another Christmas meal this week) So try to get back on track by: - Burning 3000-5000 calories in total this week. - And of course drink 8 cups of water
This week is going to be simple... 8 cups water 100 jumping jacks daily (or 50 crunches or 50 pushups) I don't know about everybody else but my Christmases start on Friday (I have four official Christmas meals to go to) and I have a ton of gifts to bake and I haven't started yet (oops) so I'm going to be super busy this…
Getting closer to Christmas! It's crazy. This week we'll do: - 8 glasses of water (this will be a daily challenge every week) - Fun one ( http://pinterest.com/pin/282178732872092897/ ) once a day. It might be hard to do at first if you're not good at dancing, but try as best as you can and you'll get better at it. And have…