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Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited March 2017
    Welcome all newbies! Post often!

    Jdelaroy: Great job on onederland! How awesome! Sorry the kiddos and issues gave ya hell over the weekend. Sounds like you need a relaxing me day! Hope things gets better! Way to brush it off and enjoy your life.. you have to do that sometimes!!

    Kasey: Sodium is a killer… good job recognizing the problem! Doritos… yum!

    Joy: My Badgers deflated me Friday! LOL! What a game! And yes.. those damn snacks!! Ugh!! Glad my ice cream, donut and beer all fit in to my weekend without too bad of repercussion… Still down 11.5… Woot! Woot! Hope your house guests didn’t drive you too nuts and you are back to a normal household by now! Love the memes!! I need to check out Cinderella… that sounds awesome! Right up my alley! Wine stopper… pffffh!

    Janetay: So sad to hear about London… what a crazy world we live in. Glad you and your loved ones were not impacted… Hope you have a better day tomorrow! No grumpiness!

    Rachel: Love the meme! Hope the malaise has rubbed off.. you seem to really enjoy all your fun workouts and I am sure it will come back! Hard to get going but once you do… you are on a roll! Glad you had a wonderfully lazy weekend and are back to energetic Rachel today!!

    CallaLily: Hope you feel better… and the flu bug has left your house! Cute fur babies!

    Eva: Sorry you’ve been sick.. but glad you are feeling better! And always helps to have a nice sunshine day to walk the dogs!

    Hey ladies! Had a wonderful weekend… I was naughty and it was filled with donuts, beer and ice cream… wth! No mani Thursday as Lexi was informed she can’t have her nails done at work… so that was disappointing.. Glad to see everyone during our time out of town. Wish my Badgers would’ve done just a touch better Friday but what a game! Holy Batman! I was wound tight when it got over at midnight and did not sleep good! I managed subway for one lunch… did ok on most meals out… it was the snacking that killed me! But I did manage to get in workouts both Monday and this morning! So right back on track! I weighed this morning and still 11.5 down… so no gain, no foul! Right?! Last night Lexi and Chad sat on the couch on either side of me eating ice cream… I might as well deal with it… I think since I had an ice cream fix this weekend, it actually helped! Dairy Queen Brownie Fudge Blizzard… OMG! Naughty! But seriously… I am feeling great!! I really know I am on a good track right now! Getting my haircut tomorrow! Yikes! Going way out of my comfort zone!! Kind of excited though! Have a girls weekend lined up this weekend… so that will be a blast! Looking forward to it! Happy Tuesday!!! My late night at work... blah!
  • corn_fed_farm_girl
    corn_fed_farm_girl Posts: 4 Member
    I want to create a new life/style. Would you please add me to your core group?
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Glad the break is helping you feel better. I also saw your post on the main feed. PCOS is a *kitten*. I have suffered with it for a long time. So, if you need someone to talk to about it let me know. Enjoy Lobby Day.

    @hallowe I am sure allergies can play a huge part in motivation. No one feels great when their body isn’t working right. Plus if you are not getting the right nutrients for the work you are doing your body will let you know.

    @kasey39 I have read a few posts on MFP about diet fatigue. A couple of posts suggest taking a break for about a week every 6-8 weeks to give your body a chance to relax. I know there are people who do it for physical and or mental breaks. I say if you decide to do this, just stay at maintenance for a week, and just do light exercise, unless you want to do more.

    @evamutt sorry you have been sick. I comfort eat as well. Glad you are looking for healthier options, and other ways to prevent yourself from going overboard.

    @shycush6 Great job resisting the second round of ice cream. Sometimes we all need ice cream and donuts in our life. Lexi got her job? Congrats! Sounds like she is growing up on you. Makes you want to hold on tight, and proud all at the same time.

    @corn_fed_farm_girl Welcome to the group. There is no adding, just jump in and post as often as you like. We try to keep it positive, non-judgmental and as supportive as possible on this thread. There are some great and helpful threads under each topic, at the top of the page. They are closed but have great information. I also recommend checking out the success stories section. There are some great stories and inspiration over there.

    I am not doing great this week with my food or exercise for that matter. I just want to eat everything in sight, and I mean everything. Add into that, I haven’t found the motivation to work. We have no heat at work, been crazy busy, the weather is cold and rainy so no wanting to walk at lunch. Kids are on spring break so no school walk. Get home and all I want to do is nothing. I was supposed to go for a long walk hike last weekend, and ended up not going because of the weather. Was supposed to go to the gym last night, BF was exhausted, and I can’t seem to make myself go on my own. We were also supposed to have a hooky day this week, but doesn’t look like we can pull it off and the weather is not going to be good either way. I think this is part of the reason I am losing motivation. Deep breath, it is a new day. Today I am going to stay under my calories, and I am going to go to the gym.

