Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @jkhoffe I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Hopefully everything will work out. I will say a prayer for you and your kids.
    And yes, not eating or sleeping does help some of the weight come off.

    I would agree that we are all due for some good luck to come our way. The most important thing is that we all stay strong and make time for ourselves. I am going to the gym today. That seems to be the place where I can get my head on a little straighter these days.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    It does seem to be a little easier to vent to MFP friends then to my real life friends. So thank you to everyone for listening.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 374 Member
    @jkhoffe and @ngolden3320 Wow ladies, That is a lot to throw at you guys. I wish I could help, but know that myself and others on this thread are here for you. If you just want to vent, laugh,cry or a little of everything, we are here for you both! Sending you hugs
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Jeez Louise! What is going on right now? Talk about life majorly sucking at times!

    Nichole - So sorry you had to deal with all that on top of everything else. They do say "it never rains, but it pours" and it certainly seems like it's doing that for your right now. I'm just very pleased to hear your Mum's alright despite it all.

    Jen - I'm so sorry to hear this, it's soul destroying when this happens. I really hope you can either work things out together, or at the very least, work things out to an extent that it causes the least amount of pain for you and your kids. We're all here for you, offload as much as you like, we might not be able to help you much but we can at least offer some support.

    Only bit of luck we've had is that today we were informed that we can have a little more time to get my Mum's house cleared out, so that gives us a tiny bit of breathing space for now. Phew.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Nichole - so sorry to hear about all that you are going through. I am glad your mom is ok after all of that.

    Jen - I am very sorry to hear about your husband. That is very hard to go through. My husband and I separated a while back and we thought it was the end. I was devastated, so I know how you feel. I hope you are able to work things out for the best, whatever that may be. My husband and I were able to work things out and have been back together for over a year now. In fact-we are celebrating our 15th anniversary this Thursday. With everything we have gone through that means a whole lot to me.

    Cari - I am glad to hear you have a bit more time with your Moms house. I can only imagine how hard that is to have to do that. Good luck with RC tomorrow!

    Well, I have been MIA for a while here. Still following, but I haven't really had anything to share for a bit. Still don't really. I feel like I have gotten myself into a rut, and haven't been able to get myself back on track for a while now. But, I am just taking it one day at a time. Still tracking and paying attention, but still not losing. One day I will find my way back. I have been talking about getting below that 200 mark for quite a while now. I will get myself there one day! Hope everyone has a good day!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Wow… where does time go!? Super busy at work as it’s summer and everyone takes a vacation, so very short staffed!

    Chasidee – Wayto go!! 39.5 lbs in 2 months! That’s amazing!!

    Rachel – Way to go on the a run!! Sweet! Hope nothing got damaged in the flooding… Routine is a good thing! Glad you are back into it and good for you to catch up on some reading! I love reading! Hope the wedding was awesome and you had a ton of fun!

    Cari – Good for amending your weight… You’ll be happy to adjust it the right direction from here on out! Way to get back to RC… Awesome! Glad you have some positives coming your way! Nice job on the 3 lbs!

    Joy - I think it must be a summer thing as I am feeling the same way… absolutely crazy! Hope you enjoyed the Father’s Day camping trip!

    Nicole – Hang in there, sending prayers for you and your family! Hope you made it through everything and life is settling a bit. I know t can’t be easy and it will all take time. Thinking of you! OMG! So sorry about your mom. How hard and after such a difficult weekend. Sorry hon!

    Dana – Love the memes!

    Janetay – Way to get back on track after a oops weekend! =)

    JenHul – Hope the race was a blast!! I want to do one of those soon!

    Jkhoffe – So sorry Hon! WOW! That’s quite the decision to get hit with! Sending prayers for you to get through this. I’ve been through all that and I hope yours goes as smoothly as mine did… But it is never easy! Prayers for strength to get through this!!

    Dana – Hope you can get out of the rut and back on track… It’s so easy to do… I think I joined you in that rut and I am truly fighting to get out of it! Ugh!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    For all that are in a rut. Hang in there. I was there a couple of months ago and everyone here helped me get through it. I bumped my calories up for a bit and then just recently went back down. Something is working. I can't swear that it is calories or everything that has been happening in life. I keep telling myself that GOD never gives u more than u can handle.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm back in the state. I had a blast at the wedding, but I can never seem to get my eating under control when I visit North Dakota. I knew June was going to be a challenge...but ugh...I just can't seem to get it together with all these events. I've got a 4 day conference starting next Thursday and then the foodapolooza will finally be over and I am so looking forward to getting back to normal!

