I am starting next week... I ONLY have the containers.. was going to do my own workouts.
If that is your biggest worry... I don't think you are ready to have a baby anyway.
Reverse planks... uggghhhhh
This was rough!! I made it through 2 1/2 rounds. I just could not keep up. I am pretty sore too so I don't know if that was a factor... but holy cow I was out of breath for most of this one!
Ow. Ow. Ow. My triceps are going to be sore tomorrow. The Yoga in the beginning.. Thank god it was just a warmup. Chatarungas -- not a fan!
I am so impressed. I am down 3 lbs... do not measure.. kinda wish I did though!
Done! I'm a week behind! I only have 2 sets of weights 5's and 10's. My husband lost my 8's cleaning ONE time...
I have a 9month old. I feel like I've waited too long to start. All my friends that had babies a couple months before me are already back to being skinny--- Jerks! ;) haha. I need to lose this baby weight before even thinking about baby #2. Feel free to add! :)
A full night's sleep.
Holy crap this one was rough!! I will def. be sore tomorrow!
I'm still getting over a sinus infection so have missed a week. It stinks. I feel like I have to start over again... because I am going to be so out of breath! haha
Drinks LOTS of water. But you also need ruffage (sp?) nuts, greens-- if you eat bread.. fiber one has a bread now!
THANK YOU!! Just joined!! :)
I love these workouts. They go by so fast and kick my butt!!
The cardio kicked my butt!! I started doing jumping jacks on the 3rd round of the running man, it hurt my right knee for some reason. Love how fast these workouts go!!
K-2 Reading Specialist.Trying to lose the baby weight! :)
I JUST started this and am happy to hear about your results!
Feel free to add me too! Hoping to loose my baby weight AND some this year... especially 30lbs before her 1st bday (April)