    Not sure if I mentioned it or not but the gym I belong to, is going to do a weight loss competition. The winner gets $1500.00. I want to participate. They are doing it by %, I can do this. They are doing the info meeting tonight so I have to go.
    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • kasey39
    kasey39 Posts: 39 Member
    edited March 2017
    I've surprisingly been at the same weight 3 days in a row (give or take a tenth of a pound). That's the first time I haven't had a rollercoaster up or down, at least since I've been regularly paying attention. Hoping that means my body's adjusting, and I'll see a dip here soon. I'm only cautiously optimistic though!

    @jdelaroy - thank you for the info on the diet fatigue. It's good to know there's actually a such thing, and it won't last forever!

    There's been a lot of conversation in my office the last couple days about mountain biking, and it's making me really miss it. I need to get mine in and get it tuned up - hopefully I'll be back in shape enough to be able to start hitting some trails. It's been years (like 14 or so!) since I've done any mountain biking and I miss it! I wasn't very technical and didn't do super-difficult trails, but still loved every minute of it. I have a mental vision of bending the frame as soon as I sit on it though - haha!! :tongue:
  • isotoner
    isotoner Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't checked in for a while. I'm back to exercising this week. I have 3 days in so far. Yahoo!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Jdelaroy: So true… You love for your kids to spread their wings, but really wish they could cuddle with you a bit more!! Double edge sword! ;) Yay.. the competition sounds fun! Whatever motivates you!! Today is a new day and you got this! I so agree that weather comes into play a lot!! There are days you want to cuddle on the couch cause of crappy weather!

    Kasey: You will be back on that bike in no time! Keep at it!! You got this!! Keep that optimism flowing!!

    Hey ladies! So I got about a lb of hair cut off! Yeah! Let’s see if the scale reflects it! LOL! No exercise this morning… I did get in some yard work after work last night thogh… I like my morning workouts which give me time for that in the evening. But I’ll be at it tonight probably in the basement cuz I didn’t grab my gym clothes this morning. Plus it’s kind of crappy outside today anyway… Feels great getting my flower beds all cleaned out and seeing all the plants popping up! Well hope you all have a great day!!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,624 Member
    I feel almost 100% from being sick! Had good morning at dog park then met a few ladies from dog park for lunch. I had a chicken fried steak, red mashed potatoes, gravy & buttermilk biscuit. I ordered off the senior menu, so you get a smaller portion. I looked up a variety of steaks similar & logged the one with more calories. Had to guess, came out to 650 cal. hope that was right. After I got home I really felt like riding my bike. I usually only ride my bike to take Grizzly, my big guy(dog) out so I felt a little guilty but since he was going for a walk after I went ahead. I loved riding it by myself! planing to do that more often. Tomorrow, our dtr, Heather is coming in the morning with her 3 little dogs. We're going to a Newsboys concert tomorrow night. Her hubby & 2 kids are coming friday. One of her little dogs, Junibee is going to get spayed on 4/3 & will be rehomed with my friend down the street who I usually walk with. Junibee was a stray about a year ago that she took home & my friends home seems like the right one for her. My dtrs mmu3ias4set6.jpg
    kids make Junibee nervous & my friend is a widow with one little dog. Keep your fingers crossed they will like each other & will settle in without too much stress. Also on 4/3 MY hubby has proceedure at hospital early in the morning, so my friend is picking up Junibee from my house to drop her off at vets. I'm uneasy about that because I don't know if the rest of my 6 dogs remember her & she has to come inside with no one here to get her.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 You'll have to post an updated photo to show your awesome new haircut! I hope you have a great workout tonight. It's gloomy here too so I'm glad I have indoor derby practice

    @Evamutt I hope everything goes well with Junibee! It sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead, I hope you have a wonderful time at the concert with your friend

    @kasey39 Mountain biking sounds like a lot of fun! Great job evening your weight out!

    @jdelaroy Sorry to hear you've hit a slump too. Were you able to hit your goals yesterday? Thank you for offering advice for PCOS. I'm definitely a newby at it, but I recently started taking Inositol and it seems to be helping my symptoms.

    Welcome @corn_fed_farm_girl ! The core group is here (no adding needed), keep posting!

    Great job exercising @isotoner!