    @janetay chocolate gets me every time too. I hope you had a great father's day with the family!

    @ngolden3320 I cannot believe all that life is throwing at you right now, I'm so glad your Mom is okay! I'm glad you're able to get some calm at the gym. I'm up for a vent-fest any time you need one!

    @JenHul How was the race with your daughter? I agree that fun runs are the best!

    @bobsburgersfan Way to go on 2 weeks no sugar! That is a huge commitment!

    @jkhoffe I am so sorry to hear that, I really hope he comes around to trying to work it out. We are here for you!

    @CariTJR 1 week?! Yikes. I hope you go easy on yourself and just do what you can when you can.

    @danan01 I'm right there with you in the rut. With the nice weather it should be easier but somehow it never is! I'm hoping my consistency pays off too.

    @ShyCush6 Hopefully we can get out of this rut together, glad to see you back posting!
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Got my mile to 15 min 36 sec, I haven't done anything under 17/18ish ever in my life. However I'm totally feeling myself slipping into my lazy routines and wanting to skip working out. Trying to keep optimistic and moving forward.

    I did break my plateau i've been struggling with for 6 weeks also! I started seeing the toning about two weeks before the scale finally moved which was exciting!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Well ladies, I was off the board since Friday and I was so shocked to read what is going on! The funny (sad) thing is, I was just talking to a friend this week about how nothing is going right at the moment for anyone, and hopefully things turn around because it's getting pretty ridiculous! And I log on here, and it's the same!

    HOLY crap Nichole, your mom!! yikes, yes, maybe time to look into assisted living, for her safety and for your sanity! Thankfully nothing terrible happened to her! What is wrong with people??!

    Jen - so sorry about your husband. What a shock! do the best you can with communicating, and see if a little time and space will dull the frazzled nerves, then he might be open to reconciliation. I know when tempers flare or someone is stressed to the max, they just need time to calm down and reset. So prayers for you and your kids.

    Cari! Going through your mom's stuff is so emotional and hard. We had to do that after my FIL's funeral too. The only good thing was that my MIL was staying in the house, so we didn't have to move everything out. We did get rid of a lot of stuff though, and it wasn't easy. Maybe ask her or your friends if they need certain items, as it would be nice to know they go to good use? Thinking of you, because it is a job that is so draining.

    Rachel - I saw your post about seeing old pictures of yourself and never going back! Even if it takes years to reach your goal, you will still keep trying! When I was camping this weekend, I was going through pictures on my phone (it was raining, and we were stuck in the trailer). I saw pictures from last September when I went to NYC for my 40th bday. OMG I was literally a whale! I was shocked actually! I was reminded that I've come a long way, and even though I have a ways to go, I've got to stick with it and succeed! 25 more lbs to my goal.

    I let my streak go on purpose after seeing those pictures. I need to start fresh on MFP and mentally. I've been stuck at this weight for a good few months, so it's time to get on track again!

    I'm interested in that no added sugar thing, @bobsburgersfan ! How much weight did you lose in the 2 weeks? I wonder if I would be able to do it (I love my muffins and stuff!) LOL
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Nicole – You are one tough woman! I will hang in there… I really need a bump up to get me going…

    Rachel – Foodapolooza… story of my life! LOL!

    Iecreamhead – Nice job on breaking the plateau… that’s always a motivator! Keep it up!

    Joy – 25 lbs to goal! You can do this girl! I need to take my own advice!!

    So I’m in a rut… I’m really antsy to get out of it… I just don’t get it. Even my fitbit challenges have been light lately. =( I’m hating myself everytime I look in the mirror, but it hasn’t stop me from being dumb and eating wrong or taking the day off from exercising… #needkickintheass
  • Spacewitch88
    Spacewitch88 Posts: 5 Member
    I only just started again after quite a while and I'm doing relatively well .... but there is one problem:
    Whenever I'm in a creative process (I draw and paint digitally and traditionally!) I seem to crave chocolate.
    I have not found a solution for this problem yet what to do instead of buying some. So far the amount hasn't been excessively getting out of hand (aka I wasn't much over my calorie goal which is forgiveable). But still, these cravings are annoying! I want to keep doing art but I don't want to keep craving chocolate when I do it.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    well - what a lousy week it seems to be turning into!

