May 2018 Running Challenge



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @juliet3455 I wound up ordering them online as they were on sale anyway. But I asked @JessicaMcB about her experience with them before I ordered. I have slightly wide feet, but for most styles I don't need a wide shoe, so I was pretty comfortable going ahead. I'll post a review once I get them.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    edited May 2018
    girlinahat wrote: »
    bride001 wrote: »
    @girlinahat - I think it is a travesty that you have never eaten a s'more. They are my absolute favorite food especially when camping.

    I don't think there's anywhere in the UK that sells Graham Crackers, and the closest description I can find is 'a combination of Digestive and Rich Tea biscuits. I guess I could try one of each on the top and bottom next time.

    someone else somewhere mentioned Timtams. I was sent a massive box by an Australian friend, and told to bite off the opposing corners and then drink coffee through them for a flavour hit.

    I haven't yet found European marshmallows that are as good as the American ones. Some get all disgusting when you try to roast them, others are too sweet... I haven't looked into it but suspect there's some ingredient in the American ones that is "banned in Europe" or something.

    European CHOCOLATE, on the other hand, wins in my book. And chocolate is much more important to me than marshmallows :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    bride001 wrote: »
    @girlinahat - I think it is a travesty that you have never eaten a s'more. They are my absolute favorite food especially when camping.

    I don't think there's anywhere in the UK that sells Graham Crackers, and the closest description I can find is 'a combination of Digestive and Rich Tea biscuits. I guess I could try one of each on the top and bottom next time.

    someone else somewhere mentioned Timtams. I was sent a massive box by an Australian friend, and told to bite off the opposing corners and then drink coffee through them for a flavour hit.

    I haven't yet found European marshmallows that are as good as the American ones. Some get all disgusting when you try to roast them, others are too sweet... I haven't looked into it but suspect there's some ingredient in the American ones that is "banned in Europe" or something.

    European CHOCOLATE, on the other hand, wins in my book. And chocolate is much more important to me than marshmallows :)

    I think the marshmallows for me the trick is how you roast them. You want the outside crispy, and the inner soft, but you don’t want burning melty sugar anywhere near your tongue.

    I bought some marshmallow ‘fluff’ from an import store. That tells me I probably should stick with European marshmallow.

    And TOTALLY agree with the chocolate. Yes, there’s massive differences across Europe (I’m a dark chocolate fan, Belgian milk is good) I’ll eat Milka but don’t really consider it good chocolate, and British chocolate is different to the same brand in Australia or even across Europe. You can keep your American Hershey’s though (and keep your hands off our Cadbury’s please) And weird Icelandic liquorice chocolate. What the hell is THAT about?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Marshmallow fluff is for ice cream and pb sandwiches. ;)
  • apricotqueen1
    apricotqueen1 Posts: 38 Member
    Easy 5k on the treadmill at the gym tonight, along with some other cardio exercises. Now at 62.9/100 km for the month. :)
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    No run for me since Sunday. I had to pick up hubby at the airport one night this week, and I’ve been on call the remainder of the time. I tried to run once and my phone kept ringing, so I stopped. I am hoping the weekend will be slow so I can get in at least a couple of runs.

    The convo about s’mores makes me want some! So yummy!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    7.70 miles tonight. Weather was nice... maybe a little warm, but I will take it.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I'm way behind but I've been meaning to post:

    @lporter229 How are you feeling after your marathon?

    And, with regards cross-training...

    I used to do Body Balance (pilates/core/planking/tai chi/yoga combo) once a week.

    I also swam on my rest days.

    But I found that these activities made me sore in varying places and interfered with my running, so I've had to cease them in order to prioritise my running.

    Now, I run 4-5 days a week, and make sure I walk at least 12,500 steps every day to keep my legs rested but moving.

    I use a spiky ball on tight muscles daily, and stretch when feeling stiff and after long runs, and do some core work after our run club interval sessions.