    @hallowe Welcome! How low are your calories set at? You may be at too large of a deficit and your body is rebelling at the extended time of not being fully nourished

    I'm back from Lobby Day and I had a wonderful time! It was great to meet my Senators and Representatives and get to spend the day at the Capital. When I got home yesterday I was able to go out for a pole dancing class and drinks with a good friend. It was just the day I needed to feel refreshed. Today I have derby which I'm actually looking forward to again. I ate too much junk food yesterday so it will be nice to get back to my regularly scheduled meals and workouts. I'm glad my slump was temporary and I'm feeling like my normal self again.
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    I guess I should jump in and recap my 2017..
    Started at 18st, hit the gym and mfp again on 7th jan, missing the new years resolution blues in an attempt to counter the usual failure.
    Working so far... down 2 stone. I started at 1280cals per day, but the more i research ive upped it t0 14- 1600 as im burning over 1000 cals mon-fri in gym. Diet is now awesome, except for the odd weekend of mayhem and mischief with ma girlies or hubs, although I dont worry about it too much as way of letting my body know its not being starved 100%.
    My only issue is the last 2 weeks Ive weighed in at 16.1, and after having a coil removed Ive now gone back to having periods- great- not! after 3 years without them. Thought Id gone through the menopause but apparently not yet... so I now have to look forward to an inaccurate weigh in every 4 weeks... grrr
    Still, as long as it catches up Im not gonna worry... got till xmas o hit my goal;)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Eva: Glad you are feeling better!! What a cutie!!! Hope all goes well with Junibee! Have fun at your concert and with your daughter!

    Rachel: Glad to hear we have energetic awesome Rachel back!! You are so motivating!!

    Kal: Although not a fun thing.. you will do great… it is a *kitten* to try and adjust for that every 4 weeks!

    So last night I got in a great burn… only after I ran to pick up KFC for my in-laws as MIL is sick and was unable to cook for FIL, so Chad and I ran dinner over.. and yes… ate chicken!! Although it was the grilled chicken… I did have mashed potatoes and gravy and a biscuit too! Today I had to come into work early.. had training for most of the day and of course food was there so I drank soda… I rarely ever do during the week. At least the lunch was pretty healthy. I didn’t eat the cookie! Now immediately after work I am headed to the soccer open house and who knows what time I will get home! Girls weekend this weekend… I am going to take some healthier snacks so I do not eat scotcheroos (<-peanut butter rice krispy treats with chocolate!) all weekend! So wish me luck in being good… I am taking my workout clothes so while the girls go to breakfast, I can go to the gym! ;)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited March 2017
    New hair... it hasen't been this short for over 3 years...
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Too funny not to share... Bentley sitting at the table patiently waiting for a treat at grandma's house! LOL!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @gemwolf110 - glad to hear you had such a good break. Hope going back to work isn't too bad and that they can speed up the start date a bit for the new role.

    Shy - liking the new look. I got mine cut a couple of weeks ago and I love the different feel that I get from it - and how much easier/quicker it is to wash and dry! Great picture of Bentley :)

    Rachel - good to hear that Lobby Day was good and that you are feeling reenergised. Now if you could just send some of that feeling my way!!

    @Evamutt - glad you are feeling better.

    @isotoner - welcome back!

    Jen - hello fellow Gryfinndor student!! Glad to see you on the challenge - it looks like fun and I'm hoping that it will start to kick start me back into gear. How is the rest of the week treating you? Have you signed up for the competition at the gym?

    Rest of the week has gone better here for me and I'm very glad that it's Friday! Got a slightly odd weekend coming up as my husband will be working for much of Sunday so it's feeling a little short! Going swimming with Alistair tomorrow and then (weather permitting) go out on Sunday with a friend and her little boy (who is good friends with Alistair). Not sure what the plan is but I think likely go to one of the local gardens that are open to the public - let the boys rampage about and then stop in the café for a cup of tea and maybe a small slice of cake!! I've joined up to the next Harry Potter challenge on here which I'm hoping will sort me out - if only I could make up a spell, wave my wand and be the perfect size and weight :smiley: . Have a good weekend all.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @kal900 I'm glad bumping up your calories is working out for you, it made a huge difference for me too!

    @ShyCush6 Love the new haircut, you look great! Bentley is so cute, what a smile! I hope you have a fabulous girls weekend!

    @gemwolf110 Glad you had a wonderful vacation! I'm counting down until the weather is nice too :) I'm crossing fingers for you on the expedited job start

    @janetay01 If you learn that spell please share ;) Your weekend plans sound wonderful! I have the same thing this weekend where my SO has to work on Saturday and you're right, it definitely makes the weekend feel shorter.

    I had a fabulous derby practice last night, I even got complimented on my technique when I was the jammer (person who scores the points)! Tonight I'm going over to one of my derby friend's house to celebrate her birthday with the team. I'm expecting pizza and alcohol so I already pre-tracked :) I'm hoping to fit in a workout or long puppy walk after work to burn some energy today. Now I just need to make it through work today ;) Happy almost weekend everyone!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @kasey39 mountain biking sounds like a fun way to get a bunch of exercise in. I live less than an hour from the mountains. Have lived here my whole life and never been mountain biking. I can just see myself flying head over the handle bars.

    @isotoner great job!

