pattyjoshockley Member


  • Name: PJ Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (3/1): 203 Goal Weight (3/31): 3/1: 203 3/8: 3/15: 3/22: 3/28: 3/31 Loss/gain for the week: 0 Loss/gain for the month so far:0 Struggles or successes of your week: I've been stalled for a month now and actually gained back 3 lb. I am getting refocused for another streak of consistency…
  • I've done both. I prefer MFP over WW. For what it's worth I did have initial success with WW and it is pretty easy to follow their plan. MFP works so much better for me and it doesn't have that monthly bill.
  • Get into a solid routine of planning and tracking food and exercise. I have a list of all the reasons I want to accomplish this goal and I read it frequently. I look at my food log before I eat and see how many calories I get to eat and then I plan/log the meal before I eat it. i eat what I want to eat but adjust my…
  • I had success with it for several weeks. I just got bored with it as I don't like the super low carb days. I switched back to just eating sensibly around 1200-1500 calories a day and I am still losing weight. I also found that eating 5 times a day just does not work for me very well. I read Chris Powell's books and found a…
  • I have the fitbit surge for 2 days now. I doubt that it is super accurate, but combined with diligent food tracking it does help me to see how much of a deficit I am getting each day. For some reason I find having it motivating. I find that I exercise more often and at a higher intensity when I have the feedback from the…
  • Congratulations on such a great success. I am so glad to hear that one can do this with diet alone. "I owe it to a clean diet. I eat lean proteins, healthy fats, lots of raw veggies, half my body weigh in ounces of water almost everyday, and I keep my carbs low. Not Atkins low, but lower." Do you know about how many grams…
  • I'm 53 and have lost 35 lbs so far with the help of myfitnesspal. I have around 70 more lbs to lose. you can do it.
  • What has helped me is to focus on other goals than the scale. It is normal for the scale to fluctuate. When the scale does not show me what i want I look at how well I have been tracking and my overall calorie deficit. I look at how my clothes fit better. I look at my food diary to see if I have been treating myself too…
  • One of my personal rules for dieting is to only eat foods i like. I don't eat diet food. I have a calorie budget and I stick to it most of the time. I track what I eat and i track my exercise. When I am at a deficit for the week I see a loss on the scale. Lucky for me i do like a lot of vegetables. That makes it easier to…
  • mmmmm BACON. I love to put two crumbled strips of bacon on my salad. It adds so much flavor and is so satisfying. I know it's high fat, but it is a regular part of my diet that works for me.
  • I have tried them and they don't taste bad. They are loaded with artificial sweeteners and I don't feel well after I eat them so now I avoid all the artificial stuff. If I want sweet i eat grapes or other fruit. If I am going to indulge in chocolate it's going to be really good chocolate.
  • I try to eat every 3-4 hours and it helps me to not get overly hungry. The real key is staying within my calorie budget. I agree with above posters that there is nothing about meal timing that creates a better weight loss. It does help me to control how hungry I get and for me that is worth it.
  • Honestly tracking every sip and every bite was the biggest thing that really helped me to lose fat. I have learned how to make food and drink choices that keep me feeling satisfied and within my calorie budget. I have a lot of foods that I really enjoy, but I find them too "expensive" calorie wise to make a regular part of…
  • I don't eat fake foods or "diet" foods. So it is real butter for me.
  • Great post. Knowing your "WHY" is a great tool to stay motivated on those days when you just are not feeling it to continue. I have a bunch of post it notes on my desktop that list all the reasons I want to lose the fat and be healthy. I read them frequently. I also have a list of things I have seen as progress like…
  • I can really relate to the original post. I have had thoughts that my preoccupation with food and dieting was becoming a bit of a problem. I devote a lot of time planning out my meals, exercise and shopping. I read a lot about weight loss and nutrition as well as the latest diets. Food, exercise and dieting have become a…
  • I have 76 lbs to go. I've lost 30 lbs with the help of MyFitnessPal. You can do it and it does help to have friends on the site.
  • Thanks i needed to read that this morning. I am so tired of people trying to take over my weight loss and tell me how to do things. Don't know what their problem or intention is but I am sick of hearing things like: You don't really need to track every bite, Oh you can have a little bit, You should be doing lots of reps…
  • I've got a list of reasons why I want to be healthy and fit. I read it frequently to remind myself why there is no other option but to make the healthy choice. Some days I don't have any motivation and need to read my list. Other days I have the motivation and it's easier. I am thinking about making a list of the…
  • I bought a garmin Vivofit and used it one day. The online and mobile software was a pain to use. I spent an hour on the phone with their customer support trying to figure out how to use the software. the numbers I got from it made no sense. I took it back the next day. I got a fitbit zip to replace it and I love it. The…
  • please add me as a friend. Thanks
  • I would like to know the answer to this too W-ninja. I use my garmin forerunner 110 to track my heart rate during all workouts. The calorie burn it gives seems very high. I dont' trust it. I would like to have a clear picture of calories in/out. I track all my food so I think I have a pretty good number for calories in,…
  • I found "The Beck Diet Solution" a very helpful book.
  • What has worked for me is this: I stopped listening to anyone claiming to have a quick fix, rules or easy or fast weight loss. I ignore people who try and tell me to do things their way. I got my motivation clear and set SMART goals of what I really wanted. (Most Helpful thing i did) I learned how to keep myself motivated…
  • I am waiting for the fitbit surge to come out in 2015.
  • Awesome job to both of you. You are an inspiration.
  • Congrats on your success. Sorry to hear that your issue with women is not something your are putting all that much effort into at the moment. I do believe that there are a lot of single women out there who would truly appreciate a man like you. Just a hint, if you see a women as a "fat ugo" she is going to sense it. It's…
  • I have also use the Beck Diet Solution. I found many strategies in this book that have helped me tremendously. My struggle is definitely the mental side of the equation. Staying motivated to be CONSISTENT in my plan has been key for me to losing the fat. Good luck.