Advice to stop being a fat ***?

70sthin Posts: 29 Member
edited January 2023 in Motivation and Support
Would love to hear from someone who has overcome being a fat ***. I can't seem to get motivated and I lack the dedication to work out and eat healthier. I have no interest in joining a gym, I can't imagine getting into a home workout routine, and I have no interests. I've struggled with depression my entire life and I'm not taking medication. I don't drink or do any kind of drugs to self medicate, which is a good thing. I know I would feel better if I worked out and/or ate better, but I feel dead inside.


  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you so much for the helpful advice!
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,298 Member
    2 things that worked for me: a routine and discipline. (Being lazy has always been my foe.. I stress too much and it’s easy to just want comfort on days off.. this is where the discipline came in.)

    A routine helped with planning and preparing meals.. and above all .. discipline for portion control/ limiting my calories and making wiser food choices for my body.

    A lot of people talk about motivation .. I think anyone just needs to want to make a change and do the work necessary to make the change a success.

    If one day you overeat, jump back on the next day..
  • Rockmama1111
    Rockmama1111 Posts: 262 Member
    To build on the theme of “motivation comes from within”… what does motivate you, or what has in the past? Not even just for health/fitness, but in life? Is it rewards? Recognition? Money? Answer that question, then figure out a way to apply it to your health goals.

    My own example: I love getting a good deal and hate wasting money. I have a Fitbit and compete in StepBet challenges. I’m too cheap to lose my initial wager and I’m stoked about getting paid to exercise. I earned enough in 2022 to pay for my pricey walking shoes and then some.

  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    You know you better than anyone else, so I ask you:

    What are you willing to do? (No "should's" allowed.)

    Good advice. I know a few things I'm willing to start.
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    Stop eating *kitten* foods. Go for a walk every day to get some of that vitamin D. Sleep well every night. Limit electronics exposure.
    Meditate on Christ, the oil within that makes all things new

    What's a kitten food?
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    To build on the theme of “motivation comes from within”… what does motivate you, or what has in the past? Not even just for health/fitness, but in life? Is it rewards? Recognition? Money? Answer that question, then figure out a way to apply it to your health goals.

    My own example: I love getting a good deal and hate wasting money. I have a Fitbit and compete in StepBet challenges. I’m too cheap to lose my initial wager and I’m stoked about getting paid to exercise. I earned enough in 2022 to pay for my pricey walking shoes and then some.

    That's a really good question. What motivates me? I like feeling good. I like saving money. Right now what I'm doing isn't making me feel good. I'd be saving money if I didn't eat as much.
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    refactored wrote: »
    My motivation only came after I took some small steps first.

    I love this idea of starting slow and tracking my intake and food. I think i underestimate what i put in my mouth. I don't weigh myself, and i don't exercise at all, so a lot I can start working on. Would be interesting to start tracking from ground zero. Thank you.
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    actualbearss you are right in that mental health is the biggest factor in lack of motivation/desire to do things. I feel slow and heavy and moving is difficult. Sometimes I feel too lazy to roll over in bed eventhough I know I'd be more comfortable in another position.
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    Other posters have given really good advice, but I thought I would throw in one personal experience re: exercise: I didn't have any interest in it until I had already lost some weight.

    Darn good advice on exercise. I walked a little today. Not sure how/if I will get into that routine, but I wish I was still outside walking. I've cut back on my food intake the past few days and already feel like I have more energy. I hope I don't fall into old habits. Your words are encouraging though. Thank you ❤️

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Every journey began with one step. I would get help for your depression. You don't have to feel that way....there is help for this. You can do this and we will all support this. Wishing you all the very got this!
  • 70sthin
    70sthin Posts: 29 Member
    And PS: stop using the words don’t, can’t, won’t.

    Thank you for the advice and sharing some of your background. I appreciate your words of wisdom! What you said about not hating yourself makes sense and it's something I need to work on. I get down on myself when I eat poorly. Sometimes I pick myself up and don't feel.too bad and just get back to eating better. It's a challenge though.