70sthin Member


  • Hi, I'm 5'1 and just turned 40. I've been between 100-110 lbs for the past year. I've had the same body type for most of my life, but felt my best at 90-95lbs when I was exercising and eating 3 nutrient dense meals a day. These days I'm lazy and don't exercise. I eat a lot of plant based foods and occasionally crave roast…
  • I've never thought about that. You are right. That first step is hard. I've been doing little things/taking small steps. It's easy to fall back into laziness.
  • @DebbsSeattle your story is an inspiration. It's good to hear that your health issues are not as bad now that you switched up your diet. I've been eating plant based meals moat days except for the weekly pizza night my boyfriend and I do. Reducing sugar and cream in coffee is a good idea. Sometimes I go all day just…
  • @kmcintosh1988 you are right that losing weight is the one thing you can do for yourself. It's been a struggle and you are correct in that it is not easy. I also eat too much in the evening. I also eat when I bored on the weekends. Both are habits I need to get under control.
  • That is so true! I've got a roadblock between my ears big time. I want to be less lazy, but then I think, "I'm a healthy weight and have never been overweight." In the past few months I've noticed that my pants are tighter and I really don't want to buy bigger clothes, which is making me want to change my ways. The changes…
  • Thank you for the advice and sharing some of your background. I appreciate your words of wisdom! What you said about not hating yourself makes sense and it's something I need to work on. I get down on myself when I eat poorly. Sometimes I pick myself up and don't feel.too bad and just get back to eating better. It's a…
  • Darn good advice on exercise. I walked a little today. Not sure how/if I will get into that routine, but I wish I was still outside walking. I've cut back on my food intake the past few days and already feel like I have more energy. I hope I don't fall into old habits. Your words are encouraging though. Thank you ❤️
  • actualbearss you are right in that mental health is the biggest factor in lack of motivation/desire to do things. I feel slow and heavy and moving is difficult. Sometimes I feel too lazy to roll over in bed eventhough I know I'd be more comfortable in another position.
  • I love this idea of starting slow and tracking my intake and food. I think i underestimate what i put in my mouth. I don't weigh myself, and i don't exercise at all, so a lot I can start working on. Would be interesting to start tracking from ground zero. Thank you.
  • That's a really good question. What motivates me? I like feeling good. I like saving money. Right now what I'm doing isn't making me feel good. I'd be saving money if I didn't eat as much.
  • What's a kitten food?
  • Good advice. I know a few things I'm willing to start.
  • Thank you so much for the helpful advice!
  • Thank you all for the feed back. A healthy weight according to my doctor and the BMI calculator she used is something like a range of 98-132lbs for a 5'1" tall female I weighed 90lbs when she said I should gain weight. I weigh 105lbs now and felt better at 90lbs. I'm almost middle age (39) and had my weight ranges from…
  • I wouldn't mind looking leaner in 9months. I'm 39 and 5'1". I don't exercise much at all except doing chores around the house and yard, so I'm just trying to work on my diet. Pls add me if you want.
  • I've been trying recipes that are plant based. I'm nit vegan, but love the extra veggies in my diet. Savory beans on top of sweet potatoes with a side of broccoli is my favorite meal right now. It helps me curb my appetite for things with added sugar, plus that meal keeps me full for a long time.i got back into using MFP…
  • Hi. I fell into bad habits in January. My job use to be more physical, and now I'm back at a desk job sitting all day. I've gained about 8lbs in 9mo. I logged back into MFP a month ago after a 2yr hiatus from the app. It keeps me accountable. I'm more honest with my portion sizes and what I eat -- everything i put in my…
  • These posts have been great reading. This is a question I have thought about myself and is the reason I came up with my screen name when I first opened MFP account! I have seen pictures of my parents from the 1970s and couldn't believe how fit they were at the time. In fact, it wasn't until the 1990s that they started to…
  • You are not alone. I get sad and depressed around Christmas too. Each year is different however, and I've managed to capture nice memories regardless of how I was feeling at the time. For instance, one of the saddest Christmases I ever had was when my ex-husband was suicidally depressed and I took him to NYC to forget…
  • I felt nothing when I first hit my goal. Days later I saw an old photo of myself when I weighed 115lbs (I`m small boned and 5` 1"). I remembered how difficult it was for me to bend over, how I had no energy, and how my coworker would shun me whenever I reached for a cookie. My exhusband was looking at other women more than…
  • This thread makes me want to stay motivated to stay fit! I'm 5ft 1 in. and have a thickish build and somewhat flat chest and narrow hips so my goal weight might seem low to some, but it feels good on me and I do not look sick or unhealthy. Measurements at starting weight: Current measurements: 114lbs 97lbs Waist:29…
  • I would love to find a twin to help me reach my goal. Age:32 Height: 5'1" HW: 118 (7yrs. ago) LW: 95 (10 yrs. ago) Current: 105 Goal: 95 I need to watch my consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Also need help keeping on the right track of not binging. I run a few times a month, but would like to get more exercise. Anyone…
  • SW: 115 GW: 95 CW: 105 Age: 32 H: 5' 1"
  • I'm 5'1" with a starting weight of 113 and a goal of 98. My current weight is 108. I have small hips so even a little excess fat covering my thighs will show up in a noticeable way. So, with my current weight I still look thick/puffy/bloated. The last 10 lbs have been difficult to lose.