May 2018 Running Challenge



  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    Congratulations @kgirlhart! On both the finish and the AG win!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @kgirlhart - WhooHoo Congratulations! Awesome racing!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,002 Member
    Thanks @sarahthes and @shanaber!

    Good job on a tough 5k@greyparks206!

    @abutcher2122 Sorry you didn't get the time you wanted, but still a great 10k.

    @polskagirl01 I woukd have freaked out if that hamster came after me!
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    @kgirlhart I’m bummed I didn’t get the time I had set out for, but it wasn’t realistic at the same time so im really just proud of myself for signing up and completing the race.
    Awesome running and congrats on the AG placing. You and all the ladies older than me are my motivation to keep going.
    @greyparks206 Nice job on the 5K. I’m sure the next one will feel like a breeze.

    Congrats to anyone else who raced today and good luck tomorrow @sarahthes and everyone tomorrow.

    *id tag more people if doing so on my phone was easy. I always seem to hit done by accident while trying to scroll thru and select the correct person. Lol.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    May 2 – 5.2 miles
    May 6 – 13.3 miles
    May 9 – 6 miles
    May 10 – 4.65 miles
    May 11 – 6.03 miles
    May 12 – 12.05 miles
    May 14 – 5.07 miles
    May 16 – 5.01 miles
    May 18 – 7 miles
    May 19 – 10 miles

    Normally on Saturdays I do a group run but I decided to go it on my own on a new route yesterday. One that was closer to home. There were not any sidewalks along most of it, but I knew that if I started early the traffic would not be heavy. I saw a gorgeous rainbow shortly after I started and got caught in a very short rain shower. Other than the humidity, it was a good 10-miler.

    @greyparks206, @kgirlhart and @abutcher2122 – Congratulations to all of you on your racing this weekend! Thanks for sharing with us.
    @sarathes – Have fun with your race today!

    Upcoming Races:
    June 16 – Run the Gate 5K
    September 7-8 – Blue Ridge Relay
    October 20 – Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon
    November 11 – Rock n Roll Vegas Half Marathon
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    weat0043 wrote: »
    4.4km tonight. It looks like I will have to start doing afternoon and midmorning runs when possible, we had a big black bear in our yard the other night while we were out there BBQing and it's been sighted near where I run - Which is pretty much all around town (small town problems)
    MTD 37.4km

    A friend was telling me of a bear sighting near my house around 6 am one morning this week. It was right where I run. It has me a little freaked out about running now!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    Got in 4.6 miles this morning doing hill repeats. It was a struggle. I went later in the day so it was warmer than what I'm normally used to. On the plus side, the honeysuckle was in bloom and it smelled so good!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    Today I ran my first Half Marathon. My goals going in were:
    1. To complete the 13.1 miles. My longest training run was 12.5 miles so finishing would be a PR.
    2. To finish in under 2:45
    3. To run the entire 13.1 miles
    4. Not be in last place. Lol

    I accomplished all of my goals and got 2nd place in my age group!

    YAY!!!! CONGRATS!!!

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @sarahthes well done despite the hard time! Pictures make it look like a fun place to run :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    05/01/18 - 1/2 mile walk
    05/02/18 - 1 mile walk + 6.6 mile easy run
    05/03/18 - 1.3 mile walk
    05/04/18 - Rest
    05/05/18 - Steel Challange 5k
    05/06/18 - MARATHON PR! 3:51:53
    05/07/18 - Rest
    05/08/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/09/18 - 8 miles @ 9:09
    05/10/18 - Rest
    05/11/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/12/18 - 31 miles - FIRST ULTRA MARATHON TRAIL RACE! W00T!
    05/13/18 - Rest
    05/14/18 - 6.25 miles @ 9:40 - with 97% humidity
    05/15/18 - 6.43 miles @ 9:17
    05/16/18 - 7 miles @ 9:53
    05/17/18 - Stuck in car all day
    05/18/18 - 9 miles @ 9:31

    06/02/18 - South Fayette Glow Run - Nighttime 1 mile and 5k race
    07/20/18 - Liberty Get Well Mile
    08/11/18 - Howl At The Moon 5k

    --More as I find them

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    Hot Humid, but I got it done.
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    A friend was telling me of a bear sighting near my house around 6 am one morning this week. It was right where I run. It has me a little freaked out about running now!
    I am so paranoid now, I tried to go for a walk this afternoon and was turning around after the first sound in the bush.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Rest day for me
    Way to go @sarahthes and @kgirlhart
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @polskagirl01 From your description I was first thinking about a young badger, like 5BeautifulDays
    . I never would have guessed it was a hamster! It looks so adorable in the pictures B)
    I saw the first hedgehog of the year Wednesday night, also had to stop and watch the cute guy for a bit.

    @shanaber Cool that you had such a wonderful run despite the rain!

    @kgirlhart Congratulations, what an amazing race! Awesome that you reached all of your goals. :smile:

    @sarahthes Those are a lot of hills. Cool pictures, great race!

    @Teresa502 A bear sighting would freak me out too! Maybe you can run during different times of the day or with others for a while? Easier said than done sometimes, I know, but it would make you feel safer.

    @5BeautifulDays @Teresa502 I hear you on the weather! It was really hot when I went running today. The time of the year has come to run at unholy times and avoid each ray of sunlight...

    @girlinahat that's a really cool idea to take a train away and run back! Looks like a beautiful path.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Congratulations @kgirlhart! Great job on your first half marathon and meeting and exceeding your goals!

    @sarahthes you are hard core girl! Wow.

    @girlinahat that really is a cool idea. Glad you made it safely through the section where the trail went away.

    @Teresa502 yikes about the bear sightings. I have a hard time conceding to not running when an where I want but that might do it for me. Be safe!

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    05/01/18 :::: 3.5 :::: 3.5
    05/02/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 6.1
    05/03/18 :::: 2.5 :::: 8.7
    05/04/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.7
    05/05/18 :::: 7.5 :::: 16.2
    05/06/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 18.8
    05/07/18 :::: 3.8 :::: 22.5
    05/08/18 :::: 3.3 :::: 25.9
    05/09/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 29.1
    05/10/18 :::: 2.0 :::: 31.1
    05/11/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 31.1
    05/12/18 :::: 12.0 :::: 43.0
    05/13/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 43.0
    05/14/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 46.9
    05/15/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 50.8
    05/16/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 53.9
    05/17/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 53.9
    05/18/18 :::: 2.8 :::: 56.7
    05/19/18 :::: 7.4 :::: 64.0
    05/20/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 66.6

    Today started off rainy again so I slept in and lazed around. I absolutely did not want to run. It stopped raining and finally started clearing up so I dragged myself out thinking at least I could do 15 minutes. It ended up being not so bad and I did 30. It often turns out that way, huh. Although I found I had a sore spot/not quite a blister on the bottom of my foot that I didn't realize, probably from wet shoes yesterday so I had to baby that a bit.