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kal900 Member


  • As of yesterday I cant add recipes, it wont talk to Fitbit and my hubs cant see/copy my meals. As it is over both android and web, it has nothing to do with cache and cookies- my laptop doesnt hold them! So help has been utterly useless... When's it being sorted, some of us rely on this for our stability and sanity.
  • yeah, go on then! I've lost 65 and plateauing... I need to refocus for the next 60!
  • Starting: 279lbs - Class 3 Obesity 42 Current: 216lbs - Class 1 Obesity 31.2 Loss last week: -1 lbs bit of a slump but still getting there... goal: short term- my birthday, end of June 200lbs overweight 28.7 goal; long term- 160lbs normal weight 23
  • i take the reading from the bike itself and add the calories up for my entries. If you have a digital display it possibly has a training record too?
  • female 5' 10 high @279 @ 47 low 142 @19 current 218 goal @ 140-160 getting there slowly ;)
  • You can add me too! I log every day, diary is open. Lost 4stone since 2015, been gymming it again since january, lost 2st this year. Another 4 to go ;/
  • Starting: 279lbs - Class 3 Obesity 42 Current: 225lbs - Class 1 Obesity 32.4 Loss last week: -3 lbs goal: short term- my birthday, end of June 200lbs overweight 28.7 goal; long term- 160lbs normal weight 23
  • Hiya I guess I should jump in and recap my 2017.. Started at 18st, hit the gym and mfp again on 7th jan, missing the new years resolution blues in an attempt to counter the usual failure. Working so far... down 2 stone. I started at 1280cals per day, but the more i research ive upped it t0 14- 1600 as im burning over 1000…
  • Im in!! Doing ok so far, but stuck for last 2 weeks.. need the kick to get it moving again- not for lack of workouts though ;/
  • thankyou... thats put me at ease a bit.. enough to not go screaming to the docs and book an appointment instead. 99% of my vit a is from a wide but healthy variety of fruit/ veg/ meat. Although I am taking multivits as a top up.. hard to get without vit a included. Sharnt worry about the vit c at all then.. nice! x
  • sounds like a plan. Starting: 279lbs - Class 3 Obesity 42 Current: 227lbs - Class 1 Obesity 32.4 Loss last week: -3 lbs goal: short term- my birthday, end of June 200lbs overweight 28.7 goal; long term- 160lbs normal weight 23
  • ok, thanks, i'll give it a go x
  • simply yes. When i restarted mfp in jan i was set a 1260 limit as i did no exercise at all, and for the first 3 weeks i lost consistently.. but since then i have started gymming it 5 days a week , so i dont lose muscle as well as fat or water and it has carried on. That said, I now eat back a few cals that I earn, and vary…
  • Thankyou CallaLily I know your pain, this was me first time round with the 10st bulk inbetween... sould destroying isnt it! Just lucky to have found that spark again, but dont get me wrong.. I'll happily come home from the gym and spend the rest of the day sitting at my desk or lounging on the sofa, no way im a livewire,…
  • i think thats what they set when i first joined up with my nitial weight and goals... my logging is as accurate as it can be, I weigh/log everything. Ive even started adding my own foods in because im finding foods in the database are not always correct. i know im sounding ocd, but its my way of staying focused... i have…
  • holland and barratt stock some yogi teas, but you might find bigger selections in independant healthfood shops, depending on where you visit
  • 30 carbs, 35 fats 35 protein. i eat a reasonable amount of meat, dairy and fish... if i up it i'll be over my calorie allowance and most evening meals are predominantly heavy protein as far as cals go
  • omw.. my first march goal best be remember to log and catch up on threads i've joined... ;/ so.. March 1. continue logging everything accurately and add more items into the "my foods" section so I know they are correct 2. continue with 5 days cardio, but start doing more weights and classes- they work quicker 3. continue…
  • Hiya! This is my second time round.. Was skinny and fit 12 years ago.. hence reminder avatar... but illness, depression and selfdestruction had piled on 9 stone... Lost a fair bit but stalled... no stamina, no willpower, no selfconfidence etc... Anyway, that was then.. this is now.. been back on it since jan, rejoined the…
  • Well, I'm joining late, but been steadily losing since jan so shall add it in SPRING WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE 2017 (February, March, April, May) CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 02/06 248 02/13 242 02/20 239 02/27 237 03/06 233 03/13 03/20 03/27 04/03 04/10 04/17 04/24 05/01 WEIGHT LOSS FOR THE WEEK: 2-3lb GOAL WEIGHT RANGE FOR…
  • when im up at 5.30 and not going to the gym till 8 I'll have 150g plain skyr yoghurt, 50g fruit, 8g chia and 25g bran sticks (300ish cals) .... but if im at gym for 6.30 ill just have a banana and eat brunch when i get back. Not noticed any detriment for lack of cals beforehand
  • nuts and seeds.. love them but rarely eat them now, maybe 25g after a workout... eat alot of fruit though and some of that is fairly high. Glad to see bread etc is high, coz its a deterent for me.. love it, but it hates me... no flour, no sugar ;) and alot less nuts ;/
  • I have added all my regular fruits and veg into the my foods section using accepted nutritional data. Then I just add amount in servings/1 gram, eg. 60 servings of 1g= 60g of item. So easy to keep track then ;) irrespective of label/portion values. Items with a barcode are scanned for accuracy- there are alot of…
  • yogi do 2 nice choc teas.. plain and choc/chilli... not sure how far afield their sales are though.. im in the uk, might be worth googling
  • Id agree with most of the replies.. Im 5 10, started at 280 odd.. and this year ive got back on it.. steadily losing 2lbs a week since jan. My calories allowance is 1280... and that is still on the low side. I bump it to 1400 or 1600 sometimes to keep my body guessing and am looking into carb cycling. I weigh EVERYTHING!…
  • you can count me in.. I have piyo and a few other titles. Im doing mainly gym work to lose 130lbs but could do with starting my vids again. I struggle to hit half the moves because of my size, but know it will improve as i continue shrinking. Are you in the uk or us? just thinking time zone for catching up..
  • Im in. Need to carry on, had too many blips over last 5 years.. Starting weight 279 goal weight 168 current weight 242 total loss 38 successes- longer/ higher level on recumbent and treadmill challenge- alcohol in the house i record my exercise cals but only eat back @ 100.. but i do try and vary cal intake high and low so…
  • my diaries always open if you wanna peek there too ;)
  • not to mention, of course, put your scales on a stable floor. Many a time ive lost a weight.. jumped back on the confirm and added 3lbs in 10 mins.. not poss. Ive now found a noncarpet stable spot and get reasonably accurate readings each time. saves alot of heartache
  • my pt told me it was possible i wouldnt see much of a change in the first 4 weeks as your body has to adjust to the new workouts/ diet (been sedentary for last 8 years due to illness and work) But mfp has put me on a 1200 cal diet and im coping pretty well it, even losing weight, but am now working out too. I am tall, but…