    @shycush6 Lets see a pic, I bet it is beautiful. I want to start a garden, but have no clue how, and I am pretty sure the dogs would eat it. Great weekend plan! I love scotcheroos. Oh my gosh you are so beautiful! Bentley is too cute as well.

    @evamutt glad you are feeling better. Hope things go well for your husband.

    @rachel0778 No goals made Wednesday or Thursday, I really need to get my act together. Sounds like a fantastic day, and glad your slump was short lived. I am hoping mine is too.

    @kal900 sounds like a great start. Having periods again would be miserable, but you can deal with it. Sounds like you have a great attitude.

    @gemwolf110 Glad you had a great vacation. I would love to do cycling (I think) they only offer the class while I am at work. 

    @janetay01 I am excited for the challenge too. It looks like fun, I love the mini challenges that are going on. I am hoping it will get me motivated again. I hate short weekends.

    @rachel0778 Great Job! Sounds like a fun night tonight. It is nice to see you motivated again. I love hearing how exciting everything you do is. And the meme is great.

    I have not done well this week on the food front. However, I haven’t thrown in the towel yet. I am bound and determined to get going again. Yesterday, was supposed to be roller skating with the BF, but he worked really late, didn’t get home until after the session started. So no roller skating. ( I ate like I was going to go skating. ) Did hit the gym for 40 minutes on the treadmill. So good for me there.

    I joined the competition at the gym. I found out it is with 2 other clubs as well. Kind of bummed about that, and they are doing body fat % lost instead of weight loss % so people who are working on bulking can participate as well. There are a few more prizes then I thought so that is cool, and they are doing a weekend warrior challenge each weekend. That might be fun to do.
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! We can do this!
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    I'm actually so happy this morning. I got on the scale to see I've lost 15lb so far. I still have a long way to go, but hey, that's a start now. I need to lose another 20 to have hernia surgery.

    I've been walking around my property (17 acres of wilderness) and up by this nearby pond. It's full of fish, and my little dog, Skittles, seems to be curious about the fish. He tried to get in the water yesterday. Now, he's never been swimming or around a lot of water. It seems he has no idea how to swim. He gets in the water until it's up to his chest, which isn't high since he's part dachshund, and then he takes his paw and tries to dig and push the water away. If it splashes him in the face, he bites the water. LOL. I'm taking my camera next time.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,406 Member
    Morning, ladies! (And gents, if you're still hanging around...Brian (dog Bruce Wayne's dad) and...don't remember now, there was another one a month or two ago...why don't the guys stick around?)

    I'm not going to post to anyone specifically 'cuz there's just too much. Everyone has been so busy and everything! So motivating... Loved the memes the past couple weeks! Welcome all you new ladies!

    So, I'm doing PT for my foot and it seems much improved. I've still got a bit of a limp but when I ride the stationary bike, it nearly disappears. I'm not quite brave enough yet to ride a real bike. In addition to around the house/office walking, I'm doing laps at an indoor track (1/8 of a mile; 4-8 laps). Trying to get in 20 minutes on the bike once a day or so.

    April-June is a crazy time at work and next Monday will kick it off...and I found out yesterday I messed something up royally the day before. I create modules and frequently copy one to use as a template. I copied the wrong one and then deleted about 80% of the real one...soooo bad. And so much work to rebuild. And that on top of ordinarily scheduled insanity, a stupid vendor research project and...well, life. So not looking forward to the next three months, work wise. Vacation in June is always a big plus. People ask why they 'let' me take vacation in the middle of the worst month of the year for us, since I am mission-critical...my response is that they 'let' me to prevent homicide. By the time my vacation rolls around, I'm about half crazy (or half crazier than normal), so vacation is a really important piece of sanity. Sturgeon Bay, here we come!

    Headed to friends' today to play Oregon Trail with a 6 year old and the new Dresden card game (based on Dresden Files by Jim Butcher...no, I don't expect anyone to recognize it...though, really good series--wizards + detective noir).

    Dumped some beef stew in the crockpot this morning...we'll keep most of it but will drop some off for the in-laws. We try to drop off a home cooked meal once a month (they tend to exist on pizza and hamburgers). I'd be happy to increase what I cook and share more than that but when the offer was made, they didn't seem interested. I don't get it, home-cooked, delicious, healthy food vs. bad pizza and hamburgers...that's a pretty obvious choice, to me but whatever. They got corned beef and cabbage last month after our wine tour and (turkey) ham and bean soup a month or so before that. I think I did another stew a couple months ago as well. May and June will be Mother's/Father's Day breakfasts (yes, I'm clinically compulsive. I plan this crap out months ahead...my dinner planning schedule goes out to May 20 with grocery lists...). Since the weather has gotten chilly again, the stew is super tasty-sounding. The chopping and browning the meat bit is a pain in the butt, but it is SO worth it.

    Anyway, enough with the food porn...hope everyone has an awesome weekend!