    But I've told myself not to feel inferior for not doing All The Workouts. :smile:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Anyone know how @eponine1984 is?
  • jele30
    jele30 Posts: 136 Member
    Walked during yesterday’s soccer practice and ran during tonight’s practice. Was about 20 degrees cooler tonight so at first the legs were a bit stiff in the knees, but once I got down the hill and to the trail things started to loosen. Didn’t seem to have any knee trouble tonight outside of that so going to keep up with the walking on non running days.

    5/1 - 0
    5/2 - 0
    5/3 - 6 miles
    5/4 - 0
    5/5 - 2 miles
    5/6 - 4 miles/ 4 walk
    5/7 - 2.65 walk
    5/8 - 4 miles
    5/9 - 4 walk
    5/10 - 4 miles

    Total 20 miles run/70.5 goal

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Marshmallow fluff is for ice cream and pb sandwiches. ;)
    The only thing marshmallow fluff is good for is to make fudge!

    @polskagirl01 and @girlinahat - I am not much of a Hersey fan either. I go for Giradelli dark chocolate or small batch like Theo's chocolate.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Marshmallow fluff is for ice cream and pb sandwiches. ;)
    The only thing marshmallow fluff is good for is to make fudge!

    @polskagirl01 and @girlinahat - I am not much of a Hersey fan either. I go for Giradelli dark chocolate or small batch like Theo's chocolate.
    Yes, the "fluff" is something different. You can also use it for "Rice Crispies Treats", where you mix it with breakfast cereal until it becomes a big sticky mess that you press into a pan and cut into bars. The most recent marshmallows I tried to roast here seemed to have too much sugar in them, as they got extra shiny on the outside when roasted, didn't brown properly, and then completely stuck to the sticks and had to be scraped off (then they were stuck to the spoon). They also seemed to shrink somewhat, which was strange to me because I expect it to expand a little. I felt they weren't worth the calories.
    I've never had the Icelandic licorice chocolate, that does sound weird. Milka had this "roasted corn" chocolate that I tried - once. Oh, and not long ago I picked up some dark chocolate that was covered in chili pepper flakes, and loved it!

    Sorry, this post has nothing to do with running.
    Oh wait, I just thought of a way to connect it - there will be (European) chocolate at the aid stations on Sunday!!! Last year it tasted like Milka, but they've got a candy company as a sponsor this year (Pszczółka) so I don't know what we'll get this time.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    5.10-3k, total-23.4k, May goal 100k

    Dreadmill + training session yesterday. Was sore for days last time, much better this time around. Maybe a run outside later today.

    Upcoming races:
    20181027 Mogan Ultra 30k
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2018
    Finally took a rest day yesterday, which means I slacked on the forum, and now I have 150 messages / 7 pages to read! :o

    Took my first rest day of the month yesterday. Toyed with doing a Run Every Day in May, but I was on a roll with some job application stuff after work and decided to take a 0 in favor of sitting on the porch writing cover letters.

    Last night was the first week of the new group run; our defunct running store's group is now merged with the other running store's Thursday group (and they were gracious enough to even move the time to 6:30 from 6 to match when our group used to start). I almost ended just at 3, but I rallied a couple other runners for another 3 mile loop to get my scheduled miles in.

    I'll be running again this evening before heading to Philly for my last concert of the spring (Shakey Graves). I'll miss having the music line up on my calendar, but I won't miss these 1-1.5 hour evening drives into the city!

    5/1: 3.2 miles
    5/2: 3 miles
    5/3: 7 miles of Track Thursday
    5/4: 5.4 miles
    5/5: 12 miles
    5/6: 3.6 miles + gym workout
    5/7: 6 miles
    5/8: 8 miles of Track Tuesday
    5/9: Rest day
    5/10: 6 miles

    Current: 54.2
    Goal miles: 150

    Upcoming Races:
    5/20: Watershed Running Festival - Trail 10k - Pennington, NJ