May 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    huh... Interesting article on side stitches...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    I never liked Smores that much... but all this talk has me wanting it. Especially with the pro tip to have it with Reece's cups!

    Probably should have taken a rest day because of cycling tomorrow... but I woke up at workout time and felt like lifting!

    5/1 - 4 miles + strength training W12-A
    5/2 - 4 miles + Cycling 22 fast miles
    5/3 - strength training W12-B
    5/4 - Rest day
    5/5 - 44 miles cycling
    5/6 - strength training W12-C + 3.7 miles treadmill
    5/7 -4.5 miles + strength training W12-D
    5/8 - strength training — back to W9-A, heavier weights!
    5/9 - 22 miles cycling
    5/10 - 5 miles!
    5/11 - Strength training - w9-B


  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    6 easy this am

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    went out with the club for the first time in ages last night. And it reminded me why I don't run with them that much - they were so FAST!!! I've been running a couple of years now and am barely getting faster, which is probably why I mostly run on my own.

    Still - I could hold a conversation and run, even though my legs were feeling the pace, which suggests I'm certainly FITTER!!!

    Need to get in a long run tomorrow morning rather than Sunday, as need to visit my mum who had a spell in hospital this week (actually she sounds completely back to normal, like nothing ever happened and there was never an ambulance called or an emergency fitting of a pacemaker....I love the National Health Service)

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Marshmallow fluff is for ice cream and pb sandwiches. ;)
    The only thing marshmallow fluff is good for is to make fudge!

    @polskagirl01 and @girlinahat - I am not much of a Hersey fan either. I go for Giradelli dark chocolate or small batch like Theo's chocolate.

    I forgot about fudge.

    I had really good chocolate in Spain when I was in high school. I will eat almost* any chocolate but prefer super dark stuff. More locally I like See's.

    *I will not eat the super cheap stuff. Like Palmers I think is the brand?
  • apricotqueen1
    apricotqueen1 Posts: 38 Member
    Refreshing 7.43 km this afternoon thanks to the nice weather! Up to 70.3/100 for the month. :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited May 2018
    @orphia I am feeling pretty good. Thanks for asking. The first two days after the race were difficult, stairs one at a time kind of thing. I did a slow and easy 3.5 miles on the bike path yesterday evening and, aside form a bit of stiffness at the onset, my legs felt good. I think this is the best I have ever felt post marathon. Lots of walking and stretching appear to have done the trick.

    I was watching the coverage on the volcano in Hawaii this morning and was thinking about our friend @HonuNui . I hope everything is okay with you and that you are safe.

    @Pastorvincent- That conversation between you and your wife sounds about right. i have sworn off marathoning exactly 6 times before. Coincidentally, that's the number of marathons I have run. I think I might do Indy in the fall. ;)

    5/1-5 miles (3 @ tempo)
    5/2-P90X3 Isometrix+1.3 miles with Stella
    5/3-4.3 easy miles
    5/4-Rest Day
    5/5-2 miles easy with Stella
    5/6-26.4 miles (per Garmin) Flying Pig marathon
    5/7-Rest Day
    5/8-Rest Day (lots of walking)
    5/9-Rest Day (lots of walking and gardening)
    5/10-3.5 slow and easy

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - If you ever see any Theo's dark chocolate you should try it. Sometimes I have seen it at REI and Whole Foods. It is worth the expense and so so good! It is made at a small place in Seattle and they give tours with samples :)

    For those of you who like ultras and challenges (@pastorvincent and @MNLittleFinn come to mind) this might interest you! I can't imagine running 1 marathon let alone 8 in 8 days!!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    We were passing through Pennsylvania with the kids last month and stopped at Hershey Park. The running joke of the day was that the kids and spouse like ALL the chocolates, but I really dislike milk chocolate. And yet I was surrounded by it all day. Animatronics, people in chocolate bar costumes, every sign post on every corner. I was accosted from every direction. Fun times. :)

    I do have a stash of Ghirardelli 72% squares within arm’s reach of my bed.

    Today: 3 easy miles. Sunny, with a cool breeze. Such a pleasure.

    May tally: 23.8 miles.

    Next race: Amica Iron Horse 5k, Simsbury, CT, June 3

    I’ve done the Iron Horse 10k 3 times I think. It’s a beautiful course!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    5/2-5.39 plus weights
    5/3-5.58 plus weights
    5/4-rest day is the best day
    5/5-10.84 plus yoga
    5/6-3.52 plus weights
    5/7-rest day is the best day
    5/9-4.86 plus weights
    5/10-5.61 plus weights
    5/11-rest day is the best day

    50.27 MTD.

    11/11 days according to plan.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    we also have seroogy's
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Another 3 mile walk with 1.25 run in the middle this morning!

    4.5 / 10 for May! (12.5 total)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have a question for those of you that run with a club or organized group, particularly one that is based in a local running store. Do you pay a fee for membership or training? How much and what is included? Do you feel it is worth your money?

    I may have mentioned this a few months ago, but the local store that my running club is based from was sold in December. The new owner has another store in town that sponsors a "club" or training program where runners pay for organized training. There are a bunch of perks included with the plans, but they are a bit pricey, especially since our group has never had to pay fees. Furthermore, I think that a bunch of the members of our group feel that these "programs" are geared toward helping newer runners prepare for their first races rather than support the more experienced runner. The summer group training plan is for a 5K. Even though they offer pace groups up to a 7 minute mile, most of the members do not feel like they need this type or organized training. But if you don't join the group, then you can't be "included" in the weekly runs from the store. Needless to say, it is causing quite a rift among the group. The Facebook page has been completely blown up since it was announced after the Flying Pig that there would be no more Saturday runs from the store unless you were part of the paid group. I am just trying to figure out where I want to fit in what appears to be a newly divided group.
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,939 Member
    5/1 Run 4.36 Miles
    5/2 Run 6.02 Miles
    5/3 Run 7.54 Miles
    5/4 Run 8.03 Miles
    5/5 Run 2.02 Miles
    5/6 Run 13.38 Miles
    5/7 Run 11.18 Miles
    5/8 Run 10.67 Miles
    5/9 Run 10.21 Miles
    5/10 Run 6.79 Miles
    5/11 Run 13.59 Miles
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    A local run will be having their last race in 2019. They offer a 20.6 just for kicks, which is an unusual distance... Cut off time is 6 hours.

    So, that's a 17.4 min/mile pace... I'm thinking I should commit, (myself to an insane assylum).

    Yay's and Neighs'?

    ETA it's March 31, 2019. Get it? Neighs' being I'd be better off riding a horse 20.6...

    Sure, why not? :smiley:
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    A local run will be having their last race in 2019. They offer a 20.6 just for kicks, which is an unusual distance... Cut off time is 6 hours.

    So, that's a 17.4 min/mile pace... I'm thinking I should commit, (myself to an insane assylum).

    Yay's and Neighs'?

    ETA it's March 31, 2019. Get it? Neighs' being I'd be better off riding a horse 20.6...

    My vote is wait until you're healed up a bit more and consistently running the kinds of distances you'd need to train for that. Then decide :)
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    __TMac__ wrote: »
    We were passing through Pennsylvania with the kids last month and stopped at Hershey Park. The running joke of the day was that the kids and spouse like ALL the chocolates, but I really dislike milk chocolate. And yet I was surrounded by it all day. Animatronics, people in chocolate bar costumes, every sign post on every corner. I was accosted from every direction. Fun times. :)

    Don't forget those Hershey-Kiss shaped street lights!