Important stuff will go here one day.
Personal Fitness Goal Reached!
I reached my goal today of being able to do 10 real push-ups! You know, the kind that are not "modified" by doing them on your knees? I still need to work on being able to go down closer to the mat when I do them. I followed them up with 10 modified push-ups. What are your fitness goals?
Recipe Board
Post all your favorite recipes here. I am committed to posting one a week. Here's the first: Chardberry Smoothie 3 leaves of chard 1/2 cup berry of choice 1/2 cup pineapple 1/2 cup peaches 1/4 cup orange juice BLENDBLENDBLEND mmmm
Low carb is working!
So I've been seeing a nutritionist for several months now trying to lose weight. Even though I was practicing SO much healthier habits, nothing was happening! Then I found a book called Why We Get Fat. It made so much sense for my situation. I went low carb and now I've lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks, so far. SWEET!
New to the group
Alrighty weight has been a bone of contention with me for some time...lose the weight, gain it back, lose the weight, gain it back...this time, with all of you, I am going to lose it and keep it off!!...Good luck to everyone, we all need it.!!
Working It Out
It is too freaking hot to do much of anything in Texas. I am committed to doing a 2 mile bike ride per day, and to a set of indoor calisthenics, but outside of that, I'm not going to be much on the fitness side until the temperatures drop. Or, until I get the nerve to go to the new gym and start swimming again. I had so…
This diet works!
So i started with the calorie counting and working out for the first few days. I could feel my body getting tighter but the numbers on the scale were not budging. Until.... I tried this new diet. This will be my fourth day on it and Ive already lost 2 pounds! :) It's nothing but fresh fruit, veggies, and water. Yes, it…
Just joined
Hi my name is Inell Adams I just want to tell you guys and ladies a little bit about myself.....I am 26 years old and I have been struggling with my weight for years....I am always up and down up and down....I tried all diets and many did work but I got off track with them because I got to comfortable......but now I am…
Less Overwhelming!
Hi. I just joined this group because I recently discovered the whole Community tab. 1 a week is a great goal to have. When I look at how much I want to lose, it depresses me so seeing other people aiming at 1 lb a week helps. Meeting the smaller goals will help us get to the bigger goal. I have to keep remembering that.…
just joined
Thank you for accepting me and I am looking forward to losing 30 lbs .
Too Obsessed
Hi All! I love myfitnesspal and am hooked on using the app on my phone. I also love the idea of not obsessing about my weight loss and focusing on making smart choices to get me to a reachable goal of one pound per week. I would LOVE to drop weight faster than that (instantaneously would be preferred), but we all know that…