5BeautifulDays Member


  • @juliet3455 wow! Sorry for the mistake! Aunty Juliet sounds awesome. :)
  • I did 30 for my "gettin' back to it" month of May, so I'm going to plan on 40 for June. I'm done with school and have a couple of weeks before my kiddos are out, so I'm looking forward to some nice long park runs in the mornings. We do have a little vacation, but hopefully that will just mean some other fun place to run.…
  • You are a girl after my own heart! Which skipped a beat when I saw some Guide 9s on Amazon for $40. Alas, not in my size. :( I am on the prowl for good sales, though! @shanaber Those shoes are awesome! @skippygirlsmom Congrats to your Skip and to you, too!
  • I have a shoe question if anyone has answers. My Saucony Guide 10s are coming to the end of their useful lives and I need a new shoe. I have to say that I loved my Guide 8s...and liked my Guide 9s...and I've tolerated the 10s. I like them better the more I run in them, but they just aren't as good as the first couple of…
  • Wow. That's good to know. It's already hard enough to travel with my kid...it makes me sad and angry that he has one more thing that will make it difficult. :(
  • I did a rather rushed dreadmdill run this morning before *my last day of work for the summer!! Woot Woot!* 1.25 miles running and .25 walking 31 running miles in May, 44.75 miles forward motion @midwesterner85 , are you concerned for your pump and your cgm, or just the pump when you do the body scan? We haven't traveled by…
  • I should have run outside this morning, but I was waiting for Drywall Guy to come and assess my fallen-in garage ceiling, so...I didn't. That meant dreadmill time at the purply planet of fitness. I'll probably be there for the next few days if the weather channel has anything to say about it. I ran 2 miles and walked 1.5…
  • Not an arm-band, but I have a little Nathan waist pouch that would fit a meter, strips, and glucose tablets perfectly. Similar to this one, but mine is a couple of years old. It stretches out to fit my phone. It could probably hold a meter *and* a phone, if neither were giant-sized.…
  • I rested yesterday and celebrated my husband's birthday (mine is on Friday, so we had cake for us both) with the family. It was lovely, but I definitely needed to get out and use up all that extra energy today! :) My sister is going to run her first 5k with me in June, so I took her out to the lake trail to run 3 miles,…
  • Tonight was my husband and my family birthday dinner, and this is the start of our "birthday season", too--that will go straight through until Christmas, lol. I try to eat the foods I *should* eat first--meat and veggies so I have less room for the things not on plan. Like you, I allow myself to have a "taste" of those…
  • @Orphia All my race photos look so grim--like I'm concentrating on a math test or something--even if I'm smiling. Yours are so joyful! I just got back from my run and they make me want to go back out and do some more! I went to the lake trail for the first time in over a year today. It was super crowded, but looked and…
  • Busybusybusy end of the school year for me, so I'm going to post and run. I'll try to catch up with all the lovely race reports later! I did 2 miles yesterday and one mile as fast as I could (which wasn't very fast, after all, lol) this morning...plus a little extra walking. 21.75/10 miles for the month (30 forward motion)…
  • It was so nice to be outside again today. Goodbye and good riddance, wet weather! I did two nice miles (and a quarter-mile cool down). 18.75/10 miles for the month (26.25 forward motion)
  • Well, I slogged through 3 miles this morning, but it was pretty hard going. I had planned to do this first "long run" yesterday, but I couldn't face another day on the treadmill so I decided to swap out my rest day from Sunday to Saturday since the weather looked more agreeable for this morning. It wasn't raining...but it…
  • Yes...that's the bunny! I don't have a Garmin, but I know that I'm able to deal with stress while I'm awake by being busy. At night, though, I think all the stress comes out to play--in hip pain, in frequent waking, in teeth grinding. Can you take something to help you sleep better, at least until you're a little more…
  • My daughter and I were trying to figure out what your little beast might be, and we were guessing badger. Then she said, "maybe a bunny?" Which made me laugh, because you didn't mention ears, but then I thought of this guy:
  • There are some lovely trails by the tidal basin, too. The cherry blossoms are done, but it is still really pretty there. Enjoy the graduation! ****************************** Another rainy treadmill day for me. I did 2 slow miles with a little cool-down walk at the end. 13.75/10 running and 21 total forward movement for May!
  • I took a break yesterday but decided to go get that gym membership on this soggy morning (with nothing but soggy mornings in sight for a while). So I did 2.5 miles total (2 miles at a slow jog) on the treadmill before work. I felt like I could have run another mile by the time I was done, but I was running late. I'm going…
  • Truth! That is one cute pup! ETA: Didn't run today--ran around for family errands instead. It's supposed to rain here the rest of the week, too. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and decide on a health club so I can grab a treadmill. Or risk melting, which is maybe better.
  • Well, what I did without it was gain weight and get depressed...highly do not recommend! I don’t think you can overestimate the value of daily time outdoors in the fresh air just moving. It just feels good!
  • I did two and a quarter slow, easy miles this morning. And tonight I plan to sign up for my first 5k event...my first “race” in more than 18 months! 9.75/10 (18.25 total) for May
  • Those *are* victories!! Congratulations!
  • I think I am back on track. I’ve been doing a nice combo of walk run for the past week and this morning did 2 miles at a slow jog without stopping. I can actually see my daily 5K in my sights by the end of next month. I’ll never be a marathoner or do an ultra (probably!) but I am super excited to be back on the run! :)
  • I ran (slowly) 2 miles straight without stopping this morning! Feeling hopeful... 7.5/10 running for May (16.5 total miles)
  • I had to get back home to make a doctor appointment for my sad, sick, strep-throat kiddo so I just did a "quick" one-mile jog this morning. I wasn't able to go quite the whole mile without a short break in the middle to catch my breath, but I guess I ran it about a minute-per-mile faster than I normally do. I'm not sure…
  • Another 3 mile walk with 1.25 run in the middle this morning! 4.5 / 10 for May! (12.5 total)
  • Also...decided to check out Planet Fitness today to try the treadmills for rainy and/or too hot or bad air quality days. It was...very purple. The people were neither friendly nor helpful. On the other hand, they are $10 a month. So it is likely I will join anyway unless the cinema at my old club convinces me otherwise...…
  • Oh, wow. I am super interested in one of these. One of the issues that has kept me from exercising (and sleeping) is that my left hip/lower back hurt all the time. I've decided just to push through and walk/run, and I'm finding that it doesn't hurt any worse to do so. But I'd love to get more relief and stop taking aleve…
  • I did another mile and a quarter (total: 2.25/10) tonight within a 5k walk. Feeling good! :)
  • 1mile down, 9 to go! I did 3.1 miles last night, mostly walking but with an uninterrupted "running" (slowwwwww) mile in the middle. It made me glad that I haven't lost the ability to do that. My plan is to do an almost identical distance tonight, with maybe a touch more running.