meowiyer Member


  • This is actually being questioned by science. It doesn't seem like rapid weight loss is more or less sustainable than a gradual decrease
  • Are you still with your husband?
  • Realising that you have an obsession is half the battle won. Up your fats, up your calories a bit, and chill out with the husband. Is he really going to love you more if you weigh less?
  • If you are also exercising so much, why is your calorie intake just 1200 calories? It seems a bit low, but that is just me.
  • Are you doing any exercise? I used to suffer from depression and anger management issues, but exercise really helps with mental health. Just a suggestion. Helps to physically get rid of any aggression or anxiety. Now when I know I am going to lose it, I just go for a brisk walk and feel so much better. I also agree that…
  • Hey! Thanks for this - I burn a lot of calories in a day just moving around -- like I mentioned, I don't have a car, and with walking around, even without "intending" to walk, I cover at least 5 km (around 3 miles a day) -- If I don't take this into account, I know I would be extremely tired. It's working wonderfully for…
  • "Also, I would suggest that medical issues may be at play. I was eating healthy but still gaining weight and it turned out that my thyroid was not working properly. It took about 3 months to sort that out and my weight started to stabilize." I do mention that I have PCOS - It's always a pain to lose weight, but I have mine…
  • Update! I guess the scale will only move when it wants to :) I also changed up my macros a bit. Added more protein and moved carbs down to 100 gm a day (I go above this sometimes). With PCOS, this is probably a good move. I have added some jogging (just 20 mins 2 times a week) and Jillian's 30 Day Shred (4 days a week) to…
  • Hey -- I've been married for 3 years and been with my husband for a total of 6 and it comes down to: what is more important to you? To me, personally, it would have bothered me more if my husband was extremely religious vs. whether he ate meat. On the other hand, I know partners where one is an atheist, one is extremely…
  • I would agree with Mamafazz perhaps:) hahaha! I peed like 20 times already today, and feel lighter. I will go home and weigh myself. Let's see what the scales say.
  • The same almost happened to me. I moved to the US from India and then to Germany from the US -- moving to Germany was hard - same things you mention, the language, colder, feeling emotionally drained really. This was 2 years ago. Things change, I've picked up my exercise and started to walk more (not having a car helped…
  • After reading up a lot here, and in retrospect, if I have to lose 1 lb per week, and should have lost 2lbs already, I don't think that is a significant loss as water weight probably fluctuates that much anyway. I'll wait another week or so and see how it works out. Anything less than 1550 a day, and I don't think I'll be…
  • @Tavistock: Yes. As much as I can. I have scales at home, and I also have a salad weighing thingie at work, which I use to weigh whatever I get at the office cafeteria. Perhaps I should reduce my daily cals to just at BMR and not eat back some of my workout calories?
  • * One's weight can swing wildly from day to day, don't freak out. Right now, this is a huge relief :) My weight swings by 1-2 kilos sometimes. And I really do freak out!
  • With the 5k walks, it's totally possible that I was consuming enough to keep my weight the same. I never tracked calories then, so its very possible. Now, though, eating with at-least a 500 calorie deficit, the scale hasn't budged.
  • Subconsciously making things up? :) is 10km around 700 calories? According to my polar loop and MFP, its only barely above 500 calories for my weight+height. I also forgot to mention, I only eat chicken and fish (no meat), I do of course eat eggs, veges, fruits, etc; and yes, I eat some junk, but include that into my…