Important stuff will go here one day.
Good tips for running with your dog
Thought this was a good article to start with. Dogs can be great running companions. They're reliable and adjust to whatever pace you want to run -- they also won't bore you with stories about their latest running achievement. If you want to get your…
Sunday walk
Got to take big dog Max out today for what used to be our regular Sunday morning walk in Drumkeeragh forest. (A whole variety of things including the awful weather have got us out of the habit) Wow, we had such a good time! It's a pretty remote place, takes me 20 mins to drive there, but its remoteness is its attraction.…
Doggy fun park
We discovered a fantastic place this weekend - a doggy fun park! A secure paddock safely split into 4 different zones (so that any dogs who dont get on well with others can still find a place to play) with lots of agility equipment, balls to throw, plenty of water available, and free tea and coffee for the owners! Max and…
Hands-free leash?
I've been running with my dog occasionally, and I'm thinking about getting a hands-free leash. Does anybody have experience with one, and have suggestions or recommendations? She's good on the leash (a harness, actually) now, and doesn't pull, but I'd rather not have to hold her leash in my hand as I run. This article…
My dog - introduce yourself and your pet(s)
I am Linda from Lawrenceville GA. Feel free to friend me. My dogs are Bonnie (the perfect one) and Lulu. Bonnie and I are doing the C25K program and just finished W8D1. She is doing amazing! She is a mutt, Border Collie Lab mix from what we can tell. Lulu runs with me sometimes (when I have more patience). She tends to get…
This morning on our run...
My miniature poodle was attacked by two off-leash staffy dogs. He's at the vet now. They have to wait for him to calm down before he can have surgery. He has a huge, gaping wound about 15 cm x 10 cm on his inner thigh/stomach. Not sure about internal injuries at this stage. He's 10 years old, so the risk of the general is…
Pooch to 5K
Found this blog about running with dogs. The book she talks about sounds very interesting!!
Great website,7122,s6-238-527-0-0,00.html
New group
I just started this group with the hope that walking and running with our dogs will make exercise fun and hopefully give some people some inspiration.