    Nicole - so sorry and hope that everything stabilises a bit for you and your family - you certainly deserve it after all you've been through.

    Jen - so sorry to hear about your husband. I hope that he will come round to the idea of some counselling and at least give it a chance. Sending positive thoughts to you for that and for telling your kids, I can't imagine how hard it would be to have to tell Alistair something like that. Feel free to vent at us here - as Cari said, we might not be able to do anything but we can listen and sympathise!

    And to all in the rut - is there room in the rut for one more?? I'm with you @ShyCush6 - I want out of it, but clearly not quite enough yet to actually do something about it - a kick in the *kitten* would be helpful :). I got a call from the nursery late Monday afternoon - Alistair had been throwing up all over his key carer and he got banned for two days. So I've had an unexpected two days off work with my boy (who was absolutely fine by the time he got home!) - a lovely two days but it's totally thrown me off track for the week. Then major thunderstorms last night resulting in flooding so it took me just under 3 hours to get to work today. What fun!

    Anyway, time to do some work. Positive thoughts all - let's turn it around for all those who've been struggling :)
  • mdog449
    mdog449 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just found this thread, and am also looking for a group to help with motivation. I've done WW and MFP in the past and have had the most success when I can participate on active message boards. I used to be in really good shape - working out 5-6 times a week and watching what I eat - but over the past year I've really become a slug. Tons of life stress has led me to make unhealthy decisions, and unhealthy decisions promote more unhealthy decisions. It's a vicious cycle! I'm looking forward to participating with a supportive group and getting back on track! I'm in my late 20's, married with no kids (but two fur babies), and looking to set my first goal at losing about 10 pounds. Would love to make some MFP friends!
  • mdog449
    mdog449 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I definitely will!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well, I had a good day food/calorie wise yesterday. I think I need to get a few good days in a row to get me going again. It does feel good after a day like that. I only had a half day at work, so I got to come home and clean my house, and I did some yard work. Today is our 15 year anniversary, so we are planning on going out to dinner. I had a light breakfast, and will have a light lunch. I think the place we are going has a pretty decent menu health wise, so it shouldn't be too bad. Although-I love their Sangria drinks! :wink: I hope everyone has a great day! We can get ourselves out of this rut! Just keep going! I am not giving up!
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    Greetings from Canada :) I started my health journey on April 23 and it's exactly 2 months today and I have lost 8 lbs. I am very proud of myself.

    I have started going to the gym more regularly over the last couple weeks. There's also a gym at work. M&W I do a half hour on the elliptical on my lunch hour, and I want to get my gym where I have a membership on Tues&Thurs nights. I'm not much for weekend workouts BUT having said that, this Saturday, I'm doing a 5k walk for cancer with my boss :) then going for a massage on Sunday. I want to try and get to my membership gym for an hour on the weekend. It shouldn't be that hard to get my bum out the door to do it !!!

    I'm really good at logging my food on a daily basis. Sometimes I'm obsessive with it, I must admit. I do Prelog as much as I can. It helps me through the day to keep tabs on my numbers. I don't drink my calories. I drink regular water mixed with lemon water every day and my only other beverage of choice is peppermint tea.

    My weight loss has been stalled for a couple weeks but from what I've been reading, it could be because I have upped my workouts and my body is adjusting. I am going to keep truckin along though.

    I would LOVE more friends to keep me motivated !!!! I'm a great listener and love making new friends. I do check my messages on here regularly so please add me if you'd like another supporter in your corner :)
  • mdog449
    mdog449 Posts: 13 Member
    That's great that you can get a workout in during your lunch hour! I definitely need to get better about being consistently active. I'm going to dig my Fitbit out of my drawer. I think that will help motivate me to move around more. Daily workouts are a great goal! I have lots of DVDs I can use at home, just need to get back in the groove. Good luck to you!
  • bethanykilpatrick17
    bethanykilpatrick17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Y'all!

    I'm new to this forum! I've used MFP on and off for the past few years and I find that when I stay dedicated is when I see the most results. So far I've been active on it for 4 days and I've already lost 2 lbs! I'm really excited to stay focused and I'm glad that there are others out there with the same struggle!
  • KassiesJourney
    KassiesJourney Posts: 306 Member
    I am 23, 5'8", sedentary bank teller, 360lbs, need to lose about 200lbs, I am getting married in August. I lost my fibit...again haha I want to get the new fitbit blaze.