Important stuff will go here one day.
Hi! I'm Candy, and I am a Christian wife and mother of two amazing boys, ages 12 and almost 9 years-old. my husband and I have been happily married for 13 years. I love reading my bible and going to church. it is my prayer to be a Proverbs 31 woman.
Phillipians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This lifestyle change that I am on is not something that has taken ahold over night. Each day I wake up and pray that God will fill me with the desire and strength to put one foot in front of the other. To exercise. To make healthy choices. To keep…
I am so very grateful for this MFP site and for the different groups that allow christians to fellowship with other christians from all over and be an encouragement to one another. Weight loss has been a struggle my entire life. I have hid behind weight for many years but with God's help, grace, love and mercy He is…
Live for today
Matthew 6:34 (KJV) Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Congratulations to all who have been on their journey to a healthy new you, and as women of God our lives are busy. Sometimes we can get caught up in the next…
Priorities Straight
Hello all, I was not sure where to put this so I thought I would take a leap ad put it up here. Lately I have been struggling with my priorities. It is so easy to get them messed up in our fast paced life of work, kids, technology and simply being busy. Add on top of that wanting to be healthy, feeling confident and sexy…
Proverbs 31 ladies
Hi! I am new to the group. I am christian who would love some christian friends. I am a single mom of an 11 year old daughter. I began my weight loss journey weighing at 250 pounds. I am now at 177 pounds.
excited to find this group!
Hello Proverbs 31 Women! I was so excited to find this group! I am 22 years old, been married for 9 months and love the Lord with all my heart! I believe He should be present and invited into every area of our lives and this area is no exception! I love having the support of other Christian women who desire above all else…
how do I study a specific topic in the bible
I have heard it said the area/ areas you struggle with you should get into the word and study that topic. any advice on how I start? do i write all the scriptures out on this specific topic and write the study notes. This topic has a lot of verses about it. something I really need to study about.
Hello, I decided to join your group because I think there is wisdom with striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I am a wife, mother, nurse. I am so focused on everything around me that I put myself last. This past August, we moved, and I was able to reduce my work hours in hopes of being able to care better for myself and my…
Hello everyone
my name is Katie. I am a christian and a single mom of a 11 year old daughter. I would love to learn to be a proverbs 31 woman as I am a single mom . I have been on the weight loss journey since 1996 where I weighed 250 pounds. I am now at 186 pounds